Solve Poly-alphabetic Substitution Cryptography in Minecraft (Kryptos)

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alright hello everybody JC no.19 here and I'm gonna bring you polyalphabetic substitution cryptography in Minecraft you might be asking yourself why you do cryptography in Minecraft well let me ask you a better question why not is there really a point to doing this minecraft absolutely not it was all I wanted to do so I did it it's fun let's do this let's talk a little bit about cryptography but first you might be telling yourself hey Jeff this these surroundings look kind of familiar what's going on here and I will say these surroundings should be familiar to most of you this is actually the basic building block of Seth blings original basic programming in Minecraft I utilized his kind of scene here his banners with his letters and his ability to get an on-screen keyboard from his basic programming in Minecraft that is what I've taken from sethbling credit where credit is due Sethbling as the mastermind behind all that I utilized that to do something completely different so all that out of the way credit to set playing for all this the rest of the programming is all mine so let's not on cryptography for a minute cryptography is kind of hiding a message within another message standard forms cryptography are something like the Caesar cipher or a Caesar shift also known as or a rot13 and basically a Caesar shift is moving an alphabet by a certain number in order to encode a message into something else for instance feel your standard alphabet year a through z and you did a Caesar shift of three you would recode a message we're a would become c.b would become DC would become e etc a more common Caesar shift that people might know from the internet days people used to use this to from the internet days and still the internet days but from the early internet days people used to encode messages on the internet using rot13 rot13 is essentially a Caesar shift by 13 where the alphabet moves over 13 spaces essentially half the alphabet and a becomes n B becomes 0 C becomes P and you pretty much write a message and you encode it that way now these are very simple cryptography ciphers and they're very easy to break because they're so simple be easy to break based on certain things like frequency analysis like the letter e in the English language is the most common letter so if you have a phrase that's done in as some type of Caesar shift you can kind of count the letter that appears the most often and assume that that's probably e and kind of work your way back from there to break the cipher so this is monoalphabetic substitution it is one letter for one other letter essentially across the board what we're talking about today is polyalphabetic substitution where there's going to be more than one shift to kind of mask the English language so you can't do frequency analysis as easily and still hide a message so what I made in here is a visionary table so a visionnaire table let's go over to this side for a minute and let's produce our standard visionnaire table I have multiple keyboards up here and I'm gonna get to my visionary keyboard vizionare cube right here we go let's create our tab Note tab no table whatever you want to call it we're going to run down and create the table there's a lot of stuff that happens then a lot of things that disappear but essentially you end up with a table that looks exactly like this you pretty much have the alphabet that goes across the top and then a line below it you have the alphabet shifted over 1 so it starts with B instead of a and goes all the way to the end and that a is now added to the end does it again see then D and E basically of the alphabet going across stop and you have the alphabet going across this side so our new visionnaire table goes a through z this way the very bottom ones starting with the Z and then the alphabet continues from there so pretty much if you take a message with the Visionaire table let's clear our main table over here clear it and we'll just going to write something like j say no does cryptography know it does cryptography now goodbye block you can't use spaces in this particular example many online cryptography solvers will just get rid of the spaces for you I'm sorry I'm not that good so removing the space is what we need now is a key to go with the beach in air table so we got to go back over here and look and give ourselves a key so I will go to my key keyboard and keyword keyboard here we go and we'll do a key of let's safes minecraft so you might be asking yourself what is this key what is it for so essentially what happens is the key here in order to encode a message using visionnaire encoding you pretty much write the word minecraft or whatever your key is over and over again above your message and just keep repeating it until you get to the end your message and if you stop in the middle your message you just stop so basically the J would correspond to an M the S would correspond to an eye the a would correspond to an N the N would correspond to an e etc so it bmin ecrã ft mi ne see our aft mi ne see our aft so what would that happen is when i try to encode this message what we'll do is we'll take utilize the top and the side basically the columns in the rows of the Visionaire table and what we're first going to do is we're going to go over and we're going to look for the letter of our coded message the first letter is a J so we're going to take the top row and we're going to go find the J then we're going to move down this row until we get to the column or assuming we're going to move down this column until we get to the row that has starts with an M where our keyword is so basically if i take j and follow it down to like it to the m boom we're going to be here at a V so here's my m-my J is at the top follow it down v the first encoded word is going to be a letter is going to be a V we're going to move to the next letter which is an S over there for you asin oh so it's going to be an S and the next letter in our key word is an eye so we're going to move over we're gonna look for an S we're going to come down until we find an and when we find the eye and the S it's going to be an a so we should have a VA