Sociology Lesson 1- Introduction to Sociology

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hi sociology class and welcome to our flipped classroom we will be using video lessons like this throughout the semester to look at different facets of sociology we're going to be looking at culture deviance social stratification we're going to be looking at how society functions and how it functions together and what happens perhaps if you don't following what society wants you to do we're going to be looking at how societies are organized and how they interact with one another and how they interact with other societies as well so I am honored to be your teacher for this course and I'm honored to guide you through this course of sociology let's get started when we're talking about an introduction to sociology what is sociology and why do we study it now in a lot of these videos there will be sliced up like this terms to know things that you definitely definitely definitely need to write down because these terms will be seen on future assessments now I'm not going to go through each of these specifically because some of these you may see in further slides and some of these we may talk about more in class but you need to be aware of these and look these over a couple of times because we will be using these terms during our class discussions the one that I would really point out is the term sociology because this is what we're going to be studying the scientific study of human activity in society we're going to find out what the definition of society is but it's the idea of humans interacting together humans doing things humans try to be or United humans trying to form communities and how those communities are going to be run and that's what sociology is so write these terms down make sure they're all set pause this video if you have to and then when you are all set writing these down let's move on okay now sociology if we're looking at a term of sociology to put a little bit more directly it studies human society and social behavior in a scientific manner and a way that can be observed and predicted and analyzed in fact we're going to spend a little bit of time talking about how you analyze aasaiya T in a scientific matter now when we're looking at society sociology is going to answer two main questions and look at two main aspects of society first how do people relate to one another and I really want to emphasize this idea of relating to other people how do you speak with other people how do you communicate with other people because I'll be very honest with you if you were speaking with someone who had an elected position in government you would speak to them very differently than if you would to a sibling you would actually speak to someone who was from a low socioeconomic status differently then if someone was from a high socioeconomic status one way you can see that if anyone has ever watched the TV show Downton Abbey it shows a lot of the distinctions between upper middle and lower class and how they relate to one another and you could see the terms that they use so how people relate to one another and how people influence one another for instance you've all experienced peer pressure maybe since a lot of people have more in certain clothings you're going to wear clothes like that one moment perhaps you listen to a certain kind of music and your friends and peer grouped in like that so you change your styles of music Society and other people influence your behavior and is constantly trying to change and evolve your behavior behavior never stays the same it's always changing the second thing that's that sociology looks at is social phenomenon interesting things that occur within human society sometimes there are events sometimes there are just facts that can be observed for instance some of this very interesting that's going on linguistically is that people are using different or creating different words from act acronyms lol oMG BRB people are using words and creating phrases by grouping words together that Danah make any sense before this is something that sociology would observe and study now the reason why the Simpsons are here is because I think the Simpsons do an excellent job of relating sociological facts to us and we're going to be talking about that maybe watching some Simpsons clips a little bit more in class now here's a poster of the entire cast of The Simpsons and if you don't know the Simpsons were a very popular TV show with in the 90s and 2000's it's still on today although it's lost a little bit of its fame throughout the years now this is probably the most important slide that you will ever see in this course write this down word for word star it underline a highlight because this is important this is the definition of what a society is and we are going to break this down we are going to constantly be using this definition in our class a society is a large social grouping that means a large group of people here's the key that shares the same territory and is subject to the same political authority and cultural expectations if those three things are met same geographic territory same same political authority and same cultural expectations you are considered a society now as we're going to talk about in class that's actually somewhat difficult to attain because of ideologies differences of opinion and differences in cultural expectations this is a very important one your expectations in your culture how you behave how you act how you relate to others now let's talk about sociological imagination now sociological imagination again a term that you saw in our second slide to break it down to a more common term it means the ability to see a relationship between individual experiences your own experiences and the larger society as a whole now again I like the Simpsons because it does a great job reflecting individual experiences compared to a large society a great job with sociological imagination for instance you may know someone who is battling with obesity which as we have seen throughout the years is a very large health risk especially for people who are struggling with obesity at a younger age now that's an individual experience you see someone or you know someone who is dealing with obesity but when we compare it to the larger society we're actually seeing that obesity is becoming more prevalent that because of obesity health care costs arising because of that that's going to affect workplace conditions that's going to affect a whole lot of things in the future that's sociological imagination taking an individual experience and seeing how that reflects on the main society and if it's being perhaps even encouraged by the larger society because of how things are set up now let's talk about why people even study sociology why are you in this class why is sociology something you can study in college why do people write books on sociology I think that's a great question you always have to ask the why question what we're going to be talking about for the first is you have to sociology allows you to understand how behavior how people act and relate to one another are influenced by the place that they live by the people that they're in contact with but the society that they adhere to and we're going to be looking at a lot of societies and a lot of different behaviors because of how societies are organized in different places around the world a second reason why people so study sociology is because it allows you to see different perspectives around the world for instance I grew up in the northeastern part of the United States we talked a certain way we related to each other a certain way we acted a certain way but for college I went to university in Nashville Tennessee which is in the south south eastern parts of the United States people acted very differently spoke dari very differently use different terminology this is something a reason rather that people study sociology is to find out why people even within the same country could act differently have different societal expectations relate to each other differently third you are going to balance people studies sociology to balance your personal desires with a social environment it's the idea of saying okay this might be what I want but how will my social environment take that so for instance one thing we're going to talk about in a latter part of the semester are tattoos in some cultures tattoos are a rite of passage in fact tattoos are incredibly important to reach adulthood in other societies they're seen very differently and you are considered an outcast if that happens so you will be able to people can be able to connect with what they want with what society expects of them and the fourth reason people study sociology is to find your place where do you fit in society sometimes you may find that you really don't fit in the society that you live in while we're studying this course sometimes you may better fit in a different society in a different place around the world now let's talk about sociology as a whole sociology is a type of social science the social science basically studies humans now again the definition said human behavior human institutions how they function in society but it's really all about humans and all of these social sciences look at humans and human life in a scientific manner now some of these other ones are things like anthropology psychology economics political science and history and each of these study different things but as you can see here they're all about looking at people for instance anthropology looks at the past how language is developed how cultures have developed how people have constructed communities and civilization psychology looks at the individual it focuses on their individual behavior without looking at from a larger sense economics studied people from factors within money and business political science studies humans within a political spectrum and how governments are established and maintained and the one that you most have most experience with is history how humans have acted in the past well that's the introduction to sociology why we are studying this what society is in what sociology is in our next video we're going to be talking about the people who created who are basically the founders of sociology well that's all there is for today thanks for watching
Channel: Scott Muller
Views: 292,023
Rating: 4.8293462 out of 5
Id: W-QWeK4wwOw
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Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2013
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