SOLVED: Killer Homecoming King (Heather Rich’s Murder)

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you are such a genuine gym thank you for clicking on my video i'm brooke mckenna but today's case is about the killer homecoming king and heather rich's murder now today's case is about a group of high school students who should have been worried about homecoming dresses and dates and makeup but instead were horrified with a disappearance and a murder by the way i post so much content like this it is my absolute passion to tell these stories and i mean no harm or disrespect when i do so so for something you'd like to support me in doing all you have to do is make sure you are subscribed with the notification bell on to make sure you hear all of the stories giving this video a thumbs up and leave a nice comment down below it all helps with the algorithm it pushes it out to more people and so the victim stories can be heard to a broader audience i also want to thank today's sponsor which is june's journey now you all know it you love it but here is a little reminder if you don't know it or you haven't gotten the chance to play it so this game is free to download on your android or iphone and you are basically following and helping solve a mystery with this hidden object mystery game it's slightly challenging but not too much where you get overwhelmed it's the perfect combination of working your mind while being able to relax as well the family secrets of the characters in this game will keep you engaged and wanting to play more especially when you realize it's about a fictional murder now if you don't play you're missing out on something i know you will love if you enjoy my content so to play just click the link in my description and that will take you to where you can download the game for free and thank you to june's journey for sponsoring this portion of the video now let's get back to the story so it was in 1996 in oklahoma and the rich family lived in a place called walrika and this was gail and dwayne and their four children now dwayne was actually an electrician who had gotten into this horrible accident to the point where he almost died and he could no longer work so gail ended up opening up a subway restaurant to you know the subway franchise she opened up her own one of those and she started to work there full time to make money for the family now like i said they have four children and their second youngest was the only girl and this was a girl named heather rose rich she actually would help her mom often in the subway restaurant she was 16 years old she was a beautiful girl with blue gray eyes and sandy blonde hair she had the most bubbly personality she loved riding horses she loved playing music she was kind to literally everybody she met and she had that personality where when she walks into a room your eyes automatically go to her no matter what and i feel like you know it seems like we say that a lot but it really is a very unique characteristic to get everybody's attention from just walking in the room your energy just exudes so well that people are drawn to you and i think that's such a wonderful personality trait she made it on the cheerleading squad at her school as a sophomore and was a flyer which means she was basically on the top of the pyramid where other girls were holding her up in the air and that is what she loved to do she would practice all the time and her best friend was on the squad as well now heather had actually been voted sophomore class favorite and was also on the honor roll she was really well liked from what i researched and really just made everybody feel good it seemed as though heather's life would have been something for others to envy and it appeared perfect to the outside world for her 16th birthday she had actually gotten a gold cignet heart shaped ring with a diamond inside from her father and she absolutely loved that she word every day all day and she also dated a bit during high school you know one time she dated this football player for a few months and his name was randy wood and they dated for a few months and ended up breaking up you know typical high school relationships and then after that they were still friends so it all worked out so literally even during a breakup heather was just such a good person that you were like you don't want to lose her heather's family told people that she was a naive girl but she had such a big heart and they kind of wanted to shelter her from the horrible world and the hardships but by october she was scheduled to be a candidate for homecoming queen and you know a lot of people during high school this is something that they strive for they wish for or they just you know hope one day that that happens to them and she was actually selected to be a candidate however she would not be there to receive that honor on the morning of october 3rd her mother gail went in to wake her up for school that morning except she wasn't there her bed had never been slept in but there was a window open and nothing had been stolen but she was missing and none of her belongings really seemed to be with her as well you know things she would normally take out gayle and duane immediately went to the jefferson county district's office and they reported her as missing however they would not help them and this wasn't just because she was a teenager it was also because gail had told them that the night before before she went missing she had gotten into an argument with her parents and this was because she had went over their phone bill like three hundred dollars an insane amount