well instead of actually doing this by hand let's let minecraft do this for us so we will do a an encryption so I'm going to hit the encrypt button and we're going to see what happens watch my little armor stands doing their thing there we go VA and then it's going to continue on and do the rest for me and r qu o je l oh it takes a little bit more time with each run that it does as you can see my little armor stands there doing their thing that run around doing all the work for me and coming out with my now ciphertext so what comes out of my my encryption is called ciphertext and what my message actually is is called my plain text so this is my plain text Jason oh does encryption is my plain text my ciphertext ends up being then record draws too boo boo there you know what I mean so pretty much if i gave you a message that said this you would have no idea what to do with it and it'd be pretty difficult to break because you wouldn't know what my key word was if you knew what my key word was and knew the system that i used you'd be able to break this text and let's show you exactly how this works that you can actually break this text i'm gonna erase my plain text and replace it with this now i do have to do this manual typing of this but let's do v a and are you Oh jail the lltv have LGBT ppl so there we go we have if I move up here I just typed the entire wrong thing hey I typed it in the absolutely wrong a keyboard so this does happen one moment please sorry about that everybody I've now corrected my mistake and as you can see I've typed in the van or equality double into my message keyboard my as my quote unquote plain text is actually cryptex because i'm going to decrypt it but if i was encrypting it it would be my plane text and over here I have corrected my keyword to now be minecraft again and we can run the decryption on this as opposed to encrypting it and we can watch the bottom change to Jay sano88 Oh does it's going to say cryptography when all is said and done but basically what we've just done is we've encoded the message JC no does cryptography using a Visionnaire table with the keyword of Minecraft and then proved that we can decrypt it back using the same method I think that's pretty cool but Visionnaire tables can go one step further as you can see we're just using a basic old table that starts with abcdefg etc abcdefg etc and a keyword but let's get to true polyalphabetic substitution and do something crazy and actually bring up our vision air keyboard let's clear our whole region air table and let's make a new vision air table and instead of being just a BCD we want it to be j/s a and 0 and let the rest get filled in itself I'm going to hit create table it is going to go through and what this is done is I basically added a keyword to my vision air table so I've taken the letters JSA and a gnome out I've put them at the beginning as you can see JSA and 0 and then filled in the rest of the alphabet all the way to Z so we have JSA n 0 b c d e f g h i and we don't have a J here anymore because the J is at the beginning klm same with N and O and an O are part of the keyword etc you get the point but basically what we've done now is utilized two different keywords in the vesian air table we have a keyword that we're going to be encoding our message with by repeating the word minecraft over the top and then using the keyword of the table itself to be J say no to encode and decode the phrase J say no does cryptography so let's watch this in action if we now again we have our Vin de Janeiro table set up we are going to now clear our message again and again stage a say no does cryptography and you'll see this is a completely different and encrypted it's a completely different message than we had before it's because our whole table region air table is completely different than it was before well not necessarily completely different but it's different because it utilizes a keyword in it as well this is a very tough cryptography to just break because as you can see you would need to know not only my keyword which is minecraft but also my keyword of my visionary table itself which is j say no to break this message and yes i will show you if i put this into the message we can decrypt it right on back alright folks now I've taken the time to retype our new encoded message or our cipher text back into the main message as the quote/unquote plain text but this time we're going to decrypt it and you'll see that we're going to come back out with the exact same plain text that we started with this all would not be possible without knowing what the two key words are however so this makes this a very very difficult to break cryptography method though it can be broken and I will prove that to you momentarily so as you see we have now decoded it to j say no does cryptography but if we were to change anything in these keywords it would not decode to the same thing so why did I really delve into this in the first place well I will tell you let's pull up some of the saved instances now I have over here and I will pull up my save number one let's load it up into this now what you see is a move boozle are affected basically it's a decrypted message this is ciphertext for some of you this might look familiar for others it doesn't look familiar at all so let me explain what this is we're going to go over here and redo our table and our keyword because I know where this came from i'm going to show you guys where this came from so let's first clear our are a vegan air table and let's clear our key our keyword I need to bring out the keyword keyboard and clear our keyword and we're going to do a keyword of palimpsest now you guys are saying what is a palimpsest and I'll tell you I really don't know either it actually means like a scroll with something written on it or something of the sort but that's really not the important part of this but our keyword we are going to do is dose and I'm going to now create my table using the keyword of the table of dose with our keyword that goes on the message of palimpsest and watch what happens to this phrase right here as we decrypt this particular phrase as you can see it's starting to make some letters that go together to make words between subtle shading and the absence