Solving the problem EVERY robot has (with ros2_control)

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today's a big one we're going to learn how to solve a problem that literally every robot has and that's control you see if your robot isn't taking some kind of input doing some magic and using it to control some actuators whether it's Motors Hydraulics or something else then it's not really a robot is it there are so many different kinds of actuators and interfaces out there and so many different control methodologies that we use to solve problems with them but within this huge Universe of options there's actually quite a lot of commonality and unless we have some kind of standardized system if we're just writing custom controllers and drivers every time we start a new project then we end up rewriting things and wasting lots of time solving problems that people have solved many many times before instead what we want is a framework where we can write the drivers for all the different Hardware platforms out there and the algorithms for the different control methodologies and how they speak a Common Language so we can pick and choose whatever we need to solve a particular problem you might think that this is a problem well suited to Ross topics you just write some nodes be a hardware drivers some of your controllers have some standard messages between them and Bam you're done that's pretty much what I did for the motor demo video there's a few problems with this but the biggest one is that we need these to be fast now Ross topics are pretty fast but we want this to be really fast there should be no delay between the controller and the hardware interface and that is where ros2 control comes in ross2 control is a powerful and a complex Beast so to understand it we're going to have to take it step by step it can be a bit tricky to go from the concepts to using it in practice so I'll try not to move too fast and at some point it might be tempting to just give up and say oh it'd be quicker for me to write this myself from scratch and maybe it would probably not but the value of ros2 control lies not in just making a single project easier even though it often does but it means that you can reuse code you can upgrade and modify your system down the track so much easier it's definitely worth it so in this video we're going to look at the concepts of rust 2 control and we're going to get it up and going in a gazebo simulation and then in the next video we're going to get it going on this real robot so that we can drive it around at the center of it all we have something called the controller manager it's going to find all these bits of code for our drivers and our controllers and Link them together to achieve this it uses a plug-in system so each of these little things isn't running its own executable it's just a library that is loaded up at runtime by the controller manager and it's got a set of functions that link into the system let's take a look at the hardware side first different Hardware is naturally going to be controlled differently you might have two very similar looking robots but one's Motors are controlled by a Serial and the other one via can bus one might let you control speed and position one might let you control torque one might have a single comms interface for all the motors one might have a separate interface per motor to use ros2 control with your Hardware the first thing you're going to need is a hardware interface that's a little bit of code that speaks to the hardware and exposes it in the ros2 control standard way ideally if you've purchased a robot then the designer of the robot will provide this for you otherwise you might have to search for it online or write it yourself if you've been following along with my build series then you'll be able to use the one that I've written for this robot otherwise like I said you might have to write it yourself but that's well outside the scope of this video all we really need to understand is the way that it represents our hardware and that's through command interfaces and state interfaces command interfaces are things that we can control on the robot where State interfaces are things that we can only monitor so for example with my robot here that I've been building you might remember that the motors we can only control the velocity so that would be a command interface but we're also able to measure the position with the encoders as well as the velocity so the position and the velocity are going to be State interfaces so for this robot I'll have two command interfaces one for the velocity of each wheel and four state interfaces for the position and the velocity of each wheel if I had other things to measure like the torque or the current of the motors then these could also be State interfaces here's a preview of what we'll see later on with my Hardware interface loaded we can see that there's the two command interfaces and the four state interfaces and at this level of abstraction there's really no understanding of what the robot is this could be a differential Drive robot or it could be a robot arm that only has two joints that are for some reason only velocity controlled Ross 2 control doesn't know doesn't care all it knows about are these six interfaces and one robot might have multiple Hardware interfaces Each of which can have multiple command and state interfaces this could be because you've got a robot arm mounted on the mobile base each with separate motor control systems or it could be because each of your Motors is fully independently controlled and you want them to have their own drivers to deal with this the controller manager uses something called the resource manager which gathers up all the different Hardware interfaces and exposes them together so that the controllers just see a big list of command and state interfaces and how does the controller manager or really the resource manager know about these Hardware interfaces because it's tied so closely to the hardware of the robot we