Solidworks Crash Course for Absolute Beginners - Learn Solidworks in 30 Minutes

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thank you for watching and in this chapter  which is called solidwork quick start so in   this chapter we are going to learn how to  create our first part First Assembly and   first drawing so I'm not going to cover all the  fine details but I just want to mention all the   essential tools which you need to create your  part assembly or drawing so let's go and let's   start so I'm gonna go into the SolidWorks and  let's start with our new SolidWorks part so   if you want to start from the part so you can  click on the no wise and now here if you want   to start with the part assembly or drawing so  you can just select so as in this video we are   going to design our first part so I'm going  to select the part and then I'm gonna press ok so right now we are into the part environment  so to design a part or to start a sketch we need   two different things we need a fundamental plane  we need a face if you want to start a sketch so   right now we don't have any parts so we don't  have any phase so but right now we have our   fundamental planes which is front plane Top Lane  and right plane so if you want to build a part   so the first thing is like you need to create  a sketch so you can start sketching from any of   these parts any of these planes so like if you  want to start from the front plane so what you   can do is like you can just click on front plane  and you can see there is an option like you can   go into the sketch from here or the second option  is you can just select any plane and then you can   go here into the tabs which into the sketch and  then you can start sketching wherever you want   to sketch okay so let's go into the front plane  and let's go into the sketch and now although   I'm not going to cover all these commands  in very detail although in the in our next   videos we would cover each and every command  in very detail but right now I just want to   start I just want to let you know how you can  design quickly your first part so suppose I   want to start off with the line so I am into  the front plane so I just turn on the line   command so what I can do is I can just click  wherever from wherever I want to start my line   I can click wherever I want to bring  it suppose I want to bring it like this wherever you are going to click because your line  command is on so what you can do is wherever you   are going to click so the line is gonna be  formatted so at end what you can do is you   can just click on the starting point so in this  way what you can do is you can just enclose the   boundary and as soon as you are just click the  last point to the initial point so you can see   the whole body is converted into the bluish so it  means it is a completed boundary and then what I   can do is I can just click the green check mark  and after that like again I can click the green   check mark so we have a whole boundary here  so what I can do is like this is the boundary   so you can make any shape whatever the shape you  want so the next thing is like let's go into the   features here into the feature Tab and you can  see there is a option which is extruded boss or   base so if I'm gonna click on that so what you  can do is by using extrude boss or Bass you can   you can create a solid on your sketch so right  now we have this sketch so what you can do is   you can just bring this Arrow as you can see this  is the arrow if you want to expand that sketch in   such Direction so you can bring it here or if you  want to go inside you can go in that direction or   there is another thing what you can do is like you  can just select manually here whatever the value   like how high or how deep you want to go suppose  or there are some arrows here so what you can do   is you can just increase or decrease the height  and then uh there are two options the first thing   is like you can just drag these arrows here or  you can just change the direction by using these   arrows here as you can see or if you want you can  just draw your solid into two direction this is   One Direction and this is second Direction which  we are going to cover in the next videos so right   now we just want to create our first solid so I'm  just gonna select the value random value and then   I can click the green check mark boom so in this  way as you can see we have our first solid here   and like if you want to if you want to zoom out  so what you can do is you can just uh you can just   scroll the middle button on your mouse so you can  just zoom in or you can zoom out and if you want   to bring your part into the center of your screen  so what you can do is you can just press F on your   keyboard so in this way it's gonna come over the  center of your screen okay and the next thing is   like as I already mentioned in the start of the  video like if you want to start a sketch you need   two things the first one is you can you need to  have a fundamental plane or the second thing is   you should have a face so right now we have a face  like this face so what I can do is like I can go   into the sketch and then I can go into the circles  and I can draw some random circles here like this   is my first Circle this is my second Circle this  is my third circle so in this way I can just draw   my circles and then I can click green check  mark or if you want you can draw some other   things let's say I want to draw a rectangle here  like this and then I'm gonna click the green check   mark so the best practice is like