Solomon Says - Part 3 - Pastor Raymond Woodward

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we have been in a little bit of a series short series and we're finishing tonight for now at least someone say Solomon says Solomon was the wisest and wealthiest man who ever lived and the Bible tells us that so that's that's pretty amazing when God says you're smart you're pretty smart everybody else can say you're smart and it might not mean a whole lot Solomon put together three books that we have but this particular book The Book of Proverbs is probably the most unique it seems pretty random at first glance the book of Proverbs it's just kind of a loose collection of unrelated wise sayings but when you begin to study it you notice that three themes keep coming back over and over and over your money your morals and your mouth or the other way we set it as we've gone through this series is proverbs deals with what you do what you think and what you say and it is really easy and this is the point of the book of Proverbs it's easy to be smart in any of those areas and not wise because wise and smart are not the same thing biblically speaking Solomon was pretty wise he was pretty wealthy but even he knew what it was to mess up his life by not acting wisely he didn't even follow his own advice sometimes so here's what he wants to teach us in Proverbs intelligence is the acquisition of knowledge but wisdom is better than intelligence because wisdom is the application of knowledge so to put it real simple terms wisdom in the Bible is knowing what to do with what I know you can know a whole lot but what do you do with it and that's where many people in fact that's where most people mess up so over the series the last couple of times we've learned that the entire book of Proverbs exists to teach us to ask one question about any decision every decision that we ever make and that is what is the wise thing to do we don't ask is it right or wrong because there's all kinds of people that can justify doing something wrong thinking it's right you you've got people that are pastor Jack calls it flirt to convert you know they're there with unsaved people and they think that's okay and they can justify that a thousand ways to them they're doing evangelism everybody else in their life can see that they're in trouble but they're doing evangelism you know so it's not is it right or wrong because you're a human being you can make something so stupid sound so smart and you can make something so wrong sound so right we all can do that and so when we literally sit down and ask is it wise to do in in light of where I've been and what a light of God's word and in light of how I want to serve God is it wise because if we only ask is it right or wrong it sets us up for a real question that's behind too many choices the real question that many people are asking is how close can I get to the line between God and the world how close can I get to the line between right and wrong without actually getting over the line what they're literally asking is pastor friend parents spouse how close can I get to sin without actually sinning and people that live that way eventually they subtly transition to another question how far over the line can I go without experiencing consequences or in other words how much sin can I get away with before God gets mad at me and what a dumb way to live every bad decision you've ever observed in your own life or in the life of anybody else could have been avoided if somebody had only stopped to ask is it the wise thing to do now this is something we talked about in the introduction last week and I want to refresh your memory because while I when I asked what is the wise thing to do that always reduces the number of options but even asking is it the wise thing to do that doesn't always give me just one option it doesn't make just one choice clear some time sometimes we've got two or three good options so what do I do if I'm sincerely wanting to do what God wants me to do but I'm not sure what if I want what's best for me but I can't really figure out what's best what do I do when I don't really know the wisest thing to do and thankfully Solomon told us and we touched on this last week we learn from the book of Proverbs this is the best-kept secret of wise people this is how they became wise this is how they continue to live in a wise way here's what wise people know that many people don't know wise people know when they don't know something and they are not afraid to ask those who do know they'll ask for help from anybody that knows Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived but here's what he insisted proverbs 11:14 where no counsel is the people fall but in the multitude of counselors there is safety here's what Solomon taught us the wisest man who ever lived God called him that and yet Solomon said always pursue the counsel of others when you're not sure so this is what we learn from Solomon and from Proverbs that if you're wise wisdom will always seek counsel but human beings if you're a human being lift your hand watch this we won't get 100% it happens in every Pentecostal church I don't know how the Baptist's do it but we just have a terrible time getting a hundred percent of anything how many are breathing see human beings are especially resistant to counsel in the three areas where we need counsel the most our money our morals and our mouths now last week we learned about money and we learned God's wisdom from Proverbs and we also learned practical principles gleaned from wise counselors over many many years the week before that we learned about morals we studied the four chairs that belong to the simple the fool the scorner and the wise and in that area of life we once again no much from heating God's wisdom but we also know much from life experience and heating wise counselors so in both cases whether we're talking about morals or money I can say it's not just that I've acquired a bunch of knowledge from the Word