SolidWorks Customized Drawing Sheet Template

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hi welcome back this is what we learned in this video and also as a bonus I'm gonna put a couple of templates for you to download link in the description below if you're interested to learn SolidWorks from scratch to end from beginner to certified professional make sure to check the link for the SolidWorks course Pro in the description below well I have a 30 minutes free webinar jam-packed with rare tips just like this with you we're gonna learn how to create a drawing template sheet like this one over here we have a table that's all it's all about and a big frame around it with some numbers and alphabets over here so if you want to address a component which is placed here you could just say look at e3 so you know which component you're talking about but the majority of the stuff is happening here and these boxes that you see our title boxes where you can just double click and start typing with the font that you want with the size that you want and if you're worried about these cross and the rectangles this is not something you would see when you try to print a sheet you will just go clean without that so don't worry about it if you see that it's just some placeholder for you to know where to double click now we're gonna start from scratch from an empty sheet and create all these borders and add these title blocks and add some automation so by the time you insert your component the scale will be added automatically you could make date automatically number of pages and some other stuff to start I would like to just create a new cyber stock youment and a drawing sheet and this is the normal standard pop-up that you see with some typical drawing templates that comes with SolidWorks you have much more over here a three different sizes so in this one in this video I'm going to pick a four which is a European standard and I would like to take a landscape a4 if I find it a for landscape double-click on that and click OK so this is that comes with it there is big numbers up there one through six A through D over here and this table if you ask me is too big for an a4 paper because it's taking about one quarter of the page if one fifth of a page and for a lot of drawings I don't need that much detail of course if you're creating a very complicated part in a big company that some people have to draw some people have to approve check Quality Assurance and so on but if you're not doing that you don't need that much feel so first thing you do is right-click on the sheet and you click on edit sheet format because the idea of this video is to take one of the default templates from SolidWorks destroy it down to the ground delete everything and build it from the ground up let's just highlight everything like this press Delete on the keyboard now we're gonna go over to sketch pick rectangle I'm gonna start with corner rectangle I would say my table could be good this much a little bit smaller than the default table now you'll want to create some sections that is totally up to you what you want to put in there as an example what I did here is a basically a table where you can fill in the index for different revisions of your drawing and just briefly write what you have changed for example if you're working on the revision beers just say tolerance adjusted and you add the date which is today the 7th of July and so whatever you can create your name and you can put the material and so on so there is this table the wrist is created by the author dates the logo of your company if you want to add it material drawing number definitely you need that drawing number and part name these two are more or less necessary scale is very important page if you have multiple pages for this drawing then you could say this page number one out of two so let's just go back and create something similar I'm just gonna go ahead grab line this section roughly is for this table that I told you so the index will be here in this column on the left the changes will be here and the dates will be there the logo let's just create a new section like this logo and stuff would go here author goes here and the field to put the name of the author here and the date created goes here on this side I'm gonna put materials we're gonna put drawing number and part name just a scale and page would go here maybe we don't need this one so certainly you want to have the fields of the same with a little bit organized so they don't look that unorganized one big one small so for example this field and this field are supposed to have the same height therefore I'm gonna use center line over here two times again two more Center lines for these two big fields because they're gonna have the same height or width therefore I'm gonna use center line to connect these two points together then select them both and click on equal now these two have the same length you can see that same goes for these two center lines equal it's up to you how big you want it to be let's just put it here all right you can make this one and this one also equal so this this and this have the same width if you're happy with the height of your table you can just fix it so it wouldn't move up or remove it it wouldn't move left now the outer frame is completely fixed so you can just start creating some lines over here or rectangles would be easier one two three four just make sure do not connect it to these points because if you snap it on to other edges like that later on when you're gonna adjust the height it will just move the other connected lines with it now again center line I'm just gonna go here click click on each line I click once now I can highlight them all with this blue area selector not the green one because if I do with green one everything will be selected but the blue one then I can click on equal now they have the equal height I don't need that anymore and I can delete it so basically this is my frame I can get rid of these two as well these two and these two of course now it's time to pick node and you just type whatever you want you just say created by then you can move it here if it's too big double click and adjust the size of the text which is smaller benign you can change the font if you want it is still too big so I'm gonna have to go down to maybe eight or seven you can just move this but I just deleted those guidelines so let's not move that created by goes here and now that I have it seven I'm not gonna go here and click on node and create a big one again I'm just gonna hold ctrl key on the keyboard down drag this one and duplicate it and you see what I got acne in the middle of this one this yellow guiding line appears that kind of works like a magnet just you see okay just want the sticks jumps into the right place so you know exactly this placed underneath this one in the middle you want to change it to date created or like this these are fixed text down what goes in these two boxes are variables right here I want to put my logo so I'm gonna go here to insert go to pictures