Solve flutter ,where is not recognized as an internal and external command Unable to find git path

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So in this video I am going to show you how to solve all these four kinds of errors line by line So first one is flutter is not recognized as an internal or external command where is not recognized, unable to find git in your path and powershell.exe or powershell executable not found in flutter So these are the most common 4 types of error found when you try to run flutter doctor in your cmd and is also necessary to create flutter app in your android studio or vs code, so lets get started So first thing what you are going to do is , just go into start and type environment variables , edit the system or just type environmental variables it will come , just select it just go into environment variables and we are not going to do any changes in user variables , we are just going to change the system variables so you need to go to path , suppose if you haven't got it in system variable , you need to just go to create new and you are going to create a new system variable named path So I am already having an existing one, I created for java So what you are going to do is , just go and click edit you are going to edit and I am going actually to solve each one by one , so if you have already solved the existing error , you are just going to skip and go further in the video So after this edit variable you are just going to give new So first we are going to solve flutter is not recognized So for solving flutter is not recognized , I just have here all the necessary paths, so this is the path for flutter okay , just copying it so this is the path where you have , extracted the flutter SDK you are just going to add the flutter path over here, just add it don't edit , if you edit it it will change the pre existing environmental variable, so now go and click OK so as you can see here if I click edit , you can see flutter is added , just click ok So as I told you this is going to be the path where we have unzipped the flutter sdk if you have forgotten the path where you have unzipped it you are just going to go to flutter SDK website , you are just going to download it again, here it is flutter SDK , you have to just download it and extract it to the required folder and just copy the path of that folder Ok , so thats the path you are going to place here and now if you see command prompt if I say flutter doctor So i have solved the flutter , but still I have 2 more problems left that is where is not recognized and error unable to find git ok for "where" its pretty much simple we are just going to copy this for "where" and these 2 is for git , so I am copying actually we need to copy line by line , so first I will copy for "where" same thing , same edit variables and just go to same path and click edit and just give new and ctrl + v and ok and we are just going to do the same thing for git I don't think whether we can copy 2 paths at a time ok let me do it for another one also so this is the default path where git gets installed on your system I will just click ok, I have done it , OK suppose if you haven't installed or don't know where git path is located , you can install in some other place no problem , you are just going to download git just type download git and click the first link , git will be there , you can download it for the required OS so now we are done , 3 of of our errors have been solved , flutter doctor so this is the only error that is the powershell executable is not found but I think flutter doctor will run even if the powershell error is not solved suppose if you need to solve this powershell error this is the path for it C windows system32 and this is the path that you need to solve it ok we are just going to do the same thing doctor summary is running, just go to same thing and edit, new and thats it ,this will solve all the errors that I mentioned So all the errors have been solved in a flash so now if we go to command prompt , let me run it from first and type flutter doctor you can see that , there isn't even a single error over here and it just runs we can see two issues , thats not big , no device is one issue and vscode , I am not using vs code , I am directly using android studio and if you are using android studio you no need to worry about this , this is only for those who are using visual studio code and its pretty much like installing flutter in android studio , you go to that search option , add it as a plugin and thats the same thing you have to do in vs code , for those who are using it so thats it we have solved 4 errors in flutter by using command prompt so thanks for watching and for more such tutorials on programming check my channel playlists
Channel: United Top Tech
Views: 74,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flutter is not recognized as an internal and external command, where is not recognized as an internal or external command, unable to find git in your path flutter, powershell executable not found flutter, solve flutter doctor errors, flutter cmd errors
Id: 3jrmxXtK_0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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