of God or from other people but I've really tried to apply this knowledge and I know you have that's called wisdom when you apply knowledge from God's Word and from wise people and wisdom works so the final subject we're going to address in this little three-part series tonight is going to be either really fun or really irritating and probably both at the same time everyone say your mouth and talk about your mouth tonight The Book of Proverbs takes the lead in talking about the power of our words in the Bible there's no other book quite like it but even the book of Proverbs doesn't have to do that job alone because all of Scripture is united in teaching me just how important it is for me to govern my mouth God tells us in his word that our mouths our tongues our voices our words have incredible power we can use our mouths to bring blessings and life or we can use the same mouth to bring curses and death there's an old saying your mother taught you she lied sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me she was trying to be nice but she lied to you words can hurt our mouths can be the most difficult things in our lives to control and our mouths can leave us with great regret and our mouths can leave others with great harm if we ever use our words wrongly but there is a lot of hope and a lot of help if we use the wisdom of God's Word with regard to our own words so here we go Before we jump into Proverbs let me show you something every leader of the New Testament church and every and who wrote an epistle in the New Testament takes the time to warn us about our mouths I'll show you a few this won't be everybody Peter says he that will love life and see good days let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips that they speak no guile Paul said let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but only that which is good to the use of edifying that it may your words may what you say may edify Minister grace unto the hearers that's Paul here's John my little children let's not just love in Word neither in tongue but in deed and truth let's not let our words come out and not be true words and then James James who grew up in the same house as Jesus he was a half-brother to our Lord Jesus he was born later when Mary and Joseph had children of course Jesus being virgin born here's what James said he didn't pull any punches he said in many things we offend all but if any man offend not in word if anyone can ever live their life and not hurt somebody else with their words the same as a perfect man and he's able also if he can control the tongue he's able to bridle his whole body that's a challenge right there and then James says the very same chapter he's given us some illustrations and I'm gonna skip around for times sake he said even so your tongue is a little member he just compared it to the rudder of a ship in the ocean a little tiny thing that steers a big ship he said your tongue is a little member and it boasts great things behold how great a matter a little fire kindless a little spark in the woods can start a fire that can destroy acres of forestland and the tongue your tongue it's a fire it's a world of iniquity it's that's how the tongue is among our members it's like a little spark that can set off a blaze it defiles your whole body it sets on fire the course of nature it starts problems and they just get bigger your tongue is set on fire of hell boy that'll bless you but that's not pintu your refrigerator James chapter 3 verse 7 every kind of beasts and of birds and of serpents and of things in the sea can be tamed and has been tamed of mankind but your tongue somebody say my mouth your tongue can no man tame it is an unruly evil full of deadly poison that's not on your fridge either so with all of that in mind that every writer in the New Testament who writes an epistle Jude mentions it too I just didn't take the time but every writer who mentions in a pitch who writes an epistle every leader of the New Testament church tells us you better watch your mouth and with all of that in mind we're gonna go back to proverbs which is our subject for this series and I want to take you to one verse in Proverbs that could be called the master proverb on this subject this is from the wisest man who ever lived he said death and life are in the power of the tongue that's what he said you either bless your life or wreck your life by your tongue by your words now here's our challenge in our generation in our generation we don't even have to use our tongues to talk because now social media is a never ending conversation and you can talk for hours without ever using your physical tongue and sadly even for people who call themselves Christians the online world can be a nasty place if you watch some people interacting online you figure out very quickly they've decided that scriptural principles of communication don't extend to the Internet and that's why there are even people who call themselves Christians who do and say things online that they would never do and say in real life and one of the miraculous aspects of this Bible is that something on a papyrus scroll with a quill and some kind of primitive ink in the middle-east 3,000 years ago could apply so precisely to you and your smartphone today it's amazing Solomon gives us eternal principles and he'll speak about your mouth as he gives us powerful problems but today if Solomon was writing proverbs he probably wouldn't just talk about your mouth he'd probably talk about talking and texting if he lived today so don't think that hiding behind a keyboard means you can hide from accountability remember that the words you post online will last even longer than your spoken words but it's even worse than that because jesus said that even if the internet breaks down or burns up the things you've spoken every idle word that men shall speak you won't give a count on Facebook or Twitter you'll give account thereof in the day of judgment somebody say my mouth somebody reach