Social Media Management - Freelancing 101

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social media management is more than just posting on youtube twitter facebook and other social media platforms it involves proper planning optimization analysis and audit in this video we are going to talk about how to become a social media manager many aspiring freelancers want to focus on the social media management niche the problem is that they don't know when to start how to start what to start or what those vag terms really mean today we are going to go through the step-by-step process on how to become a social media manager we are going to talk about what is social media management the different roles of a social media engager a social media manager and a social media marketer the biggest social networking site as of today which social media platform you should focus on planning your content scheduling your content creating your content and releasing your content so let us start with what is social media management social media management is a process of managing and boosting your social media presence through proper content planning audience analysis and strategy development on social media platforms such as facebook twitter instagram youtube linkedin tick tock snapchat and many more there are different job titles associated with the social media niche they're what we call the social media engagers the social media managers and the social media marketers let us first learn what are the differences of these three roles a social media engager is probably the easiest to understand since it revolves around engaging with your clients fans and followers it involves tasks such as reading and replying to comments and messages and many more it may sound easy to do but the problem is it requires time and patience to actually pull off the task you might even encounter some clients who will pay you peanuts when i say they pay you peanuts it means that they want to pay you lower than the average rate while a social media engager does not hold as many tasks as a social media manager or social media marketer it is still a time consuming task therefore you still have to charge accordingly think how much your time is worth because reading and replying to messages and comments one by one is not easy as a social media engager you can offer your service in a package deal or per hour rate for example you offer a monthly rate of 300 to your client in exchange of handling their social media management needs or you can also offer ten hours per week for five dollars per hour it is all up to you another role is a social media manager so a social media manager is like a level up version of a social media engager since the former also handles the task of the latter the difference is that their responsibility is more than just engagement they also handle some tasks such as replying to private messages and comments creating social media accounts in different social media platforms visual design content planning and scheduling consistent branding in all social media platforms monitoring competitors social media strategies and studying and creating analytics report what is analytics report so a social media analytics report is the extracted value from data based on certain metrics and social networks so as you can see the social media manager has more responsibilities than the social media engager so the social media engager only focuses on replying to people or keeping the engagement high on the other hand the social media manager manages the overall social media presence and social media activity of your business now let us go through the last but not the least the social media marketer if the level of version of social media engager is the social media manager the level of version of social media manager is the social media marketer while a social media manager focuses on the maintenance of social media accounts the social media marketer focuses on developing and implementing strategies in order to get leads hit more sales and increase revenues the social media marketer is responsible for the following strategizing and creating social media content scheduling social media posts ensuring brand consistency monitoring competitors social media strategies collecting and analyzing data determining kpis developing overall social media strategy to hit kpi goals create and manage paid campaigns such as facebook ads increase the number of page and website visits reach out to influencers for collaboration increase brand awareness increase sales volume and increase revenue so to sum it up let us discuss about the goals of its role so the social media engager is focused with engagement the social media manager is focused with brand awareness on the other hand the social media marketer is focused with kpis customers sales and revenues some businesses hire three different people for each role however it is also common for some businesses such as sole entrepreneurs small businesses and startups to hire a single person to handle all the tasks of a social media engager a social media manager and a social media marketer well that is normal since if you are a strong social media marketer you are expected to be able to handle engagements and brand awareness so before taking a social media manager social media engager or social media marketer role first you have to ask and clarify what will be the scope of your task this is just to clarify everything before starting to work then you can set the expectation of your employer and you can also set your own expectation from the company so while discussing the rules of a social media marketer we have talked about the kpis probably some of you do not know what kpis mean however as a social media manager or a social media marketer or even a social media engager you are expected to know what this term mean so what is kpi so kpi is the acronym of key performance indicators it is a measurable value that shows how effectively a company is achieving their key business targets in short this is what the organizations use in order to measure their success so there are different kpis for every business and every social media platforms kpis usually vary according to your business purpose so for example if your purpose on creating your facebook page is to create brand awareness then the best metrics to measure your success or your kpi is your number of followers number of reach and number of engagement like comments share and likes so in another situation where in your kpi is to increase sales or revenue the best kpis for you to use is the number of website traffic the number of sales and definitely total revenue so there are lots of different kpis out there so to give you an idea what are the other samples of kpis here is it i'll flash it on the screen so follower count impressions web traffic share of voice clicks likes shares comments mentions sales revenue lead conversion rate non-revenue conversions cost per lead issues resolved and customer lifetime value since you now have a clear idea of what is kpi let us now dive deeper into the task that you might actually handle when you are hired as a social media manager so let us start with number one identifying which social media platforms is the best for your clients business there are so many social media platforms existing today back then we only have one two or three main choices today we have about five main choices and hundreds of secondary ones just because you are a social media manager and just because it is your task to create a social media account does not mean that you have to create an account to every single social networking site out there what you need to do is to understand what your clients business is and decide which platform will work best for their business so right now here is the list of the most commonly used social media platforms of entrepreneurs and businesses we have facebook instagram twitter youtube linkedin tick tock snapchat reddit and rising today clubhouse so just because these are the nine biggest social media platforms today for businesses and entrepreneurs does not mean that you have to create an account for your client in all these platforms what you need to do is to ask yourself these questions so number one who is their target market number two where are they from number three in which social media platforms do their target market usually hang out and number four how do you plan to reach this market so to identify which social media platform you should create an account for your business let us take full page as an example so full page is the main product and the first product ever released by yolo now if we take a look at the product which is yolo it is very obvious that its target market are web developers so that already answers our first question that is who is our target market now let's proceed to our second question where are they from so there are web developers all over the world and based on our database we have clients or customers from different countries so we have customers from uk customers from australia us canada japan korea and even philippines as well but the biggest percentage of it comes from the us so therefore we are going to target web developers from the united states so now let us proceed to our third question which is which social networking site do our target market usually hang out so contrary to our target