Son of Man

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love me some bible project.
this is talking about dying to self... its about denying ourselves it was cain who was mad at able... and his own anger consumed him... and he killed his brother... if he was to rule over this and die to self (his jealousy of his brother) he would not have killed his brother and in this way... him dying to himself would have killed the beast...

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/thiswilldefend 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

The beast is our carnal nature's. Basically the whole dog eat dog mentality.

Somebody tripped you up? Cut their legs off.

Somebody got better stuff than you? Steal it or sell yourself as a slave to outdo them and rule over them.

Somebody trying to kill you? Amass better weapons than them?

You get the picture.

This whole mentality is the beast mentality. It says we can overcome any adversary with might and strength as long as we become the biggest most ferocious feared beast to whom others must bow in fear.

Jesus shows us a different way. This way is not afraid of the beast at all. In fact we learn that the beast is a massive coward and if you resist the beast then it either flees or it seeks to put you to death because it cannot bear your presence.

Jesus says don't be afraid of those who can hurt your flesh but do no more, rather be afraid of God who can throw your whole soul and body into hell.

Now, of course, this is a massive ask of us because we who have heard the message want to follow Jesus but we feel a little powerless. The world seems too big to overcome. The beast runs rampant looking for someone to devour.

For this reason Jesus promises us the Holy Spirit to help us personally and collectively.

The Holy Spirit is not a metaphor but is rather God's own power who comes to dwell with us and teach us how to respond in each and every situation.

When we learn to trust this Great Spirit, it becomes literally impossible to fear the beast or yield to its desires.

It's like having a great teacher walking with you always, even prompting the words that come from your mouth as God's great love grows in your heart.

Not all of us will be persecuted to death but the adversarial spirits will try and trip you up, cause doubt and generally deny that Christ came in the flesh in the hope that you will concur with them and cease to shine the light of Christ which is within you and exposes the deeds of darkness.

Believers need to be gathered together rather than scattered. Our prayers must be as our Lord's... May we all be one in our Father.

We must become utterly reliant on the Holy Spirit to know and do God's will and to enjoy the victory Christ has won for us over sin and death.

Happy to expand if required.


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Video doesn't sound biblical.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/crippledCMT 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
Jon: If you read the New Testament, you will notice that the most common title people use to describe Jesus is "The Christ", that is "The Messiah". Tim: But, surprisingly, Jesus almost never used that word to describe himself. Instead, he called himself the "Son of Man". Jon: The "Son of Man". What does that mean? Tim: Well, the phrase comes from an important chapter in the book of Daniel in the Old Testament. Daniel was an Israelite prisoner of war who was forced to live in the empire of Babylon and work for the prideful, violent king who destroyed his home. Jon: That sounds horrible! Tim: While he was living and working in Babylon, Daniel had this crazy, prophetic dream. Are you ready for it? Jon: I am ready. Tim: He saw four beasts crawling out of a dark sea. Hybrid, monster-like animals, each scarier than the one before. The fourth beast is so mutant there is nothing to compare it to. It is violent leaving death and destruction in its wake. Jon: What in the world is this about? Tim: Well, he is told that these beasts symbolize violent, prideful kings and their empires. Jon: Oh, like the one Daniel is enslaved to? Tim: Yeah, these creatures might seem random to you but these images are developing an important biblical theme: how humans are these remarkable creatures capable of doing great good and horrible evil. Jon: How we can behave like animals. Tim: Right. Look at the first pages of the Bible. God creates the beasts of the field and humans together, all from the dust. But then, the humans are set apart and given a royal task of being God's image. Jon: So, humans are like the animals but called to become much more. Tim: Yeah, they are to be God's representatives on earth, ruling on his behalf like kings and queens. But, keep reading and the humans are deceived by a beast who says: that they could be more than just God's partners. Jon: Yeah, that they could rule the world on their own terms, which sounds good to them. Tim: But God knows this will be a disaster. And so, he expels the humans to the realm of the beasts. Jon: The partnership is lost. Tim: But God makes a promise that one day a human will be born who won't give in to the beast. Rather, he will overcome and strike the while being struck by it. Jon: Okay. So, for the rest of the biblical story we are waiting for that human. But instead, in story after story we find people acting like beasts. Tim: Yeah, like in the next story about Cain who is jealous and angry at his brother, Abel. God warns Cain that he is facing a beastly urge called "sin", a dark mysterious kind of evil that consumes humans. But God says that Cain can rule the beast, if he chooses. Jon: But he doesn't rule the beast. He lets this urge devour him and he becomes the beast. Tim: After this, Cain's children spread their animal-like violence. It leads to the founding of a whole civilization known for its beastly pride: the City of Babylon. Jon: Okay Babylon. So fast-forward, this is where Daniel is enslaved having this bizarre dream. Tim: Exactly. Now, watch what happens next in Daniel's dream. He sees into God's throne room where a court is set up and God condemns the beast to destruction. Jon: That's great! Tim: And then, Daniel sees that there is actually more than one divine throne. Jon: Oh, right, the throne that humanity left behind. Tim: Right. There has not been a human who is able to overcome the beast and rule alongside God, until now. Daniel sees a figure called "The Son of Man", which means "a human". He rides on a cloud up into God's presence and then sits down on the divine throne to rule the world. Jon: The partnership is renewed. Tim: Yes, and even more. All humanity worships and serves this Son of Man, alongside God. Jon: Oh, worship? So, this is no ordinary human. This is like a God-human. Tim: Exactly. So, now you can see why Jesus of Nazareth, when he came onto the scene centuries later, chose this title, "The Son of Man," for himself. He was claiming to be that truly human one on a mission to confront the beast. Jon: He was tempted to seize power on the beast's terms. Tim: But, unlike every human before him, Jesus resisted the urge. And then, he went about banishing the beast from people's lives. And he was teaching people how to rule the beast, instead of being ruled by it. Jon: Okay. So, how do you rule the beast? Tim: Well, Jesus did it by giving up his life. Jon: Wait. Rule the beast by dying? Tim: Yes, when Jesus was on trial in a human courtroom and being condemned to death, he said, "From this moment on, you will see the Son of Man sitting at God's right hand and coming on the clouds." Jon: But this is the moment he is about to die? Tim: Exactly. From one perspective, the cross looks like a beastly torture device. But Jesus viewed it as his throne. On this throne, he exposed the subhuman nature of our evil by letting it do its worst. Then he overcame it with his divine life and love. Jesus' execution was his exaltation. Jon: So, Jesus is the first human to overcome the beast. As a result, he can partner with God to rule the world Tim: And so, now Jesus is summoning a new humanity into existence, one that can overcome the beast in the same paradoxical way. Jon: To rule the beast by dying. Tim: And then by discovering that Jesus' life and power can become our life and power. So, we can rule the world as God's partners, but Jesus-style: in the power of service, humility and self-giving love.
Channel: BibleProject
Views: 1,143,534
Rating: 4.9381485 out of 5
Keywords: son of man, jesus, god, bible video, the bible, bible project, bible study, the bible project, son of god, animated bible video, bible animation, messiah, christ, jesus christ, bible explainer, bible animated, bible cartoon, beast, the beasts, beasts
Id: z6cWEcqxhlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2018
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