So I turned EVERYTHING in Elden Ring into the Final Boss... It's Hell

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I have turned every single living being in the game into renala's ex-husband slash wife slash concertinel oh my okay who even knows I basically turned everything into the final boss radogon that means enemies radagon goats radagon bosses radagon all the radagons are scaled to the level of the area that they are in meaning that eradagons in the starting area won't be as powerful as in the late game areas you will see shortly though that that hardly matters though so everything clear cool I'm gonna try to beat the entire game like this I won't do all the remembrances because that will probably take just forever but I will do some of the extra bosses oh and subscribe if you enjoy these stupid videos of mine thanks with all that said let's get into it in any case let's actually go and get our horse torrent I don't know how difficult or easy that's going to be but you're gonna try a maybe not going to the church immediately is a good idea actually Jesus Christ they immediately Agro okay oh my favorite boss my absolutely favorite boss okay oh they do friendly fight okay nice good to know what I have to use that's super aggressive use the terrain to your advantage Jesus Jesus no for the sake of experimentation let's try to go into the lake and see how many other ones we have to deal with over there let's go down and see oh my God there's a lot of other ones here there is a oh Jesus Christ oh [ __ ] rather gone incoming oh the teleporting another one what the hell is that the ritual of radagon oh my God okay there's way too many other ones in the lake there's no way we are going get to the lake that is just not happening okay the lake is impossible so I was able to get very close to the church I think like just trying to book it to the church is probably the best way to do it no no yep okay Christ Christ what the hell no stamina yes first hurdle Cali I don't you don't know how you don't know how much I like to see you right now this is just amazing I don't think he actually made any progress guys I think we just gotten into deeper and deeper waters we're perfectly honest with you yep so many not available one down how much Souls does he actually give oh he usually 300 sold some nice okay I think I think running through here is actually safe I don't think there's any level left here anymore foreign look at the range of these guys Jesus all right let's think about this guys we got the first main object what do we need now we need to get to the dragon so I'm guessing going to the third church is probably the best idea here let's see how this is going to go is impossible okay going through here is an absolute mistake oh my God what thank you another one horse run Mike who's that I'm dead everything is dead okay let's try going through the front gate mistake immediately like that okay oh but I think those were goats before but now they're just radagons I know there's a guy somewhere over here yeah yeah Grace Grace pop the grace perfect can you survive this fall oh my God those were jellyfish you know fast traveling doesn't work here because we are in spawn kill territory going back is not an option so it appears that by turning every single thing into radagon is proving to be quite impossible to overcome mainly because there is no bloody way to actually run away from even a single one of these bastards as I compromise then me and machete decided that we are going to restart the run and just turn every enemy and boss into radagon that way the wildlife won't change and then the Outlook of completing the sun will look much much better don't worry though there will still be plenty of holy lightning throwing wife abandoning rubberons around so the birds are Barbers okay you are no longer other guns I'm so much glad right now look at how much less we had to deal with right here like I think I earned this I think I earned it so that the goats are no longer yeah okay this place is still horrible but going around might be actually a lot better now oh my thank God these goats are not another one oh my God I'm just gonna feel the relief right now for the rest of the stream honestly passing by the blockade of radagons like here like getting to Market might be legitimately scary we saw him we saw how Rubble ones can pretty much just destroy me if they're in a big group I can find one or more dragons that's not too scary all of those challenge runs have prepared me for exactly this moment here this is the exact moment that I've been preparing for Goodbye My Boy this is why you cannot avoid another once their range is astronomical and their homing missiles are homing look at this I can't even see him anymore and he still hits me there is also a Talisman we can grab over here it's going to be essential but let me actually check first how hard is it to get to the Dragon Black Blade rather gone okay just go away get me to the round table yes I was not prepared for this this is correct this is why I randomized the armor of the NPCs you cannot go wrong with this okay now we need to find places where radagons are not lurking about do not aggro their other ones don't really care about Golden seeds oh yeah these other ones are actually really powerful see if you can do this [Laughter] okay I think this is impossible okay let's change directions let's get this mistful ruins let's let's first pick up the Talisman and misspelled ruins I don't think we're going to be able to get the medallions guys Spike correct here that's our first like major item that we need that is a big group of radons over to my right another important item