of light lies the nuance of illusion we'll get there eventually but that's what it says so where did this come from well this is from a very famous cryptographic artist a very famous cryptographic art display that's on display at CIA headquarters in Langley Virginia called cryptos Jim Sanborn is the person who put this together he's the artist he got some help with the cryptography and things like that it consists of what people think is four different parts of the actual cryptography itself if you don't know anything about cryptos i really suggest you look it up it's really really cool this is k1 they split it up into k1 k2 k3 and k4 this is k1 of cryptos it was these letters carved out of a steel sheet with a table next to it that looked exactly like this with the basically the cryptos tableau next to it no there's an extra L over here and it was put out there for people to try to solve and to this day it has not all been solved this is k1 k1 has been solved k 2 has also been solved which uses the same type of system to do it with some different words I'll show you those in a minute k 3 was a different way it was a transposition cipher in k 4 is still yet unknown so I really got interested in this whole cryptography stuff because I started studying about what crypt dose is crypto severi intriguing to me it's really cool that there's been something out there it was placed in 1989-90 I can't remember so it's been out there for 26 years and all of it has not been solved yet it took 10 years for them to solve k1 k2 and k3 granted the NSA states that they solved in the first couple days that it was up for the first week or something like that but they didn't actually come out with the answer and tell people that they had actually solved it until somebody from the public came out and said I've solved the first couple of parts cryptos k 4 is still out there you guys should be interested check it out I highly suggested is pretty cool but dos the first k one was encoded with a visionary table with the key words of dose as the Visionaire keyword and palimpsest as the word keyword and it comes out to between subtle shading and the absence of light lies the nuance of illusion now you might be saying yourself but Jeff that doesn't say illusion that says occlusion well that's actually what it really does the plain text comes out to that from the crips text so there's a misspelling now the creator of the sculpture gym Sam Byrne says that it's intentional who knows one day we'll find out I'll show you very briefly k 2 as well I will load it up here we're in a load up k2 this is gay too it's a lot longer amazingly longer makes these easier to brute-force attack because you have more ability to look for letter frequency as you start to play with different combinations of letters it used the same cryptos alphabet but it did use a different keyword did not use palimpsest it used abdus kizza how the people crack this the people who did it by hand I have no idea how they crack this there was somebody who did do this by paper and text or paper and pen um he claims so that's really really intriguing to me but if we decrypt this now this new one you'll see this is going to take a much longer time to decrypt but as you can see this big block of random text as it appears is coming out to what looks like English language it was totally visible you how is that possible they used the Earth's magnetic fields the information was gathered and transmitted underground to an unknown location does Langley know about this they should it's buried out there somewhere who knows the exact location only ww this was his last message 38 degrees 57 minutes Oh point five seconds north 77 degrees eight minutes 44 seconds west ID by Rose well there you have folks k 2 of krip dose I will tell you again there's some misspellings in here as you can see underground is not underground it's under grund that is actually the real plain text ID by Rose is actually the real plain text but it's not supposed to be gym Sam born after about six or seven years after this was solved came out and said underground that's that's supposed to be there but whoops I messed up I left a letter out and it's not supposed to end with ID by Rose which is kind of interesting for cryptographer not really a cryptographer he's actually an artist but for somebody doing cryptography to do to say something like that but I do have the updated as well what it was supposed to be here if I load up number three there was a missing s right here that he left off for aesthetic purposes and if we decode this you will see the end of the message is slightly different as you can see that missing s change the meeting quite a bit instead of ID by Rose it's X layer 2 what does it mean nobody really knows but there you have it polyalphabetic substitution using Visionnaire tables in Minecraft that you can do change the visionary table 2 with any keyword you want you can add any keyword you want you get any message you want you can encrypt and decrypt your own messages people are interested in the download let me know i'll put it up there right now it's not going to be up there quite yet but why don't I do this just for fun because why not I I enjoy just tinkering with different things i enjoy i've recently gotten into crypto sand understanding it and i highly suggest anybody who's interested in this type of stuff check out cryptos like i said k 4 has not yet been solved you could be the first it might sound like it's out of your realm of possibilities but you never know the first people who solved the first couple parts cryptos they probably didn't know they were going to be people to solve it either so otherwise have fun do different things explore different options expand your knowledge there have a folks polyalphabetic substitution vizionare table in Minecraft any good reason to do this absolutely not it was fun alright guys I'll see you next time
Channel: JSano19 - Dr. Nurse, Fire Fighter, Gamer
Views: 3,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kryptos, cryptography, crypt, vigenere, tableu, message, encrypt, decrypt, minecraft, command block, illuminati
Id: 9LsdJs_tkdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2016
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