put it into the urdf using a ros2 control tag we look at this in more detail later but you can see here that it tells Ross to control the name of the hardware interface plugin to load and also which joints of the uidf it's going to be talking to so that's the hardware interfaces but what about the controllers controllers are the way that we interact with ros2 control so on the one end they're going to be listening for an input on a Ros topic that could be something like joint positions in a robot arm or a mobile robot body velocities they're going to take this input they're going to calculate what the appropriate motor positions and speeds and that sort of thing are and then they're going to send these to the hardware interfaces that have been exposed by the resource manager well the hardware interfaces need to be designed specifically for individual Hardware the controllers are going to be designed specifically for different robot applications and since there are a few pretty common applications the ros2 controllers package provides controllers that should cover most people's needs you can always write your own ones if you need to though since I'm building a differential Drive robot I'll be using the diff Drive controller but say you've got a robot arm or something else then you might need to use one of the other controllers so here the controller manager's job is to take the controllers that it's been asked to load and match them up with the right command and state interfaces that the resource manager is exposing to set up the controllers we write a yaml file with the various parameters we need and pass that into the controller manager from there we can tell it to start and stop the controllers as needed and just like we can have multiple Hardware interfaces in one robot we can also have multiple controllers in one robot as long as they both don't want to claim the same resources they're not trying to command the same interface they can share State interfaces though since their read only also a slightly confusing point is that controllers don't actually need to control anything at their core they're just a way for Ross to communicate with the hardware and that can be as an input an output or both so for example say you did have a motor that gives you current feedback as a state interface then you could use a controller that just reads that and publishes it out to a Ros topic okay we've got our Hardware interfaces on the one side our controllers on the other side how do we run this thing well there are two different kinds of ways that we can run a controller manager firstly we can write our own node and have a controller manager running inside that well secondly we can just use a node that's provided for us usually that's what you want to do but either way you're going to need to provide it the information about the hardware interfaces usually via uidf and the information about the controllers usually via a yaml file either way once the controller manager is up and running we want a way to interact with it so that we can check the hardware interfaces and start and stop the controllers that sort of thing there's a few different ways we can do this the controller manager has some services that we can call to access this functionality there's also the ros2 control command line tool that makes these service calls a little bit easier and there are also some nodes that handle some of those key functions that we can run there are different circumstances and pros and cons where we'll use each of these methods and we'll discuss that later when we use them that's the theory let's put it into practice by upgrading our gazebo simulation to use ros2 control we'll start by installing a few packages so pseudo app install Ross foxy ros2 control Ross foxy Ross 2 controllers and Ross foxy gazebo Rost 2 control now let's update our urdf file I'll be continuing the example urdf that I've been building throughout this tutorial series but if you're just joining in this one it should be fine to follow along so you might remember in an earlier video we created this file gazebo controller exactro and that contained the information for our gazebo control instead we're going to replace this one with ros2 control so I'm going to copy and paste it and rename it ros2 control and we'll get rid of the Gazebo stuff from inside it and then back in our main uidf we're going to here where we were including the Gazebo control before let's comment that one out and we'll replace it with our rost2 control I'm going to leave the Gazebo control one there just in case we ever want to come back to it but for now we'll swap to ros2 control now the first thing we're going to need in here is a ross2 control tag and then inside that we need a name and we can just call it whatever I'll call it gazebo system and the type is system we usually there are a few different types out there we usually want system inside here we're going to have a hardware tag and then inside that there's going to be a plug-in tag and then the plug-in tag is going to have the name of the plugin that we're going to use this is a piece of code that's been installed separately and registered with Ros that tells it how to talk to the Gazebo simulation just like it's talking to real Hardware so in this case the name of the plugin we want to use is gazebo rost2 control slash gazebo system now we also need to tell it about the different joints that it's going to be controlling so here we're going to put a joint tag and we're going to say the name of the joint which is our left wheel joint that just came from our robot urdf you can see here left wheel joint and then the interfaces we're going to have so we're going to have a command interface that is velocity oh and then State interface for velocity and a state interface for the position we can also set limits for our Command interface so we'll set param name so we'll set up we'll set the minimum to I don't know something it's a bit arbitrary at the moment we can make it something correct