market as virtual assistants the target market of full page or yolo usually hang out on social networking sites for web developers such as github indie hackers and also twitter now for the fourth question how do you plan to reach out this market so it can be through an article a short blog post a video a photo a gif or other things so for yolo or for full page we are going to use all those types of content so now we have already checked out the best social media platform for yolo's product full page so again it's twitter github and in the hacker plus i'm going to add facebook why it is simply because i believe in the number of users of facebook facebook is the largest social networking site right now and there are billions of active users per day so i don't want to miss the chance to reach out to web developers hanging out on facebook so definitely i'm going to create one for our full page product so since we already know how to identify the best platform for our clients business it is now time for us to proceed to step number two which is creating social media account so of course before we can start posting content or start implementing our strategies we need to have pages or accounts on those platform first so you have to create one nonetheless if your client already have an existing page or existing account on those platforms you don't have to create a brand new one all you need to do is just optimize the page or optimize the account and that's it of course there are some certain or rare occasions wherein you have to delete the existing account of your client and create a brand new one so for example um the page the existing page of your client i mean has a lot of bot followers that means they are not real persons it can actually hurt the brand of your client since he has or she has a lot of followers yet he or she has very minimal engagement so that doesn't look very good so what you can do with that is create a new account or just use that account and just optimize it so since we are just starting our journey as virtual assistant it is smart for us to just focus on specific platforms before venturing to other platforms so for example we can target facebook and instagram as social media marketers or social media managers so as part of our program i'm going to show you how to create an account in the larger social networking site as of today which is facebook so here it goes so there you go we didn't just create a business page for our service or for our clients business we actually optimize our page which is definitely a must for every business out there so for example if you created your own business page optimizing your page will benefit you a lot since whenever your client asks for your portfolio you can actually include this page to your portfolio so whenever they decide to check your page is already ready it is good to go and it clearly shows your branding as a virtual assistant so now let us learn how to create and optimize a facebook page for your business or your clients business so the first thing you need to go is to do i mean is to go to and log into your account and once you've already logged in you are now here on your um sorry on our newsfeed right so you need to do is to click this button create button click this one and here you will have some options full story live event page so we want to create a page so we are going to select this one click base there you go and here you have to input some of your page information so for example i want to create a page called um the virtual ace so for example i am going to create a page for my virtual assistant service or my virtual assistant's branding so i'm going to call it the virtual ace you can have another thing like the sassy virtual assistant like something like that the virtual boss the virtual babe something like that right so here on the category you just have to choose something that best describes your page or your business so you can actually choose personal blog health or beauty musician or band clothing food and beverages e-commerce website or not a business i actually want this to be a business service since i it's just a business and i'm offering my service right so i'm going to click or to choose business service and then here we can input our description so for example in the description write something about right here or write something about what your business does okay what the services you provide or the purpose of the page so for example i'm going to put this description the virtual ace provides virtual assistants to its clients to help them free themselves from tv use admin tasks so they can focus on the more important matters of their business so now let us click on create page so now the virtual ace was created i've just seen a note here right so we now have the option to add our profile photo and our cover photo so i'm going to add first our profile picture so so now i'm going to [Music] check this one profit for example this is the profile photo that i've chosen make sure that the profile photo that you've chosen represents your brand okay so for me for the imaginary um team or for the imaginary page or the imaginary brand that i'm going to use virtual ace i'm going to use like this one like basil colors whatsoever and be sure that you have a great profile photo like not like a selfie or not a blurred one i've seen a lot of you guys submitted profile photos that are currently blurry so that actually speaks for the quality of your service so if you're going to submit a blurry photo then your clients might think that you will your output will be blurry as well i'm sorry i'm going to sorry sorry so yeah that's it sorry so if you need help on the photo guidelines i've submitted a photo guidelines to your group leaders you can actually ask them about it so that you can use that not to follow or to have a better perfect photo don't worry about the proof of photo you don't it doesn't have to be your photo all the time it can be your logo or an image or graphics that represent your brand so for me it's uh just i'm just going to use this one i think it's easier so for our cover photo i'm going to sign into our canva and you have to do this as well i'm going to log in so now we are now on our canva so if you want to create a facebook cover photo you just have to search this one facebook cover and the good thing about searching a template on canva is that they automatically give you the right size that you need to use for that um social media platform right so you can choose from this one so i'm not going to choose one because i've already chosen like a few minutes ago and i've already created a draft so i think it's this one so yeah i'm just i was about to call myself the virtual boss but maybe i'm just going to call myself the virtual ace so as you can see helping you grow your business so um sorry so as you can see i have here my um pastel colors which is pink blue and yellow and which is i think i'm going to use as well so that's it this one i'm going to use the blue one or maybe i'm going to use this and this one and this is pink so i'm just going to make it a little bit just a little bit darker and then this one i'm going to make it after you make it look darker yeah so maybe this one the virtual is helping you grow your business so i'm going to download it and it's not an mp4 video that's the reason why but if i can add it because it's a video then doesn't matter it's fine with me and now we have it here it's a video the skill mates right lesson five is it sorry yeah this one photo fb mp4 let's see if it appears here is our option on the scale mates it should be on this game it's no it's not here because of the mp4 thing so what i'm gonna do is take off this ones this one's and maybe i'm going to find an element like spark just to see if there's something that i can add right so maybe this one oh it's for bro i'm so sorry i'm gonna choose something that is for free like maybe this one this might be good i'm gonna change the color a bit and i'm gonna replicate it here there you go so now i can download it as a png download it and i'm not gonna turn if you go here there you go so now i can add it here so icon photo we have here fb cover so it's there so it's important to drag to your position okay because you don't want your cover photo to be looking like this or looking like this so just drag it and choose the best position so i think for me it's gonna be this one so now i've already added my both a photo and my cover photo i'm going to click on save and there you go now i already have a page for my the virtual ace brand so as you can see these two kind of how to go that match each other like this one this background has yellow pink and blue colors and then this one as well also has yellow blue and pink so now creating a facebook page or having a facebook page just not stop from there we now have to optimize our facebook page so for example create username so the first thing we have to do is to create our username you know why because our username is going to be our brand as well as you can see here we have our like this base the virtual ace one one zero eight one eight nine five four three nine three seven one one it's a little bit difficult right but if we change our username click on the username and then input your username here the virtual ace hopefully it's not yet taken oh it's worth taking sorry let's say the virtual is