go to logos so I'm gonna bring the low-resolution it's way too big you can just adjust it like this it has room for a little bit just place it in the middle and the background is black I'm gonna get rid of it so click okay and this is where my logo goes duplicate this again using the control we're gonna change this to scale so page one off to page 1 of 3 page 1 of 1 so these are fixed texts another one goes here you could just say drawing number or you could just make this one drawing number make this one part name put here to do this is what you do in the industry usually you start with initial drawing or new drawing and date well this is basically the first one is the date that you see here but the next one's the next one's the next ones are Dec date adjusted so we have all of our fixed text it is time to add the variables this is important if you want to type with a bigger font or a different font here you can just create a new note there just as a test put if we run up with my name alright so let's just say this font is fine I always type what you want to put to see how much of room it occupies so in the field you define and the text block is not gonna be bigger or smaller if it's bigger it's not a problem but if it's smaller it's kind of it's not gonna look good I just say this is the number so it could be here and as for this material control drag duplicate it should be a little bit smaller go to 8 duplicate this just press Delete you can bring this here after this we're not finished we're gonna have to drag these here let's just double click everything we just type in this field press delete delete delete all of them we're gonna have to do that for all of these here I'm not gonna do it for all these fields here because just a petition they just do for only one because you get the concept duplicate it goes here this goes here and this goes here delete delete and delete all right now that we have the placeholders it's time to assign title blocks to these placeholders so later when you double click on these fields writing mode will be activated you can just directly type whatever you want in you have to go to sheet format and then click on title block fields you see this is the frame that whatever is inside this frame could be selected as a place order and whatever is outside of it you cannot use it as a title block so in this case my table is only so big and it requires to have it this much that's fine over here we're gonna have to select the place orders like this and the sequence we select them is important so over here you have the option to move them or the best way would be just selecting the right way for example if you select this placeholder first and this one next when you type in here and press tab on your keyboard the mouse cursor will just jump into the next one and the next one after that and the next one after that so we're gonna have to select this one first this one then I'm gonna have to do these three I'm gonna make these automated so I'm not gonna pick these and then will be this this this and then after that all these fields over here which I did not create click OK and we're set with the title blocks next step is the automations for this scale we're gonna have to click on that go over to the property manager click on a link to property then you get this pop-up menu change it to model found here and on the property name go find scale sheet scale you scale the last one click ok so you see this automation don't worry about it it would just goes to the other fields it might temporarily make it impossible for you to select the fields underneath it so you can just move it up there and then when you finish we move it back for page you do the same you go here or if you do current documents and you find current sheet this one and this one again it goes to total sheets click OK now you can put this one back like this and click on rebuild so the sheet format is created good now if I double click you see all the placeholders in blue as I said I can type here press tab it jumps to the second third fourth and it repeats so you can just save it but let's just delete everything we just select it now page 1 of 1 we see that scale is not activated because there is no model here it's time to save it okay over here you're gonna have to click on save sheet format and if it doesn't work for you stay tuned because I'm gonna address that too so if sheet format it will automatically opens the path where all your SolidWorks sheet templates are saved on you can just give it a new name a for free download from Brian so I'm gonna put this for download for you if you want you can just change it now and save it or if it didn't work you can just go save as and here change it to this one drawing template but you're gonna have to select the right path and this does the same job sometimes it doesn't work it's happened to me before let's just put it in an example and finish this video because I think you got it and after that I'm gonna show you the templates that you can have to download close this one don't save because we already saved it and we're gonna open a recent document that I have for example this sheetmetal elephant and we're gonna create a drawing out of it now here you're gonna have to browse for the right sheet format we just saved a for free download from Ryan I'm gonna pick that and click OK boom now we have the sheet I'm gonna drag the first part into it and leave it there so I can see scale is not working let's just evaluate what's the problem the automation is gone it's not here so they just duplicated again bring this one here it's a little bit big make it smaller it's good that it happened because now we can see how we can diagnose and fix it the size is good delete the text click on this again go to link to property it's good current documents fine I think I picked via scale which is wrong I'm gonna have to select sheet scale because that's what we want now you see some one over five automatically and if I for example go here properties and change it to 1 over 6 apply changes you see it is adjusted I realized ow was it that was a very simple move I know a lot of you are dabbling on creating a drawing sheet format but it is as easy as this if you think this video helped you just make sure to share it with one friend who also works with solvers that's all I'm asking no need to like or subscribe do that too
Channel: SolidWorksTutorials With Aryan
Views: 3,957
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Keywords: solidworks drawing sheet format, drawing sheet template, customize sheet template, customize drawing sheet, title blocks, automation, insert logo in solidworks, drawing sheet table, learn solidworks with ryan, solidworks tutorials, solidworks for beginners, solidworks drawing, solidworks drawing tutorial, solidworks sheet format tutorial, add title blocks in solidworks, cad, dassault systems, solidworks 2020, solidworks course pro, 3D modeling
Id: 8kk3H0EaQSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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