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unlimited tanks it's still a thing and uh i'm having a lot of fun with it so i'm just gonna milk it are you mad comment below you're mad i don't care let's make unlimited tanks again but get this they're gonna be on the interwar tanks we're gonna spam the crappiest tanks in the game the tank only challenge into ward tank challenge unlimited you get the idea anyway let's play romania why because we get a lot of opportunities to declare war early game with balkan dominance i'm going to spam a load of really shite divisions and uh producers immediately get lots of guns and off we go once again to the tactical and strategic command experience on the battlefield and the thrilling sniper experience at the same time come check out the sniper system involved power immerse yourself and become a sniper elite execute classified mission pick a handy gun among a modern arsenal and eliminate your target base building strategy fps warpath is the jack of all trades that challenges you on the ground in the air across iconic battlefields this classic rts focuses on delivering the most realistic military experience you can unleash devastating precision strikes command ground assaults and conduct solo operations become a brilliant strategist build your forces and defeat your enemies with superior tactics but remember battle plans don't survive first contact with the enemy so arming your troops with the appropriate weaponry is extremely important what path lets you be adaptable by letting you choose from a variety of real weapons and armaments to suit any battlefield real maps real battles real struggle travel back and fight across historic battlefields to reshape history in your image logistics is absolutely vital how you use your limited resources will either make or break you no strategic game would be complete without diplomacy you can form alliances to bolster your forces or even avoid wars entirely in this game your allies your brothers in arms the fires of war will forge your relationship bring you closer together and strengthen your bond the battle situation is constantly evolving to challenge you as the game progresses keeping you on your toes and forcing to adjust your strategy you're gonna love this warpath is introducing an online tournament where you can compete with a prize pool of up to fifteen thousand dollars anyone can get in new players compete with game power senior players invite a friend to compete with the total game power of the team see for yourself click my link in the description or pinned comment to get in no military factories of course because that's what the direction we're going we're gonna work on a little bit of construction and of course the tank so we're only allowed to use interwar tanks but that doesn't mean we can't fit it out with the latest turrets latest arm and all the great technology of gadgets and gizmos in this case welded armor we've invented welding boys romania has come a long way to increase your army size you do the exact same thing as germany spam loads of divisions really small ones and convert them to the larger template this is the small one this is the big one and glitch is fun and the minute they're 20 trained oop deploy on the front line prioritize the equipment pop in to your army click on the equipment deals 135 000 troops in the field and to puppet bulgaria we need 400k quite far to go so we need to deploy some more divisions just a few more select them all convert to the larger infantry template and maximum army size in the field 450 so we don't need these boys so get red we don't need nowhere near as many divisions how convenient next up you need to go over limited conscription hop on to that we need to institute the royal dictatorship this gives access to more manpower later on we're getting there boys trust me we're getting there you can start with two of the best field marshals in the game this dude because he's a logistic wizard and this guy is general because he's also an infantry expert but funnily enough he doesn't have the trait before infantry leader figure that one out hey before he was a leader he was an expert a born expert are we a dictator are we a monarchy i don't know but we definitely own a villa somewhere need to wait for the manpower to roll in very slowly 380 399 and 400 boom pop it bulgaria one of the things i love about the romanian focus street is that you can start declaring wars and start popping neighbors immediately it's so good and they've submitted hungary you're next oh no we need trains press the magical train button i always think this button is kind of funny in a way because if you don't have a railway system built within your nation who are you stealing trains from because there's no private companies that own trains so i just don't get it but eh comedia trains from nowhere align hungary and they say offers a friendship tree i've never had this before friendship i don't think so boom hungary okay this is really good so you can push into them and grind lots of xp you should use this war as opportunity to get all the xps and also go for a little bit of war props as well propaganda against the enemy that come in handy oh no they're last standing let's just wait for the last stand to expire if you don't already know check out my second channel to explain the exploit because i won't be explaining this video but as you can see improved equipment conversion is on the way that never converted factories okay stop saying that all right i hear you guy in the comments section he never converted factories all right so you need to deploy a few more divisions in the back end and everyone's screaming in the comment section why have you overstacked your general dave i know i know i know let's fix that there we go you happy now all right so you need to do some little shenanigans here because you need to make your army size larger so you can progress down the focus tree so what you have to do is select the majority of your army convert them to a single crappy division make your army intentionally smaller not to do with both of your uh generals so your army net size is super small now and now you can uh well those things that doesn't work it isn't based on overall field of manpower it's based on overall division so it's like i have to delete the divisions