So I MADE A ROBLOX GAME.. It's called DETECTIVE (Roblox)

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so guys my brand-new roblox game detective just came out if you don't know what detective is it's a game that I've been working on for super long that's very similar to murder mystery 2 and it has a lot more to it before I do begin this video I do want to say the game link is in the description down below so make sure you go ahead and play it and do me a solid favor and leave a thumbs up on the roblox game itself it helps me a ton and I would love if you guys were to do that anyways guys enjoy the video hopefully you like detective and go play the game is that what I think it is detective its roblox game it's finally out ladies and gentlemen by proudly I go set my chair this is this is important I proudly will present to you detectives I know detective my roblox game it's just mine it's literally mine obviously with the help of my developers confident coding and my builders I leaked but with that being said guys detective is finally out go ahead and go play it right now before you watch this video well actually no that doesn't make sense watch the video first but then do me a solid favor while you watch the video go ahead to the description link down below of my roblox games you can click it and go ahead and do exactly what I'm about to do you ready for this boom you're gonna favorite the game boom you're gonna follow the game and boom you're gonna like the game hit the like button guys seriously this would mean the absolute world to me if you guys could go and like the game it helps tremendously with getting the game out there and letting more people play it which is obviously the goal here we want to see how many people we can play on detective because I want you guys to enjoy this game my speaking of which yeah it's probably alright what is what is detective what is this game what does it do well guys it's basically a spin-off of a murder mystery too so if you like obviously murder mystery two videos detective is gonna be insane but basically there's three roles there's a a suspect which is the quote-unquote murderer there's the sheriff obviously who has the gun and then last but not least there is the detective the detective basically can see who is who if that makes sense so you guys have to play for yourselves to kind of figure out what's going on but there's a lot of stuff in this game now keep in mind it's new games so we're kind of working out the bugs we did a little soft launch so for everyone who has already played it you guys know exactly what kind of I'm already getting into but I'm so excited to be making videos on it guys oh my god now guys one lastly before we get into it and jump in go ahead and join the discord a forward detective in the description down below if you have a discord join the server that's basically we're gonna be updating and having our whole community all personally be on discord and who knows I might be using you guys for videos for future Simon Says maybe or maybe not I don't know we'll see but anyways it's time to begin playing detective it's finally okay as you guys can see right here you're probably one your self what the heck is going on in this Lobby well my friends this is the lobby of where Detective spawns you so the first things first before we get into a game I do want to say if you want to buy some stuff on this game which I highly recommend so see all these knives over here these are everybody's actual knives in the game right now everybody just has default knives the rock of the default life they have no textures yet but if you go to the shop you can go ahead and buy some currency so if you want to buy crates or whatever you want to buy this is the spot you go you click shop you click currency and you choose however much you want I'm personally gonna go ahead and buy five thousand cash right now I don't care how much it is I'm just gonna go for it and I'm gonna buy myself some great so we have a knife box which you can actually get a bunch of different stuff in but the knife box consists obviously of only knives the detective box it consists of the detective magnifying tool which you guys will see soon we also got the gun box here which is just all guns which is cool also we got perks baby we got invisible we got fake detective we got fast run we got slight scanner and we got slight knife so we're gonna be adding perks as the updates come along but for right now this is what we have at the moment there is also a VIP rarity and a godly rarity in these cases so you can get yourself a beautiful goddess so who knows I might try to get a guy late today I don't know what's gonna happen but you can also get VIP so VIP basically gets you an extra tier of stuff so I'm gonna go ahead and actually buy it right now just cuz and we now actually have VIP I don't know if you have to reset for VIP or not yeah wow that guy is tall that guy is so tall anyways the maps floating I'll show you the rest of the lobby once we actually get out of the first game but since we are actually just chilling right now we're just we're having fun okay let's see oh my god can I get a suspect first round oh dude I couldn't do it I thought I was gonna get it my first ever game okay become a detective so basically if you want to become the detective in detective