So Much Information - 3.23 Wipe, Night Vision, Bed Logging, Solo Play, Piracy & More | Star Citizen

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hello Ry here and welcome to Star Citizen Sunday this is a weekly show which covers all of the news from the week just ped be sure to subscribe if you like what you see and let's get on with it this week Alpha 323 gets ever closer to live we learn more about what to expect with the alpha 323 patch and beyond plus we now have the official dates for Invictus launch week so before we begin just a quick update on Alpha 323 unfortunately it wasn't released last week it certainly felt like it came close but clearly it didn't quite make it there is of course strong potential that it will come this coming week especially now that the patches are more along the lines of just tuning tweaking and Bug fixing so polishing off what we have almost everything is now committed into the build and with certain GPU crashes getting fixed falling through the floors and the elevators at distribution centers getting resolved plus GPU memory savings introduced it looks like they are just tackling what they consider to be the potential blockers my fingers are firmly crossed for a release this next week so that we can start getting in and grinding away for the foreseeable also be sure to take advantage of the Toby tracker 5 15% off sale which ends on the 15th of May it is a great time to grab one if you are interested and using the link in the description when you purchase anything from their website will give my channel a direct Kickback helping to support my content so thank you everyone who has done so already and to those who plan to do so it is certainly a cool piece of Kit so this week's inside Star Citizen was a patch dispatch in which they run through all of the features that are coming within the initial release of alpha 323 and the initial release of the 323 X patches as well first up we have the new character customizer with more heads beards makeup and much more that will continue to evolve in subsequent patches I think there are already like 40 new male and 40 new female heads to come in and new hairs we have the new mobiglass bringing the new contracts manager and health app plus the all important new maps app the new lens and visor updates are also coming which brings the mini map all very helpful and very welcome the updated and smoother interaction system is coming in making it easier to interact with basically everything in the game plus the new shopping UI and loot screens we also have many new FPS updates like the new Scopes ammo repoing backpack reloading and aiming down sights tunings and more Eva has been drastically improved which I'm actually yet to try I haven't even tried that yet when I've been playing on the PTU the many new changes to ship flight and combat with the all-encompassing master modes many new Arena Commander updates as well with new maps and the experimental engineering mode and Planet Side we have the 13 new distribution centers which are massive and each one offers a different experience with the various NPCs some of them are hostile some of them are not others are somewhere in between it also brings the very first creatures to Star Citizen being the morac bird and the Copan dogs plus there are a ton of new ctech updates and performance improvements including Vulcan upscaling the new water rendering and simulation Tech Plus the biggest win of all being the replication layer split which firstly means we can recover from a server crash and then just pick up from where we left off although it can take a few minutes but more importantly it is the next step to server meshing so getting closer to completing the game's Foundation now this to me the replication layer separation was the biggest win of all I was expecting it in a point patch and they managed to just bring it into the initial release of 323 that to me is the most important aspect of 323 as it gets us closer to what we are all wanting now that just the features that are coming in with 32 3's initial release coming in a 323 X patch be that .12 maybe even. 34 we will see will be personal and persistent hangers item Banks freight elevators and the many massive cargo updates as well so 323 very exciting 32 3.x even more exciting and here's hoping we get other features as well in the point 2s 3es fours and whatever else they have now for the second part of inside Star Citizen they spoke about the new upcoming vehicle releasing with Alpha 323 which is the Mirai pulse and pulse LX now these are two vehicles from mk's performance Division marai and this is mari's entry into the ground graev bike category now gret Vehicles they say will be more useful as development continues as it allows players to get closer to ground targets without being seen as quick as you would in a ship but also when things like weather comes along and more diverse and hazardous biomes ground Vehicles will help players to get to locations easier than using a ship and when this stuff does come along it is going to be so much fun needing to use ground Vehicles now the pulse is actually the smallest ground vehicle that there is at this time it is about 2.5 m in length so it can fit in pretty much any vehicle giving players a lot of opportunities to use them the base pulse has a custom laser Gatling gun while the LX being the dedicated racer doesn't have a gun but gains a big intake and extra thrusters all the components are integrated into the chassis nicely it does look pretty incredible the way that it all folds out I am a fan of that can't wait to be working or tinkering away on one uh and the pulse trades durability for Speed and Agility so it's more akin to the nox or the X1 it isn't going to take a lot of beating and with the base pulse having a laser Gatling gun this is the first laser Gatling gun for the game so it should be quite