ax talisman I'm certainly positive that fourth height would be impossible this looks impossible maybe I can maybe I can at least get the golden seed yeah going into assault with a lot of rubber was not a good idea go and see that fight perfect oh my God okay this board fight is not gonna be taken oh yes beautiful Caleb indeed the Justice I remember it there's four other ones in the check okay this is the radagon shack what in the guys what the hell is that that's the Battalion of radagons okay we're just gonna avoid that look to my just just as like I'm passing the street I need to look to my left and I need to look to my right I mean to be very careful not to act one of these radicals okay we got blue dragon battle that is huge the getting to Dragon Battle is monumental yeah baby there we go maybe we can clear out every one of these other ones one by one yep I don't think this is a good idea at all let's go get the bleed weapon let's go kill Grail so we can actually uh we have a couple of options I'm gonna get to the morning star uh I think there is a spit spinning somewhere over there so I can use the spirit spring to get to some places yeah that it is perfect this way we can actually get to the Weeping Peninsula hopefully seems safe enough there is a sentinel radical oh my God there is a bunch of radagons oh my God stop it that pack of another one is trouble maybe get to the evergl how how am I going to pass the bridge I haven't actually thought this through honestly maybe I can bait that other ones to fall down maybe Jesus I forgot how many attacks another one just says Jesus Christ wait did another ones fall down oh yeah they fell down oh nice hold on I'm actually managing somehow to do this guys I don't know how but I'm managing this other one is not scary maybe stuff does work curious open yeah mission accomplished this is this is the most important part right now leveling up five dragon hearts and ten thousand Souls okay that Health part is looking much better right now the hell is this why are there ghost radagons here all right boys time to actually get to market after two and a half hours I'm I'm confused sometimes about the egg range honestly this sometimes doesn't make sense some of the Wolves I can't move okay torrent is not the way to go here if I go torrent they immediately stagger locked me to death they destroy the barricade not good I'm the master of dodging I'm not the master of surviving though I am making it through guys I'm forcing my work through quit outs just there was way too much anxiety inducing hello another girl long time no see another one has a nice battle float to him that's why I really like fighting him when I play a Melee character if I play a Melee character against rather go and I always like fighting him you are fought well on to the mouth first major falls down guys oh my God I love how the chords just stay over here the question is is stormfield Castle easier than going around I think going around is easier like how would I look at it gravity such a wonderful sight s stuck in the walls what is going on over here what is this stalagmites whatever it's called let's actually pick up Alexander as well I mean kill Alexander man square up is just an absolute disaster of weapon art sorry my boy but I need your insides why am I stuck well this has to be a joke right I'm dead what the hell is going on okay this guy is just refusing to give me the path to Leonia it seems no rather gone you [ __ ] there we go one down oh Christ it's not good yes guys we are I think we are safe don't kill me don't kill me from some weird angle please all right I feel much better now we have gotten finally totally Ernie if you don't get the serpent Hunter we're gonna go to Gale tunnel we're gonna get the moon Veil pretty much the second best option that we can actually deal with protagons I want to get to the purified ruins that over here then we can use the teleporter and avoid all of their other guns in the lake this teleporter pretty much lets us to go into wreck into real career without having to worry about too much let's get the key first and then we'll figure out on our way how to deal with everything let's get the key all right the academy is probably going to be an absolute disaster because there is going to be like hundreds of rather one inside of there okay all right I'm alive somehow Jesus Christ this could be a spawn kill oh [ __ ] it's actually not good this is why this is not good oh this is not a good place to be okay this radicals are for some reason passive I'll take oh these guys are definitely not passive though oh my God okay it could be possible to get through we're gonna get through eventually so trying to avoid them is like yeah yeah yeah yeah how my life he's shooting through walls okay when they start shooting through walls then that's really what all hell breaks loose Light low though peep we can now try to do two things going into volcano manner is quite risky because we can get stuck over there if you don't manage to get to a Grace which is highly possible let's try to get to the red wolf let's see what you got oh my God I knew that was going to happen but I love that name that's like the best thing right now that happened to me the hell is going on the other ones outside can shoot me from outside okay this is good this is not fair in the slightest oh my [ __ ] Gail tunnel might be our only like viable option here to get the moon Veil there should be two radagons that is actually one other one perfect kill tunnel I don't want to sit on the grace because it's going to be very risky to get out these elements are pretty passive though oh yeah baby we're gonna get the moon well he