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hello welcome back to my channel being Rocky I hope everyone is having a safe and wonderful day so me and the wife outside in the backyard again and what we doing today love cooking some crab Curry we cooking some crab curry with some Ed and byun so I went to Caribbean Super Center I got a lot of edos right babes yes you do so I bought a lot of Ed so I came home the wife he said babes what Ed this for I was like you know me and Edo and casappa we always buy two or three extra yes so today we going to make a nice awesome crab curry with some byan and Edo and coconut milk all right and I'll cook some rice get me rice water on there already as you can see it's a nice windy awesome day in Florida right it is it is and today babes may give you the choice of picking the pepper for the pot what do you think sounds good I love it all right you know since we got sick and we recover we've been eating a lot of pepper yes yes even the wife you've been eating a lot of pepper yes I love it all right guys so let's get started cooking all right so this is the snow crab that we got from Restaurant Depot and as you can see H cut them up into small pieces so it'll be easy to eat and we got some green seasoning Cur powder turmeric gar masala jera and adobo yes Edo lots of edos one Bon coconut milk and rice right time to get start cooking you think we rice a hole in this SP I don't know we shall see so what I'm going to do less rice Mo crab all right rice is on why call this you buop the rice is boping MHM and today I'm cooking with some coconut oil nice so I already got some coconut oil in there my pan is hot first thing I'm going to do is go in with my green seasoning lots of green seasoning there right now I have a bowl here C powder J garam masala T Goya it's for your curry paste mix it up here mhm nice and off and give it some water now right and throw that in and then so our Tomatoes start to ripe up so the wife today you Choice Lobby all right you will pick the pepper for the back all right sounds good all right we the um uh what you call it the general for the pepper what let's see oh wow look we got family come guys look at this well hello hi Candace crab cry m two foot one look who's here hey family how's everybody check him out the gopy family I want come here let's seeing that's for you special let me see let me see all right look I got delivery let's see oh wow honey here help open I got goodies from Guyana oh my God something smell good something smell good smoke fish wow look at that look what brought from from Guyana nice FR new [Laughter] know the one and only go all right guys so look at that we got goodies from Guyana thanks to the gopy family thank you Kavita thank you Gopi can't wait to cook some dalon rice and chew this up hand yes smoth fish oh yeah I like to hear that song Honey mhm this thing got to get good Masala oh yeah M smells so good I'm going to turn it for you thank you R all a little bit resty waste not want [Music] not there go wow smells really good right mhm yeah yeah that's a good smell there it's a nice smell so m I'm going to time like now you know we need no Lobby What tomatoes tomatoes and I need you to choose your pepper all right so I C my rice and make sure my Curry don't B all right I'll go get it now thank you all right guys so I'm going to pick the Tomato now I'm going to pick two tomatoes one M smells so good so I got two nice tomatoes for the curry look what nice and fresh how can get fresher on this look I know all right look at this here nice and straight from the tree you right uhhuh look at this wow this you can get Look No Seeds hardly this is the B you want to put in there oh yeah that's going to melt up nice nice in there all right so let me go get the peppers yes Lord one or two how much you want to bring four is okay with me all right I'm going to go get the pepper surprise me all right all right so I am going to pick the pepper oh there you go right here I'm going to do one Pepper or maybe two let's go surprise honey now all right so H look I got two Peppers some like you if you pick one you lonely you got pick two in the pot but I can't give you in the in your hand because me and you might broke away that's what I said put them down there in the p there you go wow and guys they look bad but they're not bad they're not that hot but they're flavorful yeah they're very flavorful yes that's Jamaican Scotch bonnet right yes it is nice Pepper's in want CH get a little windy yellow yeah it's beautiful I love it get a little wind okay M nice PE last mhm and Rea look look how much edos is in here I know you love edos my brother look at this now I'm going to peel the byon and throw it in there all right c not the pan or eggplant pan eggplant balang auin auin or more use that it sounds fancy right it sound fancy mhm you be like oh babes where you make for breakfast some aine choc that's so funny that you silly nope nope yeah wow nice all right I got one more piece more and then in goes this to the pot wash out to the mhm can't wait that's a dear ly mhm story and I I love byan so if I could get byan in everything I would put it it's one of my favorite vegetables cuz we had a debate earlier honey did not want to put by in the crab Curry but no I wanted just some Ed right mhm but I won the bet you w the BET mhm see nice and then the rice is going big things happening outside M I like how you cut them so small and nice easier for eat oh yeah and then how you cut them all the gravy is going to go inside all the Sor inside here mhm nice [Music] looks crumps honey thank you thank you find melt out yeah all right now let's let's do the cook milk all right sounds good and then you you drizzle it there a little bit M all right wow oops that looks so good love thank you my love I'm going to eat my hand today you know all we need there now a little bit of water all right let that bubble up a little bit and then I'mma add some water mhm ooh that smell so good yum yum yum pure deliciousness so Babs M I'm add some of the water now okay and let the crab on the a cook there nice let me put my hands in this in this you put your hands in the pot so I can say I help cook oo look look who paid me a visit and there goes number two mhm all right see the Ed don't start by love their love mhm all right so we going turn this here now and that's it this is done until it's done and rice finished cooking say say before open the water open the this smell get B yes all right there soon the you see see in there no it melt out nice melt out nice that grav is nice and thick wow and I see you made a salad yes love I found I we find two more tomato on