Something Bad Happened - The CRAZIEST Thing I've Ever Built.

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good morning everybody it is what is it it's week three week three of the cabin build right now it's not raining 90 chance of rain today though they say so we'll see what happens the birds are stoked I'm home because they get to be out all day really yeah they get their little playground thing up there anyway we're getting ready for something pretty big today we're moving on to the second floor so here's what we're looking at we have finished all of the walls on the first floor top plates are done except for those uh interior top plates we're gonna do those really quick get the second floor going I am freaking Stoke man and Sam should be here any second if you guys are just tuning into this cabin build if you look back at the last video of the cabin build you'll see my buddy Sam with a company called Ridge Top builders that him and Luis founded and if you guys need anything Built For You in Alaska in South Central Alaska hit those guys up reach top builders on Google check them out anyway you should show up any second and we're gonna get the day started a messy little house thank you [Music] [Music] getting a hole second floor they're basically the rim joists in right now now you can see where it's going to pop out up here pretty cool [Music] all right floor joists are going up let's get those up and Sam's coming with the next load crane is so nice to have we're carrying all these lvls and glue lamps and stuff up here and definitely throws your back out I think it's pretty sweet though see if you can come to me like another foot and a half or two feet Maybe [Music] well did something stupid um it was a pretty chill fall I was stepping off the last step of the ladder so I only fell uh in the last step of the ladders like a foot off the ground there happened to be a scrap piece of 2x6 board and I stepped perfectly in the edge of it and rolled my ankle super bad and then fell towards mango and hit the ground really hard in all honesty it's not looking super good swelling up pretty bad so hopefully hopefully it heals quick I don't know what else to do making a little pad tie hopefully this will cheer me up a little bit yeah you guys want to see something funny so my laptop and all my stuff is up those spiral stairs so I'm gonna go get them if you guys right here let's see how this goes oh I tell you one thing everyone's worked out just one leg in a long time leggings I'm tired so I'm probably gonna go into the I'm probably gonna go into Anchorage tomorrow and have this x-ray to make sure it's not broken uh unfortunately I just missed my company fishing trip which is going to be tomorrow so there's no way you can go sit on a rocking boat for 60 miles 10 hours in the ocean catch all of it um can't help with the project right now and uh my bandmates were supposed to play a show in a day a day from now so I can't do much about that but what I can do is at least make the best of it and do some editing and relax hang out with the birds and whatnot anyhow that's what we're doing okay I'm gonna go get groceries out of my car let's go Shameless self-promotion plug which also helps keep me on the road and pays diesel but if you want one of these sweet hats right here I just happen to have a few of these I just ordered about 75 of them I'm not going to sell too many hats because it takes up a lot of my time to go box the head up and go to the Post Office and ship it out and wait there forever so if you do want one of these truck around and find out hats this is kind of a slogan I came up with for the truck house Life channel and uh it's a slogan you might have heard something a little similar to it anyhow if you do want a hat make sure to hit me up at truckhouselife and I will respond to your email and tell you how to get one seem like the only way to get groceries up all my stairs was to get them on my back make one more load what's up everybody I am heading back outside I can't really do too much but I'm able to pick up the construction site and all the wood and toss it over towards a fire area and then a bit of fire going that way I can burn all the scraps that way Sam doesn't trip on any of them while he's working like I did so we're gonna head back out the door can't really take the camera with me because it's hard to carry this thing and walk down the stairs at the same time but uh that's what we're doing all right all right y'all see here's a quick uh progress support so it's been two and a half days I haven't been able to help Sam pretty much two days so it is starting to actually look like a pad the second floor is just about finished and then we're going to start on walls next week for the second floor so let's go take a quick step inside show you what's going on so right here is the garage it's got a 10 foot ceiling so nice and tall we're gonna go in up the stairs from the garage right there let's move on to the next level over there as you guys notice the garage slab is obviously all the way down the floor it's a slab and the whole rest of the house is up in a two foot subfloor the reason I had to do that was because of flood code because I live in a FEMA flood zone and that gets me above the base flood elevation for all the electronics and living space and all that stuff so that's what's up with that okay and this is the main kind of entrance room towards the stairs and towards the bedroom Once you walk up the stairs there from the garage you walk into this room right here which is the bedroom and uh it's really nice size it's like 12 by 15. it's got big 4x4 windows in each side so it's gonna be plenty of light and uh plenty of room for whatever you want to set up in there and I'm going to do a closet in the corner of the bedroom right there where that hole is that's where the sewage uh and water clean out will pop out in case there's any any kind of issues to deal with there's also a clean out on the outside of the house and once you walk out of the bedroom this is the kind of hallway area it turned out to be way bigger than I thought it would which is awesome so if I build a fit an extra futon or something down here potentially another super small room for visiting family and friends and then when you turn the corner from the stairs from the garage or the bedroom you hit the stairs that go up to the main floor up there and there's going to be a wall right there under the tallest part of the stairs with the door so you can go into that and that'll all be storage back in there we're moving on to the second floor I'm not gonna try to walk up there right now on my crutches because those Treads aren't nailed down yet but we're getting there man one step at a time I should be back up and at it and able to do some stuff next week to help Sam out so he's not out here alone but anyhow that's the report here's a quick view of the uh second floor up here and you can tell the second floor of this house is significantly taller than the second floor of this house this house is going to be a beast that rooftop deck above the third floor good morning everybody Timmy here it is week three of the cabin build and this morning it is not raining I don't know how or why but it's not raining so we're gonna get going unfortunately that's right I did this um you guys probably saw that it's healing it's getting better I don't have crutches now but I'm gonna be gimping for a while this is like day six of this so hopefully by the end of this building week it's gonna be better It's gotta be better good what to do anyway I think today I'm