interesting what they can do in the in the future for that type of weapon now personally I really like the look of the LX not so fussed about the base one but I think having a lot of choice for ground Vehicles especially in racing as this game evolves more and more will come along and the choice of what to use and race with will be pretty massive giving everyone something to pick up and when overclocking of components and tuning the Engineering Systems comes along racing and competition in the game will be a whole world to take hard in so a great episode of inside Star Citizen 323 is a beast of a patch and they're not even done with it yet but let us move on to Star Citizen live so this week's Star Citizen live was a great Q&A all about Alpha 323 and Beyond with senior game director of Squadron 42 in the Pu plus a couple of other devs answering all of our questions now the first question being how did we end up with FAA like the Copan and morocc instead of anything we have previously seen before now they say they are working on creatures like the kazy graer the storm wall sort of space whales the valaka which is the sandworm but each of those require a little longer to get out they felt that the copion would fit early missions that they want to bring in in the time frame that they had and the morocc is classed as the first boid which will help them to scale the boy Tech to other creatures in the future so basically it helps them set off that Tech now we have seen things like fish and birds of prey style creatures as well they're also classed as boids which basically refers to very light AI entities whereas the copion requires a more complex AI similar to that of a human character of course other creatures will come along at some point and in fact next week's inside Star Citizen is on the copian and morocc and how they came to be now I know that they want to have creatures of all kinds ranging from ones that we know about like in the real world or sci-fi equivalents all the way up to the most wacky you can imagine and there's so many that they have planned it is now just a case of getting on with them next question is to do with the economy and what are the updates that are in for 323 now they have revised all the prices for things like armors weapons and ships applying more logic to why they are the price that they are so for things like armor and weapons one application is the larger the weapon the more likely it will cost due to the amount of materials used manufacturers of each weapon will impact the prices like their level of tech or Prestige giving a little bit more sense and logic to why weapons and armors are pric the way they are and then again same kind of for ships and vehicles they have a similar logic applied there so basically adding various factors to why a ship or an item might cost x amount and then checking that across all the ships to make make sure that it makes sense across the board they have also balanced out Salvage so it wouldn't make things meaningless as people could essentially buy anything and everything provided they did a bit of salvaging plus they have addressed and balanced Mission rewards so applying effort risk and time into how much you can earn so when you see how much a mission will give you it'll kind of give you an indication as to what that mission might involve making the payouts more along the lines that you would expect and this they say just the next pass on the economy they are not done yet they will be rolling out many more money sinks like Insurance shopping hangers homes Base building repair and so on and so forth which will also bring a lot more options for where you can spend your cash now the next question is is there going to be a wipe for Alpha 323 as we've all been waiting to find out and they say they will be wiping your earned credit so your Alpha U balance and rentals it says and this is so that they can gather more analytics so they can see how much money people are making where they're spending it and this will help them to balance all of the latest economy and price changes now if it is just rentals and not actually in-game purchase chips which is what they said then do get buying your ships in game now spending your earned creds otherwise it is all going to be gone once 323 goes live but your ships should remain I don't think he accidentally meant to say purchased and he just said rentals I think he truly means rentals but if we get any more information on that I'll be sure to let you know next question is what should players expect to see in terms of gameplay with the reputation hostility feature which was actually committed into 323 now apparently reputation based hostility was not to be a major aspect for 323 more setting the game up for 4.0 and Beyond with the Pyro system so this doesn't do much for the Stanton system right now but it will allow them to start testing the whole system before pyro comes along and they did say that they will be setting up grimhex as a neutral zone for the future not for 323 but it was also mentioned that in 323 some of the settlements are now set up as actual dtif faction locations where the AI will be automatically neutral to you unless you attack them so they are basically testing this now but the majority of it will be used when 4.0 comes along so really nice to hear that not only are the dusters now the actual gangs to be found at some of the various settlements instead of it just being nine Tales everywhere plus the fact that they will not be instantly hostile to you unless you give them reason to I do like that and hopefully over time they will just keep utilizing this system more and more for Stanton as they approach 4.0 next question sniper glint what the f now this they say was to balance out the use cases for snipers and it was brought in to test out and see how it impacts the game that's not to say that they won't find