Sonar Down Scan Settings and Tips ( How to find fish and structure)

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hey what's up everybody Chris out her slender cut out the work back with again this morning for another video viewer Friday we're taking your questions tournament videos give you the best information we possibly can now today's video of your Friday video is going to be covering the down imaging part of your sonar will be specifically covering a Laurens HDS gentry model but some of this information or a lot of this information is basic information that you can apply to whatever sonar that you have if you're new to the channel I want to say thank you for joining us make sure you hit that subscribe button we put out new video each and every week and also if you're new to the video view or Friday stuff make sure you're leaving questions and the comments this is where we get our ideas for material in future video viewer Fridays so make sure you leave your questions in there we turn them into videos to make sure that we give you guys the absolute most information possible can also if you do not know where you haven't watched if you want more information on so nars make sure you go back and you check out the other informational based sonar videos that I've done for video viewer Fridays we've done one one 2d imaging basic settings once on ours how to choose a sonar that kind of stuff so good information make sure you go back and check it out but today we're going to jump right into the down imaging part of the sonar I'll be covering you know settings on that what different types of structure looked like and hopefully if mother nature will allow us show you guys what a good catfish looks like one down empty I've got some good images last last week on the 2d but today the river is flooded which is a good thing I almost I thought about not doing this video today because the river was high it's got a lot of trash a lot of mud but you guys will be able to see how that affects your sonar give you guys you know just that little extra information it's not just a perfect screen you know you're going to see just how this mud muddy water thrashing and water will affect your sonar so let's jump into it I think you guys come join this video so stick around alright so as we go up through here let's go ahead and go through some of the settings here real quick first we need to activate it just by touching it now you can see how we have all of our settings over here just like in the previous videos you know my range for depth once again I keep that on auto my frequency I keep I run mine on 455 there's 800 but I get a better picture for what I fish you're the depths I fish out of 455 let's jump into the van settings now you know just like on 2d a lot of my stuff I do is going to be auto or default settings things like that but service clarity I got it on high and where this water is really muddy let's turn this off and you can see see all the clutter and the color you know that that it calls us from you know from all the mud and trash and stuff in the water so I'm gonna put that on high so everything's good clear see you can flip it left and right if you once we get into the side imaging part of that we will kind of touch more on that as well range lines you can see how 10 foot 20 30 40 50 60 you know me I prefer to have my screen completely clean so you know I keep my range lines off but that's a something for you guys to look at let's see here's go back contrast contrast is on auto you can play with this yourself but you know once again you know for me I prefer Auto you see how that darkens it up lightens it up Auto for me works best the color palette now this is where a lot of personal preference comes into play for me I like color palette 9 which is like a blue bluish color some people like my color palette 6 which is brown but you got you can do red green but for me what I found is the blue I can you know I can pick out and detect you know what is what's what for me view this is where you can now with this you can do left like the left side of the boat only the right side of the boat only order for this video we're gonna be talking about the down imaging straight down kind of like your it's basically a 2d imaging but you know structure scan part of it okay and something I want to touch on real quick is I don't use the down imaging part of my sonar very much for me I use a lot of the site imaging and the 2d but for somebody that has just a Down imaging sonar unit this video is going to really help you guys out and being able to use your 2d and you're down imaging in correlation together will really help you guys figure out what's what you know what's a tree what's rock what's a fish things of that nature so oh and also the stop feature we can you know stop the screen and you can zoom in on different structures if you want so we will probably be doing that let's clear the courser today as we go you know as we get through look at some structure so we can really break that structure down and and talk about it so let's cruise up through here see if we can't find some structure some good structure or maybe some good fish and show you guys what differences between rock wood big wood and hopefully fish all right I'm going to stop this sonar right here because I want to I want to talk about this for a second so let's stop this one up here too so now you can see this tree laying right here on this little edge okay and like last week we