Soccer Card Investing 101

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my name is Jeff Wilson by day I invest in tech companies and at night I invest in sports parties join me on my journey to profit from the hobby we all love [Music] hello sports Gard investors and welcome to another episode are you ready to learn today about what might be the best investment opportunity in all of the sports card industry it is potentially the sleeping giant of the sports card industry and I am talking about soccer cards soccer cards could be the next big thing but we are just at the beginning stage of soccer cards in America as a sports card investor this means that there could be tremendous opportunity for you to get involved in soccer cards now and profit from the rise in popularity of soccer cards in the years to come assuming that actually takes place I'm excited about soccer cards and I'm excited about where the market is going to go I'm going to begin investing in soccer cards and I wanted to take today's episode to set the landscape for soccer cards this is the episode that will teach you all of the basics you need to know to understand the soccer card world in America and it is not just this episode that's going to teach you that I also today posted two sports card investor calm a brand new article called the case for soccer cards it is by Patrick Neely Patrick Neely watches the show and submitted an article through our article submission program about the case for soccer cards it is a great article that complements this video very very well Patrick makes the case for why he thinks soccer cards could be a good investment but also gives you things to think about things to watch out for it's a nice respective on soccer card investing so go to sports card investor calm as soon as this episode is over check out that article leave a comment on that article and another great place to talk about that article and to talk about everything you're going to learn today we have a soccer card channel in my discord chat server if you are thinking about buying soccer cards if you are thinking about investing in soccer cards join the soccer card channel in my discord chat server to get to my discord chat server it's completely free go to sports card investor com click discord chat in the main menu bar when you log in a discord on the left is all the channels you can choose from choose the soccer card channel and there will be conversation in there about soccer cards there's some really enthusiastic people I'd like to see that channel grow so please join ask questions be part of the soccer card community this growing exciting community let's get to the episode today this discussion about soccer cards so I brought in for today's episode I brought in a premier expert on soccer cards this guy's name is Austin brown and he is one of the largest breakers of soccer cards in the United States and yes there are breakers who specialize in soccer cards Austin is one of those breakers who specializes in soccer cards and not only is he one of them but he is one of the biggest in the United States he happens to be based here in Atlanta he's affiliated partnered with Joe Davis from got baseball cards calm who you've seen on some previous episodes my favorite local card shop owner who I buy a lot of my cards from and so Austin works with Joe and they run this online soccer breaking Network they do it out of a Facebook group called US soccer breaks and it would be great for you to join the u.s. soccer breaks Facebook group because that is where Austin and his team are talking about soccer cards they're announcing their upcoming soccer card breaks it's a really nice community so check out US soccer breaks on Facebook so this conversation with Austin we are to talk about the different types of soccer card is the different sets of soccer cards what rookie cards are like in the soccer card world and that's an interesting discussion because it is a little bit different especially how rookie cards have been treated in the past few years is a little bit different than the u.s. major sport so you're gonna learn something there that's really important we talked about the importance of on card autographs which is also different a little bit different than the American sports so there's definitely some nuances to soccer card investing that you're gonna want to listen to this whole episode to be able to take in so the first six minutes of my interview with Austin which you're about to hear he talks about his entrepreneurial journey how did he become one of the top breakers of soccer cards in America to the point where recently he has now made this his full-time job so that is an interesting story to listen to because it's it's been a journey over the last few years for him leading up to this becoming his full-time job so he talks about that for the first six minutes I think there's an interesting entrepreneurial take aways there and then we get into talking about the sets and the cars and the manufacturers and the players and all that kind of stuff that you're gonna want to know so let's go here we go for my interview with Austin Brown US soccer breaks Austin welcome to the show thanks for having Jeff yeah the audience is excited to hear this today so you're one of the pioneers of soccer card breaking in the u.s. yes sir we are Joe and I got baseball cards we've gotten to the soccer about five years ago especially in 2014 when FIFA World Cup was there and Norge attina made their incredible run and you know it's been truly incredible incredible story actually I got into the groups I started getting heavy into the soccer trading cards and basically I just started doing deals with people started really buying the soccer cards coming to got baseball cards calm purchasing soccer cards and I really didn't even know they made soccer cards and I was very intrigued by that and was very interested by it and I got to know many people through all over the world and my great friend of mine Harold between friend and France introduced me to my first ever breaking soccer group and that was soccer breakers FC really the Pioneer and in the home of soccer breaks the number one stalker breaker in the world currently soccer breakers FC Cyrus and and he introduced me to that group and ever since I've really been heavily active in the breaks and I got to really know people was breaking in the breaks participating in the breaks for three four years and really got to know people and and got to create a great relationship with Cyrus as well among other people and after you know really being heavily active in the Facebook groups and and so on you know we we basically i was i was a great friends with joe davis got baseball cards calm and basically I went to him you know and I said you know I think there's a there's some opportunity here you know