whenever you  are gonna sketch anything and at that time just   to have the exact measurement so you you should  give Dimensions like what is the diameter what   is the radius of a circle you need to provide all  those Dimensions each and every time but right now   this is just a quick guide and we are just gonna  practice our first solid so that's why I am not   gonna provide any Dimensions here and the next  thing is like we already have our sketches here   so what the next thing is I'm gonna go back into  the features again and then I can extrude these   sketches as well and then again you can see like  I can expand I can increase their height or I can   decrease as you can see or you can put your manual  values here let's say I want to have a 20 mm here   so let's say 30 so in this way you can just  increase and then I'm gonna click the green   check mark so look I have our second extrude as  well here as you can see as I already explained   in the previous videos like if you want to rotate  or if you want to change the direction so what you   can do is you can just hold the middle button onto  your mouse and then you can move the whole part up   and down or right or left okay so in this way we  have our first part first solid part here but what   if you don't like these designs so what you can  do is you can just go into the feature manager and   then you can right click on here suppose I want  to right click on this boss and Boss extrude Bar   so what I can do is I can just delete these boss  or base so in this way I'm just gonna delete all   these extension which I already applied on the  face of this basic solid and but my sketch is   still there so if you want to delete sketch you  could you can right click on that and then you   can delete your sketch as well or what you can do  is you already have a sketch here so what you can   do is like we can use this sketch and then we can  go back into the features and then let's explain   another feature which is extrude card so what you  can do is you can just go into the extrude card I   can select this sketch I can select all of these  sketch and then I'm gonna go into the features   and then I'm gonna go into the extrude cut so in  this way like I can before that I just extrude   bosser bass and in this way I'm gonna cut by using  those sketches into the solid so as you can see   so I'm gonna select and in this way you again  you need to select your Dimensions like how   deep you want to cut and then I'm gonna click  the green check mark so look at that so in this   way by using those sketches what I did is like I  have extruded cut inside of that solid sorry for   distraction but if you think my videos are helpful  for you or if you are a serious solidwork learner   then I am gonna highly recommend you you can go  into the description of this video and you would   found a link of my course where I have over 10  hours of videos in which I have explained each   and every command in a very detailed video or if  you have any projects or assignments so feel free   to write me on my email which is given into  the description of this video thank you thank   you for watching and this is the second video of  solidwork Quick Start chapter so in this video   what we are gonna do is we are just gonna build  our First Assembly although we are not gonna cover   each and every fine details of assembly because  we will cover all those fine details into the   assembly chapters of this course but I just want  to speed up the process and let you know how you   can build your First Assembly so right now I am  already into the SolidWorks what I can do is I   can just go into the files and I can open and then  I can go into the second chapter because this is   my second chapter and this is my second video  so what I can do is I can just open this part   so this is my first part here so what I can  do is like because I want to build our First   Assembly so this is the part environment which I  already explained in previous video what we can   do is like if you want to move into the assembly  so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna go into   the files and then here you can see there is an  option like make assembly from the part so we   are ready into the part so what we are going  to do is we are going to make assembly from   this part so I'm gonna click on it and then  it's going to ask me like if do you want to   go with the default template or if you want if  you have some uh your customized template so you   can just go into the advanced and then you can  choose your customized templates but I want to   go with the defile template so I'm assembly  is already selected so I'm gonna select ok   so in this way this part is going to move into  the assembly environment so as you can see here   this part is already selected so I just need to  click the green check mark so this is our assembly   environment as you can see there is no option the  sketch or those kind of things or features and   these things this is the assembly environment as  you can see there is a insert component option how   we can insert components merits linear patterns  smart Fasteners and much more which we are going   to cover in future videos so this is my first  part into my assembly so if you want to bring   more parts or if you want to have multiple copies  of this part so what you can do is you can just   hold the control key on your keyboard and then  you can just drag this part from here so in this   way you can drag one more part or another option  is what you can do is you can hold the control   key and then