down and buckle your pew belt here we go here's what Solomon says about your mouth here's what he says here's what he says whether you're talking about personal conversation verbally used in your tongue physically to speak physical words or whether you're talking in some forum where you don't have to use your physical tongue but you're using your tongue you're talking a lot here's what he says principle number one stop contending stop contending do you constantly feel the need to argue with other people about religion politics doctrine social issues or current events the irizarry resort to name-calling or a mocking tone or character assassination or petty stupid things like correcting somebody's grammar to maintain control of a conversation or discussion are you so immature that you have to have the last word in every conversation or every post in the world of social media you are called a troll a troll is someone now when I was a kid a troll was a creature that lived under a bridge that got kids do you better be careful but the trolls have grown up and they've moved online to their websites and in the world of social media a troll is someone who posts a deliberately provocative message a provoking statement an argumentative statement with the only intention the sole intention of getting a reaction or causing further argument there are some people who are that immature that they love just sitting on the internet all day in a post in a forum in some kind of place and just poking everything if that's you consider whether God is being glorified and the gospel is being furthered by the words you're using in your conversations at Tim Hortons or in your conversations online because here's what Solomon said he said stop contending answer not a fool according to his folly lest thou also be like unto him you jump into the middle of those kind of conversations and you look the same as all of those people by your association Solomon said steer clear don't jump in the middle of a bunch of folly stay out of it and then he said this if a wise man contended with a foolish man it doesn't matter whether it's all done in fun or whether fists are just about to fly it doesn't matter whether it's raging or laughing if a wise man gets into one of those arenas with a foolish man there is no rest it just goes on and on and on and on Solomon said steer clear somebody say stop contending here's another one he said stop criticizing turn to your neighbors say stop criticizing especially if they criticize you when since you came in the building let me just just can I explain the modern world there are lots of people in our world doing lots of wrong things all the time but God has not appointed you to set them all straight thank you we've got way too many armchair quarterbacks today they can tell everybody else what they are doing wrong how they are living wrong but they never lift a finger to help do it right and they can fire off a barrage of criticism without a second thought of who might get hurt by that criticism proverb says that's pretty profound Solomon doesn't pull punches proverbs says only people who lack common sense belittle other people publicly if you don't have any sense then you lower yourself to belittle other people Christians should use their words to heal not to hurt so here's the rule if you're online especially think first talk later or we could say think first type later the rule your parents taught you is the best policy if you can't say something good about somebody don't say anything at all people sometimes look at pastors like we're a little bit naive you know because we're so nice all the time it's exhausting it's not that we couldn't set everybody straight it's not that we it's not that we can't come to the pulpit and just dump all our frustration on the precious people of God it's not that we couldn't get up here and call names and talk about everybody that's in false doctrine and everybody that's left truth and there it's not that we couldn't do that or we can't do that oh my goodness we could do that but the thing is if you can't say something good zip it arousing Amen glad you're here for our third ninety revival okay so here's what Solomon said I am quote in the Bible here proverbs 11 verse 12 he that is void of wisdom despises his neighbor it's the guy that has no sense that goes on and on and melts off about somebody else but a man of understanding what's he do he's upset that's what he does he holds his peace zip your lip here's the other thing proverbs chapter 12 there is in other words there is a person there is that speaker like the piercings of a sword you ever talked to them every word is double-edged every word is designed to cut every word is designed to sting there is a person that speaks like the piercing of a sword but the tongue of the wise is health when you talk to somebody who's wise you go away from that conversation feeling encouraged and refreshed it can I just tell you it takes nothing it takes no extra energy it takes no extra effort for you to just to say something nice to somebody I love walking by that little room outside the office where the the church ankle-biters reside it's called the nursery and the precious sweet ladies that I was going to say the precious ladies that man that room the precious ladies that look after the littlest ones among us so that some of their parents some of whom aren't you know really connected well to CCC yet perhaps so they can get something out of the service if I'm going by that room I love to just stick my head in and say hey great job here tonight doesn't cost me anything it doesn't even take up any extra time doesn't hurt you to give somebody that a complan or a little encouragement the tongue of the wise is health it makes people feel better not worse so everybody say stop criticizing okay you're you're good so far you're good people you haven't hit you yet here we go stop complaining I think I'm done pastor Jackie one technique I think that's enough stop complaining