Snow White story & Snow White songs | Fairy Tales and Bedtime Stories for Kids

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once upon a time there was a beautiful castle in a land far far away in this magnificent castle they live the most beautiful Queen the Queen only had one wish to be happy and that was to have a beautiful baby girl a cold winter day when the Queen was sewing next to the window she suddenly poked herself with a needle she immediately wiped the blood off with a piece of cotton and right at that moment she made a wish I wish to have a baby girl his skin is as white as snow whose eyes are brighter than the shiniest jewel and has cherry red lips and too hard full of joy and happiness and one day the wish of the good-hearted Queen came true she had a beautiful baby girl they named this beautiful girl Snow White the years went by quickly but their happiness did not last long the good-hearted Queen had become ill and soon after passed away after a while the King aged and had become extremely weak so he have remarried another woman the new queen was beautiful all right but she had an evil heart she was an arrogant and jealous woman every day the Queen would look into her magic mirror ask this question mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all and the magic mirror would answer back no one your highness you are the most beautiful one and the Queen would be very happy with the answer with the arrival of the Evil Queen everything in the castle started to change because of her evil doings the kingdom faced many many troubles so to fix the troubles the King had to go away from the castle the Evil Queen was very happy because now that the Queen had gone away she could do as she pleased the years went by fast and snow white grew up to be a beautiful young girl in a place not too far away a prince suddenly saw the reflection of Snow White on the river from which he was drinking some water he immediately looked around but could not see anyone else other than the birds upon his head one day the Queen was in front of her magic of mera mera mera on the wall who's the fairest of them all the mirror answered well sorry about none you my dear queen Snow White is the most beautiful one the Queen was furious when she heard the magic mirrors answer she immediately called in her favorite hunter and gave a horrible order you will take Snow White into the woods and bring me her heart [Music] the soldiers took snow right next to the Queen a welcomed Snow White thought you might have been bored in the castle go get some fresh air in the woods don't worry my most trusted hunter will keep you safe the hunter took Snow White deep into the woods he had to do what he was told by the Queen [Music] but seeing snow white's pure heart full of goodness the hunter could not do her any harm he warned her not to go back to the castle ever again and at sunset he left her in the woods and head back to the castle Snow White was very afraid in the dark woods all alone she said under a tree and started crying until at last she fell asleep in the morning snow white woke up with birds chirping the tiny tiny animal friends surrounded her because these animals knew who she was and loved their princess patient the way to Snow White they brought her to their home which was cute and as tiny as em a little hesitant Snow White opened the door everything inside the house was very small and extremely messy Snow White could not figure out whom this house belong to but she did not have anywhere else to go so she decided to tidy up after she cleaned up the house and made it nice and spotless snow-white cooked with the small kitchen utensils and had something to eat in this small house just like everything else the beds were also tiny but Snow White was so tired she almost fell asleep right where she was she thought that no harm would come to her in this place and fell asleep on couple of beds she put together in the evening the Seven Dwarfs who were the lovely owners of this beautiful home had arrived from working in the mine and as they entered they were really surprised the house was clean because it smelled of delicious food clumsy wanted some soup but because of his clumsiness he spilled it on the floor Ayse was trying to figure out what was going on there is something fishy about all this who did all this work hmm if I can get sleep I'm sure I can find all the answers said lazy yawning the Seven Dwarfs quietly all went upstairs when they entered the bedroom they couldn't believe their eyes there was the most beautiful girl they had ever seen lying on their tiny beds hearing the sounds Snow White doctor frightened from her sleep as she saw the fourteen eyes of the Seven Dwarfs staring at her finally with some hesitation she said my name is Snow White I'm really sorry if I have offended you I meant no harm well we are sure of that otherwise why would you clean up and cook for us answered ace and introduced them we are the Seven Dwarfs this is jolly angry clumsy slumpy red and me ice was so happy but now she had seven more fun friends Snow White told them about what had happened the Seven Dwarfs were really sad