and that means now i can go for extensive conscription but then you've got to deploy the divisions again because we need to get them back so therefore progress down the focus tree oh my isn't this fun at the same time we go for war economy now because we're over 50 war support boom economy is now open revised the constitution and gets one percent recruitable said please do that one constitution we need one of those and boom change the divisions back over to the ones we want ram it's all about grinding their exp here and getting everything that we need so just go for that right about now we deploy the army get on the front line assign a general again again again will it be enough for 500 000 manpower yes it will soon after training my troops now get them on the front line and attack again grind that xp oh look at that go up oh yeah our army is all of a sudden very trained very skilled once you've attacked your ebit grind some xp let your oak rejoin get your plane bonus up get your equipment reinforced wait a few seconds and again give me xp boys the beauty of this means we can now create the reason we came here we want to make ourselves oh my god what is that we want to make ourselves a bunker on wheels i'll be honest with you it's so awful i i want it the only way i can think this could possibly work is if i stack just lots and lots and lots of soft attacks i'm gonna go for a secondary turret something i'd never recommend you guys do because they're really expensive and the stats are awful we're gonna add on all the secondaries which give lots of soft attack extra cannons this will be a land battleship with lots of armor practically all the armor oh close support going to be useful right now but we don't have it so in the meantime we'll have to go for the auto cannon three man turrets twisted suspension because that's how it'll actually move forward take a little bit of armor off so it can actually move oh and even got the icon for it oh yeah that's what i want to see and at the same time we're at war right now so maybe we can request guns from someone oh man the service really don't like us mussolini help us we need help mr hitler please help us we need help okay i guess it's uh mussolini then i guess another really good pro tip is to make all the variants look slightly different than the others so you could select that one for the old variant this one for the old variant too that way when you put them in armies you can clearly identify them all right time to actually do some damage on the front line now and so yeah i should do a strategic breaking of the front line and not just uh uncontrolled pushes and at this point because they're shuffling on the front line they broke the entrenchment so uh goodbye frontline ah the snake around the outside at the same time you can do split czechoslovakia which is the natural next focus you will go for ai loves last stand and also king carol loves parties as well oh celine get me guns oh yes 5k thank you very much oh no improvilations that was a waste of peepee oh no what do you miss okay proof conversion you know what comes next right conversion some more occupy give him the horse and prioritize hitler accepts our ultimatum plan and czechoslovakia has been divided uh before austria is answerless now that is a speedrun right greece you're next to my hit list go here go here prioritize promoter eyes off you go all right into war artillery is done in your game you're gonna do that immediately and not wait for it so here we go big boy oh close to portland because it does lots of soft attack you have to improve the speed slightly by dropping the armor go production and then you need to make lots of variants of it and give it a uh really crappy icon so you won't forget boom there we go and we don't need guns anymore because italy's gonna sort us out probably gonna have to import by a considerable amount of steel france fund my war effort and uh throwing your old tanks you know happens the old tanks that's right right on the scrap heap execute the duplication fight per week damn it's not very good i have to work on that final focus this one for conquest them 750k three-quarters of a million we're quite far away from that so what the best easy thing to do either deploy more divisions i'll just make the existing division bigger each battalion here is going to add on an extra 53 000 so i'm gonna have to add on probably three or four of these to actually get to the right amount of manpower yeah i think i'm probably just gonna actually easier up into here there you go seven seven three the earlier you go for this one the bear because uh if you wait too long turkey will get guaranteed by the uk and germany so just be aware of that anyway greece and we have to bring in bulgaria off you go all of a sudden oh we're low on guns guns are so low italy help us out ah 5k thank you very much secret to defeating greece is just to attack the entirety of your army and just push enough of those comments saying oh you didn't show the battle so therefore you cheated whoa i'm finding the battles here bro boom done i think bulgaria is hoping for some land here i think not well i'm not gonna lie the production costs of these heavy interwars is pretty high i'm struggling to produce one per day well we're actually producing some so be thankful all right gonna deploy a bunch of divisions just to make our army look artificially larger still we can't go for secure the bosphorus in that case we're going to make a division that consists of a single horse and just spam those babes out it is time for the battle of the bosphorus or goal against turkey i say it again be aware that the uk and germany will guarantee turkey if it's later in the game be aware of that stationship troops here and on the island and you should have a easy mop-up of turkey the bosphorus no one is guaranteeing turkey perfect turkey your mind in this case who from the islands at the same time bring in our good boy bulgaria bush and make sure you come to push straight after like push directly through istanbul as if it's not there just push and we could delete that old army back now there you go 288k there's the manpower i needed this case to just hold around a little bit wait for the manpower to regain an attack seriously turkey seriously we doing this italy your enemy turkey right your