a better way of providing that feedback and that balance but right now it was more to help alleviate the potential issue as they start moving towards the death of a Spaceman feature basically they don't want people just getting insta killed from a sniper without knowing where the shots come from they want to make sure that players are not just dying from a shot over a kilometer away without knowing what happened which I get is fair um but they are looking at other ways and other methods and options like potentially muzzle flashes that can be seen over at greater distances and also improving the feedback to indicate where the shot might be coming from but that will take a little bit more time to get done so they are just testing this glint system and we'll see where to go from there by either tweaking it or even turning it off if necessary it is a very lowcost resource so it's not much of a bother so very happy to hear this as I'm not a fan personally and there's been a lot of FPS stuff that have been sort of changing the way the game feels and not necessarily for the good in my opinion happy to test it happy to try it out and see how it feels of course I'm open to anything and if it makes sense then fair enough but I am very glad to see JJ addressing this and of course this can apply to many other aspects of FPS and the whole game of course nothing is said in stone just yet but specifically FPS right now next question why can we scan other player ships but we can't scan our own now they say to be able to detect or scan your own ship this will be done via FPS scanning allowing you to detect what's on board your ship and FPS scanning is a feature that is being brought over from Squadron 42 right now apparently not for 323 more likely for a 323 Point patch I would expect but I'm not sure if that's exactly what the question was asking but either way happy to hear that this FPS scanning feature is on the way next question why was Master modes made now they found the majority of ship combat always ended up in jousting so they knew they needed to do something now they are not intending to lower the skill ceiling they are trying to lower the entry level for ship combat so players coming in can at least stand a chance in many different encounters and not just be completely annihilated but also still reward the very best Pilots so Master modes will continue to evolve and they will be continuing to gather feedback on what to do and how to balance it the goal is to improve the overall flight experience for combat and non-combat making it all accessible to new players but have enough depth for those who want to get really good at it now that's the way I've always seen Master modes sort of lowering the entry level so making it accessible to everybody but continuing to push for more complexity through balancing and tweaking and it is still pretty much way too early to be completely making our minds upon it we haven't got the full system we have a partial system especially with 323 it is certainly more balanced and developed for 323 but still not complete and I honestly believe that when all is said and done for ships which includes things like the mestrom physical damage system the Resource Network like engineering ship armors and so on there will be more than enough complexity for players to really sink their teeth into find the best techniques train those techniques and teach those techniques but also make it so that new players coming in are not just completely destroyed the moment they set out uh and as more players do get their hands on it and continue to provide feedback it is good that they will continue to tune it next question what's the deal with the performance issues in particular things like input delay desync or lag now they say firstly they are evaluating all of the analytics that they have been gathering with 323 the interaction lag they say seems to be linked to the network getting throttled and is related to the replication layer and serice separation so it's a little tricky to work out what the issue is as it's new to 323 and when the server dips below a certain value it gets much worse now they say they've they've had their top Engineers looking at what they could do to mitigate it as much as possible and for the latest 323 patches it should be very minimal they think they have done enough to make it so that it's not an issue anymore so interaction lag basically grabbing things and interacting with things should no longer be a problem it has definitely improved over time personally speaking and hopefully if there is any more issues they can continue to improve it now next question is how concerned are you with avoiding another 318 now they obviously don't want another 318 but they are always trying to strike a balance between keeping a live build as stable and playable as possible but also recognizing that even the live build it's still early access and Alpha and sometimes in order to find a problem so that they can fix it pushing it to the numbers of players that they only get with a live audience is the only way to find that problem and they will follow the same processes when they start rolling out server meshing and he says I can guarantee you they will find issues when the patch goes live so as you can expect even the live build is a test bed and with the numbers of players that play Live versus any of the PTU waves even open that is sometimes the only way to find an issue so that they can get it resolved next question is does alpha 323 have too many features in it now he says he didn't want the transition of features from Squadron 42 to Star Citizen to take 12 months he wanted to get these features in as quick as possible so that they can then really spend more time working on getting the features that Define what Star Citizen is like cargo hangers and more things that don't apply to Squadron now I really L this