So I Stole An Entire Beacon In Minecraft... | Minecraft Theives Guild E2

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this is minecraft but we can only make progress by using stolen gear so today we're gonna try to sell some of that stolen gear in exchange for the players devoted loyalty to our killed anyone who turns us down will be locked away for life inside of the Thieves Guild torture dummy guy says the last time we played this game we've expanded our base dramatically we've got our own torture dungeon in progress we've got our own animal farm we've got our 13 plus year old reg afaik here we've got burning oil in the ground we're gonna try to get more people in our Thieves Guild we're gonna try to become the richest people on the entire server by only stealing items what do you guys think we could sell this base for 25 mil 25 mil well selling base for 25 mil hey first see later I'm trying to get Ajax to buy and then 25 minutes it's like my guaranteed to be in lovers video if you buy it it's a good marketing tactic alright guys doesn't the way we're getting this sale we got to get that wait what man so let's type that some people bought we need Ajax Tobiah he's really rich if he doesn't buy what we're gonna do is go to his base and steal from him we're gonna steal from the rich we're gonna give back to the poor the Thieves Guild is now a good cause on this server all right man let's go find Ajax guys Ajax has like 80 million dollars on this server we're gonna go into his base and start stealing from things some things from him oh there he is there he is who knows a man with this much money has the power to do that's right these don't use doors good choice hey you just use a door buddy careful careful careful back out Oh buddy's here Go Go Go he's here the door this door come here there's a door here we go secret tunnel is waiting for us here is that oh my god you hear that regular had a bedrock from previous event you just placed it down reggae that smells really valuable we can sell that now for even more money then he's next - we can fly this dude can fly I'm telling you what his money how does his taste by far because this is an ugly base Ajax wait wait did he buy a Christmas tree he bought a Christmas tree this isn't even for sale man would you have money anything's possible is lots of empty homes I'll tell you what this guy has more money than taste he doesn't expect what's going on right now I'll keep him distracted here keep reading no reason to have this much stuff Ajax we're here to save the day look take that book you're looking at man just just act natural I'm gonna slowly take a stuff and act like come on how do you have this much money in so little of Steel I don't get it he just hoards his money well there's a lot of cobblestone should we open like our own thieves market or we just sell stolen here for like jacked up prices oh man you just letting it happen isn't he just hit him I think the pieces over here just killed three of those chickens careful careful hey we're thieves we're thieves around murderers what are you doing been killing chickens fun a new base yes so many bases now we're talking I just found another base yes to Ajax is home I found his main home he's got always got a lot of stuff here folks he's got a lot of stuff here look this is this is more this is more organized I like this space how's that bedrock going to manage to mine it up yet mother lode right here oh my gosh is it oh wait I have armored that reflects the arrows reg are you stealing an entire beacon no that's me wow this is the heist of like a century is no idea one of you want to start up a shop we're gonna start selling stuff to people in person for the Thieves Guild oh he Thomas here kill us Chico just you guys even leave him there keep going keep going I think this is all we need we can leave that last drill right our most dedicated richest player on the server this is how we destroy the community right here all right let's just go after those Oh he's helping wait wait wait wait this is an opportunity this is a richest man on the server bed we could bring him into the Thieves Guild right now what's up hey Dex hey I don't know if you notice we just stole your entire beacon and you helped us yeah no I like that you've got a little some special about you seem like a natural-born thief are you interested in joining the Thieves Guild Oh awesome so cost to join is 25 million so you can just send that to me the journalist can be on them and I'm getting up kidding Street we're gonna open up a quick shot back here and sell some stuff for ripoff prices so guys we're gonna take a quick break here in the middle of this because Riga is a very very in love young fifteen year old man rageh needs some advice on how to ask out his crush and so we're gonna ask ocean sky while her advice is for young rageh to ask out his crush rag a 15 year old ocean what's your recommendation for her how old I mean what's what should he say what should he not say should he buy the candy at the movies or should she buy the kid whose mom like to me it sounds like it's a lost cause Riga you should back off do you have snapchat locational and so they can track you I don't think what guys do snapchat wouldn't have you heard we're gonna really anchor the price of what did then yep did you place bedrock at her door I'm here welcome to the welcome to the Thieves Guild my friend what don't move don't don't move here's the deal are you interested in six golden apples yeah good five million eight done get five million all right I'm here go ahead and take these since you already took them you're kind of in debt to us now for five million dollars so we're gonna just ask you to work it off for us is our is that okay yeah great go ahead and follow Ben this way make this look better thank you when you're done go ahead and just take a seat in your new bedroom right behind you well here let's do this instead if you own the pickaxe come with me go ahead in there Thanks okay welcome to the Thieves Guild here today rageh thank you the intimidation Thank You reg ah that's plenty Thank You reg we don't wanna suffocate them there we go there we go I got a good trade for you you have a rank on this server yeah taste blood armor two sets oh good mil right now two mil right now it's yours oh whoa well I can this is used yeah it's used now you kind of touched it we don't we don't take returns you can just