So I Turned 1 Tiny Island into an EMPIRE!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: TommyKayVIBE
Views: 177,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tommykay, tommy kay, tommykaylive, tommyk, german, ck2, ck3, crusader kings, tommykay ck2, tommykay ck3, ck3 tommykay, ck2 tommykay, ck2 island into empire, ck2 1 island into empire, ck2 one island, ck3 1 island into empire, how 1 island became an empire, history, tommykay crusader kings, crusader kings 2, crusader kigns 3, ck3 story, ck2 got, game of thrones, ck3 got, ck3 mods, ck2 mods, ck2 game of thrones, ck3 game of thrones, ck2 pirate, ck3 pirate, pirate tommykay
Id: sGL5cwA943s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 47sec (4187 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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