Solo Sailor Girl sails 48 days and 8000 miles by herself, all alone sailing at sea!

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[Music] to go out there alone you have to feel that you really want it you have to feel that you're ready you want the truth it's really scary so if there's something bad happening to you well you're dying yeah it takes a little bit of Innocence but I guess it works out sa Hub had a unique encounter with a truly inspiring solo female sailor who braved a sale from Cape Town to France at the age of 25 a courageous 8,000 nor Kamar Voyage on board her 1978 dreadn 32 here we capture her story question is could you handle it my name is Claire I'm from Montreal Canada and with my parents we went selling around the World from Quebec to Australia so I was then at that time it is awesome to have parents like that selling has already always been part of my family kind of so I've started selling when I was I don't know maybe 3 years old an optimist and I've learned like Optimist dinging Silling quite young and wind surfing we left Quebec when I was was nine it was on a 42 ft Lagoon we went all the way to the West Coast through Panama canel all the way to the marus French poia all the way to Australia and after we went back like you have once you travel by both like you cannot ever go back you kind of has this need to be in this lifestyle so after that I became a sing instructor when I was 16 and yeah I've been sitting instructor for four Summers then I had a friend in Australia that bought his CBO a 60 M Ferro cement and he needed a crew so he asked me Claire do you want to come as a crew on my boat at that moment my dream has always been to go selling solo on an [Music] ocean it was a calling inside of me to to go out out there to see what it's like to be just you your boats the ocean the sea and to see how you deal with yourself you deal with the difficulties you deal with the obstacles and you learn being solo on the ocean you learn so much about yourself are you alone why are you doing this alone yeah how is it though how is it actually doing this by itself why am I doing this by myself no how is it how does it feel how is it it feels really nice because you're the only one making decisions but uh you're only you're the only one to blame also if you're making a mistake and can be hard when I don't have the physical strain to do some stuff like removing the propol Sha from the t in French the part that goes in the engine but yeah everyone is really willing to help if I ask them for help so yeah just I just have not to be afraid to ask for help if I need it and that's it it's like a circle of energies of helping each other which is really nice it's really really [Music] nice yeah I was reading a lot about this Clark on SW she went across all Pacific not all Pacific but she did a lot of solo selling in Pacific island and Pacific Ocean and that was a big source of inspiration I wanted at one point I was really inspired by the V glob and Ellen Maur and everything I found that it was a call of Adventure so yeah where which other opportunity do you have to be in solitud like alone for more than one or two days except on being on the oan and you learned so much about yourself and you discover parts of yourself that you didn't know and I have some friends that told me about it and on my way to from Australia to South Africa I kept meeting solo Sellers and what they were telling me about the way they felt alone out there in the ocean how they felt alone how they felt being for so long on this kind of Adventure it was it felt so interesting to me that I wanted to try it out and see how it is to be alone and she's a Eskimo well he is a 32 ft fiberglass boat Long Hill nine tons maybe like 10 and a half with everything I've puted and yeah it has not even a wind bin I use like just little like wool stuff to get the wind direction uh I don't have an autopilot I have my Aras wind vein to steer the boat which uses only like the force of the wind and the force of the rudder like of course the winches are not electrical I don't even have a fridge and I don't even have freezer but the bills are quite cool so I can put like some beers and know they're not too hot so that's the most important thing and uh I have toilets but I don't have a shower so I use a bucket anyways on passage I have a toilet but I didn't use it once in like 48 days I used like only a bucket for everything which is [Laughter] perfect well when it's simpler like you have to find ways it's being more self- sustainable in a way less problem less things to fix more time to enjoy both life you want the truth it's really scary it is scary like my heart was pumping so hard going there I was like but Dam what am I going to do I'm going out there for I don't know how many days I'm going from cap to to France it's crazy and at one point I think it was on the 4th I started reading a solo s book about uh storms and what to do if you get caught in a storm tells you like all the roast scenarios that can happen and then you try to picture yourself in a situation you're like so far away from everything and I felt so bad that I used my satellite from my irum to call my mom I think it was just before the Equador line after sanina same I looked at the map to see where I was in the world you know and I could see I was the farthest point away from like every land possible so 400 mil from there 400 miles like everywhere on a radius and that was a place where no cargo ship we're passing so if there's something bad happening to you well you're dying and that's what the part becomes interesting because at this part I've always been scared of dying like I think most of us but when you accept that dying is possible that you may die that you may be dying the next few days few weeks but once you accepted that you live fully you accepted the fact that you can die and you're like okay well if I'm going to die at least it's because I'm doing one of my dream I think it's really listening to yourself listening to your inin and for any reason if your intution is telling you do this but you don't see any rationality to do it do it anyways because your inion is always right what about if you're a solo sailor any tips for a solo sailor always sleep as much as you can because you never know when you will have to be awake for more than 24 hours always eat and drink same you want to keep your your energy level as high as possible most of the time and have a lot of chocolate that's really important and don't read about storm techniques she out there alone do it before after
Channel: Sail Hub
Views: 87,736
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Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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