Sonakshi Sinha on Heermandi's success, working with Sanjay Leela Bhansali, intimate scenes

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sexy oh God I hear stories about how he came from to become an actor people people didn't believe in which is why to become a villain first and his journey is tremendous so it's and it's very inspiring I've not just said it for the sake of saying it I'm I'm staying true to my words I don't think I can ever go back to being called Mal yeah you know I don't think I would want to do that so yeah I think uh it's it's a step everybody has to take and everybody grows up and everybody sort of needs to evolve yeah I saw the whole series uh I met Manisha ma the next day we had gone for some event all of us and I went and I hugged her and I was like oh my God I love you so much how have I done this hello everybody I'm Rani and welcome to zoom Speak Easy my guest today is so determined and so talented you know the world world has questioned her in the beginning and she never gave up she continued to believe in the actor that she is and today the world recognizes that I'm talking about of course the beautiful or who are these people who are these people who are questioning me after watching f i don't anybody can and the energy is there everybody is trying to evolve into a better actor but you've always held on to that you looked at the criticism and you're like give me some time yeah you know a lot of people defended a lot you didn't do much of that either in the I don't think I I I needed to because I was very happy doing the work work that I was doing uh you know I was a part of some very very big films some very very good films um then I kind of changed paths when I realized that there's other things that I want to try and I did that so I've always been working on my own terms really and um so the noise and the chatter never really affected me and I hope it doesn't because um it's very peaceful full at where I am right now and finally you got those characters that you're like and when you got them you never lost the opportunity opportunity I think was that and beyond for you I think it was really something that I've been waiting to do for a very long time it's so different from what I've been playing before I mean you'll be the the good daughter The Good Wife the girl next door you know sometimes it's good to be bad so I was really waiting for the opportunity to showcase uh myself as an actor in in a way that people have never seen before and I'm really thankful to sanesa for trusting me with a role like this um nobody's ever imagined me uh playing a character like this before and I'm really glad that it was him uh who did it first and uh it's always been on my bucket list to to play a very negative character to play a to play Like a Villain a vamp uh because that's how my dad started and you know he used to stories I've always like that in my head and akir also I think comes from AKA was a action film which is again something I really enjoyed that also so I've constantly since then actually since Akira I've been striving to do things that are different from each other and I think I've been very successful at it U whether it's Akira or then it's a n very different whether it's a double XL or a kandani shakana again very different whether it's a dad or a hiri again like PS apart so as an actor like I'm really exploring many different things and I'm really enjoying myself it's a great time to be an actor can I ask you something when you have a set where you have actors like you have directors like sanjali um you know you have actors like wanisha goala I know you've done your homework work but is it is it intimidating when you are doing those face off scenes because there are people who are years of experience I ask this because there is this strange comfort that I see on screen when you are doing the face off scenes with Manisha Coral I want to highlight those particularly you know there's a scene where you're looking at the camera you're posing and she comes in it's like a it's like this whole Clash of the Titans kind of a scene you know through dialogues right and I feel like is so fantastic in it but you know that it's a scene you know she's like a veteran she's an icon and you know that everything that you're going to do is going to be judged I think it was fantastic to watch it but what goes beyond that is what I want to know what happens behind you know when I saw the whole series uh I met Manisha ma the next day we had gone for some event all of us and I went and I hugged her and I was like oh my God I love you so much how have I done this yeah I was stunned at at what we have been able to achieve as actors and I feel like she's somebody whose work we followed um she's got a great body of work she's such a fine actress and um but that's the beauty of it when you have someone like that in front of you now you feel like doing better it encourages you it motivates you and she's a very nurturing she's a very giving person in general she's beautiful to to work with her I was so it was so comfortable for for me to kind of just embody faran and be a bad person to her and uh she was doing the same but in reality we just have so much immense love and respect you know yeah people have spoken so much about him being this tough Taskmaster you know we've heard stories about people from from pranka from Ren to saying that oh my God it's fantastic but you know you'll have to be very patient and you'll have to Anything Can Happen how do you deal with a situation like that no uh initially before I worked with him him even I I obviously heard these stories and i' I've had some sense of how he could be on Set uh but not until I truly started working with him uh did I understand because of what he creates and the Visionary that he is uh right now there's nobody in the world who does Cinema like him uh there's nobody in the country for sure who who does Cinema like him um so if if he has someone adding to his vision and um you know kind of just being in sync with his vision he's