the world does not need to know about every little problem and grievance and inconvenience you encounter on a day-to-day basis when we ask you how are you I'm not your doctor well I get a pain right here and I'm being kind how are you the right answer is good or if it's really one of those days or I've obviously asked because we know you're in a trial of your life then the right answer would be to say well pastor is not a great day today or I'm struggling with this or whatever but when somebody just walks by randomly in the church lobby and says how are you the right answer is good and you finally practice everybody practice with me okay help me out here ever say good and you and you reflect the conversation back to them this is good stuff oh my goodness if you have a problem with a business or a hotel or an airline would you please use private channels of communication to respectfully address your concerns instead of embarrassing the cause of Christ by you as a Christian mouthing off against some innocent business owner online oh my goodness Air Canada lost my luggage again it's like throw up people lose luggage every day of the year you are not the first she won't be the last you'll get it eventually and in the meantime we won't miss your plaid shirt okay so I'll this why I love Bible study if you're watching online we're usually better remember your testimony is on the line when you're always complaining and griping in public forums my goodness and by the way this isn't your mouth this is your wallet this is actually last week but would you please tip if a server does any kind of stop getting revenge by leaving cheap tips tip them and fill out a comment card don't be cheap are we good yet speaking of Proverbs this is a modern one you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar yeah some of you kids don't know that in other words what they were trying to say back in the days of honey and vinegar which Beverly is still living in keep your conversation polite and your attitude positive and finally if you really really really have to get something off your chest try talking to a trusted friend or a family member or just a thought here sorry to bring this up or talk to God about it here's what Solomon said a fool utter a--the all his mind but a wise man keepeth it until afterwards that's a verse that belongs on your fridge keep it in till afterward here's another one the heart of the righteous study it to answer they don't just fire off the first three words that pop into their brain they're careful in how they answer but the mouth of the wicked oh no such filter it just pours out evil things all the time well all of these could be either our talk with our mouths in private conversation or it could be your online talking which isn't technically your tongue but I think we we figured it out that Solomon could be addressing both someone say stop complaining here's a good one this is something else solomon teaches us in proverbs stop commenting all of the Facebook people went oh no not quite far too many people wade into discussions without ever taking time to understand the issues being discussed they just have to comment on everything learn to listen to both sides of a debate or discussion before you just jump in and offer your opinion here's a good principle for life do your best to understand the upside of the opposite perspective and the downside of your own perspective you might learn something before you comment try to understand and there's one other option that always works especially online this is brilliant and anointed and so powerful here we go ready I don't think you're ready for this you don't have to comment at all it's freeing it's wonderful if your feedback on an issue is optional then opt out you might be surprised to find out that the planet will keep right on spinning without your brilliant intellect the rest of us may actually survive without your coming you say is that in the Bible oh my goodness yes look at this he that answereth a matter before he heareth it it is folly and a shame unto Him when you just shoot off without even bothering to listen and this proverb this Solomon was so awesome and all this is an ancient proverb this still works today it works with your mouth which is the principle he's trying to teach us it works with just kind of getting in other people's business which is the principle but it also works in the animal realm look at this he that passeth by and medula was strife belonging not to him is like one that take of the dog by the ears don't do that you'll get bitten but solemn is not really talking about dogs he's talking about you jumping your nose into everybody's business and commenting on it I see three people who are not yet offended here we go somebody say stop commenting I love this one stop chattering the dictionary defines chatter as purposeless or foolish talk sadly much of our talking fits in that category and certainly the bulk of social media would fit in that category pastor's not going where you might think I'm going I'm not saying you can't post you can't comment you don't don't go to extremes here let me just say this while it's usually harmless to repeat information about things it can be very harmful to repeat information about people can I repeat that just a second it's usually harmless usually to repeat information about things but it's often very harmful to repeat information about people and you'll hear somebody drop a bomb of gossip and then they'll say but it's true whether it's true doesn't make a particle of difference to God just because it's not negative doesn't mean it's not necessary to say and just because it's not false doesn't mean it's necessary to say it can be true and hurtful it can be correct and harmful if it is something negative Christians are forbidden to gossip by God's Word chatter chatter chatter chatter chatter chattering every person in the world carries two buckets around once filled with water and the others filled with