I think we we might want to try it and you know we basically were doing breaks here and there but we started to go live every Saturday and really uh and really push the brakes and the FIR I'll never forget the first time Joe asked me was the Thursday or Friday I said hey man just what do you think about going live this weekend you know you know get some of your buddies talked to some of your buddies let him know that we're going to be doing a break and see if they want to participate and I was like okay you know we'll do it and I got with some people and and talked to him and asked if they wanted to participate in the break this weekend and they were all for it and we ended up going live that Saturday and wound up doing $1200 in sales so it was very successful and and from that point we started to slowly average Saturday we would we would go live and do personal boxes for people and then slowly we we evolved into doing picture team breaks PYT breaks and that was that really started to work out for us and and so you know what's going really good we're very you know we were small guy just starting out and trying to get try to get our feet wet in the breaks because Joe had never never done any kind of breaking whatsoever and what year was this this was around 2015 okay mm about four years ago yeah and you know so you know and he you know and he you know just would he never did it and it was something good you know and obviously um me purchasing from jolly gone down because I was getting in these breaks so much and it was consuming a lot of my my extra money that I had that was spending at the time and you know so we saw an opportunity there and so it went really well you know over time and we were approached about a year ago by our great partner friend Tony Farina out of Connecticut and he had built a significant following about a four hundred four hundred member group following and it was really geared around soccer you know and he got really big on a short period of time and he approached us to partner up and at first it's pretty crazy actually when I go back and I think about it because at first you know I kind of I kind of blew him off you know and and he and he kept coming to me and kept saying hey you know you know it's getting too much for me you know is there any way we can we can possibly work something out and I blew him off the first time he came back to me the second time and then finally the third time is when he told me you know I was getting getting kind of much for him and I said okay I'll talk to Jeff you know we'll talk to Jeff see see what he says and and pretty much the rest is history we've been doing we've been active in the group now for about a year and we've been doing people had tea breaks pretty constantly we've been doing on average from the data we've been doing about five or six per week since you know for the past three or four months so that's been really good you know so and then also too we were we actually came in second as far as total cases of immaculate soccer broken this year and also two eminent soccer which was Dean you know eight thousand dollar retail case high-end soccer and so we were pretty proud of that yeah so and you're doing this full time now right absolutely as of recently about four months ago I actually transitioned from a big for the executive job and came to do the soccer breaks full-time that's awesome so yeah I'm very excited about it and I look forward to my my new career in this industry so it's actually this is actually a great entrepreneurial story for anybody out there who's thinking about you know I want to get more involved in cards but I've got another job so in your case you really formed a relationship with a local card store owner and you guys kind of formed a partnership he let you start kind of breaking on the side on weekends that kind of thing and then you found this other guy who had this Facebook group and and kind of a greater partnership was born because you could you could you know essentially take take the members of the Facebook group and advertise the breaks to them and it's grown absolutely to the point where it's now turned into a full-time venture for you and and the local shop owner Joe yeah Matt and we and we started out with around 400 members when when Tony had it had it going and now we're up as of this morning to 890 to 892 let's get this guy over a thousand members in his Facebook group what's the name of the Facebook right it's called US Soccer bricks u.s. soccer breaks and I will put the link to the Facebook group in the show notes of this show so go join us soccer breaks let's game get him over a thousand members awesome awesome entrepreneurial story Austin we have a lot to dive into today we want to talk about we want to learn everything we can learn about soccer cards so this is going to be an awesome episode there's a lot of interest in the Hobby about soccer cards at soccer card investing so let's start set the landscape a little bit for us tell us about the manufacturers you know is it tops is it panini who plays in the soccer card space really you got panini and tops okay panini is probably the premier the gold standard they've really got their stuff together when it comes to soccer you got tops and then you also have food Terra okay food Terra trading cards they've been in the soccer game for quite a while now and some collectors really like their stuff you know they have really good quality stuff but panini tops and food Terra really are the the main ones now do they now obviously in in you know the sports of like baseball and football and basketball and hockey you've got exclusives with different manufacturers correct is that the case in soccer yes you do have some exclusives in the past couple years topsis had the exclusive rights to UEFA Champions League okay which is a huge league that compasses all leagues around the world the top five leaks and other leagues as well but they had the exclusive lights for a couple years for UEFA Champions League and then also too they have the exclusive rights for a Bundesliga which is also the German league so yeah they do have those exclusive rights I think panini is in the process of getting the the UEFA Champions League license as well I don't know if they're there quite there yet but I think we were going to see that in their future as well so now what does panini have exclusive rights to anything at this moment not really soccer is a little different okay you know swimming more complex you got so many countries so many teams so really you know the clubs they can kind of do it at their leisure how they see fit you know gotcha now they don't really exciting exclusive with any anybody really honestly yeah because tops is playing in it a little bit food tears playing a little right and panini as well but panini kind of sets the standard