you can collect three clues so it basically gives you as an innocent the option to go ahead and try to become the detective so what happens basically for those of you that are kind of curious oh that guy's the sheriff okay there's a door here I'm pretty sure this wall breaks oh yes it does it does it does I remember I remember it all my friends oh wait where is it why is it so foggy in here it's literally so foggy okay so this map is actually called prison you guys will get to Prison and all the other maps in the near future I'm telling you play the game as much as you can but I do actually have one detective tool box so these like little glowy boxes that I just picked up editor roll back so they can see what exactly I'm talking about they basically act as the detective tool now if nobody actually finds all 3 alts somebody just died out there's the murder or not murder a suspect he's the suspect we're changing the name of murder because we just yeah YouTube doesn't really like the word murder let's just say that uh oh actually this girl's the detective I don't know why it's showing it's not really supposed to be showing it I think it actually glitched for a second but basically when you are the detective you can actually go ahead and go up to people and click them and see if they are actually a suspect or a sheriff or something we I just realized this door doesn't open this doors to post open wives at or not open okay this is definitely not the spot I want to be and I gotta go back this way but guys basically when you were the detective you can actually check to see who is who but the murderer or anybody else supposedly is not actually supposed to be able to see that you're holding the detective tool so I'm gonna have to fix that that seems like a bug right now but and by the way that that little extra route right there that's that door supposed to open I don't know why that door doesn't open so we got two things that I need to tell my developer but that's good it's all good bugs are good important in a crush but guys I'm so excited to actually play this game like you literally have no idea like I'm so excited to keep recording it I want to see this game do really well and I know you guys really will like it and a lot of people have already been plenty and have been saying that they really like it but that being said the murders over there Oh suspect died I keep calling it the murder I literally my own game I was the one who decided what the heck this is but the murder is called the suspect - just cuz just for a better name I don't know I feel like murder is kind of scary I don't know anyway so this is the rest of the lobby right here I know pretty cool looking we got fair ground we got a prison we got forest these are our three maps at the moment we will be adding more maps in the next couple of updates and yeah also I want to let you guys know about VIP pass so the VIP pass you get VIP pass chat tag you get a crate tier so there are exclusive knives for VIP people I do actually want to show you guys them Hall I mean I go to the chaperone II here let's actually open up a crate oh wait we can view all textures so if you click on a specific box say you want to see the textures in the knife box you click this thing right here view all textures and it shows you every single texture that's in the game including the Godley's so as you guys can see we have five Godley's at the moment very more to be added keep in mind I got some really cool godly ideas so if you guys have a specific life idea for a godly let me know in the comments down below I'm telling you it's literally so cool right now there's a candy cane warning and it's calling my name it's calling my name so I'm gonna have to try to unbox that bad boy but I wanna sit let's go ahead and actually unbox to create real quick and we're just gonna unbox a knife box real quick and see what happens here because I actually should buy some more coins but oh my god where do we got butt oh my god I almost got the candy cane oh wait am I gonna get a the candy cane am I gonna candy cane no no candy candy okay nevermind I don't know I don't know what I just got but I got something oh I got the deep sea texture okay perfect oh so might we got what we got it we got a box item received okay looks like we got ourselves our first skin I know it's not a godly but still you never know alright um that being said we need to go ahead and go this way we need to figure out what's going on with this game and who is the murder up it's that guy alright ello hello I keep calling with the murder two guys I'll get used to it I'll get used to it I promise you but I also think one thing I really want to change on the actual unboxing is make it more like a knife I know right now it's just a texture but for right now the game is in its very beginning stages like guys listen games are really hard to make on roblox and I think they all have updates we all know that roblox games update and they update like crazy so I plan on actually updating this game alott and oh my god that guy almost killed me I was he's targeting me why are you targeting me my own game bro come on man you can't be doing this brother wait who's the sheriff I just heard that I just saw the gun okay there's no gun sound either I don't hear the gun sound so there's a couple of things that obviously we