Solid-State Electrolytes for advanced Lithium Batteries

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and here the id Tech X show hi hello so who are you hi I'm sue mingzhu I'm gonna see you of amps era what is what are you doing here ok so this is a sample of a composite of flexible solid-state electrolyte materials that can be using the next generation solid-state batteries so you can make battery out of this yes there's a lot of talk of solid-state batteries right what's special about solid-state batteries oh yes all the state batteries as we highlight here it can deliver double the energy density and it has intrinsic safety features it doesn't catch fires in EVs or consumer electronics and with Knauer advanced manufacturing technology we can do flexible batteries we can do low-cost manufacturing so it actually helps to reduce the manufacturing cost by 50% well at the same time improves the energy density by 100% so what does it mean double the battery yeah so that means the electric vehicle like Tesla cars can drive double the ranch I have a low range and lower the cost lower the cost yes smaller size absolutely how soon well we're looking at the right now it's a very intensive Rd worldwide and we are one of the major suppliers of these kind of a solid electrolyte materials we'll look at at the next about five years we'll see the commercial products based on solid state batteries on the road actually there are some news that a Toyota will be the first company to showcase their a solid-state battery V's at the Tokyo Olympics let's see next year so a lot of people working on it and what is this one is different yeah so we have to develop the different recipes this one have a lower thickness so it's a thinner so it's a thinner solid electrolyte membrane so it's made by the row to row manufacturing process as we demonstrated here from the schematic here's a picture from an our lab it's not a fully automated yet but it shows the concept and the way we would integrate the solid electrolyte membrane into your battery would appear automated a row to row manufacturing process we're very excited about this new technology so you mentioned Toshiba Toyota so who's making the cutting edge most advanced solid-state today well Toyota is definitely the worldwide leader in solid-state batteries - your time who else well so we know all the major automotive OMS are working on it as a company it looks like Volkswagen BMW and others and in the u.s. the GM and Ford these are all the companies we have more or less collaborations with so the solid-state battery is not Lachie Mayon but can it use the term iron yeah it is actually still lithium-ion but it's a different way of making it yeah exactly it doesn't use the liquid traditional lithium-ion batteries use liquid electrolyte so that would allow lithium ions to travel in the liquid media with solid-state the lithium ions would travel through the solid electrolyte rememberings like this five years why not sooner how does it get sooner you start up or yeah we're a start-up a company so if you get some huge customer or investment things can go much faster absolutely yeah so that will help us as a major solid electrolyte materials developer to accelerate the materials development and also accelerate the manufacturing process development so where you based we have an office here in Silicon Valley and we have our D lab based in Arizona where it's very dry so it helps us with the materials production their dry is good yeah dry air because the some of the solid electrolyte materials actually don't like moisture and in general battery manufacturing doesn't like a lot of moisture in the air and Arizona's is dry just by Nature it helps is this one of the challenges to be fine when it's wet in wet conditions or what's the main challenge in next five years or sooner to get solid state b-big yeah what's the biggest challenge yeah right now we're seeing because the solid state different from the liquid based battery systems it uses new materials like solid electrolyte materials we're producing it also requires some new manufacturing processes to integrate these new materials into the new battery designs so there are like interface challenges manufacturability challenges and that's why we focus on the most critical part which is the materials itself and the manufacturing of the materials so we can accelerate this commercialization process and ten times faster charging really yep so that's based on a patent-pending technology we have filed with the US Patent Office we have developed a proprietary technology that would allow the lithium ions to transfer more than ten times faster so that would allow the battery cell to be charged and discharged ten times faster and when you say battery cost less than $100 per kilowatt hour what is it now a battery currently now it's more or less a bit anywhere between 150 and 200 dollars per kilowatt hours so you're talking half price kind of yeah yeah all right that's the goal set by the US Department of Energy to be achieved in the next five or ten years how does it how can you be a drop in into the existing infrastructure yeah a great question yeah so we call chopping in Vegas because we we have developed this row to row manufacturing process so now we're technology would allow us to use the new solid electrolyte materials and fit into the existing production line without changing a lot of the manufacturing facilities so that's why we call it a jump in is this how it looks in the manufacturing is this the stuff that will be happening yeah so that just shows the concept and that's the picture from in our lab this is a like a picture to show how it would be used in the manufacturing for house this idea techniques show for you oh this is a great event it's a it's a show to bring together a lot of the technology companies and a lot of the visitors to the show for our companies that we would want to work with either customers or collaborators or some are even investors coming from Silicon Valley
Channel: IDTechEx
Views: 3,733
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Keywords: Printed Electronics, IDTechEx, IDTechEx Show, IDTechEx USA 2019, Santa Clara Convention Center, flexible electronics, printed electronics, technology
Id: S7ta9ZFSgo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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