so panini do you break the most panini absolutely okay so panini is much all pretty much all Panisse Avenida is what you look to most often when it comes to breaking and buying sometimes it seems okay so tell us a little bit about it tell us a bit about the market in general so obviously you know you have seen the market increase with your own business breaking cards over the last five years how have you seen the market in the US and then also international change you know in recent recent years I mean I think it's changed drastically I mean we have so many more people that are getting into soccer now whether it be breakers groups you know all over the world I mean it has grown substantially in just five years that I've been and experienced it so I think there's tremendous potential there and like a like I've mentioned we're really only in our infancy you know soccer is a hobby so to speak so there's tons of potential and it's grown vastly yeah you know and really the manufacturers are still gen to figure out you what are good sets that we can do and recreate year after year so really they're still just you know still test-drive really yeah this is a really interesting time then for soccer it really yeah you're like right at the beginning of something which from an investor standpoint that can be a really attractive time to get in because if it's able to follow the same growth curve that as other sports and rise in popularity year over year there could be a lot of money to be made with with investing today totally agree yeah really interesting okay and us verse international I'm just curious how does your business break down are you seeing are there or is it is it mainly us folks and your breaks is it a lot of international folks bring a lot of international okay a lot of international it's it's it's a mix but it primarily is the majority Internet okay you know and it's just huge soccer shoes globally and I think it's going to continue to make headway and especially in America you know you know when it really takes off in America I think we're gonna see a surge especially here has the growth of the MLS in America contributed it to the growth of soccer cart popularity I don't know soccer cards specifically but soccer yeah soccer yeah okay which is ultimately gonna help that you know I think you know I think I think it has yeah now we're gonna go through the sets in a minute are their MLS sets yes there are they actually tops actually you know and then that said I think tops does have exclusive rights to MLS you got I'm not sergeant I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure because they're tops is manufacturing the MLS says you know it's not very attractive we got collectors yeah just woke up that you know they don't have the big names you know they recently acquired you know slots on ibrahimovic this last season so he's a big name but he's also in know somebody who hasn't signed yet right so so so when it comes to breaking when it comes to investing most of the activity you're seeing is not mls players mostly activity are seeing as some of the other you know European leagues there apparently bubbly clubs and then also to your national team cards right for the country right gotcha okay makes sense let's talk about let's let's talk a little bit about some of the cards you know some of the sets in general so you know I if you're you guys we actually have a lot of cards here that we're gonna show people as we go through and so I think this would be a good time now let's start - let's start to talk about some of these cards and what's out there what's good from an investment standpoint what people should be paying attention to well some of the first cards ever first ever really produced by panini America was the 2014 World Cup FIFA World Cup Brazil set it's a very popular set amongst collectors and the the value of the cards are significant and I think that they will continue to go up but those really those are prism brand names so that panini is using their popular prism name that everyone's used to from you know basketball and football yeah and this is the premier semi-people this really started it all 2014 cap with panini America and you know you have a lot of first-time stoners yeah in this set people who'd never signed before also to the low number of parallel stuff extremely well you know like very well so it's a it's a good set and also too it only comes out every four years that one does yes okay so it's a follows the world share so so it's very it's a significant sentence all collectors really love to collect this one and how did this so the 2014 World Cup set first first set you know popular the panini was putting on here in America 20 how did how did that compare to that I assume they put a 2018 this and how did that kind of compare in popularity I think it was it was about the same okay you saw we saw a surge we did we ended up doing 106 cases over kind of the 2018 so it was very it was very popular you know and you know again it's the set that people collect yeah you know so when it comes out everybody's on it so I'm okay so that's it's good to know so we got a World Cup coming up in 2022 yep so as we have few years away still but as we lead up to the World Cup in 2022 there's going to be a lot of hype around that set coming out yeah and also to you know if you may have teamed new new teams that qualify yeah for the World Cup so that is potentially it could be their first cards yeah you know so that's why that's another like us we didn't ask absolutely and they still figured out a way to you know put Christian ballistics okay but you know but yeah it's it's just an incredible set and collectors worldwide love it and as far as investment 2014 would be the BD cent invest in as far as prison yeah because it was the very first one how did those how have those change price-wise over time from when they first came out to now the 2014 yeah yeah 2014 is gone up significantly I think it went from like a $100 box to like now I think you're they're going for like 140 to 160 okay but it did even it even reached levels of two hundred per box I've gotten at one point okay and that's for sealed wax filled well gosh yeah yeah but just it's just it's a big print run you know and it's hard to pull the I mean the refractor number 225 prism autographs are very popular and and you've seen them increase in value yes drastically since 2014 yeah and then the load number of parallels as well yeah yeah so similar maybe to you know growth we've seen a basketball and that type of thing we're big bigger print runs but making the parallels and the numbered cards all the more all the more valuable and important absolutely yeah and kind of this next set we got here was the first select set it was kind of the very first patch autograph got it had in soccer a lot of first time signers