what you can do is you can just hold  the control from this part to next part like this   so in this way like I can create multiple copies  of these parts and then I press the F key on my   keyboard so in this way it's gonna focus into the  center of my screen so look at that in this way I   have three parts here into my assembly so again  if you want to rotate this assembly so what you   can do is you can just hold the middle button of  your mouse so and then you can rotate so in this   way you can rotate the assembly or if you want to  rotate a single a single component here so what   you can do is you can just right click on a part  hold it and then you can just rotate so in this   way you can rotate an individual component here  or if you want to drag these components or if you   want to move this component here so what you can  do is you can just hold with the left key on your   keyboard and then you can move this component  anywhere wherever you want to move like this   okay so right now I have uh three two copies  of my first component into the assembly so what   if I want to bring another component so what  I'm gonna go is I'm gonna go into the insert   components so if you cannot found your component  here so what you can go into the browse and then   we have another part so I'm gonna bring that here  so I'm gonna click anywhere and then in this way   I can bring my another component here and if you  want to have another copy so again what you can   do is you can just hold the control key on your  keyboard and then you can have multiple copies   of this let's have one more copy like this okay  so right now I have multiple components into my   assembly so what what is the next thing is like  I just want to create made so mate is like if you   want to have a made connection between two parts  or two components so in this way we can just stick   different parts into one assembly so what I'm  gonna do is I'm just gonna select this cylinder   and then I'm gonna select this cylinder and  then you can see like when I'm gonna select   any cylinder so you can see there is a pop-up as  you can see here if I'm gonna select this you can   see there is a pop-up or another option is like I  can go into the mates here into the ribbon section   and then I'm gonna select this cylinder first and  then I'm gonna select this cylinder so in this way   this component is automatically gonna move above  to this cylinder because I already created a bit   between them so I'm gonna click the green check  mark and I'm gonna click green check mark again   so in this way I already created a made so what  we can do is I can just rotate up and down and I   can rotate it but because there is uh there is a  made between these two cylinders so I can rotate   it I can go up and down but this cylinder would be  fixed on that cylinder I can create another made   so what we can do is I can go into the mate again  and then I'm gonna select this face and then I'm   gonna select this face so in this way these two  faces are also locked now so right now I have two   mate the first mate is between cylinders so these  are cylinders are locked onto each other and these   faces are also locked so right now I can't rotate  it I can move up and down but I can't rotate it   so just to define or just to fix a component with  another one you need to have three different made   so right now I have two mates so I don't have  three made so that's why I can move up and down   and if I want to have third made so what I can do  is I can create a mate between this between this   surface and the bottom surface of above component  here so what I can do is like I can press F key   on my keyboard and then if I'm gonna select this  surface and then I'm gonna select mate and then   I need to select another surface like this is  the bottom surface so in this way it's gonna   come and it's gonna move and it's gonna come over  to the surface top surface of the basic part and   then it's gonna stick so right now I can't move  them I can't go up and down I can't rotate them   so in this way I can create made and I can fix my  multiple components into assemblies or if you want   to attach some another component here so what  we can do is we can create mates between them   so this was the basics of assembly like how we  can create our First Assembly so although we are   going to cover all fine details like there there  are very interesting options into the assembly so   uh which we are gonna cover in the next videos  of our course thank you for joining and this is   the third video of our solidwork quick start  guide so this is the third video in which we   are gonna made our first solid work at drying  so right now I have a part here so if you want   to made your SolidWorks drawing so you can make  your drawing from a solidwork assembly as well or   you can make your drawing from a part as well so  right now we have a part here so I want to make   a SolidWorks Trying by using this part so for  that what I can do is like I can go here into   the file section and then you can see there is an  option like you can make drawing from the part I   can click on that and then again it's gonna ask  me like if do you have any custom templates so   you can choose your templates and if you don't  have any template so what you can do is you can   go into noise and then you can go go with the  default template so this default template I'm   going to select this drawing here and then I'm  gonna click ok so in this way I'm gonna go with   the default templates so whenever you are move  into the SolidWorks trying