oh or your virtual ace hopefully okay my virtual ace okay fine so create username you can use create username all set so once you've changed this one my virtual a's and then click on refresh page so you can see that your facebook girl also changes right it became my virtual slash my virtual ace so that means that if people i'm going to have another incognito like if people try to search my virtual is so they can easily go or be redirected to your profile which is very nice so i actually don't want this because i have here the virtual ace and this is my virtual ace but probably i can change it later so i can so to optimize your page what you need to do first is to go to this area or to this section and then look for edit page info click on this one and there you go so here you can change your um name my virtual a's so i've already decided i'm gonna be the first one is first i'm going to check first who is this the virtual is and i'm going to make sure that we are not on the same mesh so well here we are on the same list so i'm going to change name i'm so sorry that is how it is you know so the bad thing about branding is that your preferred brand name might probably be chosen already so you might need to um choose a brand name that is quite unique so i don't know so for here maybe i'm going to choose so since i don't like it having a page name that is already taken i'm going to change it to the verbal lieutenant okay and then here as well i'm going to change it as a virtual lieutenant and maybe i'm gonna make this one bigger just to make it this one and then download again i know i've downloaded a lot but you know that is how social media management is you have to be there you go yes replace it so the virtual lieutenant and then request change don't worry about this you can really change and then this one the user name i'm going to change it exchange it the virtual lieutenant as well i like to stick to my branding so this one is okay so i'm going to change it virtual the attendant provides the categories virtual assistant so here you can add your phone number and here you can add your whatsapp number um the phone number is um actually recommended if you are targeting local clients or local customers since they can easily call you by that but if you are targeting a client or a market that is not from your the same country for from not from the same country as yours then you might want to include your whatsapp number so i'm going to include so i i really want to include a whatsapp number but i think um i need to buy a new phone for this one i don't wanna put my personal whatsapp number here so for email um let's say that i'm going to have so let's say i'm going to input my email here like let's scale names let's still makes ph so for example this is the email but apparently actually i'm not going to put this email since you know it's not professional to put an email that is for a different brand so you can actually um the first thing the best email to put here is your brand which is probably virtual lieutenant or i am the virtual team uh lieutenant or info at virtual something like that if you don't have a brand email address then maybe what you can choose next is your personal email address but never ever an email address for another brand but because i don't wanna put my professional and my personal email address here well so i'm just gonna put that one for a while and then website so for example we have we can input our website again as well but again do not input a website that is not for this brand okay don't worry if you do not have a website yet since at the end of this program on week 7 we are going to discuss about how to create a simple website for your business so you will have your own website very soon so just be a little patient and now you can leave this blank and then come back again later once you over you've already set up your website okay so you can also add your location your address your city i can add here my lead and then zip code i'm not gonna add zip code i'm just gonna add madrid there and then you can also have choose your service area like if you travel to provide goods or services to your customers so since we are a virtual service provider we don't have a service area that much no i don't really have a service area i mean so now you can have your hours like no hours available visitors won't see business hours on this page and always open permanently close open on selected hours so you can choose this one so for me i since i'm working a lot i have so many side hustles so i i prefer not to make my business hours of visible online page for now and then here you can also choose a temporary service changes you can say open with service changes temporarily close operating as usual so i'm not going to do so here you have more options so here you can input a privacy policy link here is impression what is impression this is an optional field in certain countries such as austria germany and switzerland businesses may be required by law to include a statement of ownership on their web presence so since i'm not from austria i'm not from germany and switzerland and for you guys are probably not in these countries as well so we don't have to put in prison so for products you can enter the products or services that is offered so for example i'm offering social media number one my first ever is general virtual assistants i also offer content writing i also offer social media management i also offer a transcription i also offer email management and website building that's it so here is additional information so the reason why we can add information here is that i'm going to this home okay just to explain something i actually you might really want to utilize this additional information since so since look at this one since this about page is only limited to 250 characters so you might not be able to provide all the descriptions that you want so for example this one is only virtual lieutenant provides virtual assistants to its clients to help them free themselves from tds admin tests so they can focus on the more important matters of their business so i already have this one so what i'm going to put on this additional information is not a repetition of this one since this whatever we put in here will be under this one so we provide quality service we effectiveness and efficiency sorry our service includes but not limited to management social media management content writing graphics design via canva what more search engine optimization and general virtual assistance we provide package deals and early service for example this one right so here you can also provide your price range though i'm not really a fan of specifying my price range so i always choose and specify but it's all up to you okay and you can also um link your other accounts for example i'm going to link my instagram here i am roms i'm going to link my um youtube here account username rumika leo i'm going to link my twitter here there you go and then you don't have you can see we don't have any save button and even if you just close this page it doesn't matter since it automatically gets saved so what you just need to do is just click on home oh sorry so this page isn't available right now and the reason for that is that of this one my virtual ace and then we've already changed it to virtual lieutenant oh sorry i've got a typo so there you go and this one i'm going to edit it edit cancel i'm going to delete this one since this doesn't apply to my brand anymore i could buy the virtual ace so i'm gonna choose from photos nope nope i'm going to choose upload a photo i mean and then fd cover okay drag to reposition make sure that it's the best one there you go save changes and now we already have this one virtual assistant setting um there you go it looks pretty nice right with the perfect photo and this one and then with this username and this url and then here we have our look virtually then it provides virtual assistants to its client to help them free themselves from tds admit that so they can focus on the more important matters here we provide quality service and very good and we have here we have our website we have our on instagram we have our youtube and we have our twitter and that's it and then the next thing that you need to do or uh to optimize your page is to go to these tabs okay so now we are playing with our home tab so let's go to our services so as you can see we don't have any service listed on this page so if i were you i'm going to add the list of my services because you know just for optimizing and the more content or the more information we put into our page the more it is optimized so what we need to do is to add a service here service name so for example it's um social media management no search engine optimization for example and then um fixed price or like variable prices have to say variable price and then here product details um tell people what's included or tell your audience so describe what kind of service is this one so for example for the search engine optimization i'm going to input a description like this one our search engine optimization service includes keyword research seo article writing on patient on-site optimization backed linking and more so appointment duration appointment duration is actually for you to discuss about the service you for me i'm just going to put 15 minutes and up so then because i