and this one as well so it's just really really sought after because of the the patch autographs what year was that that was that was 2015 okay yeah so that came along in 2015 and it was very huge you know the the prices on as they continued a manufacturer product and come out with new new releases they kind of did a dip but I foresee you know in the future you know those going taking taking a rise back up yeah okay so first Eponine you came out with prism ii so they came out with was was select was so that was real popular ones yeah yeah interesting real cool and then the set that really did it all it was actually the very first high end sent oh captain they came out was that that changed the game that was the panini flawless all right and this is actually you know folk art the most sought-after cards of Leonel messy which is d flawless finishes from the 2016 yes set beautiful on card out of there it's it's a great it's a great autograph yeah people and these cards right here or the singles are actually on the way back up we've seen a rise recently out these because you just can't find this product anymore and and people love it because it was the first true on card set for soccer all car autograph excuse me for soccer so it's a big deal yeah and it one thing you'll find as we go through on card is a big deal in soccer cards a big deal in soccer sure so to you and that was 2016 you said this was 2006 2016 flawless honor so if we've got some folks listening who are like you know what I want to place a bet on soccer I don't have any cars right now but let me get in and I you know on some of these historical cards that might have some significance from recent years you're looking at 14 prism as kind of a groundbreaking set and then 16 flawless if I would be two sets to maybe try to get try to get your hands on yes okay yes absolutely excellent and then there's particularly the flawless and the 2014 World Cup right like I said they're really the pioneer of of that scent you know and you know people are gonna is gonna continue to go up yeah people they got to have it yeah you know I mean this is these are the cards you need to have and maybe being one of the first set sure makes it even that much more so a very new very new good and then this is another one that this was actually for those of you that don't know Leonel Messi's only match worn ever card that panini america has ever produced Leo Messi does not allow his jerseys to be used as game worn stock used he's holding it for a museum okay and so this was actually one of the only cards ever that he has a match war material on and that's a flawless as well and that's a flawless as well so it just kind of give you an example this one here I paid eighteen hundred for okay I'd probably go for around three thousand there and that's a 16 2016 flawless so that same set on card auto yeah and by the unique thing with this this card as you'll see it has the the swatch of the boot in the car so is a boot patch autograph soul of the game Wow so very very neat ok that's a beautiful card and then and then the next set that really came along after the flawless that is truly significant in soccer is going to be your 2016 17 panini nor ok and nor and what's very sought-after nor is the spotlight signature scent yeah and this right here is by far if it's not it's one or two most sought after Messi cards there are this is going to be the Leo Messi spotlight signature nor from the 1617 North set it is truly incredible card first first year they did the gold ink so yeah Bo ain't never liked the gold ink so just kind of give you an example of this card I paid 2,500 for recently we had the the national and I had a standing offer got walked up to me and offered me five thousand mmm so just you know and I had got of this about three years ago yeah so it really is it truly is a significant set I think the Ronaldo closes for around the same five six thousand they only made twenty five of them so this is a significant set in soccer and always will be one of the most sought-after sites so you're showing us a lot of messy cards here yes my personal yeah I yeah and I actually put a PC messy okay so that's the reason why you're seeing all these myths okay so but I got them from the particular sets well and so I I assume like other sports star power name power makes a big difference in soccer oh yeah yeah and Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are the biggest okay so those are your guys know your guys and you know even over the older guys you know some of the vintage stuff does well but when you're talking bringing a premium yeah it's it's gonna be cr7 yep and in Messi okay but and actually before we got some more cards to show but before we do talk about vintage for a second like let's talk these we're seeing all these cards now that have come out since 2014 all of these releases that have become popular in the US but there is actually a long history of soccer cards yes there is there actually is it actually it's it's stickers yeah you know panini started in 1961 and they have a lot of bases all over the world you know specifically in Italy Italy is a big one but they do the vintage is very it's you know it's really it's an unknown but you know if people are starting to get into soccer more and more so you're gonna start seeing more vintage come up but really in vintage and soccer is gonna be your stickers mm-hmm you know because most majority you know what panini produced early on was strictly stickers you know so a lot like your Maradona rookie card is going to be a sticker you're Pele is going to be a sticker so you know and if you can find those and you really know what you're looking for you can you can make some good investments if you can find you know because they're tough yep and because also - they're not distributed in America right so that makes a whole different ballgame right you know right so prior to 2014 was it was it mainly stickers yeah oh yeah and because 2014 was really the first you know set from panini America tops did a few English Premier League cents back in 2012 and 2013 and it's they did good but you know again panini is you know they've really said okay yeah look I'm soccer from an investment standpoint the Vinit have you seen the vintage kind of move as much or as more of the excitement around the recent years precisely I mean it's more around the reason how Congress you know we don't I don't see we I don't see vintage movements you know and like I said it's kind of an unknown yeah you know and you know you just really got to know what you're doing and specialize in that's awesome I'm sure it's some opportunity out there with that well maybe there is I mean if it's kind of a sleeping giant maybe there's often maybe there's maybe vintage is actually a really good place to look in soccer if not a lot of