Some epic lines from Princess Mary in "The Tudors" (feat. The Spanish Ambassador)

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listen to me I tell you if you're my daughter I would smash your head against the wall until was as soft as a boiled apple how will you stay a while my maids made some kids no I believe he is a very intelligent young man I couldn't tell is it done it's the harlots dead I don't know but certainly she will be dead before very long the Lord is good I use a dolphin on France and I want to kiss you Madame Lady Mary I am very glad to see you back at court thank you for my gifts your majesty as always as more than generous your majesty Lady Mary I've come here in person to ask you why you will not show me the respect which as Queen of England I'm entitled to expect even from you I noticed as did everyone else that you show the greatest respect the Lady Anne of Cleves even though she is now just a private person and worth no account forgive me but surely the Lady Anne is worthy of every respect she carries herself with great dignity and also modesty and desires nothing more than to please the King her Lord do you mean I do not try to please him I think you desire almost nothing else than pleasure it pleases you it seems to do nothing but wear pretty clothes and dance some people may think that frivolous in the consort of a king whose flesh is also sacred if his majesty thought me any frivolous why did he marry me you are thought capable of bearing sons unfortunately for all the king's attentions I see you are still not pregnant which is why these certain people at court have assured me how they pray pray not only for the overthrow of vile reformers like Hartford but for the day and the hour that your grace succeeds to the throne only if God wills it excellency only if God wills it but he must win it Lady Mary for how else will this country ever be restored to obedience and to faith otherwise as things are it will go to the Devi I recognize no cream my mother but if the King's mistress would intercede with the King on my behalf and I would be grateful if you like games Lady Mary yes there's new game at court you might enjoy what is it it's called cunnilingus it's an old country practice how do you face well you I think you're making fun of me Sir Francis how dare you speak to me like this I dare because I can and Elizabeth will become a bastard now as I have been a bastard yes princess the brat is now officially a buster I have heard some rumors rumors about what later marry the new Imperial ambassador has told me that in Antwerp and other foreign places that they are saying the king is looking for a new wife why should they say sir I should not say this to many people excellency but I say it to you because I agree with those who say he's messenger of Satan do you suppose I would like to be married off to the Dukes brother or some heretic cousin of his I would prefer to live in a nunnery but she is not a Catholic she's a heretic and still you leave me in her care my poor brother is being brought up a Protestant and a heretic and the heretic and asking well I'm happy to tell good lady but on his Majesty's orders she is condemned to be burnt at Smithfield I will do whatever it takes I will burn however many heretics I have to and if I could I would strip him from the inside and burn him nevertheless Lady Mary I feel that you will have to reconcile yourself to the new queen I'm not I eat brah brah brah
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Views: 1,489,675
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Keywords: the, tudors, season, sarah, bolger, mary, princess, lady, jonathan, rhys, meyers, anthony, brophy, henri, viii
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2010
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