said end up then i have to manually approve these appointments before they are confirmed with people so it's up to you okay so here you can also include an image i highly suggest including an image as it is more catchy so i've already created one so i've already created one so for social and search engine optimization this one so just a very simple thing okay so i'm going to click save here so now we already have this um service so as you can see my photo is not a very readable so maybe i'm going to change that later on but for now i'm going to continue adding service okay so i'm going to add like social media management i'm going to make it variable price social media management includes creation and optimization of social media accounts in different platforms replying to comments and messages handling consistent branding content creation and even marketing campaigns so yeah so i know that i've told you that social media manager might be different from a social media marketer but for this one i'm just going to tell i'm just going to um package the overall service of a social media marketer but my main service would um focus on social media management but if they want i can also include the uh some tasks or responsibilities of social media marketer so appointment will be up add photo social media management there you go and click on save and then i'm going to add another service just one more okay just one more for this tutorial general virtual assistants if fargo price or general virtual assistance service includes but not limited to the following email management transcription social media engagement media management digital marketing building was simple website building search engine optimization 8 um that's it and 15 and up i'm going to add another photo general virtual assistants there you go and i'm going to click on save here so as you can see i've chosen um colors or like a photo that is consistent so it's just very simple and the colors that i've chosen are still the colors i've chosen are consistent with my brand they are kind of light colors or pastel colors they're quite colorful actually but i like this so i'm not going to add more as it this tutorial is going to be super long already so now reviews let's go on review tab so i don't have recommendations yet unfortunately you cannot create any review on yourself maybe here review for yourself but the best thing that you can do for reviews as a start is to ask your family and friends and maybe previous employers or previous clients to um share feedback about their experience working with you so for family and friends don't ask them to put a review at this like all at once right imagine five friends or ten family members sharing their reviews on your service that might look a little bit suspicious not really a little bit not a little bit but really a lot suspicious so what you can do is ask one person per week to um create feedback for your page so three to five people is enough so once a week maybe and then shop shop works for those who have products so since we are um service based we don't usually have this one right but that's it it's okay um you can add shop if you have merch like merchandise like you sell malls shirts but if you're just start starting up you might not be able to sell anything so i prefer or i suggest that you focus on selling your service instead of thinking of what products to sell here okay so now you already have a cover photo you already have a profile photo you already have your username here your branding is all over the place and then um oh set your page up establish your page identity provide info on references well i don't really want to add location here let's so here you can see so if you want to check if you've already fully optimized your page you can check it here so here set up your page for success so we have just completed 7 out of 13 steps so i've already established my page identity i've already created a page name created a category added a provo photo and added a cover photo and even added a description so i'm good at this one now here five steps left provide info and preferences so location i don't really want to have a location since we are targeting a global audience so i'm not gonna say this and this is ours it doesn't apply to my page as well phone number doesn't apply right now messaging preferences connect whatsapp it doesn't apply right now and then add a page button so yeah don't forget it's very useful for you to add a button it depends on what you want like follow make it easy for people to follow your page gift card no i don't recommend this one order no book now you can have this book now since you might want clients to book now on your book through your page but i'm not really a fan of this one but it's all up to you okay i have seen a lot of successful virtual assistants who have this button but i'm not a fan so i'm different call now but apparently i haven't um connected my whatsapp so i cannot choose this one contact contact us this is also great way send message since what up message and email so here here i'm really a fan of this one follow then it's easier for people to follow you and um i also like send message you know it's just don't make it difficult for your clients to message you so if you have a message button then it's gonna be a lot easier for them to contact you they don't have to open any application or any tab you just have to click this button and that's it send email also like this one um yeah so maybe what i'm going to choose is a message i'm really a fan of sending message button and then there you go 12 out of then one step left introduce your page so here it's also very important to invite friends to like your page so you can invite 10 or more friends so i'm going to invite friends i'm going to [Music] um and then my mom then my cousin another cuisine and then another cuisine my uncle my cousin another cousin a friend so now i already have 10 so i'm going to click on send invites and that's it i've already fully optimized it but let's see here there you go so now you have an optimized page though it is not fully optimized yet you know why because you don't have any content yet so when you are submitting your um assignment for the social media management lesson i want that your page already has at least three content and they should be posted not on the same day like one post on monday one post on tuesday one post on one stay something like that and make sure that the post that you're going to create also goes with your brand so for example i'm still going to use these colors like something very light as this is the color or the the feel of virtual lieutenant okay and you have to post something that is relevant or related to your page refrain from posting personal posts like for example if you've gone on a date with your boyfriend or girlfriend i think this page is not the perfect venue for that kind of post you can post it on your personal account but not here on your page so what you need to post here is something related to virtual assistants so that's it congratulations on creating and optimizing your facebook page so now enough with creation and optimization of your social media accounts let us now proceed to one of the most important parts which is content planning so before you start thinking about more complicated stuff such as scheduling your post and whatever let us first decide or plan for your content so for content planning here are the questions that you have to ask yourself so the questions that we should ask ourselves whenever content planning are the following number one what is the purpose of releasing this post number two what kind of content can we release let us start first with the question number one so for question number one we have to answer what is the reason why we are going to launch or release this content what are we trying to achieve with this content and does this even align with our business goals so the possible answers for question number one are the following brand awareness increase in follower count feedback announcement increase in the number of sales increase in revenue and other things that are not included in this list so when you already identify what purpose does that content serve you now have to go to the next question which is what kinds of content can we release so our different kinds of content today we have images videos articles texts gifs live what more on other things like infographics photo slides and those things so you have to determine which one will work for your business of course you didn't have to stick with one kind of content so you can actually play with all of this as long as it helps you relay the message that you want to convey so for example if you want to increase your page interaction you might want to throw some questions related to your service or product that will entice followers or fans or customers to answer the question and give feedback to what you want to know so that will encourage customers fans and followers to interact with your business by commenting or answering the question so let's take full page once again as our example let's say i am the social media manager of full page and that i just recently created a facebook page for full page of course since we are new to the facebook platform we will not have a lot of followers yet therefore what i want for my first few posts is to get more