and of course they all shared the phone bill but they knew that it was most likely heather who was always on the phone and so they had called her out on it and told her you know that she cost them a lot of money and so they got into this argument and pretty much her mother and heather did not speak for the rest of that night and she went to bed so when the officers heard this they told gail and dwayne that this looked like cases they had seen before that heather would come home soon enough she just needed some time away from her parents and from fighting with them but even though that they were told that this was a common occurrence with teenagers gayle and wayne weren't just going to sit home and do nothing they wanted their daughter home so they began to contact all of her friends her schoolmates anyone who could possibly know where she was and you know every time they were talking to somebody they said they had no idea where she had gone that night and she wasn't with them at this point galen duane also hired a private investigator when days began going by and heather still was not at home unharmed like the police said she would be they began to worry that they messed up and so they began to search around the area with local and state police around the location that she lived in and the panic that the parents had been feeling prior to this must have just been overwhelming by this point having to search for their daughter after being told she was not missing now an entire week had gone by since she first disappeared and during this time it was revealed that she was going to stand in homecoming court during the homecoming night football game and she would have been there in her fancy dress all made up with possibly a date with her makeup done doing things that she deserved to be doing as a teenager and she just might have been chosen for that crown in fact it was predicted that she would be instead she was missing without a trace and no one knew yet that the girl with her whole life ahead of her was already dead there were so many rumors spreading by this time teenagers and parents spreading these stories of what happened to her and what others were saying it happened to her but most likely this talk wasn't supposed to be harmful it was out of fear and desperation that many were feeling and these pieces of information were basically what they were clinging to as hope and even if they weren't true and this is the problem they it can cause the real information to be muddled within this and to be missed entirely because people are looking at these rumors instead of the truth and confessions that classmates could have been making some people began saying that they saw heather on the side of the road trying to catch a ride others said she was in a pickup truck with two different boys another said she was making a call from the telephone booth on the outskirts of town but the next was the most outlandish of all and this was that the recent suicide of another teenager was actually murder and she had witnessed it and that is why she disappeared either she was killed by them or she vanished so she wouldn't be killed others tried to say she was hanging out with meth dealers and they ultimately killed her at a cotton gin but everyone would be silenced on october 10th seven days after her disappearance and this was because everyone who had searched for her in the area had been searching the wrong area because the texas police three and a half hours away would call the oklahoma police saying that they had been notified about a human leg floating in the red river now this was because a rancher and his seven-year-old granddaughter had just been driving around when they stopped at this red river creek and they were looking out upon the water and his granddaughter continued to say that there was something in the water and she was saying there's a body in the water but this grandfather didn't have his glasses he was looking and he said no i think that that's just a drowned calf unfortunately that happens and so he took his granddaughter home but that entire night all she could say was that there was a body in the river that it was a human body and so the next day he went out himself with his glasses and he looked and he found that it was in fact a human body he believed it was a girl by her sandy brown long hair kind of flowing in the water but no one would be able to identify her even when they got her out of the water because there were nine gunshots in total to her body and this girl had been shot in the back of her head and her face was so unrecognizable because of this however her heart-shaped diamond ring was still on her finger and it was her father who would identify her as the victim dental records then confirmed that it was heather rich and when investigators came to the scene they found more evidence on a bridge that was located you know next to this river and there were blood stains on it that were half covered by dirt like somebody tried to get rid of them but while investigators got to work the next day is when the homecoming football game began and while the king and queen were named i just wonder how many students who were supposed to be celebrating and having a good time were filled with grief over just learning that their classmate had been killed the autopsy showed that an m9 winchester shotgun was used on heather rich now one was in the back of her head but eight were in her lower back waist pelvis and bottom and she had been killed only one day after she disappeared four days later her funeral was held out of town and this was because they