"Sober"Tom MacDonald & Madchild ft Nova Rockafeller Reaction)Rdiss speaks on his 14 years sobriety.

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[Music] how you learning to walk if you can't handle the crawl how you learning to cross when you can't handle the ball how you saying you'll run when you ain't standing at all how you planning to jump if you can't handle the fall [Applause] [Music] what the deal artisan mc fam if you don't know who it is that boy are this thank you for spending this weekend with me i don't know if it's going to come out on the weekend but if it does thank you i'll just spend this whatever taking these couple of minutes out to watch this video if you're new to the channel don't forget to comment don't forget to subscribe and don't forget to thumbs up thumbs up just meaning you like what you're watching and you want more of it oh and why do i have these ridiculous glasses on a lot of these uh you know with these screens and the lighting and all of that is it's really taking a toll on my eyes and then when i'm going back to work it's like my eyes are all squinty i mean i use this like they're almost 30 dollars a bottle um but it's not working that well um it works better than byzine but my eyes are just like it's really taking a hit so but besides that you guys don't want to know that you get yes and i am sober but yeah um yes uh so we got tom mcdonald mad child featuring nova rockefeller sober um i heard this was supposed to be something real deep and real um real meaningful and uh i mean it takes on the significance for me i don't like doing a lot of these things is because you know what i'm saying i have my own you know demons and issues you know what i mean if you count up you see 2007 10 11 12 13. 14 years now yes 14 years i do not drink do not i mean i had problem with alcohol and uh pills but you know besides the point so um i'm over that now different route that's why i don't go to the doctors and stuff much i don't you know because you know they sometimes just want to give you stuff or whatever i don't want it don't eat it um don't drink so i'm kind of boring there and if i do i mean it's maybe once every i don't even think it's ever i can't remember the last time i did but besides the point let's get into it y'all ready oh and if you haven't checked out that uh that new tom um dear slim that's a hot one man he dedicates to like the whole track i mean that now that's a dedication song like that right there is how you give your idols your their flowers if i've ever seen it that's the dopest thing i've ever seen let's go what up y'all my name's tom a little while back was an alcoholic had a mental breakdown like a year ago came close to put me in a coffin damn after the hooker i loved after i did all the drugs after that what did he just say after the hooker i loved after i did all the wow a little while back was an alcoholic had a mental breakdown like a year ago came close to put me in a coffin damn after the hooker i loved after i did all the drugs after i finally got fired for showing up late to the job hella tired and drunk after the oxies i put up my nose with my boss oh my god dude now you are just talking see this is what i didn't want to hear this bro because that was my same issue with them because i got hit by a bus and they put me on pain meds ah thank god i got these glasses on the coffin damn after the hooker i loved after i did all the drugs after i finally got fired for showing up late to the job hella tired and drunk after the oxies i put up my nose with my boss on the oil rigs when i was young after my ex cut her wrists and the cops thought i stabbed her and beat me and put me in cuffs i totaled my car trying to run from the cops with a kilo a coconut chunk after i drank till i rotted my teeth on my head got infections in all of my gums after i could wow he's being like real truthful damn infection in all of my gums huh pops out i stabbed her and beat me and put me in cuffs after i totaled my car trying to run from the cops with a kilo a coconut chunk after i drank till i rotted my teeth on my head got infections in all of my gums after i couldn't get hard because the vodka and porno sedated me till i was numb after i couldn't whoa yo stop yo you got to stop right now man yo he's being like yo he's d you don't understand man this is like beyond like he's like wow bro like you really gonna you you really gonna lay it there and this is why people love you this is why we mess with you this is why i mess with you is because of this it's like every time you he's he shocks me with this new stuff and it's like yo he's just like laying it bare like i mean there's nothing he's not he's nothing is unturned man he's letting you in all the way in wow that's like wow in the basement i rented and went to go live with my mom after i cheated on people i needed and lied trying to hide from the guy that i was then i got sober the madness was over now i am proud of the man i become [Music] just to let you guys know a lot of people get scared of getting sober because of all the damage