followers therefore i want to focus on brand awareness of course for our first few posts i don't want to throw client feedback or how to articles or tutorial because of course people from that certain platform might not know about full page yet so what i want to achieve with the content that i want to throw to our facebook page is to introduce the product to the audience and make them understand why they need this product so as a social media manager i honestly think that a video introduction will be the best first post for our full page facebook page so with a video you can give a little peek of how smooth and how beautiful the full page effect is and with that video content partnered with a great caption you can actually trigger the desire of the audience to try the product of course once we have already established brand awareness to our audience and once we've successfully gotten a certain number of followers we can already proceed to other purpose such as proceed to posting different kinds of content such as how-to articles blog posts client reviews and other things of course you still have to strategize which one will work best to this kind of content to this kind of purpose and to this kind of day so many things to consider so once you have already planned for your content you have to make it complete by step number three creating and publishing your content so when creating content you have to guarantee two things first is that there is brand consistency and second is that you should be using the right image size so let us talk first about brand consistency so if you look back we've already discussed about branding from our earlier lessons so we've talked about our color scheme logo font style and even the tone of our message as part of our branding so what you need to do is refresh your knowledge from those lessons and use all your branding details into your content of course if you're using or you're promoting your clients page or clients product you don't have to use your own color scheme instead use your clients color scheme branding is not just limited to your website resume application letter it should be used to every single material that you are releasing to promote your own brand or to promote your clients brand so since we've already tackled about branding before i'm not going to dive deeper into it in this video so let us now proceed to using the right image size so if you plan to post photos infographics photo slides and the likes then you have to be sure to use the ideal image size for whatever platform you are using remember that for each platform they have their own ideal image size therefore what you posted on facebook might not be the best for instagram posts or twitter posts well it can be but you will need to resize them image sizing is important to avoid improper or incorrect cropped images or pixelized images or whatever error or problem that might hurt your branding so you are lucky that you've started your social media management journey at this point since we already have canva and canva makes everything easier with canva you can easily choose a template which size is perfect for different platforms so for example if you want to post on facebook you can just type facebook post or fb post and if you want to post a content on instagram you just have to type instagram post and then it will give you templates with the right image sizing all you have to do now is just create the design or tweak the design a bit to make it your design or your design that is reflecting your brand it is now time for you to schedule the release of this content so it is very important for you to choose a day and a time when your target market is alive and awake alive and awake means that they are active on this platform so for example i am currently living in madrid spain therefore i do have a different time zone from you classmates who are in the philippines so most often than not i am usually free at 9 00 pm spanish time however in the philippines that will be three or four in the morning therefore my target market which is you my classmates are still asleep probably not everyone but most of you guys are still asleep therefore releasing a content during that time is not really a smart move for me so what i will need to do is instead of releasing that content immediately whenever i am free i'm going to use a scheduler so that i can schedule that to be released in the perfect time when my target market is usually active so for scheduling a post i'm going to show you two tutorials number one scheduling a post on facebook and number two scheduling your social media posts through hootsuite so let us watch the first tutorial scheduling your content through facebook hello so we are going to discuss how to schedule your facebook post via facebook publishing tool so we are going to pretend or we're going to think that we will i want to release a content on my virtually attended page so for me to do that i'm going to click on create post and since i don't want to release this post now no sorry this should be nothing no so since i don't want to release any post right now and i want to schedule it for later i'm going to click here on publishing tools so now it will be redirected into this page so what i'm going to do is click on create post then here we can write something that we want so we can write for example [Music] avail our social media management service for 50 of limited offer only message us for more details and then let's say that i want to add a photo so let's say i'm going to choose this one so there you go on this side this is how our pose is going to look like on my page once it's already released so now you can even enter a link if you want to um link it to a certain url location it's up to you so now you can say publish but you know we don't want to publish it right now so what we're going to do is click this arrow button be just beside publish click schedule post and then you can choose the day and the time that you wanted to post for example i want to release this content on saturday march 6 at let's say i wanted to release at 5 a.m in the philippines not sorry i want to release it at 5 00 p.m in the philippines so it's gonna be 10 a.m on my time there we go and then click on save and then here you can also choose to click uh to link in to link or connect it to your instagram or to post it on your instagram as well unfortunately i didn't connect my instagram here so we can't do that so now if you've already finalized this content then what you need to do is hit the schedule post button and that's it so you will see it here the scheduled post which is this one and there's the id and this is the details on when it's going to be released or posted so once you click it you will automatically see how it will look like on your page once it is released so as easy as that one so now let us proceed to our tutorial number two so now for this tutorial we are going to discuss one of the best social media management tools as of today and this is none other than hootsuite hootsuite is a social media management platform that covers almost every aspect of a social media manager's role the best thing about hootsuite is that you're able to do simple stuff like um check out your newsfeed create cool content scheduling post and even replying to messages with just one single platform that means you do not have to open so many tabs just to and sign into different social media platforms just so you can manage your social media accounts with hootsuite you just have to log in once and then you can already control and manage your social media platforms so let us now go to the tutorial on how to create an account on hootsuite and how to use hootsuite so the first thing you need to do is to type in and now you are currently redirected to its home page so as you can see social is your power you even have free 30-day trial here you can compare plans let us check we have professional team business and enterprise so if you are a social media manager and you're handling a lot of clients i suggest that you go with the professional hootsuite since with this one you can add 10 social accounts uh of your clients so for imagine imagine if you have like two or three clients then you can manage all of their social media accounts without logging in to every single social account social media accounts so it has unlimited scheduling one user so for example if you're working with a team like you're a social media manager and you're already handling a team um this is a great plan team or even business so as you can see we have here 20 social media accounts 35 social media accounts something like that and we have an enterprise so don't worry because here they only show you the professional team business and enterprise plan which are definitely paid but hootsuite has a free plan so here they have the trial limited free plan so they call it limited free plan not because there is an expiration date there is a free plan but because there is a limitation to this of course even the other paid plans they also have limitations like for the professional we only have 10 social accounts team 20 social accounts business 35 social accounts enterprise well this one is a custom one so for the free plan you only have three social profiles and 30 scheduled messages and only one user well that's not bad especially for someone who is just starting and actually since