Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN) - Explained

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these days people expect access to information anytime anywhere from any device cloud computing and mobile devices have helped make this possible but the networks that keep everything connected are growing and becoming increasingly complex especially to manage there are two primary types of networks there is a local area network LAN for short and a wide area network called a LAN LANs connect the devices inside of your office together while LANs connect your office to others around the world without the wind it would be like not having internet access sure all of the things inside the business could talk with each other but not with the outside world recently a new technology has emerged called SD Wham it's the next generation of lands in an important step in the evolution of networking the SD and SDHC is not an entirely new concept it has become an important focus especially as it relates to infrastructure and networking it really boils down to using software to make IT work smarter faster and at lower cost essentially SD win is a better way to build and manage long distance networks but why how does it work what makes it better let's take a closer look traditional wins are made up of tens hundreds or thousands of routers that talk to each other over long distances within each router there's a data plane and the control plane the data plane holds the information that is being sent or received the data while the control plane determines where that data should go sounds simple enough however someone needs to program the control plane with rules on how to handle network traffic on the data plane this is typically done by entering a series of commands into each routers command-line interface or CLI by a network administrator this can be a very manual time-consuming and error-prone process take for example a large retail store chain with 500 locations around the world that needs to deploy a new video application let's assume that each store location has a router that requires 10 commands to implement the correct configurations for the application with 500 sites that's 5,000 commands if each command takes 30 seconds to execute that adds up to over 40 hours or a week just to deploy a single application to all the locations and the CLI can be cumbersome and error-prone imagine making a mistake on one of those commands and having to hunt down that error or troubleshoot the application personnel and IT resources would be impacted it could paralyze a business network pros try to overcome this problem by developing programming tools and scripts to automate changes however these tools and procedures add more layers of complexity as well as even more CLI commands with more variables that could compound existing problems with SD when the previous process is greatly simplified for starters parts of the control plane are centralized that way changes to the control plane can be grouped and simultaneously and easily managed across the entire LAN using business defined rules and most importantly from a central management portal this added simplicity makes it easier to take advantage of broadband internet connections instead of relying solely on expensive private MPLS networks which lowers costs and increases performance one all of your business critical apps to take a private MPLS network between locations easily to find that our social media apps sucking away the productivity of your workers set a lower priority or block them all together via aurora and once rules or policies are set they can be automatically distributed and implemented across your organization in seconds so with SD when configuring new or existing networking infrastructure is much easier than the old way of fragile command lines and manual updates here are the three main points you should remember about SD when it increases agility by simplifying network policy configuration and management it provides higher performance by intelligently leveraging multiple paths including broadband connections and together these lower IT operational costs setting up and managing your WAM has never been better or easier provided its software-defined this video is brought to you by the folks at riverbed the global SD win leader to learn more visit riverbed comm /st win you
Channel: Riverbed
Views: 239,240
Rating: 4.8717704 out of 5
Keywords: SDWAN, SD-WAN, SteelConnect, Software-Defined WAN, Riverbed, Riverbed SD-WAN, SD-WAN Explained, What is SD-WAN, SD-WAN Explainer, application-defined networking, SDN, software-defined networking
Id: u2N7q1w26Mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 28sec (268 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2017
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