need to add but it's the very beginning stages and of course he killed me yeah he had a target me how to target the owner there we go there's this youtube title video right there targeting the owner of Detective we got to unbox some more cases bro I want to unbox some cases here let's go ahead and actually buy you know honestly I'm gonna buy a gun box I'm gonna buy a gun box right now and see what's going on but yeah these textures are gonna look more like knives as we go along and I think I'm gonna make it more prominent so what you're getting and if you're getting a godly or not it makes the most sense but right now I think we just got a really cool knife texture where does this one I don't even I made all these textures well I didn't make them I actually came up with them if that makes sense water texture okay cool yeah but there's things to be done there's definitely things to be done but if you guys find any bugs by the way go ahead and go on the detective discord or my comments on a big bug that you see whether it's like a big bug very small bug let us know the bugs and we are gonna be crushing them out as we go along but guys this game is gonna be so much fun I could already see the very beginning and where I want it to go there's gonna be so many perks made in the future oh my god I can't awaits anyway speaking of perks it's timeless gentlemen it's time to buy the first perk okay so we actually need to buy some more coins here so let me go ahead and actually shop for some currency real quick and we're gonna buy five thousand cash just like that bada-bing bada-boom and here we go okay we're gonna go ahead and buy you already know it we're buying fake detective we gotta buy fake detective fake detective is literally and it's it's the move okay we got to make sure we put it on here let's go ahead and put on our perk here equip there we go all right let's see what are we gonna be I really want to be the suspect I've not been the suspect yet surprisingly I'm innocent again dude I seriously ever been suspect in my own game at all like not even once so this is definitely an interesting scenario uh well there's a detective button over there I don't know why I keep going the bunch oh that guy totally just nabbed that bro he wants to be the detective so bad oh god dude the suspect is already after me again how am I always the one being targeted stop targeting me please I beg you guys if you guys see me in the game you can kill me I'm inviting you to kill me but don't just target me not anybody else like if there's somebody else right next to you please go for them too I mean I get it I understand you want to kill ant in his new game why nuts but I think oh he's got wow he actually is targeting me okay wow I get it I totally get it like you want to kill me you're in a game with me you know it's not very often you get in games with me but I don't know okay we got to really just run away from this guy this guy is really dangerous I just gotta make sure that everything is all good and that he's everyone's jumping you guys notice how everybody's jumping you know you guys can just walk right dude he's literally targeting me stop targeting me bro dude all right that's it that's it I'm not I'm not start coming to this I refused oh wait there's all emo roblox emotes totally forgot those existed now leave me alone baked man I will run forever so dumb Goku oh and Koch is dead and there goes the gun all that guy picked up the gun that guy picked up the gun buddy can you please shoot this other baekje man I know he's your kind but you got to do it in this case II have the detective tool look at this guy he's so tall he's literally so tall and this detective oh my god this suspect is destroying everyone in his path except for me because I refused there's the gun baby we got the gun okay there's my first time using the gun here we go bang and there we go suspect has died baby the sheriff has shown up okay so there is a gun sound the gun sounds actually really quiet though so we're gonna make sure we get everything all fakes and I'll give my suggestions to the developer but if you guys have any suggestions on what you want us to add to Detective let me know in the comments down below because I I want to listen to the community for this one like I want to listen I want to like incorporate everything that I want in the game and then I also want you guys to tell me what you want so I can incorporate it into the game that way I can kind of just like listen to what the community wants cuz like detectives gonna be like a big community it's gonna be a great community I want you guys to know that me as the owner of this game I will take care of you guys with everything you want any godly you wants anything just let me know I'll put it in the game and we'll be all good to go alright alright let me out of here let me have you I gotta show them the AVI okay so there's parkour here just like every other game you just go ahead and go on here and just get bounced around you're bouncing around I don't think we're gonna be really be able to finish this but we have five seconds on the clock and I fell and it just respawned you back here if you fall in the water simple enough right ah blood last but not least I think the only thing I haven't talked about is the leaderboard so as you can see we got a leaderboard here somebody