should be dead yeah that's a good rule we actually get a Dragonheart here that's cool but we get the moon whale which is really what we want let's get to our let's get to our boy Egypt boys Geronimo let's get off the horse now hips run to the grace oh this is this is fine yeah nothing to worry about absolutely nothing to be worried about but you're making incremental progress here slowly but surely we are whittling down the map intelligence right perfect well if I remember correctly there should be the a crystal tier either here or here which gets us plus 10 to dexterity and then we can build the moon will okay another one's over to my left rather what the guys do you see that that's so many other guns if you get to boil brown Shack we can probably find a way the invisible another one strike again okay let's roll to our destination that's not going to happen nope now I'm just in a worse spot [ __ ] you love everyone you grab that Grace okay that's actually good this Battalion doesn't actually but through okay they're fighting each other I repeat the radagons are fighting each other all right this looks absolutely perfectly normal nothing to worry about here just a couple of bros exchanging some punches all right now we just need to find a path through all of those radagons and why are these guys just circling around what are these guys doing it always goes like that okay it's impossible to get to the shack it's literally impossible like there has to be a way to get to there just has to be maybe like we don't need to go down the bridge maybe we can go like here this lake is just a disaster there is no enemies here it actually matter oh yes baby perfect perfect okay I like your outfit booger that's a good outfit I just want the crystal clear okay he's pushing me actually towards my goal perfect dexterity Crystal Clear acquired perfect one two three four perfect plus four Moon well shreds dexterity intelligence perfect let's go back and kill the red wolf oh [ __ ] oh come on why your body block me oh my God she don't make it you will break it or he will break you Manuel he can Party Movement what the [ __ ] this literally a practice run for future speedruns bam get another gun good fight all right let's try to attempt this boys it's probably not going to be too hard it's two rather ones one after another so we need to get good here we are we pack another one next time incoming okay and he's dead wait no it's not dead and he's that good fight you fight another one Queen of the full moon Ronaldo you can stop whining I've brought the radagons to your house like there is another one behind you there is like 10 000 rather ones in front of you you have no more reason to whine let's go to volcano Manor kill me all right it's perfect it works we are still able to watch okay the other one is going into [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this might be impossible because we need to take a lot of damage to actually get to him this might be another killer not gonna lie we might not be able to get through this place without dying like a bunch something hit me for some reason I'm light rolling what the hell are other ones so close though we need to get into that hole once we get into the hole we should be fine that would have been a smarter thing I immediately he attacks okay another one on the second that I land he attacks on the millisecond actually in a spot where Adam was so much damage why like come Christ Almighty the stipul just like rule calculated [ __ ] that is three round oh [ __ ] no thanks it's possible it's definitely possible [Music] yes the other ones are actually following me this is insane it is more than two other ones over here that's Grace yes they're safe hopefully oh [ __ ] we are not safe we are relatively safe we are safer yes I managed to teleport to the table Hood okay I'm actually insane if you teleport fast enough you can actually Escape oh Lord I'm I'm free I've just escaped literal Hill I think it's about time we tackle Stone wheel guys this is why I thought I'm just gonna accept my death how my life is actually in a miracle found out guys bye bye Crystal Mighty who is shooting at me she is shooting through the goddamn ceiling yeah this this has to be a joke oh my God I cannot even heal this is the worst game ever this is the worst game today oh my God will you let me kill this guy thank you come on will you stop crap stop it stop please stop it get me out of this place so get up here and then drop they are doing it light roll to Victory radagon be grafted it's honestly a cool name for him not gonna lie go to sleep and we have the second sharp bear which is pretty good give me renala's outfit yay now we are actually ready but I'm going to find a way even at the darkest of times there is always a way yeah I'm being stupid let's go get Bloodhound step now we just go over here we can get through oh and there he goes Knight sarada gone cheese ladies and gentlemen 42k Soul that's a lot and block on step perfect now let's pray to the all-known almighty father greater will that this is going to be enough yes no what God damn it come on whew without quit out without oh oh oh do not and I repeat screw up the boss fight oh why did I screw up the goddamn boss fight man why I'm Gonna Leave You to kill to me dying by other ones foreign but it's still beautiful I think actually going with rias questline is probably the best way to do it so which we're going to try to get to this place here and then we're gonna see how that goes okay Ria I absolutely love the outfit oh this is perfect this looks like a BDSM out with Jesus Christ what the hell there we go okay and if you're looking absolutely fine