so you would see such   kind of pop-up there so you need to choose the  sheet size what kind of sheet size do you want   to choose so like it's a A1 A2 A3 A4 I want to  go with the A3 or if you want if you have some   customize drawing so you can browse and you  can bring your customize sheets as well or if   you want to change the customize sheet size so  you can go here into the customize sheet size   and then you can change your size as you want  so I am okay with this so I'm gonna click ok   so this is my first trying so right now as I  started this trying from the part so that's why   automatically I have my views of my parts on the  right side of this drawing so if you can see like   do you want to bring the front view top view Right  View back left bottom isometric and multiple views   so what you need to do is you just need to drag  these views onto the onto your drawing so right   now I just want to bring this front view here and  then you can see like as soon as I'm just leaving   my front view here and if I would bring my mouse  onto the right side or on diagonal or on top so   you can see there are some other projection views  it's gonna automatically offering me so right now   this was my front view so this is my right View  and if I want to have isometric view so I can have   isometric view here and if I want to have a top  view here so because this is exactly projection   of this so I I can insert my view here as well  or if you want to go into a opposite diagonal or   left or bottom so you can have different kind of  views as well but normally what we prefer is we   just draw our front view Right View top view  and isometric view so right now still my my   command is on so if you want to ask if you want  to exit so you can press escape on your keyboard   okay so like we bring our front view first  and these are the projection of front view   so as soon as I'm gonna move my front view  so you can see top view and right view is   also moving with respect to front view as  you can see but not the isometric View and   another thing is like if I want to change the  display style of my front views pose I want to   change so automatically these projections also  Gonna Change suppose I want to bring like this   because those are the projections so that's why  they are going to change so or another option is   like uh if you want to change individually like  suppose I want to change the display for the   individually for my eyes to metric view so what  I can do is I can select this View and then I   can go into the feature manager into the display  style and I can change the display style of my   isometric view like this okay in the drawing the  most important part is we just need to insert our   views here from our part so we already insert it  and the next important thing is we need to give   Dimensions to our drawings so what I can do is  first I would like to bring it down a bit here   and let's move it a bit down and then I'm gonna  go here into the ribbon section and then into the   annotations you can see into the tabs and Into The  annotation and then you can see there is an option   for small Dimensions I'm gonna go into the small  dimensions and then I am gonna scroll my middle   button of my mouse so that's why I'm zooming and  then what I can do is I can just give Dimensions   from here to here it's 50.8 whatever the  dimensions are based on the parts automatically   these dimensions are going to move here and I want  to give Dimensions to this side as well I want to   zoom out a bit and then I want to give a dimension  from here to here and dimension from here here and I want to give my Dimension  from this side till here okay the next Dimension what I would like to give  is I can go back into the small dimensions and   then I can give Dimension  from here till here as well   so in this way we can give dimensions and although  there are different ways and there are different   rules to give Dimensions which we are going to  cover in future videos so in this way what we   can do is we can quickly draw our first solidwork  drawing sorry for distraction but if you think my   videos are helpful for you or if you are a serious  solidwork learner then I am gonna highly recommend   you you can go into the description of this  video and you would found a link of my course   where I have over 10 hours of videos in which I  have explained each and every command in a very   detailed video or if you have any projects or  assignments so feel free to write me on my email   which is given into the description of this video  thank you thank you for joining and this is the   last video of this chapter which is called quick  start so in this video I am gonna explain the six   basic steps of 3D modeling so no matter whatever  kind of model you want to design and later on in   next lessons or next classes you are going to  learn some advanced tools and commands so you   can design some Advanced and really nice designs  but no matter wherever you go the basic six steps   should be same and they should be present and  you have to use them in almost every design so   let's go to these six steps and let's learn them  one by one so first of all like whenever you want   to design any model or any sketch you need to  sketch a plane you need to select a plane so   there are basic three fundamental planes  the first one is front plane top plane or   right plane so I I can show you in the SolidWorks  as well so right now I am into the environment of   part modeling so as you can see these are three  basic fundamental planes front plane top