already has 505 wins oh my god geez you've been grinding the game Wow okay and I'm innocent again you got to be kidding me why haven't I not been suffered yet at all but I will just go back together once again suspect guys I can't believe it I got suspect those would kill all the other plans to win the round okay that'sthat's all I need to know that's all I need to know guys we have actually fake detective perk on right now so we got to be careful we got to be careful let's just try to dip I mean there's gonna be a couple people following me so let's just bring out the knife here blah there we go oh well what's going on here oh my god I love this bro this actually feels so cool bro okay I don't know if any of these guys are actually I don't I throw the knife I just click I do I'd click left like to throw right click to stab okay let make sense make sense oh my oh my god dude I love this this is great so at the moment we do need an animation for the knife throwing but that's about it there's nothing too much oh my god I'm a savage I'm a savage okay I need to figure out how do i turn on my perk oh I have no perk selected oh wait actually I think fake detective wait a minute actually yeah I should be able to use fake detective I don't know what's going on there buddy up there's the sheriff oh god okay we gotta really kill you oh wow we were really going ham Brown nobody could stop me today boy here we go alright let's go ahead oh oh my god I almost got shot by the bullet okay yeah definitely needs to be louder gun sound oh I killed somebody what did I kill okay I'm just really trying to not die from this sheriff right here the sheriff's a little risky gotta be careful I'm gonna show you look and she killed me oh my god did I kill her wait was she upside down dude that was so close that was such a good round ooh that was so much fun guys it feels so weird for this game to finally be out like guys this game began development in December December of 2018 and now it's August of 2019 it took a while we're into some makeups and just other things but honestly like wow I'm so happy this game is out seriously guys go play I'm gonna be playing this a ton also one more thing I would do want to add the fact that we do have VIP service so if you want to actually get on a VIP server feel free to do so it's really good oh and if you haven't guessed already it is for mobile and for Xbox as well and tablet obviously mobile tablets same type of thing but it's for everything so feel free to go play it anybody can play it you guys can all have a great time but baby baby baby we got to vote for a map here let's go ahead and vote honestly my favorite map is prison I really like Prison Prison is definitely very well done I think the other two maps are like a little bit more open who was texting me at this prime time but guys I have so many map ideas that it's gonna be great like I just I got some good map ideas in the dome if you guys somebody mat buddies let me know any ideas anything seriously the more comments on this video the better alright the loading of the map shall we become suspect again I don't know it could happen it could happen you never know I have honestly never had a lucky detective game yet so we're gonna get there we're definitely gonna get there for sure but we need to go ahead and go complete this parkour this ice parts are really hard apparently oh yeah definitely really hard alright maybe here we go here we go you all be innocent okay well I kinda want to be the detective because I haven't showed you guys the detective tool yet I'm like looking around all there's a detective tool thing over there I don't even know what the Cawley's there's like detective like like hints kind of well not really hints they're like items I guess I don't know well we got one of them let me see if I can get another one can I find another one around here there's get all there's one right over there we were to see it oh it's right over there we gotta get to the second one if you get to the second one we will be the detective we will be the detective as long as somebody oh my god somebody literally just got to it oh I wanted to be the detective so bad literally up the suspect died I have all the games alright just like that well what are you gonna do alright let's actually unbox a box right now and basically I'm just gonna go ahead and actually try to get detective for the next round just so I can show you guys but I really really want a godly I really want to go by the way guys there's youtuber knives in these boxes so all I'm saying some of these are youtuber knives that's a roblox knife that's actually not I don't even see actually this might be my You Tube knife right here I think it actually is well we got the green lightning texture not bad not bad dude here we go okay detective time okay let's try to see if we can fall do they do they spawn in the same spots every round oh wait a minute okay alright this might be a new game I don't really know but we're about to find out what's going on this guy said Jimmy you're amazing just like your owner okay i well we know where the second one is thank you by the way I appreciate it we did a my order to Detective it just gave me something it just gave me a shirt sure oh wait it's not even over there no no never I they don't spawn in that spot oh wait I am the