pay us back with work okay go ahead and hop out the back door here come on come on down go ahead and uh into this room here if you would all right go ahead and just start mining we'll call you up if you get a full stack of diamonds thank you I love ya I finish take all my stuff see what you got villager with the wreath he gave me sixty-four bells I'm here why don't you go ahead and join her down there yep don't die can you lock that back up folks we got people mining for us right now bringing the money to the thieves guild bottom line we're increasing the money now we got to start giving back to people let's find someone that's poor are you poor on this server do you have like no longer poor are you well I need to sound to that come with us come with us come with us we're trying to get back to the poor and you're poor alright we're basically Robin Hood on this server what we did is we went to the richest person on the server who grieved him until we joined us then he gave us the story to give to you all right all right all right take that sword and go don't tell people don't go go go go kill em guys killing guys kill them kill them kill good job Dragon Rider block accident wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold it off hold it off hold it off give us 25 million in the swords years we won't kill you how about how about you just work for it alright go steal steal things you might get banned as long as you don't get caught by the Chinese you're fine oh very nice very nice very tortured very very good I like what I'm seeing here are you interested in buying the Thieves Guild I might be how much 25 million IRL yes of course I might have to take a quick loan from Chase that's fine do you know if they do they do pellets for Minecraft oh yeah I'll tell the minutes for a house here's what here's what we can do buddy I've got a 3.5 million dollars 3.5 million and he thought you came to us with a deal oh boy yeah now 3.5 million huh I'm insulted maybe we pay a pay while lightning a little visit what do you think then while lightning like stop flying is cheating down here yeah keep bringing down let's go down here bring it boom whoa is this his base record drag it don't let them get on my base wait whose base is this rageh oh my gosh this is a gorgeous base let's go let's go boys let's go look for the chefs rageh I'm so glad you're on the field team thank you so much oh what a gorgeous looking oh my oh my gosh don't hold back on the ceiling guys don't hold back why do so many parrots in here hey your brother look at this pies bedroom gold diamond blocks we'll sell these I think we're I think we're good here I think we got nothing through the window Bennett this is really nice this is really nice house are other people doing Amir Amir how's it going 17 that's not bad keep it going Kayla update I got you 64 plus them 64 let's see it it's not bad I've got one more mission for you are you familiar with the player Ruby yes I need you to go to Ruby find her steal as much as you can from her bring it back good luck well you see if you can get one of the builders to spawn you in some gear oh I know it go due to the new trainees or the new trainees so I'm really good good good see if they'll spawn you in stuff and they do will fire on the wall so take the stuff would you like to help me expand this base our original alright I have an idea what's your idea should build out of like yeah yeah station up here yes yes I like that alright nice expansion we can use the diamonds for something else yes well Olli Arndt's been placed wait wait wait that's for the beacon bed are using that for her base yes actually that's not bad why not just get more I mean we're leaves anyway we should live in luxury let's just get some more laps I'm sorry for diamond well looks like Zacks are used on the base so we might as well just use this as base right as well no no no no come on you gotta have some kind of design here what are you doing diamond sweetie okay let's uh let's go get a quick rate and then we need to get some more blocks here for this on the pandas now Shh I'll be TPD away oh yeah let's go free experience while we're here oh wow he's got real a lot of swords here I really want those though yeah I just kind of want this he took us in oh you must have a beacon around here let's take it take his entire beacon yeah take the next best thing Zack I just found a spawners please or you can sell it for a million I can't find his beacon all right he's noticed me I did hit him with my sword I pooped in poop and run technique Boop and run then he found it yet I got a place of honor okay why is this base so on organ at least this idea was it to put in the middle of the base so G with every spawner that's creative so you walk in get yourself a blaze get yourself a little clean up and then move on out I like that that's really smart people wouldn't expect that can always rate Ruby I think she's upset that we stole so much the wreck is still someone's right right how goes the diamond collecting Amir you got 36 yeah 36 I think we let a mirror oh yeah Mir you're free to go bring us the diamonds Carrie you stole stuff yeah I got us what's worth some money [Music] now we're talking when I stealin gentlemen nice stealing now we need to find salt Wow I'm about to thank you that was a powerful one okay properly flip your house what no wait what give me some iron burdock here's the deal we need a fifty to a hundred thousand diamond box right now okay right now right now steal them get them convinced an admin to get them to you however you can do it alright there are no rules right now the only ones who can ban your trainees okay we'll give you 10 minutes talkie in five minutes that worked well ocean sky is built an incredible torture dungeon look at this thing all this is exquisite this is good Ben let's get another steel in here alright I know where beacons are at take me go go go I'm off for a risk I'm up for an adventure hide hide hide quick oh boy guests are downstairs the beacons are on the roof alright let's get to the roof we don't even need anything else you guys we're coming back with a little stockpile here right here but don't go afk on the surface yeah you're gonna be in for a scolding after she finds out we stole these oh wow there's these are this is a gorgeous design here folks oh I found all the done let's see our prayer Doc's don't spend about 5 minutes per doc right