i don't have or i'm not working with different clients right now so i'm only using a free plan but maybe later on i'm going to upgrade to the professional one since i will be handling a lot of social media accounts later on for my own um pages no own groups and those things so for if you want to have a free plan then you sign up here click on sign up now and then here hang on a minute before you sign up for our basic free plan you might want to have a look at our professional plan instead it has way more features and functionality to make your social media life easier and more efficient so that is true so of course in whichever platform you're going to use the professional plan or the paid plan will always have better features so what you will not get or this one so these are 10 social media accounts unlimited posts and yes this is one of the things that we are missing with the free plan is that they have analytics and reports so it's gonna be this one is gonna be so useful because earlier on this lesson we've already talked about social media manager or social media marketer they are responsible for submitting analytics and reports and also studying and analyzing them so if you don't if you have hootsuite i mean you do not have to create your own analytics and report you just get it from here and what you just need to do is just to analyze it study it and you also get friendly live chat support when you have the professional plan but of course i don't want you guys to be spending a lot of money right now especially when you are not uh yet working as a virtual assistant since it will not be worth it so maybe later on if you already have a lot of clients you're handling or even just two clients or even just one client that pays you um for a full-time pay then you might be able uh i mean you might want to consider signing up for the professional plan of hootsuite so we are going to check here no thanks click here that's what i mean no thanks i want the free plan there you go you're now redirected to this page so what you just need to do is to put in your full name and your email address i'm going to use the skills made in the skillmatesph you have to input your password there you go and click create my free account so now you have to connect your social accounts to get started so you can add three profiles or pages groups or channels choose a social network to get started okay so for me i heavily used facebook for my pages and for my branding so i'm gonna choose a facebook okay i'm gonna log in so now they will ask you which facebook accounts do you want to add so if you have multiple pages you can actually choose which one you want to add on boots with so we have this ones we have from mckinley and the skill made so it's true that i am active in managing rumikalio and the skill maze but since i am currently more active with this page right now right now because definitely uh starting on april i will be more active with the skill mates but right now i'm going to choose romy caddy okay since i think i have more messages in here for now and click on add and then the social network is currently owned by another user do you wish to take ownership of the social network take ownership so um you might not get that this kind of message especially if you're new and hootsuite i get this message because i already have a hootsuite account the only thing the reason why i'm creating a new one because i want to show you guys how to create a hootsuite account so i'm just going to take ownership from that take ownership and as you can see i've already connected romy cordelia so i'm going to click done because i want now to add another profile or another account so let's say i want to add my instagram account there you go and let's see there you go you previously connected to your instagram account well this also happens since i already told you that i have already have a hootsuite account but i hope sweet account but yeah i'm going to click allow take ownership and then signing to facebook so it will probably say that your instagram account needs to be upgraded to business so the reason for this is because my instagram account is currently a personal page or it's just like a personal account but because i don't want to upgrade it to business or i don't really use in this instagram account for my business so i'm not gonna upgrade it so i'm just gonna click on exit with limited access and what does this limited access mean with limited access you would have full instagram functionality from your dashboard you'll be able to publish directly from hootsuite collect analytics data view comments and engagement so that's fine so i'm just gonna click on exit and then i'm going to add my twitter account as well romikevilio so again this is currently owned by another user but i'm gonna take ownership and now i've already added three social media accounts and i'm already good to go so i'm going to click on continue so now they say what do you want to do first help us customize your onboarding experience but i don't want you guys to set up dashboard or schedule a polls or whatsoever i just want you to well okay fine let's just set up a dashboard then set up a dashboard so here your dashboard is ready even bro me blah blah blah okay i got it so there you go you can see from here that we have the social media accounts that have linked into my hootsuite account so we have my um so we have my facebook page romy cavillo we have my instagram account i am roms and we have my twitter account for mikabili as well so as you can see these are my boards so for let's go back to facebook okay so for facebook you can i can see here my timeline so this is how my facebook page looks like which is true right and then i have my messages here and then i have my post here well my pose kind of looks like my timeline as well and then my mentions here there you go so for example you don't want to see your own post so you can just click on this more options button this one click and then you can delete screen so now that stream is deleted and you cannot see that on your board anymore so for example you want to add that stream back or you want another stream so for example you just have to click on add stream so here you can choose which one to appear so we deleted that from facebook so i'm gonna um add back my post so i already have mentions so i already have um timeline scheduled messages my posts and activity maybe i want to check how is my activity on this facebook page i'm going to put that as well so here my activity you can see that i've already added my post and activity streams so they're added to this board you can check them right so for example um dated updated so you can see all your activity here as a page so here romi cadilla updated their info in the about section and uh romeo updated their status blah blah blah blah so now the good thing about here is that you can even reply to messages directly from hootsuite so here i'm going to um reply to angelinema glass now so she's just saying thank you so much miss then i'm going to reply um sorry i'm going to reply you're welcome and then click on add so see i was able to reply to the message without even signing up or i mean logging in to my facebook account that's the good thing about here because then that means that you can reply to every messages you get from different social media accounts and just one platform so here on instagram we can also check instagram so as you can see i have here my post and my schedule post no scheduled post yet that's true and then i can also check here um twitter so for twitter we have here the custom one like who mentions my tweets um schedule that stream i usually like to add stream on twitter because i like twitter a lot i'm not so sure i already have my own twitter account personal one but i just changed this one and i'm going to be more active on this one so if you want guys please follow me on my twitter account it's called romi cadilla so we have here whole mention my tweets likes retweets so i actually like uh love to add likes retweets and new followers so i don't have much follower on this account yet i only have about 20 but on the other account i have about 600 more than 600 so now we have here my new followers my retweets and my likes as well so you can see we have here the facebook the instagram so since my instagram account is a personal page you can actually rename by changing so i'm going to change it instagram i'm promise this one is twitter i'm just going to rename just so that you can see how we get a facebook page so for example i want the name of the social media platform to be um first then my social media account handle so as you can see we have now here fb instagram so let's say i my instagram account is just a personal instagram account so i don't really have much stream here look if you add stream for instagram you can see it's only my post and the scheduled one so it's not very helpful for me so what i'm going to do is just delete this so click on this one the delete tab instagram item roms and then click on okay and that's it so now i only have my fb page and my roommate twitter page oh i don't know why it went back to its normal name but i'm going to rename this again okay so now instead of adding instagram i might want to add my youtube channel since i'm also active there so i'm going to click on new board and then i'm going to rename this new