gasoline and when you encounter gossip you have to choose which bucket you're going to use some people delight and throw in their bucket of gas on that little spark or gossip and then running back for another bucket but there are other people that have common sense and they'll throw water on that calm it down ease it minimize it marginalize it because here's what they know if you choose to repeat it then you're adding fuel to a deadly fire had a situation happen in a church that we're very familiar with and our congregation we have a relationship with them and it was a it was a horrendous death it was a suicide and it just grieved me that there was kind of a rush for people to get online and tell everybody it was a suicide pray pray for the tragedy pray for whatever but imagine if you were that family dealing with that and somebody's just wanting to get like extra repeats or likes or retweets or whatever you get online we need to think before we do stuff like that because that wasn't necessary to be spread tell somebody that we need to pray tell somebody that we need to hold a family up tell somebody there's been a tragedy we need to take them to the throne but my goodness folks we don't need to be given the gory details all the time and if you think for those of you that aren't online very much and you think I'm just no I'm talking about the church foyer - we don't need to be spreading stuff that's hurtful and just repeating stuff to repeat it if somebody starts a conversation with you wouldn't this be awesome this would almost solve all church problems in North America if the if the if a person walked up to you and said did you hear you just run just take off running make a door where there was no door and a way where there was no way and just get out of it that would solve almost all church problems in North America did you hear patron be good if I was pastor jack I would have run but I'm too old proverbs 18 verse 8 the words of a tail bearer what's a tail bearer somebody that takes a story and bears it all around carries it from one person to another the words of a tail bearer they're like wounds and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly they hurt so deeply here's a great scripture where no wood is the fire goes out try to have a campfire without any wood set those rocks on fire it's not gonna work very well because there's no wood and where there's no tail bearer the strife ceases isn't that amazing I just feel like pausing for a moment and just letting that sink in they say that the time to preach and teach something is when there's no issue or problem it's not it's not real sensible to jump up in the middle of a crisis and holler fire and I'm grateful for our church that loves each other but even in a great church there are always a few people none of them come on Wednesday night I'm sure so you're safe but even in a great church there are people that like to just bear news from one person to another to another and they don't realize they're playing with fire and they can actually hurt people and harm the progress of the work of God because it makes people feel off balance like if I if you told me that about them what are you gonna tell them about me where there's no wood there's no fire and where there's no gossip there's no strife that's an amazing proverb uh we need to move on because some of you are getting like deathly uncomfortable somebody say stop chattering just meaningless empty talk here's one that I like stop crowing now you young people you don't know what that means stop crowing how many people know exactly what Pastor just said all the old people okay thank you - crow is when you pat your own back and blow your own horn and sing your own praises crowing is the sin that everybody else can clearly see except the person doing it if you have an opinion on every issue an answer to every question and you need to be the bride at every wedding that's you crowing all the time now this one bends itself more toward social media because here's the thing about social media people do stuff online that they would never do in real life in real life nobody walks up to somebody with an eight-by-ten glossy and says see the cheeseburger I had at lunch nobody does that [Applause] it's real brother Taylor it's amazing it's amazing nobody in the church foyer goes and grab somebody and says come here come here you've got to hear the nice thing they said about me come on over here can you say that again nobody does that but online oh my goodness social media lends itself to shameless self-promotion but we forget that the Bible strictly forbids that when you subtly let other people know how fantastic your life is while coaching your post in phony humility hashtag blessed the internet calls that a humble brag one word nospace humble brag the bible doesn't call it humble brag the bible just calls it pride proverbs 18 - a fool hath no delight in understanding they don't want to hear what you have to say only that his heart may discover itself they want you to know about them oh yeah and if they do listen to you it's because they needed to pause to think of what they're going to say next about themselves they're just taking a breath they're not really hearing you proverbs 27 verse 2 what a principle now this could go on your fridge let another man praise thee and not thine own mouth let a stranger praise thee and not thine own lips we don't want to know we don't need to know if somebody's going to compliment you let them compliment you but social media boy it's quite a place I I see some things that I just shake my head and we need to stop it in Jesus name now that one doesn't really happen very much in the church foyer I will tell you but most of the rest do um this one probably does oh we got to say it again because I love that everybody say stop crowing oh here's here's one stop correcting the Bible has a lot to tell us about how we should act toward others it has just as much to say about how we should react toward