so how am I supposed to steal diamonds when I'm not trusted to I don't know huh I don't have very many friends on you Oh her dog I have three stacks oh that's that's enough I think Ruby is moving Zach be cautious I just TP back welcome to the few scope I'll take your order well he told me get you diamond blocks how do you want me to gift you I would like that oh look at this that's a man who knows how to steal I try and get some more yeah yeah yeah I got all the diamonds from that last piece away so we got bonus diamonds no yeah I got 42 extra we can make that bigger can we for a six beacon mega make it be 50 million while we doubled the front well I'm including you guys wait so when you said I can hack a night knob we ever joke I don't use it on your server I promise yeah okay well no homey perdóname follow me follow me her dock you going down here Amir oh he's already on follow me start mining he's a mere student he was just doing work Kyle's gonna telomere to be his guard but he said no he said I'm just back for another round Empire folks we got an empire here today yes we do get your salesmen face on I'm trusting you for this all right hey what's up pianist ah you're sounding excellent today new new voice it's a really nice armor also what a clever name you have pandas I love that like that made pandas and it's how much fun do you have also 36 million 38 Abaza that's a lot of money you must have worked hard to get all that money this 450 million but I'm gonna do a deal I'll sell this to you this whole base everything included guess how much you got a million what a deal I think we couldn't do that the lowest we could go is 20 million 30 million yeah all right we'll just settle it 25 million how about that it comes with bedrock and about 15 we will do 25 right now well I'll even throw in we'll even throw in some special Christmas armor okay come with me go ahead then come downstairs in the torture dungeon keep an eye on him all right all those heads are people that refuse to pay oh wow Oshin tell this man what's gonna happen to him she's our Intimidator keeps to keep talking to him keep telling him scary stuff like that look at that 30 million take it or die we'll just leave there to think about it pandas Oh sock we have people they found us where they found this where we're from here with a cell we need to sell now we're free people are entering our base there they're literally in our base on the roof on the walls we need to defend it who's got bows anyone have bows they're entering the base to take him down take him down take him down why we were secured four of them up top the common place there's waves they found us and now their tank how there's so many how did so many people get in here this is unbelievable oh my gosh exact they're everywhere there's so many we've been infiltrated big-time this is this isn't all-out war this is the best time to sell in terms of crisis because out for 1 million it'll sell instantly we'll get out we're off a fresh start that's way too long I know 25 5 no no no Ben you did you're terrible salesman 20 I will get this sold you will be this solo to pay five million we have a lot of cages can we get these people of cages are we gonna wrangle them up look at them all there's like an army of them try to communicate with them they're not trusted we can get him in the cage let's go let's go we'll get him down there then go expand the cage hurry I'm gonna drop stone yep yep yep come on come on come on man - get your cage you got people coming in if you let these people's today let you out I'll help you defend we'll get him in get him in get him in there's so many people here all right Zak we just won we got more yep Oh what I think we're gonna have to steal this thing up a human vault I'm gonna close out the door on regular Sears bedrock there's still a lot of input a lot of invaders here excellent idea natural-born thief folks I'm going in see if the rest follow us look like you just do at EPA all OH if that basement secured folks get that basement secured our torture dungeon is a max capacity oh wow I'm in here yes it is all right all right all right oh my gosh not get is a all out war down there lock it up lock it out the strongest survives I won't bring them onto the team these guys are trying to kill our pigs I'll not take them down Ben I need some backup up here I don't have one harder just killing you Wow this is a violent episode right now not for kids under 13 Oh her not be done muted oh I died you know kill let's do the water who's down there there's so many oh my gosh sup Amir what's up lo I got a diamond oh you got the diamond do-do-do-do let's go let's girls made yeah bring it here legally smokey oh my gosh you got so many diamonds where'd you get these that's what I like to see my boy coming in clutch 437 got to get him out of there Ben how do we do this I'll do a TPA off its spawn so I give you dude I'm on ya how much I give you 46 yeah and 39 that's good that's good you're free to go oh yes sir yes sir no okay oh my goodness now we're talking to get on it we definitely need to sell this base too many people know where it is now well bomb up the price not putting this inside of one of my videos it's gonna double it to 50 million next time it goes up people should have more money and we able to sell it look at the way but then they all set a home to the basement down there they're still all down there all right guys so you so much for watching the second episode of the Thieves Guild today if you enjoyed this episode where to see more don't forget to click subscribe to follow our episodes follow the channel click here to watch more minecraft videos you guys are awesome don't forget to lick that screen I'll see you tomorrow peace
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 1,232,707
Rating: 4.8842692 out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, spread the love, let's play, open world, open world games, building games, lover fellow, minecraft risk it for the biscuit, mine-craft, miencraft, risk it for the biscuit, minecraft challenges, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, minecraft pc, minecraft xbox, minecraft server, minecraft videos, minecraft funny videos, games, funny building videos, funny gameplay videos, minecraft let's play, minecraft gameplay
Id: w6clqdFhCzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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