board youtube roomie there you go and then how are you going to link this board to your youtube account you just need to click on get started if you check on your network you have the twitter you have the facebook page and you have the instagram personal so that means we've deleted the board for instagram but we haven't really deleted the instagram account on this one so what we can do is delete this from here click on this icon and then click on social networks and teams as you can see this are our connected social media platform so click on this button of course we want to delete instagram click on this button the settings and then click remove from hootsuite and then click on ok that's it and then now let's go back to our streams or there you go so now for click on the no let's pretend we haven't added it okay so click on new board rename it to how you want to to how you want it to be named i want it to be redo blue mikadillio there you go and then click on get started click on of course we cannot add stream yet since we don't have or we haven't added a social network account yet so click on add social network account click on youtube and the next is choose the google account connected to the right or correct youtube channel that you want to connect to your hootsuite account then click on allow and take ownership of course you will not be able to see this kind of message take ownership and there you go so now i have my i'm going to delete this one so it created a new board so i'm going to rename this you go so as you can see we have here a stream of my videos publish comment moderate so let's um check for what stream are available for youtube so we have my videos published comments likely spam my subscription maybe you want to add your my subscription here but i don't want to add my subscriptions on my hootsuite account maybe i want to add likely spam click on the plus button there you go so now we already know how to delete and how to add boards and how to delete and add social media accounts to our hootsuite right so now we are going to start creating our post via hootsuite and scheduling our release or our launch but before that i want you to do something which is to make sure that your hootsuite account has the right time zone because imagine you set your content to be published tomorrow at 10 a.m but you don't have the right time zone so instead of publishing it at 10 a.m philippine time you're going to some publish at 10 a.m madrid's time which is not actually the ideal time for you to be posting if you are targeting the filipino market right so if you have us client or you have uk client you might want to change your hootsuite time zone to their time zone but if you do not want to then you can just stick with your philippine time zone but please calculate the right time gap between two time zones okay so to set your time zone or to check whether you have the right time zone you need to click this icon my profile icon click on account settings preferences and billing and here on the account tab you can actually upload your profile image i don't really bother uploading one since um well i don't use this thumb i mean i use this that much but i don't really have like this is not a social media for me so it doesn't matter to me but i'm just gonna upload a profile picture just in case you want to upload yours as well you can have your by description your company name your job title so here you can find your time zone so i have my right time zone which is europe or madrid gmt plus one so for philippines it's gmt plus eight so i'm not going to change this one since i'm fine with computing or calculating the time difference between madrid and philippines so i'm good with this one and click on save account info so that's it so click an account here so now we are going to create and to schedule our post so to do that you just have to click here which is create a create button and then click on post or choose post i mean and then here on this area post to you can choose which um social media accounts you want this content to be published so this one is our facebook page and this one is our twitter so you can actually choose two social media accounts so the post or the content that you're going to be creating will be posted in these two accounts which is very helpful right so for example i want to post you want to be a social media manager join us in the skill mix and then i'm going to for example just for example i'm going to add a uh a file or an image right so i'm going to choose for example social media management there we go so as you can see on this side this is where you edit the things or your post and on this side is the overview on how the post is going to look like in your social media accounts so this is how my post is going to look like on facebook and this is how my post is going to look like on twitter so it's a very important for you to check this one so that you can see whether the photo or anything that you've posted uh has been properly cropped so for this one it's very great since i can see the whole photo here on facebook and here as well on twitter so for example we want to add a link so check [Music] the skillmates for more info so there you go this is how it's going to look like so another thing is that for example we want to add a facebook article i don't social media manager article for example this one i need something that is no for example this one we want to add this here for example this is the link there you go so it's going to look like this do you want to be a social media manager join us in skill mates check blah blah blah for more info and here as well on facebook the problem is that this one is a very very long link right and it long links usually are long earl's usually don't do good since readers might not really want to click it since it looks a little bit ugly so what we're going to do is to shorten our buy this one we don't have to go to bitly or whatsoever the good thing about hootsuite is that we can shorten it here this one you just have to click shorten with audi then there you go so as you can see it's already changed from a very long link to this small link right which looks nicer and more appealing and more engaging to be clicked so one thing is that here on this side of the page on the right side of the page you can see the shorted link or shortened link but on this one where you edit it it will still appear as its original so don't worry about it it's really how it works so when you're done so for example you want to change this photo like social media management you don't want this and you want a free photos that you don't have right now so you can um actually choose browse your media so this means that you can use the free images from pixabays so you just have when you click this just click on agree to the terms of pixabay so currently i don't have it because i already did it a while ago so click it here click here and then make sure that you are going to choose free images and then you can choose the photos that you want you can search the media here so for example this post is about joining us in the skill mates so i want to choose a photo that represents a team so i'm going to research a an image from the team category so for the team i actually like this a lot i also love this one or this one or this one for example i'm going to choose this one so i already clicked it you just haven't noticed it but yeah once you click it the photo will appear here so for twitter you can actually add up to four images so i don't want this image anymore the social media management i just want this one so i'm going to delete this one and that's it now we can close the media library to see how our content is going to look like so there you go this is how our content is going to look like on facebook and this is how our content is going to look like on twitter so different cropping but they look good so now we can either post now or schedule for later so i want to schedule for later click schedule for later um select the date that you want it to be released so for example i want it to be posted on march 6. i'm going to click there and then now we have to choose the time on when i'm going to use it so remember i'm using the european time or madrita and the gmt plus one so this content is for filipino market so i want to post it at 5 00 pm on saturday or like p.m saturday 2 p.m 2 p.m let's say 2 p.m so that's gonna be 5 a.m here in madrid so i'm going to choose 5 a.m there you go so the schedule is march 6 at 5 00 a.m in madrid which is 2 p.m in the philippines so i'm going to click done and then if you are if you want to finalize to schedule it then you have to click schedule so there you go congratulations your two posts have been scheduled so to see where your schedules or your content so let's go back first to streams you can see now here that you have scheduled post so let's go to the scheduled content i didn't i think i don't have a stream for that one i'm going to add stream for that for facebook i'm going to add a scheduled stream there you go so now here we have the scheduled post so you can already see which um contents are scheduled for release or for launching so here you can see that it's actually scheduled to be released on march 6 at 5 00 a.m gmt plus one time zone or european standard right so if you want and here on twitter as well let's see if we have our scheduled