talked about you know being able to know that this is structure you know on the 2d imaging itself back just a little bit so you can kind of see the tree laying right there on the 2d imaging and you can tell it's structure by using your down imaging and this is the the you know glory part about down imaging as you can really tell just how big that tree is you can see the root Bowl here let's blow that up a little bit so you guys can really see it you can see the root ball something else you can tell with down imaging that you know if you have a strictly down imaging unit you don't have a side imaging unit as you see this shadow out right out here what that is is where the ledge is coming down and you can kind of see yes it's just a down imaging you know sonar but you can kind of see you know that legend that there is some more structure out here as well you know we have have a nice log and have some other little bits of structure here but we also have some stuff scattered and there's a Ledge right there so that tree is right on that ledge something else you can see let's blow that up some is that fish let's move it up for you guys can see it there's a fish right there okay and it's not a very big fish and the way we can tell is once again by looking at our 2d imaging and you can see the fish right there as well right behind the structure okay that's a nice arch but it's not that's a small fish that's not a that's not what I would consider a good fit you know a good fish or a really nice fish but that is a that is a fish there so we're gonna ease back on up through here and see if we can't find some more structure to look at but that's a good example of you know what a good tree looks like it's right there on that ledge you know there's some other structure back here behind it and here beside out right there on that ledge see if we can't find some more coming up on some nasty stuff here it's Paul's us here take a so what we're looking at here is some more wood structure okay now this is another good feature of down imaging that you really you know we can't see it here on 2d I mean you can see that there's a little bit but it doesn't look like much at all but on the down imaging it shows us that this is not like one particular log but a bunch of small brush and small trees kind of stacked up and you can see how they're they're laying just every different direction you know this is a really really really good indication of a place that is gonna hold fish it's gonna hold you know good fish and a good place that you guys want to you want to take a look at and take your time and fish it so not having much luck fun and rock but we're gonna keep going keep looking and see we can fine there's a real nice tree right there see it you can see it's on that ledge too couple of them together more wood out out to the side of it this is definitely stuff you want to look for you know if you've got a down imaging unit and these shadows out here are going to tell you that it's you know a little bit deeper maybe a little hole then you have the shadows off of the logs and stuff as well you know anything that is as you can see you can see a line let's pause this for a second bring this up where we can see it so you can see the you can see the lines from the different wood that's piled up in there and you can see these shadows okay those shadows are off of that structure for instance this here could be a little hole a little washout just like that right there that could be right up against the right up against the ledge and there's a little wash out there and there and that's what that wood is kind of piled up in with them big old logs and big old trees you can just see how how deep it is how jagged and nasty it is that's the that's definitely the kind of stuff you want to want to look for all right there you go that's a look at your down imaging part of your sonar unit and kind of how I have mine set up what I look for and how I use it you know while targeting these fish unfortunately Mother Nature didn't grant us with a good picture of a big fish and I kind of figured that what was going to happen today with as much current as much mud that's in the water I kind of figured that those fish are probably gonna be hunkered down into that structure that cover but that's the good thing about having down imaging you can tell the difference between just structure and good structure and how deep it is by using those shadows and and just really going over top of it and you can pick point pinpoint you know different things out in that structure so hopefully you guys enjoyed hopefully you're able to take something from this and you know use it on your sonar or if you have a little ranch unit you can use that unit a little bit better to be able to help yourself benefit by using those those features on that unit so until next Friday hope you all have a great day thanks for watching we'll catch you on the next
Channel: Chris Souders
Views: 92,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: catfishing, flathead catfish, blue catfish, channel catfish, warrior cat rods, monster rod holders, xtreme bait tanks, daiichi hooks, offshore tackle, wallace kinfe works, demon dragons, katfish clothing, bait tanks, skipjack, mooneye, shad, keeping shad alive, how to catch bait, lowrance sonar, hummingbrid, garrmin, sonars, down scan, structure scan
Id: re078ATjN4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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