didn't want a lot of people there in fact they told everybody that they were not to touch her or the coffin and this wasn't just out of respect this was because the family believed that her killer was not a stranger it was someone they knew that they could possibly let in to this funeral without even knowing and gail had promised her daughter that she would never let anybody especially this killer touch her again and she was going to keep up with that promise the problem was they didn't yet know who had done all this so they had to tell everybody to stay away but gail did have an idea on who she believed it was and investigators began talking to heather's friend the one that she was on the cheerleading squad with to see if she had any more information as to what had happened as well as any of her other friends especially because teenagers talk they are terrible keeping secrets and a rumor could go around that actually did have a hint of a truth to it and that's when heather's friend kind of gave investigators a different look into heather i mean not a different look just a side that wasn't always talked about and some were saying that although heather was one of the popular students then it looked like her life was perfect she was actually a troubled girl just like most teenagers are they can have both sides to them everybody can not everybody's perfect all the time not everybody's you know suffering all the time it's a balance and that's life but her friends were saying that she'd actually been suspended once for three days for drinking while at a game with one of her friends and her parents actually had a long talk with her about this about why she was doing this and she admitted that she was experimenting with these different things including drugs and she didn't really know why and so her parents decided to book her therapy appointment and to see if that would help her at all but in the few weeks prior to her murder it was said that she was a lot more moody and withdrawn but a lot of this is normal for teenagers and unfortunately experimenting with drugs and alcohol is even something that teenagers do even though it's illegal and you should not be doing it and please do not if you're watching this video and you're underage you know even if you're over age drugs are just not a good thing to get involved with because they're so easily addicting but mood swings and have an emotional turbulence that's definitely a teenager thing it's not out of the norm and from what i researched she appeared to be the typical teenager in every sense of the word but unfortunately sometimes being a teenager and doing things that you know you're changing body and mind have you thinking is okay can put you in dangerous situations at this point investigators still weren't sure exactly what happened but gail had heard something she believed told her everything she needed to know you see she had talked to one of heather's friends and she found one more suspicious than the rest this friend claimed to not know anything however when gail talked to them more she believed they sounded like a robot not like themselves kind of like they had no emotions and they had this perfect script to tell her every time this was randy wood heather's ex-boyfriend turned friend now that wasn't the only person that she found strange but she actually didn't get to talk to this next person you see she had started going to different houses when people weren't answering her and banging on the door and she came to this one house of a guy named josh backwell she got there and his grandmother who he lived with was out front cleaning this trailer that was his to stay in when he was with his grandma and so she talked to her this grandmother about talking to josh and the grandmother said no you can't talk to him they had a party last night and basically stopped her from talking to josh so she was unable to at all but gail wasn't the only person pointing fingers at randy and it josh heather's best friend did as well saying that heather had gone to a party that night with the two of them now this was two instances where a party was being brought into question and the same people were thought to be around heather but who were randy and josh well these were two individuals who went to school with heather they were 17 year olds and they were actually the complete opposites when you looked at them as people individually randy didn't come for money he actually lived with a single mother and they had moved a lot through childhood but ended up in this community and were said to be some of the poorest in this town and by grade three randy was actually smoking marijuana stealing money from his mother for it and on the other hand josh's family were completely wealthy they were said to be some of the wealthiest landowners in town and this also caused them to be away for work a lot so that is why he lived with his grandmother most of the time and he had started living with her about a year prior now he definitely had access to money even though he didn't live with his parents because he had six cars of his own like brand new cars but everyone at school kind of knew him as a snob and stayed away from him because he thought he was too good for them but josh had also been arrested for drunk driving at one point and resisted arrest demanding his lawyer but they were best friends randy and josh and heather did sometimes hang out with them now they would josh and randy would often do drugs such as meth and cocaine which are hard drugs i mean not just marijuana but hard addictive drugs together and randy was also the