Soap Full Interrogation from Valeria and Diego - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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foreign [Music] yes what's meat about Nosotros Las Almas is burning and they wanna know who Let the Fire it's a number I will be there yeah no guarantees this is our best child then we take it I got enough Shadows here to take over the whole damn country I'd prefer it if you did it just saying one house shouldn't be a problem it's in ombre alive well then we need to meet him how give them what they want Intel they want to know who's here let's tell him in person correct though get one of us inside find the boss roll them up I'll do it your mama I'll take my chances near a stop I missile let's stop it I'll offer Intel for a meet with sonomri and if he's there he pumps the orderly then as well what's going on did you make it in when he dies in ears oh good too I'll take OverWatch Shadow circles the Target in a Helo Roger that they are going to want proof shawness call me when you need me all right let's gear up and get after it Shadows on station copy we'll say yeah seeing room to set down on the roof Chuck eyes on two armed at the front door Alejandro how you doing God damn how'd you do that violently visual own sub oh my truth you see him they do now [Music] they're taking them in kids got sand [Applause] don't be missing [Music] Alejandro how did you know time listen give them good engine in there don't lie tell them everything they want to know you'll die here tell them everything missing out of Special Forces American bmc's Shadow company Philip Graves or truth even your name [Music] Sister season you got a name Hawk they call me soap on let's go I want to see elsonombre you only alive because you may have some information and it better be good Guido I'm going to scalp that hog right off your [ __ ] head get the [ __ ] out of my elevator this is my house you don't meet the boss until I say so you don't speak unless spoken too much importante tell the [ __ ] truth cause if you lie I'll feed you to my dogs [Music] haciendo foreign don't disobey that is how the organization survives that is why the boss is here tonight Elsa number is down here no see number is malaria euromas um gringo sit down no mummies information services Ninos this is simple I ask questions you answer truthfully do not lie to me recently we were protecting a friend in the mountains someone attacked us there who is gringo I I think it was the private cartel your turn blankito who attacked us [Music] it was the Mexican Army these lying my troops are fighting against the attackers you sure of this it was an Army that was Mexican Special Forces huh what you said foreign [Music] we found the bodies especiales now how would an outsider know they were Mexican Special Forces and not you maybe he was there just a Japanese foreign ERS helping the Mexican Special Forces who were they heard them yelling there's some in English they were with the Gringos like him American pmcs a group called Shadow company [Music] Nadia's way just pinches me with us see this is can you prove the shadow company even exists in Bessie how can I prove this what about you proof do you have [Music] Okay so Shadow companies insignia proof [Music] who leads Shadow company give me a name Philip Graves fill Graves me gusta this man Graves what does he want he wants your boss Elsa nombre now foreign cabron subscribe a lady is gonna speak to the boss now who will wait with the others I have a feeling it's number will be very interested in talking to you is where you wait wait is you're alive Alejandro you too mate alcid number he is in the penthouse take this sweet yeah why a mask some people here can't be seen with a cartel guns are hooked in Radio Shack got you you're good let's head out ghost we're in what have you got Elsa number is in the penthouse third floor elevator is a straight child we just need Diego's where's TI Go your friend uh second floor you've seen Anthony if you can scout away to the roof there's access to the penthouse your car get the girls to a concealed area [Music] there's the garage [Music] area my guys will shoot outside [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] stay Sharp call Visual on you Johnny there's a trellis outside you can take to the roof what about Diego's ski card you're cool I'm on the second floor it's somewhere on this floor copy that is send it away you are needs a key card possible visual on the offender Diego should be inside hi he's in there foreign Diego's dead pool let's make another go the key card good work RV at the elevator or meet on the first floor just stay quiet find Diego's room we'll have something useful foreign security checkpoints ahead how do we get through trust me identification we said time to get paid let's paste to the nameless shipping from Spain arrived on schedule sure you my meta packages will be in place see number is no [ __ ] way what is it there's a carry I met downstairs Valeria malaria are you sure yes we have to move Grace you know we're supposed ready take her alive don't let her Escape [Music] hiding included it's good so are we let's go hermano que pasa malaria I know her
Channel: Dan Allen Gaming
Views: 44,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modern warfare 2 interrogation, modern warfare 2 valeria, modern warfare 2 diego, modern warfare 2 mission 11, modern warfare 2, call of duty, call of duty modern warfare 2, call of duty modern warfare, modern warfare ii, call of duty modern warfare 2 gameplay, call of duty modern warfare 2 campaign
Id: o1hOIlOX8i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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