answer as he wanted to get these newly polished features done for squadron out to the Pu as quick as possible so that Star Citizen pu is in a good enough State for the ACT actual defining features that make Star Citizen an MMO and Star Citizen giving the time and attention that they need great answer and I'm very happy that rich is at the helm of this next question is what is the current state of cargo elevators and Hangers now he says that they are just resolving some of the issues to ensure that the whole process flows as it should cargo and inventory in Star Citizen is pretty much going to be a foundational feature that everyone will have to interact with and use and it needs to be working well and they will only push it to life once it is working as they need it to it is still planned for a 323 Point patch so fingers crossed that's a point. one rather than a later patch but either way it is coming next question how do you see Arena Commander now they say that the priority is Star Citizen now so developing the persistent universe and they are leveraging Arena Commander to be a useful test bed for some of the features that are not yet ready for an actual patch like engineering for example giving them some insight before it goes to live and something that they are potentially planning to use Arena Commander for is to help validate the new spawn closet tech for FPS aai which means PVE in Arena commander in terms of FPS which is something that many of us have been wanting for a long time like horde modes so that's pretty exciting I hope they can get that out but essentially Arena Commander has has kind of Gone full circle and is now back to being used as it was intended for in the first place which was as a test bed where they can have a very safe environment where they can test things in much more detail than they could in the live build which is good I've always liked the fact that they were going to use that and then they changed their minds a while back and decided that they were just going to put this stuff into the Pu and test it there but the problem is if they use the Pu as the test bed now that they've done a lot more polishing and Balan with things it would really drag the Pu down so using Arena Commander as a safe environment that won't do anything drastic to the Pu is a good idea uh eventually though the intention of Arena Commander is to be a game within the Pu that you can basically hop into your sim pod and play any time you want but for now it is testing space it will allow them to trial things without affecting the persistent universe and of course having a PVE horde mode for arena Commander will be a lot of fun especially now we have fora now next question is what is the go noo proc like today now a go no go process is essentially determining whether a feature is ready to go to a patch or to keep it in development for a longer time and they say it's much more gradual now and is a constant review of how features are progressing and involves playing the features either on their own together or as a group and providing feedback while evaluating every step of the way what needs to be done or whether it's ready only when they feel that it's ready will it then make its way in now next question is what is the future of bed logging now they are definitely in favor of bed logging and in the future they even plan to give the player certain Buffs for getting a good night's sleep but having a bed is not going to be a requirement for getting in and out of the game and the plan is no matter where you log out you will log back in in that location and find things exactly as you left it provided no one to come along of course so bed logging will be an option and I guess the idea being is that if you do bed log to log out rather than just log out where you are then your character when you come back in will get a buff for say getting a good night's sleep but it won't be a requirement now I actually think this is a much better idea especially for those needing to log off quick but don't have a bed available so you just sacrifice that little buff to your character which is encouraging to use a bed but if real life is calling like we all have our real life things to deal with we can just log out where we are so great for example if you're sitting around a campfire with without a bed you can just log out and come back where you left off obviously this does raise a lot more questions a lot more edge cases to work out so hopefully they will be able to expand on that a little bit more uh when they're ready but I quite like the idea of that now next question what is the future for being a bad guy in Star Citizen as it's very hard right now now ultimately they want Pirates to have gameplay located in both lawful and unlawful locations so St and holding gameplay that is offering greater risk reward as a pirate but you will find it harder there because you will get a crime stat you will be hunted down you won't have access to all of the available locations because criminals aren't welcome but when pyro and other systems come along it will offer a lot more gameplay for players who want to play as a pirate especially pyro and not just as a definitive pirate he did mention even working for an organized crime syndicate and being able to actually go to lawful locations commit crimes but stay in the shadows so you can get away with it without as long as you're good enough without getting a crime start he says much of this gameplay is already planned out and they want guilds and ORS that offer unlawful jobs starting out as a simple Thug and then progressing to a high-end criminal something to remember though is that piracy and unlawful gameplay doesn't always have to be against lawful players which is all that's really available right now now Star Citizen is a PVE and PVP game and they want gameplay to cater for all aspects of each and I think