Sogyal Rinpoche ~ Letting go

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first is letting go sometimes not real easy sometimes it's easier to the other time there are also periods depending on what kind of confusion or what kind of thing that you're going through you're going to very much very strong emotional turmoil stays very long time then the letting go happens has its own moods some days better the other day there are moments of really inspiration where you can let go but then again the when different had to say different things that stir up awakened memories or the confusion comes back then again comes back the grasping or detachment returns sometimes I think it's a kind of process that we need to go through in fact when we let go we need to go through a process it's a kind of calming process and then there are so many ways to deal with it I mean there are so many teachings you know but also sometimes also it can happen even though you have teachings in you when you are very much as you say under the influence a very strong kind of address emotions sometimes also it can become little bit like helpless you become quite powerless and the only thing you can do is just remain sometimes you need to also just remained a row row open and it's very important thing is it just to be very open and really I think the danger lies is this is where the danger comes really is that they are all mind sometimes can help or harm the process in that process I think it's very important sometimes it sad in a good way or bad way or hope of fear because always you 2-bit hope and fear and that makes us weak and sometimes ongoing stories like cinema like particularly if it's emotional can be related with other notes different things there are always stories and the stories come back particularly they're fresh in your mind they keep recurring like a lot of keep coming back again again sometimes there's no way of stopping it because it keeps coming back now I'm speaking a little bit more deeply I'm not just talking of letting go on a very simple level I'm talking of letting go more on a deeper level when you go to really deep things in such moments sometimes usually you just have to I don't know sometimes you just have to sometimes you just have to surrender oh just not give up but just let go but let go also to just to surrender to your Moses not try to fight it sometimes also we try to fight it and try to make it this or that with influence or enhance think it's very important thing that we can do is just with very much trust particularly the teachings and with just trust in your heart in your mind but the particular luck with the refuge practice of resolution like support of the Buddhist asking for therefore help the inspiration the support and also generating compassion but because sometimes when you go through suffering you really actually realize what is it to suffer and how it is for people to suffer and it inspires compassion and you really say very much is the may I take a poem with the suffering in this the suffering in the pain of others sometimes they may be others who are going through more and even greater problem than yourself may I take upon and made this suffering or whatever I'm going through be sufficient may others be free of suffering and when you breathe out with love you give healing and transformation of that confusion or that emotion very might have so many ways there are so many different practices between do that for example this one practice I've given in the chapter nineteen in the Tibetan Book of living dying which is related to how to help who someone has already died and it's really dealing with for example grieving when you go through that you know grieving like in that is that when you go through strong emotions sometimes when you have to let go it's you have to kind of grieve and but also what we do is we have to understand sometimes events things happen we don't understand what happens sometimes things shock to us when something change happens and we have to adjust to that that's why sometimes we need time we need space sometimes also when people go through change you need to almost like a retreat almost a little bit withdraw in order that they have time to kind of slowly in a sense to understand accept there's sometimes very much depending on how you are a fragile you are vulnerable you are or the intensity of the motion or the suffering is a clear and always very important thing is you know even though we get very involved because emotions are very personal if there is some way that with the help of the teaching you can view things a little bit more understanding and that's why in the teaching sometimes I said everything is like a dream like for example I give you an example you have one particular situation and the next day changes and it's just a dream because things may look real but with that reality is not lastly like for example today it's just real now tomorrow by this evening it's like a dream the purpose of that is to realize to actually have the understanding of the dream that quality while in the midst of the dream if you really realize that then there is less grasping less holding on in this also very important teaching that is very much related to letting go is understanding of impermanence but in that you see I think sometimes when you say you let go letting go itself for many people is very painful because letting go almost is like losing but what we have to really realize in trying to understand we have to find that kind of what that letting go brings to you I think that also I think it's very important you know how when you go through either yourself or when for example also let's say two people involved in a situation where they have let go let's say in the relationship they were breaking you know I think it's very important in those process is to really kind of care for each other almost like grief together but I think one of the worst thing to do is to really sometimes I notice in the West is people are very much into being very truthful not sincere truthful be honest and they can be quite brutal and rather unkind I think that can be very hurtful you can tell the truth but at the gentle wave actually sake really and also you need to create an environment in which the truth is acceptable because it depends on people so because some people just love truth just some people really like directly others need soft and gentle treatment but we have to understand what each person can take and understand accordingly very much you see you have to go through together in going together even though letting go you have to see a life after that life after that life after letting go you have to try to understand what is that it brings to you you have to understand what it brings to you like for example in the india in the understanding of impermanence on the most profound level that you realize that you know when you realize everything is illusion a dream like how everything is by nature impermanent and then in that realization there is there's no other option but let go because in a sense it's very organic it's not a conspiracy it's something that's really and for example we are born and we done its effect and it's a universal truth and when you realize that but also you realize at the same time because you know for example in chapter 3 end of chapter 3 which is very much the first three chapters very much upon death and impermanence reflection and end of chapter 3 the section called changes there is to say if everything is impermanent then what is that we can rely on so everything dies what is that we can rely this when you really reflect on permanence and realize the truth of this when you let go even though you let go even though you let go of whatever you let it go to clouds for example what you gain the sky out of this letting go you realize a new but a resurrection that new bird sometimes the the difficulty is that you know it like you're dying and you're dying you haven't quite found the new bird but that finding that new meaning new direction new meaning because life is always a teaching it's constantly teaching you and evolving you whether you like it or not of course sometimes you see we're lucky sometimes we're not lucky we say but even though you're lucky or not lucky or dismiss what you know but generally speaking if you know how to take life if you really have the teachings in your heart everything can be really what Columbus I'm chilly everything can be taken on the path everything is a source of source of everything is benefit is that clear and that it really strengthens you I think sometimes I think of course if there are if your friends or you know if you but now someone is really supportive and help you through the process of this transformation it's wonderful but like for example in the case of in the hospice in Ireland there wasn't a couple you know in render when did I think husband was dying and then when the wife was told that husbands were dying they just cried and cried and cried the first day the second day also they were crying third day they were crying and the sister who actually told him thought maybe she really made one of the biggest mistakes because she told him but what happened by for today they had grieved already and they were making plans it's like that if there was ready to support that but if there is not the support then you have to yourself by yourself also find new direction and find new birth and with the help of the teachings very much so that's how letting go is something that actually grows but also very important thing you see when you really come to the teachings very deeply and when you experience life deeply sometime you can explain this suffering of some sorry deeply then what can happen also it can really inspire renunciation because when you really see the suffering you begin to see the pointless answer you
Channel: Sogyal Rinpoche
Views: 20,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sogyal Rinpoche, Meditation, Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Dzogchen, Rigpa, Lerab Ling, Compassion, Wisdom
Id: LnOlio0A2jE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2015
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