very happy the moment someone messes with that you do go into a tizzy you know you you because you're so uh particular about perfection that you need to have it in the way that you imagining it in your own head and I think he deserves that because he's earned that with the kind of work that he's done see his body of work see the kind of films he's made right from kamosi his first film fantastic yeah so I think he he has totally earned that and I feel that's when I realized that when I'm on set and he's one person who really appreciates Talent no matter what it may be so I did go in I won't lie I was a bit nervous but when he did start working with me he enjoyed what I was doing he enjoyed what I was bringing to his vision he enjoyed working with me and then I automatically you know sort of eased up I opened up um I I I felt involved in the whole process because it felt like a collaboration then yeah yeah maybe that's what a director like him is is U giving me that respect you know to to do what I may with this beautiful character that he's created so it was really a beautiful process I know that you pretty much hardly party hardly drink you're somebody who's like living her in her own little bubble right then you go to a set they are playing this character who does everything pretty much yeah that you never would from seduction to where else can we go she's everything that I'm not that you are not how did you what did you you know my questions are there and change because it's a challenge it's fun but I know that there are some changes that you do there are things that you do to make yourself put in that place um I have been extremely lucky to be having this conversation with Richa and now you so I'm very excited to get to know how you did that I enjoyed myself like I said it's every think that I'm not so I just had to go there and actually become someone else and it's sometimes it's fun it's good to be bad sure yeah 100% yeah so I think I I just really just forgot who I was and I think that was a very big part of it like I couldn't play i i a lot of my characters have a lot of me in them but for this particular one I think I had to forget who I was and and understand who faridan is where she comes from what her experiences have been uh she's grown up seeing her mother be killed in front of her own eyes she's been sold off when she was 9 years old as old as a like when she was a child um what could she have gone through you know she's committed murders that like 14 years old how do you become a person like that it's like crazy but I had to like I had to get into that mind space I had to have that attitude that this girl will go to any lens to just get what she wants what was your process of being a person who's doing things like even when it comes to seduction you make it look so awward so awkward exactly what I was going with what did you do sonaki I feel that's the toughest thing for me to do even romance in general like I'm so like people find crying very difficult people find like comedy very difficult for me romance is the most difficult thing to do on screen you know so this was even a notch higher so I it was very very awkward for me but like I said you know it just became easier because I forgot who I was and then I completely became faran and when you think like a person you're supposed to be playing it just kind of gets um easier you know you're not that you're not you anymore so uh but other than that I think uh like even the she's an alcoholic she's drunk most of the time saying she's drinking constantly and but not a sip of alcohol I think I've I've played a lot with my eyes in this because I've had the um freedom to do so um so I've kind of cracked that where I make my eyes slightly smaller I don't focus in one point slightly more so uh I figured out ways to kind of work around it you know so and it works so so was very happy clearly yeah I I but I want to know was there a scene that particular took a lot of takes because that's a thing you know he's a like we all know he's a perfectionist there was this one scene where um after my um so there was a scene where Malika Jan spoils my uh by doing bjan MRA so she drops the money over there and she leaves and I have to look really humiliated really angry but just that pain had to come through so we did about 15 16 takes of that and this this just one shot of me sitting down and just looking really fiercely into like the distance um he did about 15 16 takes and I knew that he had uh got it in the second or third take only because he was very happy with one shot and then he kept making adjustments candle C all that all the candles have to go off at this particular time so it has to just dim down so on the 16th shot I think he saw like I'm the kind of actor who I find it very monotonous and I feel I get repetitive when I do too many takes which is why H so he asked me he's like you think we got it so I said you think you want to do one more so I said no sir I think you've got it I was like La of course so he started laughing it was quite funny actually so how many takes did it finally take we did 16 takes and then he he also gave up because I told him yeah that's my Max that's my Max people have gone up to 100 200 B had 100 I know you spoke about I I don't know how I'm like but imagine doing the same thing again and again that's what I'm saying like I've everybody has a different some people ease into it you know when they do more takes they get warmed up but I just can't I have to be spontaneous everything for Mr bansali has to be there there there and actors have to leave their ego aside to not feel hurt um you know what are your thoughts on that like no see I have to do my job my job is to be there on time my job is to execute the director's Vision uh if I'm bad it's my director's job to tell me I'm bad so true it's my director's job to tell me to do something differently if he doesn't like what I'm doing and it's my job to take it and to give him that so um you really can't take things um seriously as in like you have to take it at face