SO THICK! Smoke Machine for Costumes & Props

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hello guys this is vedera from coma cosplay today I'm going to show you how to create easy and affordable smoke machines which you can place into your costumes and props so this looks really awesome right but it's actually not complicated at all these are just some LED strips and this little thing here which I built from scratch it's just a little fog machine and since I got so many questions from you on how to build one I thought I'm going to make a tutorial for you this time well and if you also want to know everything about animated ladies because let's admit that the room really cool actually also wrote a detailed what about about animated LEDs where you have everything you need to know about how to install them how to do the electronics how to program and like everything in it you know and you get it for five dollars of cover casted so buy my box have enough let's start with the video so this is what we're going to build it's basically an e-cigarette vaporizer that is connected to a pump when you put [ __ ] juice inside the battery will start the vaporizer and the pump will push it out of the front pretty easy right and these are basically all parts you need first the vaporizer of an e-cigarette you should be able to find these in every ripping shop just make sure to get one with round 2 ohm resistance the one I have can be screwed open at the top and the core looks like this this part is called the coil will fluid inside the little cotton strings will transported to the center where it is turned into smoke you'll also need a small silicon tube I used one with a four millimeter inner and six millimeter outer diameter which I found in the aquarium section of my hardware store next you also need a small aquarium air cub mine has free volts and a zero point seven liter per minute stronger ones work as well but I prefer these small comes the power connectors are here on the back a loom mark tells you where the plus pole is supposed to go then a connector for the battery and here goes the power source it's a 4400 milliamps hours lithium-ion battery pack for 3.7 volts you can also use this battery pack but they drain out quite fast well and now let's assemble these pieces the schematic would actually look like this first you need to give your vaporizer some power you'll have to Dremel a bit so make sure to wear your safety glasses the plus pole needs to be connected to this little cylinder on the inside make sure not to block the hold oh the minus pole goes to the outer ring now I use this dremel tip to drill a hole on one side to reach the middle I will pull a cable through here then I also roughen up the surface on the other side and the middle part this just helps the solder to stick better first step done time to cuddle the dog next come the wires I just use these fin wires for everything also I highly recommend getting a wire stripper if you do electronics more frequently now I cut off a little piece strip their ends twist them and tint them then I carefully put the red wire for the drilled hole and soldered it to the cylinder inside next I place the black wire into the small hole on the other side and try to solder it on as well no success the soldering tin didn't want to stick to the metal at all so I tried it with another hotter soldering iron roughened up the surface even more and used a different solder solder order and for this it finally worked this part is actually the most difficult I would say next we need to connect the air pump to the vaporizer for this step I carefully cut into the silicon tube and place it over the cylinder and the wire in the middle the goal is to make this hole perfectly airtight so I filled it up with a good amount of hot glue and made sure the silicone hose was the only way the air could go industrial hot glue with a higher melting temperature actually works even better year since the vaporizer can get pretty hot the next step was to add wires to the pump one to the positive and one to the negative pole the end of the pump had to be connected to the silicon tube now I suggest to cut it as short as possible then I place the air pump on top and added more hot glue so and finally to make sure it's really sealed I also wrapped it with electrical tape next time I might use a very large shrinking tube but for now this did the job looks super professional right okay now I had to connect the pump and the vaporizer I stripped the wire ends drilled the cables into pairs plus goes together and minus goes together and added a little extension to the end not only the power source was missing I used a simple connector cable for the step after i soldered this one on as well I also grabbed a little slight switch edit a wire to the middle and an outer leg and connected it to the circuit almost ready before testing the circuit however you need to fill up the vaporizer first otherwise you would instantly burn your coils not good you can either use pure glycerin for very thick fog or regular [ __ ] juice for fog machines I just could open the tip of my vaporizer and filled up the tank completely after this I suggest wait around 15 to 30 minutes so the coils inside the wave rise I can get so properly with liquid now the first test yes this looks good and it's small enough to be built into many different props and custom pieces since this is just an e-cigarette though and not designed to create for constantly you cannot run it non-stop at some point all the fluid will be gone and your vaporizer will get damaged I am it mine run for three minutes without any issues it's best to test how long your machine runs before building it into a costume the general rule as long as the coils are soaked everything should be okay should be in theory in my vaporizer the coils are placed at the top this means however if the tank isn't 100% full my fog becomes less and less at some point if I hold the downwards though the fog keeps on pumping I also experimented with other vaporizers this one has the coils at the bottom but also needs to be opened at the bottom it's a little bit more difficult to make it airtight and refilling can be a hassle however it's easier to place it upwards this one here has a massive tank so more liquid fits in the air hose is at the side though which is annoying in addition it was delivered with a 0.6 ohm coil which I didn't notice I struggled for a full day until I finally figured out why my circuit kept on shutting down so I replaced it with a 1.8 ohm coil and everything worked fine I actually attached the silicone tube with a bunch of worbla heated up more of the material and also used it to connect the pump to the tank my wire attachment was also super professional here but you know it did the job so and these are all my smoke machines figuring them all out was clearly a fun challenge so the whole setup cost me around $40 and I think that's a really affordable price for a very cool effect which you can add to her props and costumes in addition it also looks really simple and easy to install the whole system right well in fact it wasn't it took me ages and days to figure everything out like my last problem was actually that I used the wrong coil and like sit for hours in front of a collapsing circuit it died inside and I had no idea what to do the only way to figure everything out was getting some help from some really nice people and well and I hope I was able to create a tutorial which is now easy to follow for you so I tried my bath but if I still made anything wrong or if you have any suggestions for improvements please let me know because I have no idea what I'm doing although thanks so much to catch from Valkyrie studios both her amazing tutorial which actually got me into smoke machines and also to Robert from Mummy care in Switzerland and Wayne's workshop we were both an amazing help to figure everything out I would be lost without them and before he actually asked me if I sell the smoke machines no I am busy playing monster hunt and finishing my brigita costume however in video description below you find some amazing artists which are selling those preassembled so check them out and support some amazing artists and if you have any feedback or questions let me know in the comments below as always I hope you like this video and well like and subscribe our support us on patreon or on our YouTube channel and to do notification ball it's you very soon bye bye Hema books
Channel: KamuiCosplay
Views: 387,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smoke machine, fog machine, diy smoke machine, cosplay smoke machine, how to build a smoke machine, diy fog machine, cheap smoke machine, make your own smoke machine, cosplay tutorial, cosplay smoke, kamui cosplay, buy my books, cosplay smoke tutorial, fog tutorial, smoke tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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