captain of a football team and he would be crowned homecoming king as well it was said that in the five months that randy and heather dated they were together a lot they went to church together they talked on the phone but they were never intimate and because of that people often thought that they were just friends now randy said that he was always emotional during the relationship due to heather being restless about there being nothing to do in town which i thought was kind of weird but i could not find out the actual cause of their breakup but like i said they did remain friends so i bet it was just some mutual thing like this isn't working out let's just be friends kind of thing but after that it is believed that heather kind of started getting a crush on josh his friend and they even planned to ride together for homecoming in josh's car now even though heather's friends were said to know that she often snuck out of her parents house to go hang out with these boys and different friends her parents did not know that and randy and josh were brought in for questioning at this point and they had the same story both of them but not that everybody else had they claimed they spent the whole night of october 2nd in josh's trailer uh playing dominoes and drinking up until like 6am the next morning that they never saw heather at all that night but randy appeared to be a bad liar because investigators didn't believe what he was saying and heather's mother gail didn't believe what he said to her either but with no evidence they had to release them and investigators next plan of action was to look at the murder weapon now the ammunition found to be used was actually winchester double lock buckshot which is quite unusual so they knew if they could focus in on this certain ammunition and where they got it from they could possibly find the buyer and so they found that there was actually only one store in town that carried it this was beaver hardware they went in and they got the receipts and this showed that prior to the murder 20 rounds of ammunition was bought by josh bagwell but the employee who rang him up said that he wasn't alone there was another man with him and this was not randy the other name given was one investigators knew well 20 days after heather's murder on october 23rd they arrived at his home and chris gambill wasn't there for questioning but his grandmother was they began to talk to her and they asked if curtis had any sort of connection to texas where heather was found and in fact she surprisingly said yes his grandmother said oh yeah i would take him fishing at this certain bridge on red river that is the exact bridge that heather was found near curtis was a 19 year old high school dropout and the reason investigators knew him quite well was because he had quite a short temper he actually brought an unloaded gun to school and threatened to kill teachers he would often actually kill livestock and animals around his home and he had been incarcerated in a youth detention center after forcing boys to fight after threatening them he was also known to have very sadistic features about him and he had a fantasy that he told other people about where he wanted to kidnap and rape a young girl and then blow her head off he had escaped youth detention center and then was put in a psychiatric hospital at 17 years old curtis had also once been convicted of carrying a firearm and he was sentenced to five years probation but he had only served nine of those months before heather was murdered the next day curtis was located and he was brought in to do a polygraph test when he failed this that they questioned him for eight more hours and that is when they finally got him to admit he owned a gun and handed it over to them it was found to be an m9 which was thought to be the exact murder weapon now with his evidence given curtis went ahead and confessed to the murder of heather but he also said he wasn't the only one that did it it was also josh and randy but he said that he was just doing what randy wanted him to do that him and josh were basically being forced to hurt her because randy was jealous that heather had slept with josh after never sleeping with him so he was the one that shot her according to curtis but with this investigators finally had enough evidence to arrest both josh and randy on kidnapping and murder and the fbi was actually involved by this point because they had drove heather across state lines against her will josh refused to speak at this time but randy did it all for him because while josh's family hired an entire team of lawyers randy was talking he gave details of what they had done and he claimed that on october 2nd the three of them were together they were planning a party and heather was coming as well and they actually went to go meet her up at a church where she was supposed to meet them but they were early she wasn't there so they headed to her house they went and knocked on the window as they always did to get her attention but not her parents attention and she wasn't there so they headed back to josh's trailer that's where they saw her sitting on the steps smoking a cigarette and so they all went inside and were talking and drinking and that is when heather and josh started kind of making out and so randy and curtis left them alone and went driving for a while but that's when they went back a little while later and at this point heather was completely drunk like absolutely intoxicated thought she was going to pass out and this was said to be because she felt so guilty of sleeping with josh when she didn't with randy and when