plane   or right plane so this is the first step you  need to select a plane and in The Next Step   you need to start a sketch so what kind of design  or model you want to made so first what you need   to do is you just need to made your sketch and  in The Next Step you need to draw the geometry   according to your sketch and in The Next Step you  tie that geometry to the origin so I'm gonna go   and explain every step I'm gonna perform all these  steps into the SolidWorks and then maybe you are   going to understand more easily and more clear  so in the next step what we are going to do is   we are just gonna tie that geometry to the origin  so in this way we cannot lost our our model or our   sketch anywhere in the space so that's why this is  a really good practice to tie over geometry to the   origin and so the fifth step is like whenever  we have different lines or different sketches   so it is really nice if we can add some relations  like we can add some relation between two lines or   between different sketches what is the relation  like if they are horizontal to each other or   parallel or equal so this is going to save a lot  of time and the next part is dimension so whenever   you are gonna design any model so because the  modeling is based on true Dimension so you need to   give Dimensions what is the radius of the circle  what is the diameter what is the length of a face   or what is the angle of any Arc or whatever these  kind of things so you need to give Dimensions as   well and then the last option which is create  the feature so this is the last step in these   basic steps which I mentioned here so whenever  you would finish your sketch and later on you   need to apply different kind of features so the  fewer basic features so and fewer some Advanced   features which we are gonna learn in future  lessons so let's go to the SolidWorks and then   I am going to explain all these six steps one by  one so right now I am into the part environment so   as you can see so the first step was like select  a face or plane so first I'm going to explain the   fundamental plane so these are the fundamental  planes the front plane top plane and right plane   so no matter whatever you want to select you  can just select any plane and then you can start   sketching suppose I just select the front plane  and now I'm gonna go into the sketch and then   here I can go and I can suppose I want to start a  corner rectangle so what I can do is I just start   from anywhere and I can draw my corner rectangle  so in this way I can draw my corner rectangle so so after sketching the corner rectangle so the  first step was I need to select a fundamental   plane I already selected it already maybe there  is another option which is select a face so we can   select a face as well but only in the case when we  have a solid in our uh in our design so right now   we have only sketch when we have a solid then we  can sketch on any face as well so the first option   was select a plane and then the sketch and then  second is like we we want to tie this geometry   to the origin so what I'm gonna do is I'm just  gonna hold this and then I'm gonna bring it to   the origin of this here coordinate system so in  this way I can tie my sketch to the origin so in   this way I am not gonna lose my sketch anywhere as  as you can see I can go anywhere so you can just   you are not gonna loss so it's always connected  to the origin so you can just find your origin   and you can find your sketch easily okay so the  next option is like we uh start a sketch draw   the geometry and then toy geometry to the origin  so the next option is how to add relations and   dimensions so as I already said like if you want  so you can add different kind of relations but   there is another thing which I want to mention so  as soon as I just drag it drag this rectangle from   there to the origin so these two lines turned  into black as you can see so these are defined   but these two lines still they are not defined  so you need to Define them so but we are going   to explain in couple of minutes like how you are  going to Define them but let's clear the second   point or let's clear the next point which was add  relation so like when you have a different kind   of sketches or lines suppose I'm gonna go here  into the lines ribbon section and I can select a   line and I can draw different lines as you can see  whatever lines and then if you want to escape if   you want to go out of the command so what you can  do is you can just press escape on your keyboard   so you are out of the command and then later on  like if I'm gonna select this part of the line so   if I want to make it a horizontal or vertical so  I have a control here like I can control this line   from here but if I want to add relation between  two two lines or any part of two lines suppose   I want to select this line and then I can hold  the control key on my keyboard and I can select   another line so in this way you can see here  the properties tab there are different options   like I can create a relation as here you can see  there is option to add relation so I can add both   lines I can make them horizontal to each other  vertical to each other collinear perpendicular   parallel equal or I can fix them suppose I want  to make them perpendicular to each other so if   I'm gonna select perpendicular so as you can see  here these are perpendicular this is a 90 angle   between these two lines so we already added the  relations which can be seen by using this tiny   symbol as you can see if I'm gonna bring on here  so it's