people are looking there right now you know the market changes and continues to grow you know maybe there's opportunity fine absolutely well this modern stuff the modern stuffs exciting so what else what else what else have we got here what else like the other significant set that there is is going to be your 2017-18 immaculate this is one of the sets that's really taken off it was very successful another one of your first on card autograph sets Leonel messy they did have a marquee signature set within this product that was all stickers but majority of the set was all on card so that was a big deal and then also to everybody just loves the immaculate yeah immaculate sorna yeah and there's collectors in soccer that specifically collect the immaculate I've got nothing else interesting so and then also too we can we confirmed at the summit that they're going to recreate immaculate next year so this will be the third year in a row and they've done it and I really think that it's gonna be one that sticks around for for a long yeah yeah so which is good so you're seeing a lot of the same brands as you see and you know in panini basketball on the nubs football actually but I feel like you know they're still trying to test it out see right see what it was dick yeah well it's it's nuanced like for example what's popular in basketball you know is not it's a little different football and basketball even though they have a lot of the same sets out there you know sets that rule in basketball like a prism prison football's popular but it's nowhere near you know what it what it is in basketball and then of course vice versa you've got sets in football that haven't really caught like a specter in football actually I think is a pretty great popular set but in basketball it's never really caught on so they're I guess they're just trying to figure out what that mixes in in soccer between all their name brands yeah interesting okay tell me a little bit now about like what is coming out now how often does sets come out I know for example prism panini prism just came out with a English Premier League set with just within the last few weeks that's their first EP oh yeah and now that became a very popular I've seen it's very popular currently right now and the English the Premier League is popular as well but yeah it's it's really taken to her because I mean again prism yeah you know and in soccer prism is the set so you know it being the first EPL was just significant and a lot of people are going to jump on it you know Liverpool winning the Champions League last year and them having cards in it I mean gonna be very sought-after so yeah I mean the newt and then we got new and more sets coming we got obsidian coming yeah and then we got gold standard coming two new sets to soccer yeah so it's just gonna be interesting yeah to see really interesting very cool very exciting how often are new sets coming out in soccer like what is our release calendar looking like well I mean it's it's getting more and more yeah here's again I think they're still trying to fill it out and see which sets are gonna stick and which ones are in the soccer community and you know I think you know probably you know this year we had quite a few you know every other months probably got me every three months I would have to say yeah five said and you're seeing some of these same sets now being released every year so yeah and the new ones being added so it's starting to grow a little bit yeah yeah very neat let's talk about some of the types of cards within the sets so you know it you you obviously in like with a prism basketball or football you're seeing a lot of refractors you're seeing you know numbered parallels you know autos you know they said or like is that are you seeing that same exact thing happening across these different soccer sets absolutely yeah even in soccer you know you have the prism yeah you have the blue then you have the red which is our number two 199 and 149 the cap goes down to 99 then he goes to 65 captain it goes to 40 okay and then it goes to 25 15 10 5 and 1 and then your one on one and your one is black here's your black okay so a lot of similarity very number numbering a little bit different but a lot of similarity overall to what you see in basketball and football solutely same thing with that product past cards yeah similar it's similar to a top you know would you see in top tops chrome Bowman chrome that tie coming in baseball as well that same type of idea yes yeah yes yeah okay makes sense I and you've got as you said you got off autos some on card some sticker you got patch cards majority sticker in soccer okay obviously because you know they're all over the world right you know they're not in the United States so they have to ship them out and they have to ship them back so that makes the Jonker so is the on card auto even potentially more valuable in soccer than yes okay significantly okay because of that reason they're actually a lot more rare the the this in the soccer soccer world it's just the sticker is really not respected that much you know and but but I understand it but it's just when the collectors and the investors they want that on yeah you know and in the on card is you know because a lot of collectors and investors you know they want it to be or collectors specifically they want it that person the whole that's significant to them well yeah and you know in the American sports they'll get a lot of the players especially all the rookies and everything to come together for a signing day and everyone's signing but you made a great point that in soccer all of these players distribute all over the world so they're not able to get them all together so doing the on card is probably much more of a challenge which is why it's much more rare absolutely yes interesting okay talk talk to me about rookie cards how is that working in soccer is their first cards are their rookie cards how does that work in the soccer world actually there is rookie cards and actually I brought this one here to show you 2017-18 panini trouble was actually their very first set that they put the RC okay the on the car okay so some of the earlier sets they weren't using the RC low not at all okay and then also so like take you back to 2016 which is going to be Christian polysix rookie year as you can see no RC on the interesting so that's me this is one of his first cars all of the 2016 products obviously gonna be Christian Politico if he turns out to be pretty good then you know those products will go up substantially I wonder why they didn't use the rookie card logo but then started doing I honestly think they were still trying to figure it out yeah you know and you know I think it's just something that you know and you know again they were still learning the sport you know and then they came up next I followed up