to hear what had happened they asked her to stay with them agreeing to stay with them Snow White always helped them out they all started to have happy and peaceful times together but their happiness or was it going to last long one day the Queen asked the same question to her magic mirror mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all the mirrors answer was the same well hmm I'm sorry but not you My dear Queen Snow White is the fairest of them all but the Queen thought that she was already dead she did not know that the heart the hunter had brought her actually belonged to a deer and decided to finish the job herself and for good this time it was another joyous morning in the seven dwarfs house Snow White was sending the dwarfs to work with a kiss on their cheek viii repeated his warnings as always do not forget our rule if any stranger comes knocking on the door when we are not home do not answer it okey-dokey ace but you guys don't be late okay while Snow White was preparing dinner there was a knock on the door she did not expect the dwarfs to come back home at this hour the wizard viii is it you guys from outside an old woman spoke I mean no harm my little girl open up please looking through the peephole Snow White saw the poor old woman outside and thought she could mean no hunter her so she opened the door oh my beautiful girl I am a poor old woman passing by if you could give me a bowl of soup I will be forever grateful Snow White took the old lady in and offered her a bowl of hot soup thank you my dear I have no money but I have the most delicious and brightest red apple voya even one by drawer tastes like heaven Snow White curiously took a bite from the Apple and as soon as she did she fainted and found him on the floor the odd lady was no other than the disguised Evil Queen and the Apple was far from heaven but full of poison even one bite was enough to put Snow White to asleep from which she could never be able to wake up where are the Seven Dwarfs returned home they found snow white lying on the floor ice found the Apple with the bite mark the Apple she egg must be poisonous this must be the quiz doing Snow White was so beautiful even asleep the dwarfs put her in a glass box made of the most precious gems and they put her on a hilltop where all her friends in the woods could see one day the Prince came to the woods with Snow White was sleeping Snow White's friends showed him the way and brought him next to the glass box where she was sleeping the prince could not believe his eyes the beautiful princess he once saw as a reflection on the river and kept seeing in his dreams was lying right in front of him he lifted up the cover of the box and kissed Snow White right at that moment Snow White and the princes dreams came true their love became the cast and Snow White opened her eyes at that same time finding out about all that had happened to his daughter the King broke the magic mirror and sent the Queen as far away from the castle as possible Snow White finally returned to her castle and reunited with her father Snow White and the prince had a magical wedding the King Snow White the prince and the Seven Dwarfs they all lived happily ever after [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is the thing about single bound single all the way all the way oh play [Music] Oh Justine this but we got into jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way oh - the ride [Music] go back all the way oh right [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Music] so high like a diamond in the sky [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] like a diamond I [Music] abcdefg hijk LMNOP you were to UV W expire ABC next time won't you sing with me [Music] abcdefg hijk I'll be QRS TUV wxy now I know maybe next time won't you sing [Music] [Music] and you really wanna show it if you're happy and you know get your hands if you're happy and you know it stomp your feet you're happy and you know it and you really wanna show you're happy and you know it [Music] if you're happy and you know which other a you're up in you know you're a bitch you know haha [Music] all McDonald's had a farm eieio and on that farm he had a cow eieio with a moo moo here and a moo moo there here a moo there a moo everywhere a moo moo Old MacDonald had a farm eieio [Music] Oh MacDonald had a farm eieio and on that farm he had a duck eieio with a quack quack here in here Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] with a neigh neigh here and a neigh neigh there here a neigh there a neigh everywhere a neigh neigh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Fairy Tales and Stories for Kids
Views: 18,818,459
Rating: 4.0462232 out of 5
Keywords: snow white, snowwhite and seven dwarfs, snow white song, snow white songs, snow white story, kids stories, stories for kids, stories for children, fairy tales, bedtime stories, bedtime story, bedtime stories for kids, kids story in english, kids story time, kids stories read aloud, kids story, story for children
Id: o8ZvTerQzfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2016
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