enemy wing-wing yeah your enemy oh jeez oh thank you daddy never mind it left the islands open easy easy i mean i've never had this problem before i've never actually counter-attacked istanbul from the other side before it's a nice problem to have go go go i love it when you break into asia it's like oh just flood that front line oh yeah was about to end so uh emergency measures emergency weapons from mussolini thank you there we go ladies and gentlemen this is the beauty of romania world war ii hasn't been kicked off yet i've got two puppets and i've conquered practically the balkans anatolia and greece i mean come on guys give me more focus streets where i can declare war early even if it's a challenge like this i know it's possible you can do it it starts hang on a minute january 1939 oh it's got to be rushed all the czechoslovakia focuses wow we just gave a massive buff to mr hitler we let him skip one two three focuses almost a year's worth of focus is skipped thank us anyway justify on yugoslavia a nation that we're guaranteeing uh yeah it doesn't make sense but whatever does anything make sense this game probably no all right don't need those manpowers anymore and we can make the division smaller if we need to and also we can militarize the genitals out which gives one percent recruitable and here we go the production has started 63 heavy tanks in production the duping has begun it is time where we begin the interwar tank only and you thought i was gonna make a proper tank division right an actual tank division that's practical and you're actually gonna want to use it on the battlefield ah welcome to my video enjoy the show that's right we're gonna go with a incredibly wonky 30 combat width right yep and specify we don't want anything other than c's there we go convert all into the beast um oh dear we're a little bit behind oh well less than a year until i'm sorted out oh yeah 230 days and i'll be done and now the parties must end and then he throws one more farewell party on the way out do we go with this now we've got political power we'll take the political power here one thing you'll find from making too many heavy tanks is you'll have this issue traffic jams ah there's not a lot you can do about this it is what it is off we go well gary you could join this war okay this is probably the last one i'm gonna be able to declare on and anax because if you get 100 world tension it's not going to happen how's the heavy tanks doing they're not they kind of break through initially um but if they can't break through initially they just disintegrate hence here we go a thousand of them just burning away uh yeah they either break through immediately or they don't take a deep breath gain your resources back off you go this is only really kind of possible with romania because of your oil reserves any other nation you just lose all your oil look look at the oil i've still got massive oil production but still it's like a bit of a struggle like come on you could break you can do it i'm starting to uh regret this strategy maybe if we just made the division smaller so that's right that makes less traffic jams still behind by 7 000 heavy tanks it's a race guys germany dumpstering france and me dumpstering yugoslavia if france gets dumpstered first over the hugos then i'm in a bad way because it's 100 world tension and yugoslavia will join the allies look at them they're so ugly they look like tents with turrets on them romanian steel on wheels because these divisions have so little hp what happens is if they run out of all their strength like go to zero from attacking too much probably having them on aggressive is not a good idea they just disintegrate so we've actually lost uh three four five divisions just from bashing against their front line i told you this is romanian engineering oh this is really useful button extra supplies which just means i don't need supplies for the next few weeks it's going to be really handy actually let's wait for the reinforcements producing 142 of them per day oh yeah three two one extra supplies off you go boom well what do you know doesn't need supplies it does what it says can you pierce these of course not i hate the mountains jug no more classic romanian strategy uh war propaganda against italy warsaw promising peace so that's like the putting up posters of mussolini bad while simultaneously saying we don't want war war is terrible yeah right here we go the armies are forming how many divisions could we get before the soviets justify on us doing the little finland thing at the minute so it is time i balls to it they're going too slow i'm just to find now oh boy this isn't going to get any easier build the railways make the railways great again oh my goodness and we're low on trains again make the trains more trains make the trains great again all right i think we're gonna have to go for grand bar plan here aren't we grand battle plan and logistics focus um professional officer cause theater training yeah we won't even be fighting battles that long once again we either win immediately or we lose immediately there is no middle ground so there's no time to grind for trace if i exercise the whole army curious to see what the damage looks like oh my goodness just bleeds please it's the heavy tanks the last month we have lost 1 300 and 1400 1500 just from exercise yeah i don't think exercising them is the right thing to do but division has currently been training i don't want to deploy the extra division so war has arrived we're gonna attack carefully and just see what happens oh the green 102 as john there was getting real now boys we're gonna invite slovakia it's about to get real oh my god it's way more effective than i thought it was gonna be and they're uh naval invading greece i told you there was a reason why we chose to hold these guys back the miracle of divisions that just appear spawn i'm absolutely nowhere oh they run away i really wanted to fight oh that's such a shame i really wanted to fight the soviet tank division versus my tank division ah soviet rune union the band's bas arabia you know every every bone in my body is just click the top one just to see what happens oh regrets here we go kingdom of romania sees bess arabia to the soviet union he just spawns into them there we go boom that was easy way of getting it back right