they've done they don't want to face it and they feel like as if they stay numb they don't have to face it and the thing is like all the debt you occurred everything like your life will never be the same it'll never get good again and that's not true that's not true at all man my credit went way down um i messed up a lot of stuff now i mean i own my own home i'm doing my own thing and i mean everything all my equipment all of this stuff is over ten thousand dollars worth of equipment and um i don't know how to use it obviously um but i was able to overcome a lot of them things and i mean look tom did you hear a lot of these success stories and think it's not gonna be you it can't be you now you just gotta fight through it yes i'm not saying it's easy it's not easy whatsoever i'm just letting you know whatsoever is it easy facing all of this all of the damage you've done and trying to mend it and no most people ain't i mean we'll forget what you did but a lot will you know be forgiven because they're just happy to see you better it's just they don't want to hear it when you're ill when you're ill and you're still going through that stuff that's when they don't want to hear because they already heard it a thousand times you're gonna get better you have to be better show them you're better and do better in order for people to start i'm taking you in it's time [Music] now did he get sober with nova or was it before novak [Music] wow what up y'all my name is mad child i've been off to zandi's for a while now i was waking up feeling suicidal but i think i'm finally starting to smile now man i lived a hell of a life i've been to hell and back twice lost 10 million dollars three different addictions don't tell me about paying the price for paying houses with top models hanging with strippers with pop bottles and hiding alone in my room yo mad child can spit man he really gets spit i oh every time i hear him i always say that well that was pissing him pop bottles from chart top and being a role model to flop records and lost follows when i caught product got a month's worth when i left the spot cops followed if you saw a photo it was only face cause i was 85 pounds overweight mental breakdown trying to catch a plane wasn't mad shot i was only ashamed my puppy lola was my only gang had to put my baby in the grave i walked away from every brick yo he's d he he's definitely in withdrawal and and right there see him in cold sweats that's definitely what it looks like when you're getting off uh any anything that you know you bought your any dependency drug you know where your body depends on it it goes through a draw and that's the worst i mean you wouldn't have a chain on i'll tell you that when you're going through it you would definitely be like get all off of me it's not good man it's the worst like uh it takes you a while before you could sweat the right way again and feel like you're okay and the sweat isn't a bad thing because for a while any little sweat just drives you crazy where you cringe i laid so i could build a new wall to keep me safe [Music] these [ __ ] ways [Applause] [Music] yeah my mad child's pretty big [Applause] when you fall down the world's closing in you can get up again up [Music] [Applause] [Music] yo again so dope man [Applause] wow that was pretty damn deep man and i'll tell you right now man for him to say everything he said oh hold on let me see if there's anything left on this because i hate missing stuff and then it's like oh yo artist what are you doing all right so peep it man basically i'm gonna take these off for this because of the fact that you know so basically he definitely said his truth i mean a lot of the stuff i could relate with what he was saying because it's like wow man a lot of it hit close to home it's like damn man you really gonna say all that i i've never seen anybody do that i wouldn't do that you know what i'm saying i don't even have the guts to do that like that's just like it's you know um i just never thought i was on that path you know what i'm saying i mean the first like uh vicodin and you know alcohol bottle together that's when it just i was a manager i'm over there going to tgi fridays sitting at the bar popping and drinking and watching the game eating wings like and i'm not realizing that all this time i you know one one always went with the other you know i didn't want to be here without that and i didn't want that without a bit it's just crazy because it just enhanced it and it just became just really really bad but anyways um hey man this was deep i liked it i liked it a lot this was tom mad child nova sober yo that's over me up as far as just looking at everything man it's open up my day like damn you really gonna be that truthful anyways the original link to that video in the description below go over there check it out get them views up i'll be that boy artists peace deuces i'm out
Channel: ROM
Views: 3,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LulsGDlL9Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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