randy was their friend by this point she was barely conscious and that is when randy claimed that they were all drunk and that curtis then sexually assaulted her this was in the back of the trailer and he came out and the boys were all drinking when she began screaming bloody murder as she woke up randy said curtis freaked out at this point and thought that she was going to accuse him of raping her which he did and he said he needed to keep her quiet and was going to kill her this is when randy said curtis was the one that told randy and josh to put her in the back of his truck and josh drove towards curtis's house but when they were at the red river curtis actually took the wheel and made them drive to texas randy said that curtis then stopped in the middle of the bridge grabbed his gun and told josh and randy to get heather out they then put her on the ground she was still completely unconscious and randy then said i was on autopilot at that point i didn't feel like i could stop it it seemed hopeless i'd like to tell you that if i could do it all over again i would have saved heather but i did what i did to survive i was scared of curtis i was a coward i got back in the truck and i put my head in my hands randy said that while he was in this truck he heard gunshots multiple and he got out to see blood randy said they all then tossed her in the river and went home randy said he didn't think curtis was actually going to kill her when he started talking about it until he took over the wheel now after hearing this investigators believe that randy was telling the truth and curtis was not now this was because randy agreed to go through a polygraph test and verify everything he said and he completely passed there was no deception but why did they do this was it curtis that was the mastermind or randy or even josh who was the true person who wanted her dead and then what was their motive many believe that it was because of the sexual assault and that nobody wanted to be named a rapist so they killed her but do you think all of them sexually assaulted her just one just two there was also a thought to be a possible motive of a week prior to heather's disappearance curtis had actually had a best friend named dennis goss who committed suicide he'd gone to his funeral and he was said to be suffering from feelings of depression some people said this could have led to him having a breakdown it caused him to kill her it was also speculated that randy's jealousy over heather being with josh could have done it as well as if maybe she was with josh and then decided to go back to randy and josh got angry it could have been him as well but no one quite knew what to believe and might i remind you that these boys were teenagers who had done this and she was a teenager as well this was horrifying to the whole community josh curtis and randy were all charged with kidnapping and denied bail in oklahoma and then would be charged with first degree murder in texas they were all going to be tried as adults because that's what they did in texas so before the trial randy actually had a request he wanted to meet with heather's parents and they agreed to it this was televised and randy wanted to explain what happened that night and the reasoning behind what he would say in his testimony and basically tell them he regretted what he had done and asked for forgiveness now to his surprise because he said he did not expect them to say he was forgiven but galen duane listened to him and gail said that they did forgive him for the hurts that he had caused them but they could not forgive him for what he'd done to their daughter because only heather could do that randy said there's not a day that goes by i don't think about her heather is the first thing i think of in the morning and the last thing at night i punish myself worse than anything in this prison ever could the boys were all tried separately and curtis was first on october 15 1997. curtis had accepted a plea deal and he pled guilty saying that he was the one that actually shot heather as well as testifying against josh at his trial and because of that they wouldn't seek the death penalty against him the rich family were asked prior to offering this to him if they were okay with him not getting the death penalty if he would testify to get josh and they said that that was okay curtis was then found guilty and sentenced to a life with a minimum of 30 years and then it was josh's turn and because he had never confessed they were worried that he would be a free man and they didn't have enough against him and that is why they asked for curtis to testify this was in february of 1998 and he was still pleading not guilty he said he did everything with heather it was consensual and he thought that they were only driving her around to sober her up before sending her home he also said he was unaware of the actual plan to kill her and and that is when this trial turned awful victim blaming was happening heather's character was ripped apart and they just wanted to focus on her drug use instead of the murder and you know even her parents were saying you know what she did with drinking and the drugs that is a part of her and that does not mean that she should have been murdered but then like his plea deal said curtis got on the stand to testify against josh and they were hoping that this would make him appear more guilty and but instead of telling the truth curtis reverted back to his original statement that he had made saying that randy was the mastermind and that he and josh just did what randy wanted and because he chose to mess up