do we have a stream for schedule yes we have here the stream for schedule so it also says when it's going to be released which is march 6 2021 march 3 2012 no it's march six i'm so sorry march 6 20 21 at 5 00 a.m so if you want to check your calendar you just have to go to publisher click on publisher and there you go so this one you can actually close this so you have a better view of your calendar so as you can see here march 2 3 4 5 6 you can see the schedule post here the good thing about hootsuite planner is that it's very interactive the calendar is very interactive what you need to do is just click this one and then automatically you can see the information for this post so for this post this is going to be on your facebook page we'll make a video this is going how this is how it's going to look like on facebook and these are the details scheduled time saturday march 6 at 5 00 a.m old texts teams period cohesion and together so you can close it and if you want to change some uh something some details on this one or like the schedules you can just drag it for example okay for the facebook page i want it to be posted on friday instead then you just have all you need to do is just drag it and automatically it changes like if you click this one it's no longer march 6 but march 5 and it's going to be at 5 15 a.m so if you are if you don't agree with the time you can just go like no i'm so sorry i want it at 2 a.m which is like 9 a.m the philippines so it's 2 50 but you actually want 2 a.m right so it's a little bit tricky to adjust it here so you can just adjust it here on edit and time and 2 am and done and save edits so now it's schedule time it's march 5 at 2 am so that is how you actually create content and schedule the release of this content via hootsuite so i hope you've learned a lot through our tutorial oh no before we end this tutorial let us try to check this first analytics this is one of my favorite features on hootsuite but apparently i can accuse it right now because i am not on a paid plan so if you click this one you are going to measure your social media impact the good thing is that we can try it for free for 30 days so maybe i'm going to try it just to show you guys how it is done okay so you just have to click try it for 30 days there you go oh you might be a little bit scared since it will redirect you to the paid plans but let us just try okay i haven't tried the free tr um free trial as well but let's try this one okay so click on the professional upgrade now since i'm not working on a team right now via hootsuite or on a business so i'm just going to check uh to choose professional so click on upgrade now and then there you go you can have a free trial 100 free and it will last for 30 days and you can cancel any time anyway your professional trial includes 10 social profiles real-time analytics auto scheduling and limited rss integrations so it's kind of great so upgrade to a hootsuite professional plan so maybe i'm going to build the monthly just in case i forget to this is their problem with um free trials so a little bit tricky is if you forget to unsubscribe or cancel it you will get charged automatically so here we have here questions will my credit card or people be charged right now no you won't be charged until after your free trial ends on april 1 2021 after your free trial will be charged at 65 your monthly plus tax until you decide to downgrade or cancel can i cancel the trial at any time yes you can switch to a new plan downgrade or cancel your subscription at any time please note refunds can only be issued within 30 days of your subscription start date so maybe i'm going to use paypal as it might be less tricky also it will redirect you to paypal account so what you just need to do is this one so the thing is that i cannot um update it because my people account is linked to my um previews philippine number so there's no way for me to get the code i can't do it unless i put my card account so i'm gonna input my card account and i'm gonna pause the video or the screen recording right now since i'm going to include or attach my card to this one to hootsuite just so we can try the analytics and my card contains um private information i'm going to pause the screen recording and be back so that's it i just um sorry i just linked my card to my hootsuite account and i've upgraded my account for now for uh 30 days for free and i've actually chose i've actually chosen the team account just in case you know i just want to check how it works so that's it suspend schedule post and resume later so new let me see what is this okay let's just read this since i've gotten this message how many does i have 20 20 stars anything somebody with hootsuite organization admins can now extract full control over scheduled posts by suspending them when needed you can act quickly and gain the flexibility to schedule more timely content make edits and resume your scheduled content at a later date organization admins will find the suspend option in the social networks and team view under my profile okay so now since we've already upgraded for free for 30 days we can already check our analytics so let's see so now we already have um we can already access analytics since we've already upgraded our account for 30 days for free so you can see here like um instagram overview so um there's no data because i've deleted the instagram from my hits with account and i didn't i didn't include linkedin as well so i have twitter and facebook so we can check on twitter well my twitter is probably going to be so bad so twitch i only had one fit from february 24 to march 2 i had 21 followers i had one engagement and i have traffic zero clicks so it's just very awful so i probably will want to check my facebook instead so this is my facebook overview from february 24 to march 2 i have to post and i already have 2 400 fans and for that certain day i had a 421 engagement i have zero clicks so this one my fans are the country they are usually from the philippines or from uae saudi arabia bahrain japan i'm quite surprised in this one i haven't seen this one you know i wasn't um checking out my my followers yet like i'm analyzing data i haven't done that on my page yet so engagement type you can see there's our reactions and these are comments and these are shares as you can see i have the three though i'm more happy with the reactions and then the comments and then the shares but here inbound messages uh 33 positive and six percent negative so sentiment i don't know how they get this one but maybe we can ask here more info the total number of inbound messages received by all your facebook pages comments post by others pms does not include comments from the other posts so i don't know how they actually rank this one like how many like i don't know how they say if it's positive or negative but maybe that's it so for example um you don't really like this graph because this doesn't um provide more information to you or you find it difficult to interpret data with this type of um graph or whatsoever so what you can do is click on this one click on this one for example post click on this configure tile so you can see the visualization you can check it like this there you go or like this or like this or like this or like this so for me maybe i would go with this one i'm not so sure but yeah let's try well for this one i actually would prefer this right then for this one for the engagement i'm going to check it here maybe i would prefer a column or like an area let's see how it looks like there you go because um the reason why i like this one these scraps is that it shows you when it picked and when it actually starts to go down right it's great and for fans maybe we can also try to check it how is it moving well it doesn't really matter that much so i'm not going to check that maybe this works better that's it so you can configure a lot of things here so maybe later on we can still check about more things about hootsuite but for now that is our tutorial for hootsuite so now you are already equipped with the right knowledge and skills on how to become a social media manager and that's it for our social media management congratulations classmate you can now work as a social media manager it's true you might find it basic but honestly those are the main tasks of a social media manager so that's all for this video classmate i hope that you've gained a lot of knowledge and i hope that with this video you've become more confident with your virtual assistant skill and you can actually niche down as a social media manager now so let me know which part of this lesson you like the most and if you love the content of this video please hit the like button and see you on my next videos bye
Channel: Romie Carillo
Views: 59,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: social media management, how to be a social media manager, freelancing, virtual assistant, social media manager, romie carillo, social media management tutorial 2021, social media management 2021, social media management course, virtual assistant tutorial 2021, how to be a virtual assistant, basics of social media management, tasks of social media manager, what does a social media manager do
Id: rhIT5GZP4C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 59sec (5999 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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