later and that's it then let's copy and paste that for our right wheel cool so we've got two joints we can control we can control the velocity of each of them through a command interface and we can get the velocity and the position of them back through a state interface so that's the ros2 control tag done now we need to add the Gazebo plug-in this is different to this plug-in this is the Gazebo plug-in that tells gazebo to use ros2 control whereas this was the hardware interface for the controller manager so we're going to have a look at this one we can see here we had the the Gazebo diff Drive plug-in before so I'm just going to copy and paste that just kind of to show that it's very similar oops and what have I done there now the name of this plugin is gazebo oh we this is what we want to call it so it doesn't really matter I can call it gazebo rust 2 control but the file name is lib gazebo ross2 control sorry my camera overheated there so we were just setting up the Gazebo roster control plug-in and this plugin actually does a whole lot of things for us it sets up a bunch of things on the Gazebo end and it actually contains its own controller manager so we don't need to start our own one now that controller manager is able to get the urdf already through the robot State publisher but it will need to know where our controller yaml is so I'm going to set up a parameter parameters and here we're going to put in the path to our controller yaml but we haven't written that yet so let's do that so I'm going to create a new file here called my controllers.yaml and this is a standard Ross params file if you're familiar with them so in this one our node is going to be the controller manager band in there we're going to have the Ross underscore underscore parameters note that that's two underscores now what parameters are we going to have it's going to have an update rate which will put at 30 Hertz we've got the use sim time we'll come back to this one later but because we're running gazebo we need to set use sim time to true then what we need to do is set up our actual controllers that we're going to have here now it's a bit funny the way we do this we name the controller and then we give it a type so we're going to need a differential Drive controller so I'll call mine diff conch just as a shortcut and then we need to set the type and the type for this one is diff Drive controller with underscores slash diff Drive controller in camel case so that's the differential Drive controller we're also going to have something called a joint State broadcaster now this is a controller that doesn't control anything but you might remember that robot State publisher needs the joint States topic to be published in order for it to get the wheel transforms correct it's not really important in the long run for how we run the thing for this particular kind of robot but it's good to have and so we'll do a we'll call it joint Broad and the top is joint state broadcaster now we can actually set up the parameters for those individual controllers I'm going to just copy and paste that from somewhere else so you can see here we've got the differential controller and its parameters which we'll look at in a sec there's also the joint State broadcaster we don't have any parameters to set for it there are there are some you can set but I'm just going to leave that commented out now these are all the different parameters that you can set for the joint State for the differential Drive controller we're not going to worry about most of them we're just going to look at these few so we've got the publish rate that's how fast it's going to publish the transforms and stuff at we'll put that at 50. the base frame ID is set to base link which you might remember from our robot we've got the base link there oh there it is what else do we have here left and right wheel names as we saw before we told the harbor interface now we've got to tell the controller so that it can marry those two things up then we've got the wheel separation and the wheel radius so if we go here my wheels are at 0.175 away from the center line so if we fire up the calculator and go 0.175 times two sweep our separation is 0.35 and our wheel radius you can see there is 0.05 so we've got those set correctly this last one use stamped valve this is pretty specific to differential Drive robots and I'm going to dig into it in deeper in a future tutorial this depends on whether the the input has a time stamp associated with it or not for now we're going to set this to false and we'll deal with that in a later tutorial so that's all we're going to worry about for now there's all these other parameters but we'll just ignore them you can play around with them if you need to now back in here in our ros2 control we want to tillot the path to this file and we can actually use a little trick to tell it where the package is so we so find and then my package is called Tiki Bar one you can it's whatever yours is going to be called slash config slash my controllers.yaml so that's going to tell the Gazebo Rost 2 control node that when it fires up its controller manager to go and find that file in that package which is going to be this one and load that up for its controller information oh one quick thing you might be wondering why I have set used Sim time here but not here it'll actually automatically propagate the Sim time from the controller manager down to the controllers so you only need to set it at the top level not in the lower ones so let's give this a go we can get into our Dev workspace and build remember to Source our installation and then we can launch our Sim like we have in the past and we'll notice that gazebo's got a few extra things that it's printing out here things like starting gazebo roster control plug-in this is a good chance for us to start interacting with ros2 control so we can type roster control lists Hardware interfaces and hopefully we'll see that we've got our two command interfaces they've been unclaimed there's no controller