"Song of the Ancients - Atonement" with Lyrics (Hansel & Gretel Theme) | Final Fantasy XIV
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Channel: hungrychad
Views: 313,630
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Keywords: final fantasy xiv, shadowbringers ending, ffxiv shadowbringers ending, ffxiv tomorrow and tomorrow, mmorpg, ffxiv music, final fantasy xiv music, ffxiv theme, final fantasy xiv bgm, ffxiv bgm, shadowbringers ost, final fantasy xiv soundtrack, final fantasy xiv ost, ffxiv nier lyrics, tower at paradigm's breach, hansel gretel lyrics, hansel gretel ffxiv, nier hansel gretel, song of the ancients lyrics, song of the ancients atonement, song of the ancients atonement lyrics
Id: 72B3Wax0GZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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