value if it's my job to make this CTI I have to do it well yeah and if it's not good the person who comes to buy it will tell me finishing they will tell me then I'll have to make it better you've shown resilience you've been in situations where they've said oh you know she can never be there you know and you heard the harshest of comment today of course you know it's a very different scene but I'm sure sometimes you don't forget the times that you've been through tweet that your father once did for you on your birthday which is coming soon by the way in June yeah last year and he said how beautiful times have gone by on this great and auspicious so fatherly to write this on this great and auspicious day loads of love for the apple of our eye for another wonderful year of fun entertainment and great achievements we are also very proud of your strength and everything and I think that strength comes from the fact that you have never stopped believing in yourself because the world always told you otherwise how do you define your strength and that Journey so much I read this out to you because I thought it was the sweetest most real message ever and he put this on Twitter I know but I think I get it from him only you know i' I've I've literally seen him through everything through the ups through the Downs the change of profession entirely um you know and uh striving to make it over there as well and look at where he's reach so I've really seen him and I he's really my hero so I think I get do get it from him uh and I I hear stories about how he came from Patna to become an actor people people didn't believe in which is why he had to become a villain first and his journey is tremendous so it's and it's very inspiring so yeah I definitely get my strength from my father and he admires your strength look look at how the circle is found today I'm sure there must be really really proud you know I know that your mother has literally been everywhere for you you come from a very protective space because while you have been this badass Fearless person since forever but parents being parents my yours have tried to make that private Skool likeing you know are you sure come home at this time please take this person with you and you had seen their life to an extent that when you joined the industry you had these Clauses saying you know I'm like you said awkward with romance I don't want to do any kissing scenes I don't want and you were very young when you joined in and stuff like that cut two today where for thead dor by the way I didn't have any Clauses when I joined the industry yeah I was too young but but I made it known to the directors they very early on in the filming process that in fact when they narrated something to me if I'm not comfortable with something I would tell them then if you still want to work with me please work with me otherwise you're free to go and uh work with someone who will be comfortable doing stuff like that so there's no Clause I just like to be very clear about the way you depict your sexuality the confidence through faran in this says that when you get the troll you will give it the way you are and like you said it it must have been awkward even doing those little intimate scenes and trying to make it look like uh and I know that your mother was present out there that in some of the scenes I read something today but that was that it was hardly an intimate scene with was just that when I'm tickling him and troubling him that was not intimate there are others which are more yeah and I think a lot of it came the lot of comfort came from the fact that I had to just forget who I was right um in my other films I do keep like I said I do keep some part of Rel kind in in in my characters but here had to completely forget so that also made sure that I lost a lot of my inhibitions uh which made it easier but even if you see it's a very clean show yeah you know there's there's really nothing that you can't not watch with your parents as well so uh it's a very clean show so in that I think in terms of just being emotionally intimate and like em you know playing with your eyes being flutacious with your word and all that's all fine that's part of being an actor so to an extent I'm sure your mother must be so impressed in that way I want to know was how did she look at that because she plays a very important part in your journey she hasn't really discussed any of that she just told me how proud she was of me after she saw the show and uh I was waiting to see you as a Sanjay Lea bansali heroine and uh uh it's it's really a dream of hers come true you know and um she was thrilled in fact she's a campaign in ass Anda with my father and she said me I called her in the morning she said and she was sounding very groggy she said are okay you're not feeling well said so I couldn't stop watching she has watched it all night it's a mother thing to do yeah and she has told me that she has loved it so yes she's definitely very very proud We are giving a little bit of spoilers I'm I'm hoping that everybody now everybody's seeing that's okay but I feel that that's a very important scene there's a shift you know there's a gruesome act of violence done against a woman that she hates and loads but we but we see how she does not want to join in the celebration of an act that is so disgusting which says a lot about her character here as well you they can easily hate her but I mean the fact that she understands it I think is also telling of how the it's a very interesting part tell me about what you felt about that I think that's the beauty of uh San LA bansali right like even if it's a character who is negative who is displaying these So-Cal negative ative emotions like you know rage and hatred and anger and revenge and all jealousy everything um it's all Justified she is like that for a reason but she's she's still human you know she does feel pain she does feel anger she does feel uh she feels bad if something wrong has happened um so I feel that's that he portrays that really well all his female characters are