okay TANF is actually quite pretty there is our goal now how do we get to it though okay there's a bunch of other ones in this place oh Lord oh my God oh my God oh there's another other one what the hell okay these guys actually do a lot of damage the pro this is not going to work let's go do a quick little gang bang on radagon starskirtagon and then we're gonna try to get back into volcano man I'm not giving up on the serpent Hunter that's something to happen Mike what is that again stop it bro all right again see what you got man finally a fight that's actually Fair now instead of radagons ganging up on me they're actually ganging up on me you my boy and goodbye but I pause to finish it off start skirts are down down oh my remembrance of the start Scourge might be useful later on because you can get his bow and his bow is pretty good so I'm gonna hold on to that one let's try to go into liondale first and then we're gonna see our next course of action that is like 10 radagons over there I need to kill this guy to get through here come here okay perfect this is a lot worse than I originally thought I mean there is a Grace over there just just need to get the gray somehow okay so that Grace over there is off limits completely okay draconic three another one let's go get fight we have access to the capital boys we have access to the capital the requires okay this is perfect yeah this is perfect 6500 okay I don't imagine we're going to be fighting a lot of other ones here so let's put on Bloodhound step immediately not going to lie I'm a bit confused it's the only like good way to do it there's a radical over here we jump oh [ __ ] put this on Just for safety and let's go all right okay the three over there might prove to be a gigantic problem we only have one course of action here run and pray for the best I don't see another way no there's way too many of them Christ oh my God poggers yo we actually made the first try this is amazing goodbye first down the Lord down it's so nice actually fighting him when you don't need to use spells good fight another one rather than the omen King down we only have the mountaintops crumbling Fatima Zula and that's it just go just go watch Buffalo speedruns and you'll see why wait where did you come from what why are there four other ones here I'll accept my death oh oh you came down from the rafters okay then I need to sneak past you okay we are getting through guys we are getting through okay we are not getting another one what the [ __ ] okay quit out just just quit yeah of course there is another rather gone there oh my God radagons oh my God okay this place is an absolute hell hole it's causing this and book it Christ almighty other one yes okay who the problem here if you haven't realized already the enemies have started to do a lot of damage now we need to figure out in this fog where the other ones are located this place is this is we haven't made it's not much better why is that poison here I stuck I'm stuck oh Lord they do so much damage oh this is these are basically final boss rather ones at this point I'm dead of poisoning who poisoned me okay it's possible to run through at least okay let's use some other Metal Gear Solid Tactics come here Elegance they're gonna try to kill the rest of the radagons with gravity if they use gravity against me I'm gonna use gravity against them bye-bye another one where is the other one Christ guy they would do so much damage oh my God the Forbidden lands are actually crazy The Forbidden lands are actually insane that was a wild Journey right now okay a good thing is there is a stake of America here bad thing the bad thing here is that this is about there's way too many other ones here there's no way we survive this right this is just the worst place ever if I just roll if I just roll I might be able to do this okay we are safe the radagons have either died or lost interest over there there's one over there as well so we need to go like down here yay bro the goal is going to volcano Mana right now again leave me alone we need Bloodhound step for this I actually don't know where where to go oh yeah the guys the Albert lyrics are actually rather ones as well let's pop this and let's see what's going to happen bro in this place that is absolutely okay oh my Lord in Christ in heaven okay okay of course he immediately shoots me in front of all the other radicals that was just bad luck let's try this again okay okay is this a plus this is a plus six right yeah this is plus six let's go yo this might work who would have thought that's going to happen who would have thought okay with a quick out pick and definitely do this goodbye everyone the other guns have legitimately broken everything get over here right right card ah goodbye got skin rather gone down boys okay that should be a little there should be a billion there should be billions of other ones here right oh yeah we are not getting through here nowhere in hell maybe if you manage to actually like throw them off the edge will okay the other one down there is cheating he fell down one down 17 more to go get here get down get down now the radagons up there are not as much of a problem you can actually quit that once you're in this room come to the teleporter yeah let's [ __ ] what okay we've gotten the serpent Hunter radagon devouring serpent okay so it's gonna be two radagons I staggered you out of it good fight good fight rather have a lot of blasphemy in the pocket and I'm not sure why reichardt is already here here is my plan of taking care all of the other ones we are gonna shoot them with a great ball because I don't see a better way to do this well they can actually we can actually