after that with the donners optic soccer obviously while all of y'all have seen the rated rookie yeah love the rated rookie symbol in the other stuff yeah it's you know they've really come out and started is that is that a gold is that a vegetable tanned is that so is that number to ten just like we see with the gold and the other sports that's the vinícius juice yeah he's actually up-and-coming beautiful some people think he's gonna be really good so he's a he's a prospect one that you might want to invest yeah and if you if you know him all right so we've got optic and soccer as well so we got a lot of the major brands select optic flawless noir you know prayer and of course prism ruling today and yeah so okay so the brands are familiar yeah okay so we got rated rookies now we've got RC logo so now we're we consistently seeing those on the cards now okay majority of the parties are coming to have right in there right and also to when people you know have a big point that's been raised is like for instance let me see here I got one here like you have a few cards like this one for instance was from the EPL this is a power gold and as you can see as the RC on there right no grant but this guy's a he's a 30 year old player he's okay he's been in the league okay quite a few years okay but I think what that signifies is is that this is his first ever panini America card so now paninis started to put our C's on the first panini America even if it's not an actual even the guy's not not a rookie correct so that's a little bit maybe how they use like the first Bowman one st which is basically signifying hey this is the first you know card we produce to that guy really interesting okay okay yeah interesting all right so a little a little different than what we see in the American sports but yeah very very interesting okay any other types of cards that are significant you know different different than you know maybe what you would see and the other sports I mean really is just the rookies and me yeah I mean rookies rookies Brooke everyone's chasing the rookie cards now rush to your cards much like in other sports you know but yeah it's really it's all about that yeah and the rookies and the first-year cards and you know it's really the big deal yeah and I guess more so going forward because you can't it sounds like you can't really go back and get like a messy rookie card unless you're gonna go get sticker is that right actually no I mean you could you can find them but the very hard to find yeah message rookie card is is actually part I was made by panini Oh 405 illegal mega cracks oh gosh that so international said not an America you have the exclusive right distributed in Europe Spain specifically got it was made by I think Modena Italy panini so it's very sought-after car share very saw an investment grade would be a 9.5 I mean you those would be the ones that you would invest right and those are and that was though before any set started coming out in America so that's a good question so into so today now you've got all these American brands coming out panini Americas putting out all these is panini internationally putting out sets of these same players as well different sets like different grants yeah but like like for instance you take them Bobby's Revere 1670 panini foot so yeah they are manufacturing exclusive sets for Europe and they're individual countries interesting as well yeah so so if you wanted to really collect a guy if you wanted a PC one of these newer players and get his rookie cards your you need to both look at all of these American sets which we're used to because of from the other sports but then you also need to look at the sets that are being produced elsewhere in the world by really gonna you really really got to do your homework okay when you're dealing with with rookie cards Yap stalker makes it makes your rookie card checklist a lot more complicated than what we've know what a rookie card checklist in basketball or where football might look like right yes yeah absolutely interesting okay all right learning and learning a lot on this show hopefully hopefully the audience's as well I'm sure they are so let's talk about let's talk about boxes right so you're breaking a lot of boxes are they I haven't yet seen soccer cards show up in a retail format I'm not I don't I don't recall walking into a Walmart and seeing soccer cards they are they are they are they there they are they're there okay well I just have paid attention to them so I'm still focused on but I don't the I go straight for basketball most of the time you know and a little bit a little bit of football in baseball but okay so they are there so you can out earlier they got retail releases of these sets and then exclusive parallels okay in in Walmart and Target yes okay so there are reaches so there's retail boxes are they to similar types of like blaster boxes or hanger box hanger packs okay fat packs okay yeah I mean the same same well shame on me for not noticing that yeah well maybe they did or maybe I just they blended in with a Pokemon and I just kind of like you know that's those are game cards right but the and then and then are there local card shops or there hobby boxes hobbies really the way to go okay I know if you really you know want to invest and get the most out of your money it's gonna be the Hobby taxes it just has you know the autographs memorabilia and obviously as you go higher high and you know your chances are better hitting them yeah so it not that much different than most of most sports you know people tend to veer more towards hobby there have been there have been some releases where certain retail products have actually done really well like there's been a few releases where actually you get a little more bang for your buck with retail in other sports you know it but but but for the most part generally people look towards Hobby from an investment standpoint in most sports and so the same seems to really hold true in soccer especially soccer no it is okay Hobby is the way to go if you want the bang for your buck okay so and and and just like any of the other sports you know the the I assume it's similar in terms of buying the boxes and ordering is it hard is that is a supply of soccer cards difficult right now is and more like basketball this year it's like really impossible nothing compared nothing so it's actually easier right now for dealers to get the soccer cards there's and there's enough being printed demand supply has not supply is still at or above demand right now correct okay yeah that's just in the store so it's just in its start right so it's actually easy to get boxes but you know what's interesting is if you look at like for example basketball it was actually easy to get you know basketball sets for the local card shops and that type of thing was easy for