on them yet and the state interfaces it'll be tempting to type ros2 control list controllers now but this seems to only list controllers that are actually running not ones that could be started which is a bit annoying so now let's start our controllers like I said before there's a few different ways you can do it with services and the ross2 control command the way I'm going to do it is with the spawner script and that's for two reasons one it works nicer in a launch file which we'll be using later on and secondly it works the same in foxy and newer versions which the other ones are a bit different between foxy and the newer ones so for that one it's going to be in ros2 Ross to run the package is the controller manager package and the script is called spawner.pi and then the name of the controller what we call it diff can't great configured and started difficult and then our other one was giant Broad and then back in this one we should see oh that's a bit odd so we can see here it configured the controllers uh it's setting the Sim time to true on the lower ones robot State publisher is not very happy about something so we'll have to take a bit of a look at that in a minute but let's try and run our tally up so uh remember normally we type teleop twist keyboard like this and then we go to drive but we'll find that that should be doing nothing and that's because if we type Ross to topic list it's actually listening for it not on the command vowel topic that this is publishing on but at diff count command Val unstamped sorry the camera overheated again but I was also getting some really weird behavior on here and it turned out I was still running Ross on my other computer in the house and the two systems were seeing each other and interacting so just a warning always watch out for that anyway I've stopped that now what I was saying was that the controller is expecting the command velocity to be on diff count command Val unstamped rather than just CMD Vel so when we run teleop twist keyboard we actually need to remap the topic from command Val up to uh diff can't command Bell unstamped and hopefully once we do that we should be able to drive it around just like we could before and of course we can start RVs like normal we can swap to Odom add our TF and our robot model and of course as we drive it around in here we should be seeing this update and that should of course be matching what's ah we run up against it thing now one other thing that we want to do to make this a little bit easier is rather than having to run that spawner command every time after we do it we want that to happen automatically so we're going to go into our launch Sim here and after we spawn the robot we're going to add a new node here so diff Drive spawner it's just running that controller manager spawner.pi with the difficult argument and again we want to do the same thing for the go away for the joint broad spawner now you can also set these up to do tricky things like wait until the spawn entity node has finished running and then and then run these so that everything's definitely up and running I find that there tends to be enough of a buffer in there that it should all just work but you can add delays in there if you want but let's add diff Drive spawner and Joint broad spawner so now we should be able to go back to our gazebo and run it again and this time we should see that in the printout it says yep I've I've started those controllers as part of that launch script it's all in the one terminal we see our robots there and just like before we should be able to now drive it around so if you drive it around now you should be able to see that everything basically works if you take a close look though you'll notice a few things that are not quite right in fact there's a whole bunch of changes we're going to make before we get it running on the actual robot but since this video is already pretty long and they're not directly related to ros2 control I've put them in an extra video that you'll find a link for in the description so you can head straight to that after this one one quick little extra topic I didn't cover before is Transmissions now Transmissions were a really key part of Ross control back in Ross one but then when Ross 2 control came out they weren't really a part of it so when I started using rust 2 control there was no Transmissions I learned how to use it without it Transmissions are working in Rust 2 control now and I'm not totally on top of how that works so I'm going to save that as a topic for an extra video I'll do an update down in the future where we'll look particularly at transmissions and how to use them but as it is you don't need to use them so if you just came here to learn about ross2 control I hope you found this to be a helpful overview and please consider subscribing especially so that you don't miss out on the next video where we run ross2 control on a real robot but if you are following through the whole mobile robot build series then make sure you watch that extra video link in the description so that you're all prepared for when the next main video comes out if you've got any more questions about the things I've covered in this video there's another Link in the description to the discussion thread over at the articulated robotics Community where you can join in the conversation lastly I just want to give a massive shout out to everyone who is supporting me on patreon this is the first video to go up since the patreon's been live and I've been absolutely Blown Away by people's generosity and their desire to see more freely available content like this if you would like to consider supporting me there's a link for that in the description alright I'll see you over in the extra video [Music]
Channel: Articulated Robotics
Views: 77,170
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Id: 4QKsDf1c4hc
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Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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