others especially when they have wronged us and here's the number-one principle in Scripture when somebody's done you wrong or when you're not happy here's the number-one principle if you have to speak then wait before you speak number one principle for dealing with conflict if you have to speak you don't always have to speak you know but if you have to speak wait before you speak that works in friendships and marriages and working relationships and teams and it works in public and it sure works online calm down slow down sleep on it swallow your anger and maybe just maybe swallow your ego while you're at it when people insult you or injure you is your first response to lash out and push back and correct the story that they told about you the Bible tells us that mature people quietly ignore insults and injuries because they realize that the truth is never defended by being unkind and they realize something even more powerful God will defend those who leave the job to him if you want to defend yourself knock yourself out but God just gonna sit back and cross his arms and say if you want to defend yourself you defend yourself but if you'll let God defend you he'll do a better job look at these verses we're almost done we're at number seven there's only 28 here we go proverbs 12 fools wrath is presently known it explodes quickly it comes right at you but a prudent man covereth shame a prudent man a wise man he knows that no good is served by going at it with somebody in a conversation or online he's not gonna push back in that way he's going to cover up that situation even if it deals with himself and then proverbs 15 great principle a soft answer turneth away wrath but Grievous words stir up anger every married couple in this room that scripture save you a lot of trouble and heartache in your life together a soft answer turns away wrath Grievous words just stir up anger you don't have to set everybody straight in life you don't have to correct everybody's version of the story and if somebody says something about you is your ego so easily bruised that you have to set it straight why not let God set it straight because here's how the Christian life works if you don't defend yourself God will make it his business to defend you he really will now he won't do it on your timetable see you want God to come down and a bolt of lightning and set them straight like in the next two minutes God might take five years but by the time the five years is over everybody will know you were ok in that situation God can defend you better than you can defend yourself finally one last principle and this one's going to sound strange out of the gate somebody say stop correcting if somebody attacks you the Bible says something about turn-the-other-cheek guess what inside your cheek is your tongue just turn away and finally this sounds odd coming out of the gate stop conversing you've heard the modern problem or the modern proverb rather that God gave us two ears and one mouth and why did he do that because we're supposed to do twice as much listening as we do talking but some people just love the sound of their own voice so they constantly converse with any innocent bystander they don't realize something please hear me wisdom isn't gained through talking wisdom is gained through listening that's how you gain wisdom there's a whole group of people out there that if wisdom was gained through talking they would be brilliant because they never stopped but you can't learn anything while your mouth is in motion but you can learn a lot if you'll this and open these you can learn a lot if you're human let's try this one more time just because I want to see that we don't get a hundred percent how many are human here would you lift your hand good still didn't get a hundred percent okay good if you're human even if you're a human that doesn't believe in raising your hand in church which there's a lot of those if you're human you've said something you regret somewhere sometime to somebody and if you're a social media user you've posted something you regret and maybe you tried to delete it after it was too late sometimes it's just good to stop conversing sometimes it's just good to shut your mouth or shut off your smartphone sometimes it would be better to go talk to God this is what Solomon teaches us it would be better to go talk to God than it would be to go talk to anybody else anyhow look at these scriptures this is amazing even a fool now a fool isn't a good person in Proverbs a fool isn't a hero in Proverbs a fool is talked about all through proverbs don't be a fool don't be like a fool don't hang out with fools that's all through proverbs but even a fool when he holds his peace is counted wise they look at him and he's not saying anything think wow he's so perceptive he that this is good you were offended at me you say zip it but look he that shut of his lips so you don't have to say shut up if your parents taught you not to say shut up say shut ur thigh lips I love Bible study hold a thigh piece and shutteth eye lips and you could just say I'm quoting Bible you can give him the reference pastor Raymond said even a fool who holds his peace people think he's smart and he that shuts his lips is esteemed as a man of understanding see the thing is when you talk your head leaks and we can tell what's in there said the man who's just talked for an hour a couple more verses will crawl out of here I love Bible study proverbs 10 verse 19 in the multitude of words there wanteth not sin listen what Solomon said if there's enough talk there will be sin you talk long enough you talk about enough stuff and there will be sin in your talk that's an amazing thing that's Bible in the multitude of words there want it's not sin but he that refrain a--the his lips is wise he that holds back and doesn't have to say something about everything to everybody he's wise see that's why solomon would take so much time in Proverbs seems like it's a random collection of verses but you read it