right now the Pu is just very limited especially for unlawful gameplay as we are all bundled into one very lawful system when pyro and other systems come along this gameplay can properly evolve and they want to have just as much opportunities and range and depth of gameplay for unlawful players as they have for lawful players now next question what place is there for solo players in St Citizen and they say there should be a lot Star Citizen caters for all as they've said but there will be certain larger goals in the game like for example earning an Idis or earning the reputation to craft your own Idis and then Gathering all of the resources to actually manufacture it that is going to be very difficult to do solo not to mention needing others to fly it efficiently they're not saying it's impossible they want you to be able to do that if you want to do that but it will be very timec consuming and potentially difficult ult they will have a large amount of content for solo players but some content will just be more achievable as a group there will be no hard limits stopping you from doing anything and of course you will be able to hire NPCs in the future if you wanted those as crew now very interesting that they mention crafting and Idris all goals are going to be huge when this crafting system comes along and Base building system comes along but again if you wanted to do that completely solo you can do so and I personally will be playing both I will be playing with my or where we do these huge scale operations building outposts settlements fobs and all sorts but also having my own little Shack where I live out my days just enjoying the view and living a monster copion anyway next question is basically night vision now just on Thursday one of the developers was playing with night vision on weapon Optics in Star Citizen so it is at the point where they can put it into the weapon Optics which he says should come along in the not too distant future but for visors on your helmet and ship cockpits this will require more time so weapons first and then they will continue working on it so essentially it is now just a time and resource thing not a tech limitation but he did say that this isn't true night vision it is light enhancement so I suppose great to hear that night vision in some way is coming along but I do hope that they still plan to do it properly using the full light spectrum but as a stop Gap I'll take it anyway that was a great Star Citizen life some great answers there lots of things learned about their intentions going forwards and things for the Pu are now getting pushed hard so very happy to see that once 323 is sort of out the door and they've got the basics in not the the basics but the polishing of the normal features like flight FPS interactions that kind of thing it is then truly defining the Star Citizen experience as it's always intended to be with the features and gameplay that make it what it's supposed to be anyway Jared says there will be no Star Citizen live next week which suits me perfectly as I will be camping but let us move on so also this week both the persistent universe and Squadron 42 monthly reports were released getting them out into their own dedicated videos sometime in the near future the road map was also updated committing most of alpha 323s features into the initial 323 release and now we have the official dat for this year's Invictus launch week which kicks off on May the 7th going on until May the 29th which is held at Area 18 on AR Corp now this event is actually lasting two full weeks and will release many new ships and vehicles for us to check out as well as a free fly so if you are on the fence as to whether you want to pick up a game package and play St citizen hold off for the free fly where you can download the game completely free and try it for yourself helping you to decide whether playing a work in devel mment game is for you or not as it is certainly not for everyone now this year's event is set to be a pretty exciting one as the RSI Polaris will be flying throughout the Stanton system spearheading the fleet's Maneuvers which will be pretty epic to see I think it is likely safe to say that it is not going to be for sale most likely as chances are it is just the exterior that is ready which is why they're having it spearhead the fleet Maneuvers but not go on sale yet we will see there also appears to be a medical Ura Rover on the way which will be a magnificent new addition the Argo heavy lifter cargo ship was spotted as well which will be needed for the many big cargo changes coming in in a 323 X patch plus you will be able to T an inservice agis Idris so really looking forward to this year's event here's hoping that we see some really exciting new vehicles and do let me know what you're most excited for so that brings us to the end of the show if you're doing enjoy my content please consider subscribing and hitting that like button also I am able to do this thanks to my very generous patrons and channel members if you appreciate what I do and would like to help make it even better from as little as $1 a month all of the links are provided below
Channel: SuperMacBrother
Views: 29,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star citizen, star citizen game, star citizen news, star citizen release date, starcitizen, supermacbrothers, star citizen progress, star citizen 3.23, star citizen 2024, star citizen alpha 3.23, star citizen vulkan, star citizen performance, star citizen stability, star citizen 3.23 gameplay, 3.23 ptu, star citizen economy, star citizen update, star citizen 3.23 live, Invictus launch week, RSI polaris, so much information, 3.23 wipe, night vision, star citizen solo
Id: t6yXmnYx_zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 53sec (1733 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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