your um Tree on that side uh-huh and we cut it up nice fresh tomatoes some cucumber and some lettuce wow awesome that's going to be really really nice yep late lunch late dinner late dinner cuz what time is it it's about 6:30 yeah 6:30 610 and it's still bright T nice look at this sun is out we're going to eat outside and enjoy this beautiful weather we forget for water plant and stuff oh it's okay we'll water later on today yeah we'll water it later once we done eat and you know they said 30% chance of rain but that's the reason why I tell you don't water the plant yeah it's not going to rain honey look from yesterday from yesterday to today it the weather man changed the mind so much yesterday was 60 today was 30 no just now they say 30 this morning when we wake up was 40 so as it get no rain the we M was like yeah but the the temperature yeah so all right so we're going to water later yeah we going to throw some water in them okay cool wow look at this beautiful arrangement honey made me all the flowers from our yard look at that thank you my love so pretty wow and the salad is looking real good wow all right checking up on the pots wow cop Cory finish mhm M again Tomatoes nice tomatoes on top nice this smell smells delicious keep in the wow so once that steam out a little bit be taking out food right all right sounds good honey guess what big news guys the wifey just checked the phone and we just met 24,000 subscribers because of you guys from the bottom of our heart we want to thank you for the continued support me and my family thank you from the bottom of our heart wherever in this world you are our viewers our subscribers thank you so so much once again Guys Without You guys we going to be doing this me and a wifey love you guys so much so so much thank you for the 24K woohoo yay thank you guys so much it means a lot a lot to us thank you I want to show you guys what we got um a few days ago look at this we got a cat tail when last did you guys see this plant I remember my mom used to have this in Guyana as soon as I saw it I was like you know what I want it it's so pretty and some people they had it in hanging basket but I'm going to leave it right next to this Pond look how pretty this is I'm going to leave it right here but I'll put it in a bigger container and I think it's going to add like a nice accent to the pond and I also got this never done and they call it never done because this plant always have flowers but this is like the tiny tiny flowers to the regular one as soon as I saw it I'm like oh this is so pretty and it's like a nice hot pink I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it in this container if I'm going to plant it where the lemon tree is or I'll put it in a hanging basket I'm not sure as yet but wow it's so pretty they had the White and the purple and I kind of regret not buying the other two colors and it was just five bucks so beautiful all right so let's Go Peep honey pot he went in the house so we're going to go peep take a peek oh I hear him coming busted so wow crab Curry is looking really real good the Edo B so nice look at that wow this is going to be a nice dinner I can't even find back the peppers I know they're somewhere in here so look at this guys I just went inside came back out and look how beautiful this table is set honey you outdid yourself I'm being Fancy with you I know I love it and look the rice it's a in the shape of a heart yes love wow the we pepper there on top all right so time for food mhm right course I'm going give you a piece of Ed what your jump your play there what put he to the side puty to the side oh yeah the will melt up nice h some ET and I'm going give you lots of crab no not too much too much hone all right say big p yes that's perfect perfect and some Sur Sur wow how fancy and nice that is MHM the Tomato melt up the I love it I love it right MH then what I'll do is a little salad look how beautiful it's all plate up that's you right there wow how you look there nice very nice this one leaf is being bad but wow beautiful and then I see you brought out sweets see yes with lemons I know you like yours with lemon I don't like lemons mhm so I wanted to show you guys something hun did not see this I have a secret stash look at that I pickled some of the Wy peppers I did lemon juice a little bit of salt and vinegar and I pickle some of it looks good right looks awesome awesome that's my secret stash I see mhm you know I'm take most here to what edos edos edos oh yeah I love the Ed and it's such a beautiful evening out so we'll be eating outside and enjoying this wonderful dinner honey made yes yes my love I come come in there look I'm waiting that's me wow and it's the tomatoes from our garden yes nice so that's you right here next to me and that's me right here next to you wow awesome H ready for this dinner love yes so ready C Curry wey weary pepper rice salad at that sweet tea a [Music] honey you got the secret stash my PL [Music] and beautiful flowers that honey picked from our garden table is looking beautiful honey thank you thank you all right first to all those who are celebrating your birthday happy birthday to those who are celebrating your anniversary happy anniversary and to those who are celebrating life Cheers Cheers mhm that's some good sweet tea MH once again guys from the bottom of our heart wherever you are in this world looking at our YouTube channel we thank you me and my family appreciate so much without you guys we could have been doing this and we love doing this for you guys all right once again thank you for the little time you spend with me and the wifey cooking up this nice crab Curry and rice making some salad so first thing we're going to do is we're going to take a piece of Edo I love M some gravy and some rice m that Ed I'm m m wow it's so good where did you buy the edos from H cariban super san oh nice and was some nice big edos MH so guys once again this let me may have to go in again you got to go in for seconds yeah yeah not like you know so let me see this thing one more time here you know yep all right and guess what guys I'm going to eat with my hands W that's some crab Curry right there wow mhm that's some crab Curry once again from the bottom of our heart we thank you for the love and the support you shown us on our YouTube channel being Rocky on our Facebook page being Rocky and family and guys please follow us we are on Tik Tok now all right and if you haven't please like And subscribe
Channel: Being Rocky
Views: 7,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QxwzktU9Rn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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