his plea deal he was also convicted of conspiracy to commit murder and given a second life sentence and this could have been a horrible ending to josh's trial except for the fact that randy was going to testify against him as well he was also given the same plea bargain that curtis had gotten and he accepted it but then surprising everyone he refused it and they were all worried he that meant he wasn't going to testify but then he said that he was still going to testify just not under a plea deal he didn't want to be doing it for anything other than helping to convict josh and his lawyer said that means you could possibly get the death penalty and he said he didn't care randy went to josh's trial and he told the same statement he had always been saying and that curtis had shot and killed heather but that josh was a willing participant in the act and after hearing this the next day josh testified himself that there was no plan that was made to his knowledge he even said that randy was the one who shot her he said that randy was jealous and killed her but he also said that he was not there when the actual murder happened that he'd gone away to pee the only thing he would admit to is not disclosing acknowledgement of the murder when he was first questioned he was then asked okay well what did you see when you were coming back from peeing and that is when he said curtis sorry i mean randy lowered the gun and right then and there he messed up his own lie josh was found guilty and sentenced to life as well as nine to nine more years for conspiracy to commit capital murder next was randy's trial and he was offered another plea bargain but chose to pled not guilty and he said that he didn't intend for heather to be killed and he never actually physically harmed her he didn't take her life either he was sentenced to life with a minimum of 40 years and then three years after the murder randy filed an appeal saying that his attorney had been ineffective now this was denied and the next year joshua tried to appeal his sentence as well he said that because heather was unconscious when they took her across the state lines they had no restraints on her which is a component of kidnapping and he said that because in texas they define capital murder to require kidnapping he could not be convicted as he was and even though all that was said this was rejected anyway but this isn't the end because two killers would then escape that's right it was february of 2002 when curtis and john escaped from jail this was with two other inmates and the month prior they had been moved there from state prison and while the police searched for them gail went on good morning america and said these are murderers cold-blooded murderers they will kill again we're very concerned not only about the public but about the people that are having to search the men and women that are part of the police force curtis had actually tried to escape a few years prior to this and he failed but he said that he was mentally strong and they couldn't keep him in there forever now he was free and so is josh two of heather's killers they had basically overpowered a guard with a makeshift knife and they took her car and left and the fbi us marshals and many more were out searching for them but only about 400 leads were coming in at this point which was said to be an extremely low number so they had no idea where they were then a home was said to be burglarized in oklahoma near curtis's home and these fingerprints left at the home matched josh two of the beds were slept in there were clothes taken there was food taken there was cigarette butts left at the home and nearby a flatbed truck was found to be missing as well as a 22 caliber rifle nine days of searching for them nine days of them being on the run they were finally cornered the fbi had received a tip on their location and they had gotten to this oklahoma gas station where they took in the two other inmates who were outside but when josh and curtis saw this they took the owner who was named george west hostage inside now an fbi agent was able to get them on the phone and talk to them that way and they kind of connected and so curtis and josh ended up saying that all they wanted was to talk to their loved ones over the phone and after that at about 4 30 a.m after hours of waiting for them to let this hostage go they did and curtis and josh basically walked up with their hands out and went back to jail however that wouldn't be the last time that there was a problem with keeping these boys in jail that's right josh's mother was named charisse and she would be arrested after curtis's brother rick went to investigators and told them about a plan she had hatched to make them escape once again rick showed the officers this map that he had at the inside of the prison where these two actually stayed and had all of the information that nobody should have had but rick said he got it from charisse and she was going to use it rick said that cherise was actually going to visit them and giving them hacksaw blades through some bible spines as well as in balloons where they could insert it into themselves before going back now it was easier for her to smuggle things in because she was also her son's attorney and they had more privileges to see them she also at her home had camping gear cell phones maps and rifles ready to go for them and those were also being found to be passed between cerise and inmates of her plan to break windows and cut through metal to escape now charissa's bail was set at 200 000 and she refused to talk she was going to be given 10 years and a 