sometimes and you'll revisit these three things over and over again watch your morals watch your money watch your mouth watch what you think watch what you do and for heaven's sake watch what you say in the multitude of words you talk long enough and you will get yourself into trouble solomon sure hit the nail on the head i think in his little book proverbs by the way i think i mentioned this in the first part it has 31 chapters it is the perfect book to read a chapter a day and and spend a month in the book of Proverbs you will benefit from reading proverbs there's just no question beautiful powerful wise principles here's what Solomon says in summary our mouths can either speak life or death our posts online can either heal or hurt our conversations one with another can either lift up or put down somebody said talk is cheap no talk is priceless and furthermore talk is eternal our everyday speech has eternal consequences and that's why I'll leave you with one final you could call this a master proverb on this subject Solomon said the person who keeps his mouth and his tongue actually puts a guard around his soul he keeps his soul from troubles amazing I hope at least part of this lesson tonight has gotten on your nerves stepped on your toes because if God spends a whole book in the Bible given us principle after principle after principle after principle don't you think there's something there we could probably learn from I don't want to just be smart I want to be smart you want to be smart but there's lots of smart people messing up their lives and their marriages and their homes and their kids there's lots of wire of smart people messing up their jobs and their careers and their future there's lots of smart people that have made decisions that took them closer to the world and away from church lots of smart so I don't just want to be smart I want to be wise and wisdom is saying when it comes to my talk when it comes to my money when it comes to my morals am I gonna ask the right question the wrong question is well pastor is that right or wrong can I get away with this can I get away with that is this okay is God got to put me in hell if I do this that's the wrong question the right question is is it wise God knows you better than you know yourself and if his word convicts you you need to just learn to say yes sir god I'll do that that's what's wise the fear of the Lord Solomon said is the beginning of wisdom that's ground zero that's the base that's the starting block and I taught this to you tonight because we have a church where we have no problems with anybody anything in any way of course we don't we're human beings we got issues and challenges but here's what I know about this group of people we really do want to please the Lord and there's ideas floating around there mmm we sure do there's ideas floating around they're out in the world and in the religious world that it really doesn't matter how you live as long as you call Jesus your Lord that's not even close to true it does matter how you live and and and can I say to all the wonderful Pentecostals it doesn't just matter that you've got the right doctrine it doesn't just matter that you live a godly and modest life it doesn't just matter it matters what you do with your money it for sure matters how your morals are but do you know it even matters what you do with your mouth you say well I don't think God has a right oh he said I want to be your Lord and Lord doesn't mean just Lord on Sunday or Lord one day a week or Lord on certain areas Lord means Lord and if his word gives us these principles we need to pay attention thank you for giving me your attention for the last little while I hope our little mini series on proverbs has been a blessing to you and if you'd stand with me and extend your hands toward heaven I sure would like to pray over us before we head out the door tonight and I wish you just lift up your voice and thank God for His Word if you can't think of anything else to pray because his word short gets right down where we live Lord Jesus I thank you for our church I thank you for great great people thank you Lord for these saints of God that love you so much they're so faithful to your house and God we just want to do this better we want to do this for your glory and God if your word addresses our mouth and our tongue and our our words and if your word addresses it over and over and over Old Testament and New Testament and Solomon and David and all of the writers of the New Testament there's something there Jesus you said so much about it and we want the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart to be pleasing in your sight so god I pray right now that there would be a Holy Ghost conviction that would touch each and every one of us me included I pray there be a conviction that would rest on us that when we go to say something but it would convict us and correct us and direct us we want to be pleasing to you in all the areas of our lives thank you for a great church thank you for the privilege of study in the Bible in a free country where we can gather together like this now Jesus help us go live it help us go we impact others with our testimony because our testimony comes from our mouth too we give you all the glory and all the praise and all the honor and we thank you for the privilege of gathering together with people like precious faith amen would you lift up a praise to God before we walk out the door
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 3,512
Rating: 4.7669902 out of 5
Keywords: capital, community, church, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, canada, upc, upci, united, pentecostal, international, apostolic, christian, preaching, sermons, sermon, raymond, woodward, jack, leaman, matthew, bible, study, biblical teaching
Id: 5zTChcMttFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 12sec (3312 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2019
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