So I put 300 players into a troll course and this happened...

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay and look comes to this pressure plate look it's really cool right left of course I see these missing barriers [Music] you should tell everyone okay this course is a farce isn't us doing a map by the wayside Passover it's gonna be T Peter they're gonna be in that room we gotta let them free first press it to the end with the top ranked on the surface easy so soon they knew there but you're right they might not what does this button do okay oh my god anyone try to get this is gonna die what is 2 times 54 I'm pretty sure it's well no it's a animal calling you free I'm burning right now you know nice smile cactus mazes that's something over here oh you find the end I find them in find the end of a maze I stay around that long but we had to come over here TP and look at all the innocent people that think that this maze is actually doable is one pressure plate there if you step on it it will send you there like that one you're crazy there's nothing in it nothing I feel bad for anyone who actually steps on spend like days in there this one you have to go up one of these ladders yeah and the worst thing is look how you have to get down you have to get down like following the thingy okay so which one is it this one looks is it no I find an excuse thing and this one Oh fire quick Nick go stuff at the war there was nothing in there there was no exit last one [Music] why the demons the scary players okay the scary pain is so scary I hate when they're all in this room here behind the oh my god oh oh my god there's so many people in there you guys ready oh my god be ready slash slash one if I through the people in the horrible idea [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] oh my god oh my god and I'm helping you go through the RGA is a GU space nice work oh nice turn turn the ritz little quick big Oh babies [Music] the first question oh they saw that guy fall through exactly oh they knew it they knew why is he walking free god boy is wrong with this guy oh my god the lead now is no one's in the lead at all no they don't want to peek through and I don't want to [Music] come on you plan to perform yourself okay come on you gotta be a genius if you perform yourself when a naked baby is first thing you know there's something wrong you can do it oh this is weird [Music] [Music] [Music] you lied to him look Sonic counter telecom is Caitlin he's counting the letters in the sign dividing it by the number of lines he's going to multiply it by how many ducks are here times the number of Donny's and Danny is four letters and there's one duck so five total just oh my god know what I don't know how it's a 50/50 talk right now come on I don't I don't get it dude just click the button click click ding tell him yes I go through come on come on now that makes tiny let's go baby [Music] [Laughter] yes my god [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go watch people die we have problems still on the list on the stonemason oh my god how are there people in the stone this is frustrating there's people still in the Stone maze I don't understand this this is just this is just wrong this please someone someone oh my god I'm going full help like I'm helping everyone here we go there we go come on come on [Music] [Music] [Music] don't do it and jump across I spy a medium looks like oh and dump the key owed they could just jump and make it I know come on guys you can do it Oh [Music] got the husband 100 to watch these back and realize yes so close you see you I spy idea watching this I spy media you guys use this maze next time let us know you have to light a video crazy amount of like oh my god this is so bad this maze is huge if you wanna see us play this because this thing is just awesome exactly but that's the end of the map dude you know be nice to not team for want you to not have to there's like five people of the 200 you know opposite isn't it like seven hundred twenty percent I think I feel stupid or watching them just like just jump into lava like I bet you right now if we go back to the beginning there's probably still people in that stone man find his last band Kaden who's flying permanently bad from Peru okay so gone forever it's not what GG yeah but thank you so much for watching guys if you did enjoy don't forget to the likely subscribe to both of our channels links are in the description and we'll catch you in the next watching people fail at lava parkour video series
Channel: Doni Bobes
Views: 3,079,591
Rating: 4.8103757 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft pe, minecraft mod, minecraft song, minecraft house, minecraft trolling, minecraft donibobes, donibobes trolling, owner catching hackers, donibobes hacker trolling, So I put 300 players into a troll course and this happened..., how to draw, no swearing on my profile
Id: qquw6X3e-Wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
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