5 000 fine for conspiracy to commit a felony with firearms and the same for a conspiracy to assist in an escape however she took a plea deal and admitted that she was going to be the getaway driver and was given only eight years instead but seven years later in 2009 the prosecutor of randy wood's trial actually came out saying that he regretted giving randy a life sentence and pushing for that his name was tim cole and he actually had a daughter who was a year older than heather and he just wanted to get her justice at the time and believed what he was doing was right and he said he also noticed at the time that randy had never been in trouble before that he was being honest and he also said he never wanted to kill heather that was never his intention his polygraphs never showed any signs of deception and every time tim spoke to randy randy would say that he was haunted by the failure to stop her murder there was also the fact that randy had chose to testify against josh even though it didn't benefit him in any way he felt it was more important to tell the truth he was also very apologetic to heather's family and it seemed genuine even to them tim said that even though at the time a guilty verdict is what he wanted and especially as a prosecutor that's what he was aiming for the whole time there was no happiness when he got that he felt like he just helped another young life be wasted he kind of struggles with the fact that he deserves he thinks randy does deserve to be in jail for you know being there and not stopping it and possibly having more to do with it than he says but on the other hand he seemed like he actually had empathy where the other two didn't but was randy really sorry or was he a really good manipulator either way the district judge this has been brought to him by tim cole and he says that he is unwilling to reduce the sentence and randy will be eligible for parole in 2036 but do you think he should be released you guys know that one of my biggest pet peeves is manipulative people but for some reason i feel like randy was telling the truth i feel like he was surrounded by people he couldn't stop and he was scared of them that he really didn't know what else to do other than make sure he was safe and i think the fact that the other two were such good liars and were constantly caught lying kind of says a lot when randy kept at the same story the whole time other than of course when he was hiding the fact that they were killers at all i'd love to know what you think about that i mean i am more than willing to be incredibly wrong and i'm not saying that he should be released but i do think that he has empathy and that he's not a cold-blooded killer but in 2016 he actually married a woman who he met of course through you know talking um whether pen pals or whatever um from new zealand and she actually traveled to come and see him and then moved to texas to be closer to him when they got married now she's actually trying to campaign for people under the age of 18 not to ever be tried as adults but i want to know what you what you think about that as well because i can see how in certain cases children should not be tried as adults but i do have to say there are such horrific cases of child killers and children can do things that some adults would never even think of doing and it's just a certain kid so i do think it's more like a case-by-case thing and it's hard to just say to never try a child as an adult you know but i would really love to know your thoughts on that now gail and dwayne ended up divorcing like most parents of murdered or missing children do because of the stress and because you know it just reminds them of what happened when they look at one another which is so sad but gail also does say that she has nightmares all the time where she's at a creek and heather is basically lying in the water she's still alive she's begging for help gayle's reaching out for her and she just can't reach her and she never does and i think that is so incredibly heartbreaking and this family went through a lot and i think sometimes when it's people close to you people you have known your whole life are known most of your life or you see around town and you know that must be even harder to stomach because you trusted them at one point you at least were kind to them you knew them it wasn't just a random killer and they decided to do that galen duane had been really great at speaking out about heather's case and wanting others to know what happened to her and i hope that i did her case justice and i really would like to know do you think randy was telling the truth or any of them do we know the real story at all i don't know but let's just hope that was the last time that curtis and josh are allowed to escape jail because that is horrifying but don't ever forget to speak up your voice is powerful enough and i love you to absolute pieces okay bye [Music] you
Channel: Brooke Makenna
Views: 235,471
Rating: 4.9185081 out of 5
Keywords: solved, solved true crime, true crime, killer homecoming king, heather rich, Heather Rich murder, Heather Rich documentary, true crime documentary, killer teens, killed by friends, cheerleader killed by football player, solved murder, solved mysteries, teen boys kill teen girl, crime, documentary, Randy Wood, Curtis Gambill, Josh Bagwell, kidnapped, kidnapping case solved, solved kidnapping, missing person found, true crime stories
Id: ojeaYpvJR-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 39sec (2439 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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