just fight him here good fight now we just run away what why did you Agro this makes no sense why the three rather Gonzaga on me like we are abusing the Joe star strategy here all day every day he run away from everything that has your legs okay we're gonna use something that nobody has ever used in their playthroughs this let's see where the rubber guns are look at these guys okay we're gonna climb up over here avoiding all of their other guns because there aren't too many of them if you stick to the edge we're gonna go to the invisible bridge over there and on the invisible Bridge we're gonna go skip all over to we're gonna skip basically this entire Lake over here we still need to get around the algaation of radagons in this place so using the invisible oh my I need to do this a little bit sneaky it seems does this [ __ ] actually tell me where I need to go I need to follow the white light Boys Follow the white light can we actually do something here like this and then avoid this radagon there are way too many patrolling rather ones here okay okay avoid the explosions avoid the explosion fall down yes he did okay okay uh bye bye see you later this is legitimately going to be a disaster okay we might have a chance here boys yeah look they can only fall down if they kind of like Idol walk you say Hey there you go one down even though we killed all of the side radagons like I think I killed like 10 radar to this point and because I'm killing radical it's constantly I'm go away yes we are true let's get the hell out of here imagine if I just fall off here and die you know I just need to get to the fight John might as well book it assassin's Gambit is actually doing wonders here okay rest GG let's go find another one time to meet your maker one two and no more stamina got out of stamina goodbye that's [ __ ] foreign boss fight is actually starting to be a big problem it's impossible to dodge parking whoa heal this guy he's dead he is dead goodbye another gun that's the sword deep inside of you good fight I don't ever have to do this fight again I'm scared about this place guys I'm really I'm really scared about this place there is a good thing here and a bad thing the good thing is we are almost at the final run of the game the bad thing is this place is stock filled with enemies this is what I was afraid of rice the damage that he has is insane over here touch Grace I feel like for some reason another one is doing a lot more damage than usually but Grace oh Christ okay okay this is gravity time I think here yeah this is gravity time okay these guys are a piece of cake because we can just shoot them over here and they will all fall down to gravity basically what I've learned in this run is that if you think you killed all the enemies you probably didn't just Bloodhound step to Victory and also he's gonna spawn over here he spawns all the way back oh God it's got kindergarten boys oh amazing I thought that was going to chill we got fight God skin ravagon okay guys we are at the birth part so I'm gonna now shut up and see how I'm going to deal with this um that kill the move okay we can do this we can just we can go to the play the platform then reset the Agro and we're gonna be fine why is the lightning shooting and the dragon is still not there I'm fighting red lightning this is not supposed to be here what is the headlight in here this makes no sense which just might be possible this just might be possible we can actually quit out over here this might be not as bad as I put outs are good oh what why did you just it's just vanish out of reality but bye bye what that was so lucky that I survived that that was so lucky oh my I need need to take less risks I actually heard his footsteps that's why I turned around at the right time goodbye the closed spaces are actually perfect for us as well they help the radagons and their help us because they block all their shots I might not be able to go up the elevator not if I quit out I need to quit out here there is no way I'm going up the elevator if I don't quit out we officially made it there is nothing else that can actually wart our plans it's over guys the run is over now we just need to kill five other ones GG [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] broke his knees you and your minions have put up a valiant effort but it was not enough unfortunately good fight Ellen ring with every enemy being rather gone done the radagons are passive okay not not all of them not all of them their other ones are actually quite passive what the hell they're not attacking me at all I'm just walking through a bunch of other ones what the hell is going on and I'm just dreaming about the rubber ones at this point okay this is hell I accept this is the Legion of another guns boys the MOG has definitely had some good plans in this world Mo definitely knows what's up he knows what army he needs to get the army of radagon's boys Jesus Christ [Music]
Channel: TotoTriceps
Views: 85,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring, dark souls, elden ring randomizer, elden ring enemy randomizer, elden ring challenge run, tototriceps, Can you beat Elden Ring if every enemy is the Final Boss?, elden ring radagon, elden ring all final boss, elden ring final boss, challenge run, randomizer, dark souls challenge run, lilaggy, elden ring walkthrough, elden ring playthrough, elden ring pain, elden ring dlc, from software, elden ring mods, can you beat, can you beat elden ring, can you beat dark souls
Id: cq9eLBcYbQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 13sec (2413 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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