them to get the sets you know five or six or seven years ago they weren't having trouble getting supply a prism or anything like that it was easy today those same boxes have gone up so much that like you know everyone is kicking all the local card shop owners are kicking themselves for not having ordered more back five years ago and having just stockpiled it because you know you could have had you know Yanis is rookie year for example you know they're those those boxes would be worth a ton today and and they were they were able the card shops could have gotten more but of course just wasn't a pop as popular back then wonder if we're seeing the same thing with soccer right now where it's like does it make sense to be thinking about buying boxes stockpiling boxes I guess it's possible to do but of course we don't know because it depends what happens with the market over the next several years yeah and if I think you know its economy and the market keeps pace the way it is you know I think these first year boxes and stuff we're gonna be highly sought after if it matures up like the other sports now yeah you're gonna see boxes that are gonna kind of skyrocket yeah I feel ya how what do you see one thing that always makes me a little bit nervous about buying older wax or even holding on to wax for too long is redemption cards because redemption cards expire and so you know and if there's like a really really key player where his cards are all his autos are all Redemption then that can actually affect in soccer when you've been opening up recent boxes how you know what is the redemption ratio are you seeing a lot of redemption is redemption not that common I mean me I would say no I don't think it's that common yeah I did a pretty good job no you do have one or two every every set they come out with but it's always specific and isolated you know it's it's that players doing something or he's out of town he's often vacant yeah for the month or whatever and yeah that will delay it so they'll have to put the redemption sharing so not as not enough to necessarily affect the price of the boxes yeah I don't think so yeah now nor is asset nor we talked about it earlier as a set Lea no message card in that set is a redemption and it expired I think last year okay now Pete and I have known of people where they have fulfilled these redemptions even though they're after they're expired now and also too I think the reason why they do is because the set is so significant yep within the hobby and in the soccer world so I think they feel like you know we're gonna have to hold on to these because somebody's going to break you know North Side right and their whole message oh my god you'd be devastated okay he's like that's expired yeah sorry you know you know you hit the twenty you know the five thousand dollar spotlight and you know if you can't redeem it then yeah it's pretty bad Wow Wow yeah so let's talk a little bit about investing strategy when it comes to soccer investing you know my recommendation is just again like I said earlier the rookies you know rookies rookies rookies and also to Messi and Ronaldo you know you really got to know your stuff when it comes to soccer you got to know your prospects you really got to read up on it and know what you're doing right if you don't then you know you I don't think you have the foresight to really see it yeah so it's not unlike any other sport if you want to invest in baseball prospects you've got to do your homework on these guys because you know yeah or you know basketball what rookies are worth investing in you know and who aren't names ion this year right yeah yeah you know and it's just you know as far as investing you know you wanna you want to really look at the high-end does really well but again the first year sets and also to the first year autos first first cards and also the rookies the rookies is significant and from an investment standpoint condition you know condition is everything yeah so so let's talk about that so grading obviously in the other sports is really significant and at from an it as an investor I mainly by graded cards I'm mainly looking for you know a PSA ten vgs 9.5 or above same apply in soccer absolutely okay yeah and I mean grading is the meanest everybody wants the highest grade yep possible obviously because it's the most valuable yeah but yeah grading is really significant in in soccer yeah yeah yeah well one thing I'm taking away from the conversation today is that other than the player is being different and other than there being obviously a lot more teams a lot more clubs a lot more leagues to kind of be able to understand the landscape the actual mechanics of investing in soccer cards is similar to the other sports and that rookie cards rule grading is important you know refractors are important a lot of the sets in America are similar types of sets and scale and importance on card others are important I mean a lot of the same fundamentals apply we're just dealing with different players different teams different leagues and that part of it is more complicated yeah absolutely because of just the worldwide nature of the game and the number of clubs and all that kind of stuff and from an investor standpoint you know it's unique because like we've mentioned you know soccers in its embassy it's just starting so you have cards of teams that you know that are gonna come out of the future that will be their first cards for that team will be first cards for those players so you know there's a lot of opportunity it was in the soccer world yeah yeah and that's interesting so I was gonna ask kind of differences in your opinion between soccer and the other sports that's a big one right absolutely yeah yeah because you know you have hundreds of soccer teams and hundreds of countries I mean you know so it's it's all over the world and every every country every team has their own roster so it's it's huge I mean we need to talk about it in comparison yeah to other sports yeah it's just it's incredible yeah honestly yeah that's fascinating how did you so did you it sounded like from your your intro you were talking a little bit about it sounds like you're a fan of Argentina's team obviously your fan of messy so were you just a soccer fan and that's what drove you into card collecting and soccer to begin with well actually uh my mom actually Supreme Ian Joe's card shot when I was small when I was five years old so I've had a deep passion for collecting card I was little you know and I got back in at 304 when LeBron came in but yeah I mean it's you know as far as yeah I mean it's soccer's always just been something that you're you cards in general all sports something a collection of soccer so I got really honed in in 2014 like yeah because I just love soccer yeah you watch a lot of international games and yes yeah and I got