[Solved] python/pip/pip3 is not recognized as an internal or external command | python command error

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hey guys will come back to take a look at the channel so in today's video we are going to see Python error which is basically Python is not recognized or peep is not recognized or you can say beep tree is not recognized kind of errors how to resolve that okay so in my case I have installed Python 3.8 on my system which is basically Windows 10 and here if suppose if I type Python it is not showing anything in your case it might show that Python is not written nice but in my case it is opening basically Microsoft Store and asking me to install get pythons repo net but I actually have installed it on my system so how to resolve that issue so suppose if in people if I type people ok so it is showing babies not recognized okay so in your case you might see the same thing same error with Python command like instead of PB it is showing Python is not recognized so I'm going to provide the you the solution for both these things okay so suppose if I type Python - V still it is not showing anything then if I type Python peep - V it is showing P P is not recognized so now let me show you that which python version I have installed so if I go to search and type Python it is showing Python 3.8 is installed and if I right-click on it okay not sorry I want to find out the location right click on it and open file location' so here as you can see a python 8 is installed shortcut is there if i click on this it is opening shell and if i type print anything just i wanted to show you that python is installed properly hello and then it is showing it is executing this statement properly that means - is installed but still i am facing that issue okay so i will close this window so why this issue so basically you after installing python you have to add a Python path in your environment variables that is in your system variable as well to recognize those commands in your command prompt okay so for that you just need to add path environment variables suppose if you are trying to install Python or reinstall Python from start in that case you can refer our previous video in that I have shown you how to install Python 3.8 or you can say reinstall by the Python version or change your work version from three point seven to three point eight something like that so from scratch you can have to install Python from scratch you can refer that specificity video okay so now here how to add that path in environment variables so simply type what environment such for environment variables type here environment variables it will show edit the system environment variables click on that in this click on environment variables then go to new sorry not new in path select path and then click on edit so here you have to add your environment variables path ok so where is that path how to find out that path suppose if you go inside your C folder and go usually files are stored in Program Files whatever you are downloading but here you as you can see in P Python it is not showing anything so where is my Python so if you try to search it will take lots of time instead of that what do you what you can do live Python it will show you application just right click on it then open file location' not this location you have to add it it is just shortcut so just click on that shortcut then right click on it and open file location of this shortcut so here is the actual Python version sorry python executable files are installed ok so as you can see the path is a bit different okay this is not actual program files in C folder it is inside my directory I have data in local on the actual path okay so here is that python exe file so you have to add this path ok so click on here just copy this path and open your environment variables then click on new and paste it here then click on ok not only this you have to add in your system variables as well for the click on path you can simply click on edit or double click on this path then click on new and paste it here then click OK again ok and again ok ok then open your command prompt and now type Python version ok it is not showing still not showing anything I have to restart this command prompt for that close it then type CMD open command prompt and now type python press enter button so guys here you can see it is showing by the three point eight point two now it is taking me inside the Python shell I will exit this and let's see it is showing python version properly or not for python version yeah so it is showing Python three point eight point two previously it was showing empty okay so let's check for peep for peep it is still showing PP is not recognized okay for pip three it is showing people's not tip 3 is also not recognized okay so where are my executable files so in same directory which I opened previously inside that go inside scripts here is you can see beef trees their peepees there the previous versions of executables pythonic view would have executables which are easy install earthier so copy this path you have to add this path as well now go to environment variables again ok go to environment variables then click on environment variables then go inside your path then edit and click on new just add this path here ok click on OK now restart your command prompt and type beep ok ok so now it is working fine peep - V ok it is showing papers on which is nineteen point two point three and four peep tree let's check for picture as well and it is working for people so so for PI RP versions you there is no need to add inside system variables like for python we have added in we what is this user variables for my name now which is environment variable and then system variables ok so for people that part in this and for Python adding both data system variables and the first portion as well so that's it guys in today's video if you like it if it is you are able if this video helped you to resolve your issue then please hit like button if you have any doubt you can ask in the comment section please subscribe to our Channel we will bring some new videos in upcoming days so bye bye
Channel: TechnoPanti
Views: 596,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: [Solved] python/pip/pip3 is not recognized as an internal or external command | python command error, python/pip/pip3 is not recognized as an internal or external command, python command error, operable program or batch file., 'pip3' is not recognized as an internal or external command, 'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, python command not recognized, python3 command not recognized, pip command error, python installation is not working properly, python, pip
Id: dj5oOPaeIqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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