very very strong and uh they really um have agency you know they're not how they are just for the sake of being how they are so that's what I loved about fedan as well and that's why it was so like I jumped at the opportunity because she's she's determined she's set out to get what she wants she's she will achieve it no matter what it takes these are good qualities onina whether it's revenge or whether it's like 100% marks in your exam and did you have empathy for her sometimes you have to sometimes you have to yeah sometimes you have some scenes like to connect her back I loved how bad she is but then I also understood like I said before that she's gone through a lot in her life to be acting out of these emotions you know at this point so that's what I I I like being her I remember Amir among the very few actors had had said that you know we all are evolving and among the very few actors who actually said that my movies in the past have been problematic and I will never do that again you're among the few ones who said that even though I think um rarely do I feel that male actors and writers and all included get called out for the kind of writing they do for female but I but amongst that I still see you taking responsibility and saying that I was young and I've played some characters which I would have not been okay being treated in real life with but I would never play that again yeah but you use the word never and for me that I'm highlighting you know not many actors will street with that I want to know why this is important for you today of course I know why it is but you know it's important because as a as a person as an artist uh you have a responsibility and there are a lot of people who look up to you and I feel um and I do stand by the fact that yes I was young I was getting a part to uh getting the opportunity to be a part of some very big films and and nobody in their right mind would have you know said No at that point of time so I did them but yes certain things did feel off even at that point in time and then you grow and then people notice it and they talk about it and they bring it to your attention it's criticism but it's constructive yeah and uh I think you can very clearly see the shift in the kind of roles that I've been playing uh from makira of course so I've not just said it for the sake of saying it I'm I'm staying true to my words I don't think I can ever go back to being called Mal yeah you know I don't think I would want to do that so yeah I think uh it's it's a step everybody has to take and everybody grows up and everybody sort of needs to evolve yeah I just want to say very very proud of you thank you I have to put that again out there and all right some fun questions you ready okay a rumor about yourself that makes you laugh has to be funny that makes me laugh uh I've not heard a rumor about me in a while it has be [Laughter] funny I've not heard a rumor something funny something ridiculous once long back I heard somebody said I I died you know I was in a salon and the ceiling fell down and I was getting my hair done I found that damn funny and that's the funnest nothing can beat that till today really yeah so said I'm alive guys well alive in house the rning queen on that not but okay if you didn't play fan H who would you choose any other character that you would have played and why if you were not playing faran what would you have chosen and why Malika Jan or I knew it Oru ahu so nice H yeah beautiful characters I mean all were good only but like if I had to choose I would choose these two a sanila bansari character that you've always loved Manisha G from kamosi oh beautiful yeah What a Beautiful film yeah uh recent compliment that kind of was embarrassing and weird and can be like nice but knowing you your shy must have been embarrassing after we showed that Tas bah at the screening yeah uh we had a little call for the press and uh a lot of our senior journalists like they came up me like they just like oh God and these you know these ladies have been been seeing and interacting with since I was U like from theang I was very young and now they've seen literally seen me grow up and suddenly they came to like sexy L I'm like oh God I think it was a good compliment you've done it okay a character from your filmography is something that you wouldd like to hold close to you and why one paky from L and L is the F that deserves so much love that is another conversation but it is true always breaks my heart she lovely yeah she's beautiful okay an actor that you still feel is in your wish list and why is that my to work with yeah oh um mention Amir Khan so I'm going to say Amir Khan uh RK rashan uh yeah mhm we've not shared screen space in this oh yeah yeah I think she's phenomenal and I would love to work with her yeah here yeah Vidya Balan okay yeah what's the oneliner advice you had to give to some other actor who's going to work with sanalina bansali from your experience uh come to set like a blank Lear to just come as a blank slate thank you so much sonaki thank you so much love to you and to you thank you so much for being who you are and continuing to be this person thank you from what I hear there are some really badass characters that are coming up which I know you're not allowed to talk about but I have heard of some and I'm really excited to see you wowers again so am I and uh thank you thank you [Music] [Music]
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Keywords: sonakshi sinha, sanjay leela bhansali, heeramandi netflix, heeramandi sanjay leela bhansali, heeramandi official trailer, manisha koirala, aditi rao hydari, heeramandi story, sonakshi sinha interview, sonakshi sinha interview 2024, sonakshi sinha interview heeramandi, sonakshi sinha interview zoom tv, sonakshi sinha heeramandi song, sonakshi sinha heeramandi hot, shatrughan sinha, manisha koirala heeramandi hot, heeramandi, heeramandi review, zoom, zoom tv, exclusive interview
Id: Yi7trMSyOpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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