I got you know Bart out on the on the American sports right and I wanted I was looking for something different and I just developed a deep passion for soccer and also to the community the community is great it's like any is unlike any other talk to me about that and you're talking about like through your Facebook group and yeah the community is amazing it's been an honor to be a part of it and just it seems like you know it's a very honest group of people you know and if you're in the soccer world and you're pretty good chance you've done a deal with me or know of me or you know so you know it's just been it's been incredible it's been incredible so it's a welcoming world so for those of you out there who are curious about soccer or wanting to maybe get a little bit more into it what would how would you recommend people start just get in the groups you know find people with common interests and you're a group you mean Facebook groups we got particularly yeah and I'm speaking of that's what really helps me again you just got to get in there start to build relationships right get into the to the market that community the soccer community and really start to just get to know people yeah and it is very welcoming it really is everybody knows everybody in the soccer community it's truly great I mean it's I've been very blessed to be part of it give everyone the name of your Facebook group again u.s. soccer Brooke u.s. soccer break so look that up on Facebook again we'll put that in the show notes that seems to be a really good place to start absolutely excellent Austin anything else you wanted to add anything else you think relevant for the audience today well just you know as far as when it comes to investing just know your stuff read up on your stuff really really look at the market you and see what the markets doing like when I say that eBay closed list sheriff so on and so forth but just and don't buy what you don't know mmm-hmm that's the big thing and just really you know watch the market the markets to be so let's say you've got somebody who doesn't know a lot about soccer but they are eager to kind of get a little bit more into the sport learn a little bit more buy some cards would you recommend they start with like one league or one team like you know should like for example if I wanted should I study up on the English Premier League for example would that be a good place to start or I think a good place to start being what you like you know I mean and really fine what team you want to support and what league you really like because again there's just top there's five top leagues so you know you really got a way what are those I got League one got you got Serie A which is the Italian league one it's the French you got a la liga which is Spain the Premier League which is Europe and then Bundesliga which is des German League okay so those are the top five leagues and you know and those are all part of the Champions Cup is that right yes yeah and also - not just those either right all pretty much all teams can qualify for the - yeah right if they've reached that certainly right right up so that's another interesting thing about the Champions League yeah and also - you know the collecting because you're gonna continue to have new teams come into the tournament new players yeah I'm into the tournament so it's gonna be interesting hobby over the next place yeah here's nothing very cool so good awesome well I hope some of the viewers get inspired by this get into it a little bit more I hope you guys join us soccer breaks and you guys are breaking I'd you so often per week now you said yeah we're doing about five six breaks okay awesome and what times of the day or days of the week we see a lot of activity in the morning okay when Hong Kong is going to sleep okay interesting so you got you because you got to really respect an international schedule your you've got a big audience here from all over the world absolutely and then at night is really when it really starts to crank up around interesting and into the wee hours of the morning Wow very cool well that would be a lot of fun to be part of one of these breaks get that experiment I guess you got a lot of international people in is everyone talking English Sergey yeah a lot of people yeah believe it or not they speak speak fluent and you know it's been incredible just getting to know people and creating those relationships and you know being part of the soccer all over the world all over the world that's a really cool aspect of it right it really is I mean to me that is the most amazing thing about the soccer community you just get to meet so many people who can form these relationships with so many different people from all over the world yeah it's truly incredible Tommy is Austin this has been wonderful I know I'm sure everyone has loved I've learned I've learned a lot from this episode I didn't know a ton about soccer cards and I'm excited to dive in more and these are some beautiful cards so I hope I can be the owner of some of these someday yeah thank you awesome thank you so much for sure thank you okay guys I hope you enjoyed that interview with Austin Brown as much as I did please go to his Facebook group u.s. soccer breaks join his Facebook group so you can learn about upcoming breaks that he's doing and don't forget to check out that article on my website by Patrick Neely the case for soccer cards it is a great complement to everything you just heard so go to sports card investor calm right now sports card investor calm and look at that article by Patrick Neely and of course go to my discord chat server to the soccer card channel to continue to talk about what you learn to ask questions there are people in that disk or chat server who really know soccer cards and want to talk soccer cards with you so go to my disk or chat server the link to my disk or chat server is in my website sports card investor comm right on the main menu bar by the way I will also put a link to Austin Browns Facebook group u.s. soccer breaks in the show notes of today's episode as well thanks for watching guys look forward to seeing you on the next episode of sports card investor make sure to subscribe you
Channel: Sports Card Investor
Views: 57,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sports card investor, sports card investing, investing in sports cards, soccer cards, american soccer cards, soccer cards panini, soccer card investing, soccer card flipping, soccer card investor, investing in soccer cards, soccer cards in america, soccer cards 2019, soccer cards opening, soccer cards breaking, soccer card breaking, soccer card opening, soccer card
Id: iH90dmxIFVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 39sec (3279 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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