sober up by AJR (lyrics)
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Views: 450,524
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Keywords: chill beats, lyrics, popular songs, famous songs, hit song, popular song lyrics, hit song lyrics, famous song lyrics, popular beats, hit beats, letest songs, letest songs lyrics, songs, music, beats, sober up, sober up ajr, ajr sober up, grow up, will you healp me to get up, will you help me sober up, souber, suber up, soober up, and i wana feal somting again, childhood remmembering song, childhood song, will you healp me to get up song, will you healp me sober up song
Id: RsEg8lfeYmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 46sec (226 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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