gonna show like these are perpendicular   line 5 and line six so in this way I can what I  can do is I can add relations between different   lines so if you want to select and if you want to  add relation between any two lines suppose I want   to select this part and hold the Ctrl key on my  keyboard and then I'm gonna select again another   line and then I can add any relation suppose I  want to have them these are not very different   so if I want to okay right now as you can see  like one is smaller one is bigger if I want to   make them equal so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna  select first line hold the Ctrl key on my keyboard   and then I'm gonna select another line and later  on I'm gonna add equal relation between them so   you can see these two lines are equal it's just  jump from here to here and these two are equal   so in this way I can add different kind of  relation between the lines or different sketches   so the next is Dimensions how to add Dimensions  between the sketches so it is really important   like whenever you are gonna design so if you are  going to design or most probably you are going   to design for the machine lab or whatever  so you need to have your exact dimensions   so what you can do is you can go here into the  ribbon section and you can go into the smart   dimensions and then you can give Dimension to any  line so suppose I want to give Dimension to this   line I can just click there are two or three  different ways to give Dimension so this is   the simplest the smart Dimensions so what I can do  is I can just click on that and then Dimension is   attached to my cursor and wherever I'm gonna click  and I can move this this number of the dimension   anywhere wherever I want to write so I can just  click anywhere and then it's gonna ask what are   the dimensions you can manually enter suppose I  want to say it's 99 and then you can go into the   units and then you can select units and then later  on you can click the green check mark So in this   way I can give Dimensions here or if you want to  give Dimension to this side as well you can just   select and then you can give dimensions so this  way we can add dimensions and relations and the   next and last step which is create the features so  suppose I have a suppose I want to give Dimension   I'm going to escape it and then I'm gonna  give Dimension to this side let's say it's 60   mmm and I'm gonna click the green check mark So  in this way I ca this sketch is fully defined now   so what I'm gonna do next is I'm gonna apply  some features so the next step is to create   the features so what you can do is like if I'm  gonna go here into the features and then the two   basic features which you are gonna use a lot the  first one is extruded boss or Bass and the revolve   passer base so I'm gonna go into the extruded  box and then as you can see I can select this   and whatever the sketch you want to extrude you  can select your sketch and as soon as as soon as   I click extrude you can see like I can extend  this extrude inside upward or downside and you   can see there is a virtual scale here so you can  choose the uh whatever the dimension or whatever   the measurement you want or there is another  option like you can enter your value manually here   and there is option as you can see this is the  arrow in this direction if you if you want to   extrude or if you want to change the direction you  can just click on here so it's going to extrude   into the opposite way or if you want to change  direction you can just change it like this and   if you want you can just click on here Direction  two so you can extrude in both directions on the   downward and upward as well and then I'm gonna  click the green check mark so this is our first   solid here as you can see so the first step  which I did not clear like as I already said   we can choose the planar face so right now we  have our solid so if you want to sketch on any   phase so we already have faces so we can select  a phase suppose I want to select this and then   I can go into the sketch from here on this pop-up  or I can go into the ribbon section here and then   I can sketch or if you want to sketch on another  face so you can click anywhere any face wherever   you want and then you can sketch on that face  as well so these are the basic six steps of   3D modeling so no matter whatever wherever or  whatever kind of advanced designs you are gonna   design so these are the basic six steps which you  are gonna use multiple times and that's all for   today's video thank you so much for watching and I  hope you enjoyed it if you did don't forget to hit   that like button and subscribe to our channel for  more videos like this one and if you are a serious   Hollywood learner then don't forget to check  the course Link in the description thank you
Channel: AB Designs - The SolidWorks Workshop
Views: 16,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Solidworks, Solidworks tutorials, solidworks basics, solidworks exercises, solidworks tips, solidworks 3d modeling, solidworks 2023, solidworks beginner tutorials, solidworks for beginners youtube, SolidWorks Tutorial for Beginners, SolidWorks Complete Learning Tutorials Tutorials, Solidworks crash course, crash course for solidworks, solidworks in 30 minutes, solidworks starter course, solidworks as a starter, solidwokrs for absolute beginners, Learn solidworks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 7sec (1927 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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