gonna make a run into town to get some Lumber here's the tweets making some noises and uh that's my that's my goal today we got a whole list of stuff that we're kind of missing or need but it is coming along fantastically I think today essentially we're going to finish off the floor right there and then uh move on to the walls walls of the second floor so that's what's up so hopefully by the end of this week we'll have the walls of the second floor done and moving on to the third floor itself so that's the word if you guys haven't seen what we're building this is it right here so I hand sketched all this stuff up and I came up with design in my head for the cabin slash house slash Tower cabin whatever you want to call it and uh these are the professional plans that I had drawn up afterwards let's make it a little easier on ourselves but uh pretty stoked on it it's gonna be sweet check out the rooftop deck up there it'll be nuts anyway let's get to it all right we are here spinar Builder Supply we're gonna go in there and uh get a whole bunch of lumber let's go all right we're getting there still dumping out here at the lumber yard we're getting stacked still get a little bit more to go and uh we'll be in business foreign well here we are we have been stuck here for about two hours now I guess there was a fatal accident or some guy walked by and told me a fatal maybe it wasn't hopefully it wasn't um I guess two motorhomes crashed into each other up here it's nuts like right up near bird point so uh you probably can't tell from here but there is a line of cars just like way back there just miles and miles and miles and miles now probably um anyway only about 10 miles from Girdwood but stuck here but at least I get the house out back worst case so just go cook some dinner and chill out even get some steaks to grill so I just found out there was a fatality unfortunately in the Collision up here um it's been confirmed so it really sucks but uh we're gonna be stuck here for another probably six hours or saying 10 30 at night when I get through so their accident happened in the town of Indian right up here so Girdwood isn't too much further it's 10 miles around the corner but uh Indian Valley meets where I go get all my fish smoked and packaged and all that business whenever I get salmon I used to bring it up here to Indian Valley Meats really tasty and yeah I think a lot of people are walking over there now just to go get dinner go get salmon sticks and stuff like that you can see they get the smoker going well we finally got through the wreck we're sitting there about four and a half hours or close to it but almost home so today what we have to do one of the first things we have to do is figure out where the pilings are going the steel pipes that support the front deck where you walk up into the house so that's what we're doing this morning and then we're gonna start lifting some walls [Applause] I was wearing skate shoes Vans skate shoes when this happened but honestly I probably would have rolled into anything stepping off that ladder like that but tell you one thing I'm wearing boots the rest of the time oh here we are the second floor pretty cool so this is going to be the second floor still gonna go third floor and then rooftop deck on top of that so we're going to be well above this house right here so what we're doing right now is we're going to put this public sheeting kind of down over and then we're looking down low oh foreign thank you a little stronger panel you can stand like 15 feet all right there needs insurance thank you foreign foreign [Applause] foreign nine of those yeah [Music] well guys it is the end of the day on week three of the build kind of the beginning of the week as you can see the kitchen wall is up gonna be a pretty epic view out the kitchen window filling this wall today the front door it's where you walk in the house from the porch out there a huge covered porch and stair system two gigantic Windows right here right here and there'll be two more of these windows right there and right there so it's gonna be awesome super nice and lit up in here and uh pretty stoked me a decent sized living room bathroom's gonna pop out and you can tell this is the second floor and it's not even finished yet and we're already significantly taller than the second floor in this house so the third floor is basically going to be almost up where the roof is where you're standing and then the rooftop decks even on top of that so the next big thing that's happening is the power company is coming in which sucks I've got to pay for it but I don't have a choice so I have to pay to remove that power pole right there which leads to Nowhere it just dead ends here but uh even though it's on my land they're unfortunately making me take it down you know we have to do that so we can get the crane over there to finish this whole tower part because it's going to be like up above those power lines if you can believe that but that is the report [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this is Sam this is crane here we go I tell you what though it's been so nice having this thing here do stuff like this the downside is these power lines um I'm having to unfortunately spend a whole bunch of money to get them removed telling you have a choice because they're so close to the house so they're making me take them down which sucks but even though they're over my land they've been here so long they have like a they say they have a prescriptive easement but not much you can do about it looks good right now still looks good just a little bit if you uh if you boom back towards you a little bit yeah it's just like barely underneath it got those windows so there's two more big windows they're gonna be just like those right there foreign we just get the pop out in a bill so this is where the house actually pops out the spiral staircase Tower is and it'll be a bathroom here and next we're up there'll be the spiral staircase Tower popping out of the wall a couple feet pretty neat [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] oh yeah thank you well guys here we are chilling in the living room pretty cool it's a really awesome view in the wintertime here it's all kind of growing in the summer from the mountains and stuff but this is going to be the living room so we've got four really large Windows one two three four big area to hang out in it's gonna be all super open all in here wood stove in the corner over here stairs over there and it's all going to be the kitchen back there with a big island and dining table over there and you enter the house the United Country right there pretty sweet and over here is the bathroom which pops out and this is where it's all going to connect into this house which is the rental cabin so pretty freaking cool and the next level you're gonna walk up the stairs right here and you'll be in the Loft master bedroom and uh can be pretty rad have an office space up here it's going to be uh one quarter open Loft so that'll be open to above all in the living room and then on top of that the rooftop deck will be up here so pretty stoked foreign
Channel: Truck House Life
Views: 62,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alaska, cabin, cabin build, diy, homemade, woodwork, cabin plans, cabin ideas, home ideas, floor plan, ideas, timmy tower, tower home, rooftop deck, room with a view, construction, wood camper, truck camper, tiny home, tiny house, log cabin, flatroof, truck house
Id: bvVQOkQF8-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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