So... I Ranked The Entire Minecraft Soundtrack

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all right speedrun time baby it's that time of the month again i will be ranking the entire soundtrack of something and today it's minecraft originally i was going to do the entire pvz series but but but for the same reason i didn't want to rank that one was why i wasn't gonna rank this game i mean the top result is this playlist with 400 songs however that playlist is only so big because it contains the mods and dungeon soundtracks so i began to wonder how big the playlist would be if it excluded those and it turned out that playlist already exists and shout out to tempest for making this playlist it's because of this person that i can actually make this official ranking of the 71 songs in this playlist because i'm excluding the disc 11 this random duplicate of dry hands and death it's not a song so with all of this said a few rules one every song will be ranked out of 100 2. there's not another rule i just always say there's multiple in these videos and i don't know why so with that short intro let's jump straight into the ranking [Music] sorry lana but it takes more than just one interesting fourth of a song to actually get it placed up high on a list it's just stupid ambiance for most of it and not even good at that [Music] so with this one there's the obvious oh spooky no music but honestly my problem with it is that it's so repetitive it's a really interesting kind of creepy but it just goes over and over without actually developing into something all right yeah this sucks in lots of ways but honestly i'm glad they used this instead of some action music for this final boss this is at the very least fitting just not good the voices are getting louder this song will haunt my dreams if i ever have any again thanks droopy something about the song just isn't fitting it has its moments but most of those are outshined by its many weak and bland areas [Music] i like the feel of this but there just wasn't enough in the song that would ever make me want to listen to it again it's pretty bland but not horrible for the exact same reason that i really really like this one i really really hate it say what you want it sounds nice but it's just one note going on for an entire minute and it's a complete lack of everything [Music] this one sure is nostalgic but you know not much past that it really has nothing going for it sure this ended up being really really low in the ranking but this is because of the near score around 50. this felt right because the song was such a strange mix of everything in the track that a high score felt too high and a low one felt too low so it's nicely somewhat in the middle all right i'll be honest i had like some panic attack before listening to this one so it's probably not a completely realistic score but i'm too lazy to rescore i just remember it being a fun mix of catchy calming and boring [Music] i like to imagine that this is the fixed version of that disc 11. it's fine and interesting but it isn't in the game and it isn't even really unique compared to the rest of c418's work in this game [Music] that first half is something else and that second half of something completely different which is where the song found itself falling hard in this ranking [Music] maybe it's just because i've listened to a lot of c418 today and they're all blending together but nothing makes this song stand out until the very very end and as a result it really feels bland for nearly the entire song [Music] it's got a tie light but it also has the strangest start to a song i've heard in a while and it's not even in the game for really no good reason honestly [Music] even though this is an incredible song in every way i managed to find myself getting bored pretty easily despite how great it sounds i would have much preferred this song if it was longer allowing for c418 to really explore the unique feel which is kind of ironic because it used to be a lot longer until it was separated into key and door the first half of this was really promising and then it just became one extended note like 10 times over and i i mean it's still it builds pretty nicely with a cool beat but is it fitting calming or all too interesting yeah not really this feels like a bunch of okay songs strung together to make another okay song and that's fine because it's an alright song [Music] wow the instrumentals were off the chart and the music was okay as a whole i guess [Music] i was really surprised when i found myself getting bored during this song not only that but it continuously flipped the style over and over but it's you know i gotta admit it's still fun and catchy [Music] yeah i don't know even though it sounds great and all i feel like it could have used more there's something missing here some missing element that could have made it great i want to love this song and while it is enjoyable the only thing keeping me from getting bored was the nostalgia and a good song can survive with more than just that a song that can make literal hell calming definitely deserves some brownie points from me [Music] the first minute or so is far too overrated but honestly the rest went in a really unique and stylish direction i was not expecting [Music] i started off really loving this one and then i found myself saying wait what it's already over a longer take of this could have achieved so much more [Music] as much as i really really wanted to enjoy it it literally was just two weirdly different songs slapped together it sounds fine but it would have been way better off splitting in a two [Music] even though this is a weaker much less unique piece of c418s it's still really pretty and calming [Music] yeah these two are basically equal for me cat starts off bad and becomes great and dog is the polar opposite around a minute in is actually where this one gets pretty good but i'm deducting points because they haven't added it into the java edition yet what the heck [Music] this is just the slightly less enjoyable mice on venus but it's still a nice little song oh it's repetitive and slow but oddly addicting because of its horrifying yet catchy and smooth tone and style [Music] honestly this is a mixed bag of a great first half and an ambitious but unfitting second half the recorder part did not deserve to be in here twice but the actual smooth jazz section was really really good [Music] this is a bit too odd for my taste but it had some very fun parts that would perfectly fit a stroll through your past worlds [Music] this is way too repetitive but managed to stick with its great beat enough to still become one amazing track [Music] one really unique and amazing piece that only ceases to amaze me one time randomly plopped in the middle of the song but it's still great though [Music] short and sweet just like this review of it i see this as the improved haunt muskie it's got great instruments and a really fun beat the first half is nice but annoyingly repetitive but that second half oh my god that is some of elena rayne's best work [Music] period the oceans did not need this good of music it's so well thought out with so many elements of what makes c4 18's music so damn good [Music] man this is easily one of the most unique discs i can think of with so many fun instruments and amazing beats just an awesome song overall with also some pretty weird and weak bits [Music] this is a literal welcome home from the soundtrack perfectly embodies the new age of minecraft and it does get a bit repetitive though an interesting start an unenjoyable middle but after about three minutes in it is just flat out incredible this is a great mix of many early songs it didn't flow incredibly well but it sounded amazing nonetheless [Music] this one is very upbeat and different but honestly it's still pretty good a breath of fresh air if anything with some really fun instruments [Music] they made the nether nostalgic somehow and i could not be happier about it a very fitting and unique piece that doubles as awesome ambiance however its final third really kept it from being amazing [Music] a slow start boy does it truly become pretty alright i really like it if you can get over that weird rain background noise then you will have a great time with this one [Music] wow an amazing first half and a still a really nice second half it's an unforgettable beat with many fun turns and instruments it's just a lovely little tune amazing and calming just the way i like the oceans when drowned aren't after me that is all right i'll be honest most of this is just pity points you may have your sweden installed but this this is my nostalgic minecraft song right here [Music] this is the improved keys which is funny because it's actually just a continuation of keys anyways it's really good whoa this is some amazing and fitting music but what's the deal with the random switching style and beat a third into the song it's a bit offsetting but honestly in the end does work really well [Music] you gotta be real patient to make this song worth it but oh boy does it become worth it the humming and key pressing in the background manages to somehow actually make it better which is honestly a first with songs [Music] yeah i could listen to this on repeat for a long long time it's amazing [Music] this isn't even just good minecraft music this sounds like a genuine movie soundtrack it has some really great moments [Music] god damn what are they doing adding more fire into the nether this is one incredible beat and a great introduction to leonarene's style of music so it's been a journey but now we reached the top 10 and oh boy minecraft has never sounded as amazing as these 10 songs do nearly nothing is as nostalgic catchy and compelling as these works of art by these musicians so here we go [Music] this song really embodies minecraft calming with twists and turns slow bits upbeat ones and overall quite a pleasant experience [Music] honestly this is just overall a solid and fun piece of music perfect for some rainy day or walk i gotta say that that now that was unexpected it had such a boring star but managed to become absolutely incredible what in the world [Music] this is the best disc easily it had so many fun instruments a great beat as a whole and an amazing beat drop it's also just really calming [Music] i genuinely loved the last third it was incredibly unique and pretty the rest of the song wasn't too bad either i gotta say it's so good i was convinced this was a bad song before i heard it fully but man did it pull me in and keep me there basically the entire time [Music] despite that really really horrible ending i can't help but still adore the rest of this impressive and catchy track it really stands out from every angle wow i i wasn't expecting such complexity from such a simple song it's really just what i think of when i hear the word minecraft [Music] even without the nostalgia factor this is just such a genius simple track that gives off such a peaceful and calming energy [Music] [Music] i'm not really sure what i just listened to but it sure as hell wasn't a song this was an experience filled with incredible instruments an amazing beat overwhelmingly calming and pretty and overall it's just very very minecraft and with that the ranking has ended i was honestly pretty surprised by how many of lana rayne's pieces made it up into the higher spots along with the literal number one spot i was also surprised by how many classics ended up being really low on the list but again no more than like four songs in total that i actively like dislike minecraft's music has a certain style to it to the point where when a song they make is just normal or basic it's really bad in comparison to something like sweden or flake or infinite amethyst i was also pleasantly surprised that lana actually held up the style of music quite well with some pieces that will become nostalgic classics in no time and at the end of it all i just hope that minecraft continues making great music and above that i'm gonna need a seven minute theme song for the frogs in the upcoming update bye [Music] you
Channel: Willdrenner
Views: 3,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft soundtrack, C418, Lena Raine, Pigstep, Stal, Otherside minecraft
Id: gRJx_BNmxUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 22 2022
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