So You Want to Quit Your 9 to 5

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how's it going everybody this is beat the bush today i'm going to give my honest opinion on how you can quit your 9 to 5 job and possibly retire early this video is brought to you by weeble you can help me out a lot just for signing up and getting your two free shares of stock check out my affiliate link down in the video description below so i've quit my nine to five job an engineering electrical engineering job for about three and a half years now coming this september would be my fourth year and it seems like forever right to be out of a regular job that i got a degree in i have a master's degree in electrical engineering and i actually just just walked out the door and didn't practice any more electrical engineering well you know unless you count the capacity of kind of like hobby electronics that's as engineering but i basically didn't do any hardcore stuff kind of like looking up at uh schematics and things i was programming in matlab i was kind of doing a lot of soldering period typing having done it i'd say the chasing is actually a lot better than actually realizing it after i realized it and i switched over um it was fun for a while it was fun for a good six months the first six months or so i kind of like went wild i did a lot of traveling the first year just kind of went everywhere because without a job you're able to you know not be attached to it you don't have to ask for vacation or anything so i just went every which way i had a really really great time but kind of looking back these three and a half years i would say striving for it was actually really really fun that whole year where i'm actually you know sweating blood and tears like every day after work i was like doing youtube videos i was working another four to six hours or so i work eight hours at work you know another hour for lunch and then i come back after like a 20 30 minute commute and then i put in another four to six hours uh working on youtube videos and then sometimes you might see me a little tired on camera even and then i go you know edit a few hours into the night work till like two in the morning and then the next day yeah i get to work around 10 10 30 or so now how can you actually quit your job yourself well either you save up a whole bunch of money that you can actually retire and live off of your investments only but the way i did it was actually try to get enough recurring income so that after i quit my job i only rely on a small fraction of that recurring income and this being youtube income some people doubt themselves they're like oh i i don't think i can be that kind of person come on i am a introverted engineer i don't like social events i don't like to talk to a lot of people i don't even like going out all that much so being on camera is probably the last thing you would expect me to do but you know once you start doing it you you get better and better at it and you know you get more comfortable with the camera and if you've seen my channel over i forget how long i've been on youtube maybe five or six years even um you can probably see me in evolving you know getting more and more comfortable with the camera so yeah maybe youtube is not for everyone but you do need to find an alternate source of income maybe it's like a side gig me having done ebay i would say that is probably a viable source but i personally don't like it too much because i'm not doing you know kind of building anything this is just my own personal preference like me buying stuff and then selling it back out i feel like i'm not completing much you know like in terms of doing good i guess it's more like you're doing um the work to earn money so there are certain things you can do just to earn money and to me for me uh buying and reselling or selling my old stuff is kind of like laborious task where i am just doing it just for the money i honestly don't know what other things that you can do these days i mean for me i didn't even think youtube was actually possible when i started i started it because i thought there was a slight chance that it might get me out of this rat race when you start earning one penny or 10 cents i got really excited about it but i never thought that i would actually earn over 100 dollars per month and then it became more and more and now it's thousands of dollars a month so um it became a viable source of income and once it did that to my surprise i was like hey you know this is kind of looking like real i can actually quit my job and do this so you know maybe you want to do on the side you know start your own business or something or like your own blog that was one of the alternate things i looked at you know these personal finance uh financially independent retired early blogs it's like hey maybe i can do that and actually started a website trying to blog all this stuff figuring hey maybe i'll do the same thing but that didn't turn out so well it turns out that i like being on video a lot more than you know writing paragraphs and paragraphs and not showing my face just talking to the camera is a lot easier than you know taking pictures and and writing copy early retirement is probably a lot rougher than than people realize of course once you reach this it's not like you can purposely force yourself out of it because that would be stupid right i put so much effort into this it's kind of like people who earn a lot of money maybe win the lottery right no one is in the right mind is gonna go okay i'm gonna take my winnings and then i'm just gonna you know just cast it all aside and pretend i never want no one's ever gonna do this so same thing for early retirement once you attain this it's not like you're gonna give it up but because of this you're locked yourself into this perpetual thing where you have excessive amount of time so these days i personally need to find something more important to do i am in this search and it's actually been very psychologically taxing for myself i welcome it actually because i just feel like the more time i spend just trying to figure this out i'm gonna learn more about myself and maybe i'm gonna figure out you know what the meaning of life is or at least for myself i'm gonna find something more meaningful to do in this whole quietness right like every day is like really quiet and i have a lot a lot of time to think to myself so i'm on to something uh when i find out you probably you know be the first to know especially on youtube over here back to how to quit your nine to five job i'd say if you are intent on doing this even though you know once you reach the goal it's gonna be tough if you still want to do this i'd say just begin somewhere you gotta you gotta start somewhere have something that you can work on after work you basically need to do it for maybe a few years after work kind of like having a second job you have 40 hours at work and you have another 40 hours that you work very diligently on maybe four to six hours every day after work and then on weekend one and a half weekends or so maybe one weekend even and then the rest of the time well you can spend it with family friends and stuff right so you're not completely like cutting everybody out of your life you work very hard on this and with all this time that you're working on yourself or business or whatnot it will gain traction slowly but surely this is how it happened for me and um i think it's definitely possible but the thing is not many people are willing to spend the time or the effort to do this because it's just a lot easier to just go home and just turn on netflix and just kind of venge out on a couch because it is a lot easier instead of doing this right you have to like get off your butt and do all this work i don't know what it is that you need to do create something for myself i did the youtube videos but you just kind of have to force yourself you have to have the will to do it and if you're able to keep it up for year a year maybe two or three years i feel like it's possible to get out of your day job thanks for watching everybody don't forget to give me a like and subscribe for more [Music] you
Channel: BeatTheBush
Views: 32,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quit the rat race, 9 to 5, quit 9 to 5, how to quit your job, quitting your job, early retirement, FIRE, financial independence, retire early, how to quit your day job, quit your day job
Id: K-fBNEV8gxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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