are we at war with them still yes it's been no difference this is so dumb i love it ah a peaceful exchange now the hostilities begin i'm pleasantly surprised how effective this is so they can't pierce them the attack penalties in terrain types is horrific as you'd imagine because they're just tanks but overall their base firepower is amazing once again if you're going to do this i feel like you have to stack lots and lots of soft attack because otherwise that's what these tanks kind of like it's just armor and breakthrough and you need a little bit of soft attack just to push it over the line battling the mountains with heavy tanks old into our heavy tanks fighting in the mountain range impressive service by requirement manpower is becoming an issue bulgaria can you give us garrison support oh you can wow and slovakia letting the side down again single tank taking on three divisions here one in circle two down and they're down america fuel is up sitters on the front front line is pushing eastward germans have joined push in the caucuses is limited because i don't want to strain the front lines but i might have to up the railways a little bit oh god everybody's just bust everything's bust we've got 2k tanks banked here so let's just go aggressive for a few days and just see what happens looks all green this is the bit we don't really want to look at oh my goodness the grinding how are we losing artillery we're even using artillery i'm so confused last 12 months we have lost 20 000 heavy tanks to attrition and 21 000 to combat and the man power losses oh yay well we can't say it wasn't worth it we definitely made some gains here oil problems i think not all of a sudden we have all the oil in the world boom azerbaijan oil industry has opened civilian production just consists of building railways and naval bases not fun but it is what it is close the fronts there we go the connection has been made and also the black sea has been mined i should have done this at the start of the game can you imagine if i mind it when i was at war with hungary and yugoslavia and greece and turkey there would have been like a thousand mines here there's a strap boys you can't make a good navy just mine the one sea you have access to easy okay extra supply here we're just gonna build depots on the end of every railway line the ultimate weakness of this strategy isn't mass air it's um lack of supply depots pretty much big rivers are pretty bad as well anyway boom let's go let's make another wave push to another supply depot can we get stalingrad an astrakhan can't be possible can we be done probably not all right the supply depots are finished max them out okay new strategy time i think we're gonna do is we're gonna consolidate two of the armies and hopefully that'll reduce the amount of supply on the front line maybe that actually might naturally we'll see and this hopefully might make the front line a little bit less this should hopefully relieve some of the traffic jam a little bit more breathing space oh okay it's about to get extra for the second time to be honest remember that i've already had it around the back and damn okay there's uh juan palmy is surprised this works the second part of me is i'm still going and just pushing through the low supply stalingrad has been taken we've finally broken through another wave of supply depots later and uh we're back at it again you think one month's bad oh you have no idea oh oh my oh my ah greater romania and then this little island down here doesn't happen very often but all adults called up join there's the battlefield i don't understand why this has happened but uh kurdistan's got more compliance than greater turkey the romanian kurdistan oh yeah many years later oh yeah we're still here in conclusion does this work kind of uh you're gonna have supply nightmares uh you're gonna need a lot of cities to build railways and trains and whatnot uh you're gonna need a lot of military factories to kind of get it going to begin with uh at least 50. uh but is this possible yeah i guess so which i'm kind of thankful for that is possible would you ever want to do this hell no i'll tell you one thing this is one way of getting a lot of war score we lost three million in total for the soviets just from grinding their front line boom border gore this is a world that no one will ever appreciate all of puppet russia run by the provisional government that's actually kind of interesting even though they've gone down the path of marxist leninism i don't think i approve of that ease upon conscription yeah sure collaboration state of hungary yeah why not a referendum for democracy boom yeah why not we go from kingdom remaining to just romania just romania fascists in government i beg your pardon give everyone local autonomy so oh and i can join the allies the allies are like oh please join this war against germany oh they're de-daying the fact that i've wiped out half the romanian population by these kind of force attacks look at the hp on that 18. um i haven't got manpower left so if i was to delete all my armies i've got half a million manpower in the pool i'm on service by requirement and my manpower is actually ticking down uh so right now i pretty much sure will hit zero manpower without an army because we've lost some men we've lost so many men on the eastern front oh and also i mind the entirety of the mediterranean ah and you thought a ship getting stuck in the sewers canal was bad well we've got a lot of problems to come the next hundred years are gonna be messy i'm done you think this video was good well this one is the final form click it
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 259,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: feedback, feedbackgaming, hoi4, hearts of iron 4, romania, hoi4 romania, hearts of iron 4 romania, hoi4 unlimited tanks, hearts of iron 4 infinite tanks, hoi4 exploit, hearts of iron 4 exploit, hoi, hearts of iron 4 tank designer, tank only, tank only challenge, hoi4 tank only, hoiiv, hearts of iron 4 cheats, hearts of iron 4 exploits, hoi4 nsb, hoi4 tank designer, hoi4 cheats, ww2, history of romania, history, hoi4 templates, memes, war, romanian, cheat, hoi iv, TANK ONLY Divisions
Id: Nb7O0xm0hUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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