detective okay here we go let's go ahead and see clicking hold over a player you're gonna click and hold to keep mouse service team player or what do you mean it didn't even tell me I need to find out always not the suspect okay so this is out the detective tool works it's pretty cool let's see who the heck is what now the player should actually not be able to go ahead and see that you actually have the tool out so I think that's actually a bug add them moment but it's not supposed to be like that let's check let's see who the active murder should be is it you is it you keep the mouse over same person let's do it again and you know he's not the suspect either I don't know who the heck the suspect is but somebody's got to be the suspect I don't think anybody's actually killed anybody yet so this is actually a great time for the detective to let's see oh my god it's so hard to actually go and follow them all right um let's see we really got to just be really nonchalant here I don't think this is actually popping around oh you're not the suspect either who the heck is the suspect oh I'm calling it it's this guy right here is this guy right here this guy's pointing a gun at somebody he's pointing together tall guys going for this guy I think this guy might actually be the suspect no he's not the suspect who the heck is the suspect okay I've checked a bunch of people I haven't checked Malou let me check them a little real quick let's see oh no I'm not the suspect either I haven't checked this pink dude right over here so let me show the suspect died okay always it was green me it was Green made McGee oh dude green bean didn't even do anything a little Dino man didn't do anything anyways we need to unbox some more cases so let's go ahead go back to the shop I'm just gonna keep unboxing some knife cases I really really want something really good here something don't flew that's gonna you know just be pretty cool I kind of want this skin um never mind or or the green goo puff skin no no no literally just okay well this one's pretty cool too I I gotta say all the textures in this game are so so nice and they actually look really really cool on the knife now the really cool part is see this knife right here that is my knife I want to show oh my god it just passed up a very very good case all right guys so as you can see right here if you go up to this thing it says kringlie this is my little knife box that's the knife I'm currently have in the game so if I go ahead and change this keep an eye on this box right here zoom in to that right there yeah and that's keep it on this box right three two one boom I literally just changed it wait I want to I want to watch this one lightning boom oh that is such a cool skin we got the roblox we got the common actually we all have come we literally have just commons now wow that's that's kind of sad not gonna lie I wish I could have a godly at the moment not gonna lie but next video I will be unboxing a godly I'm calling it I'm calling it right here right now all right I'm gonna play one more game and that's gonna be a sign off to you guys to go ahead and go play the game right now go try it out yourself and come back to this video afterwards and tell me exactly what you about the game and we think I should add and stuff okay we are the innocent again okay it looks like there's always a detective little hint right over there so hopefully we can actually get the detective again I kind of want to just be the detective right now because that gives innocent a little bit more to do I think I actually want to talk to my developer on getting these completely randomized but I think I'm actually how am I already the detective already I don't get it I was the only one in the game at the moment I don't know I don't know what's going on right now but I think we are the detectives so let's go ahead and just go on this guy real quick okay it's kind of hard when people are running away so I might have to see if I can get that fixed to go faster this guy Oh what the heck I was literally right over him all right sir can I please see you I'm not seeing player okay never mind well guys I wasn't paying attention and I'd totally forgotten the suspect killed me let's just say that but anyways guys I think that's actually gonna be with this detective video hopefully you guys did enjoy and hopefully you guys do enjoy this game there's so much more to come and I'm super super excited for this one we're actually launching actually by the time you guys see this video we are officially launching we actually started off for the soft launch just to get actually crush as many bugs as possible and it's in full advertising I'm smelling some robots on it getting some ads out there so if you are playing detective when you happen to see this video go ahead drop it alike make sure you go ahead and follow a detective and drop a like on the game itself it would really really mean a lot and join the discord but with that being said guys thank you so much for being with me thank you guys so much for the support I love you guys so much and I'll catch you guys all again on detective
Channel: Ant
Views: 350,561
Rating: 4.905426 out of 5
Keywords: ant, roblox, detective, roblox detective
Id: l_wC-1-3J2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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