'SNL' under fire for Kellyanne Conway sketch

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let's take a look at saturday night live they have been taking on trump and his staff in a big way getting a big ratings boost but now some critics suggest they may be pushing their politics too far sacrificing some laughs along the way our chief national correspondent tom yams is here with the story good morning tom george good morning to you to give you an idea of what kind of influence snl has a newspaper in the dominican republic had to apologize for a story they ran on president trump and israel but it's not what they said that was the problem the photo of president trump come take a look it's actually alec baldwin now snl is doing more and more trump sketches but some are saying the comedy is going from cutting to cruel first of all mr trump you understand this is a tv court right that's okay i'm a tv president saturday night live riding a ratings high this past weekend scoring their biggest audience in six years lavender is an amazing person he knows me better than anyone and it's not just on tv more than 22 million clicks on youtube to watch melissa mccarthy spoof press secretary sean spicer because i came out here to punch you in the face and also i don't talk so good trashing trump may be rating's gold for snl but now some are asking are they going too far to do you weren't answering my calls you changed your number i'm not going to be ignored the show comparing president trump's advisor kellyanne conway to glenn close in her 1987 film fatal attraction i'm not going to be ignored dan in the snl bit conway upset cnn was not booking her for an interview we can't have you on but i missed the news the sketch painting conway as violent graphic sexual at one point she falls from a window only to come back to life see you in the news new york magazine reporter olivia nuzzy who covers trump tweeting snl just gave a gift to the white house with this sexist unfunny kellyanne conway skit for months president trump has tried to fight back against the show tweeting saturday night live is the worst of nbc not funny cast is terrible always a complete hit job really bad television this is the new spicy spicer has said he's found his sketch funny president oh boy um all my all's my back to my leg but spicer is not laughing when it comes to other parts of the show saturday night live used to be really funny and i think there's a streak of meanness now that they've kind of crossed over into president trump reportedly upset that spicer was being played by a woman this weekend snl adding fuel to that fire having kate mckinnon play trump's new attorney general jeff sessions we all know they're two kinds of crime regular and black and cast member leslie jones even dressing up as trump lobbing her snl boss to play him lorny baby i have a huge idea bigly all right we'll have to wait and see if that sketch happens now this morning we do have a statement from kellyanne conway to abc news on that fatal attraction sketch conway says i appreciate the not funny not fair outrage from all political and apolitical corners things that aren't true don't bother george okay tom thanks let's talk to dino badal about this and john karl back as well and dean of course you worked i say live at one point i remember back in the clinton white house uh real outrage over the skit they did about chelsea they later had to apologize and stop doing it in this case did they go too far with kellyanne i honestly don't think so i think why should you be politically correct about people hate political correctness i mean the trump administration came to power bemoaning the idea of you know liberals and snowflakes and being politically correct they're in power they're the ones of power it's kind of somebody punching up and funny to some people yes to others it's funny at the end of the day kellyanne conway in that sketch she has a last lap she gets up because i'll see you on tv i think it was actually really well done and i think in today's day and age comedy is cathartic we need to be laughing at the trump administration for those people who don't like the trump administration it's a release it makes you feel good i think it's empowering i think it's really important i think it was really well done at some point do they have to worry about going to the wall too many times sure and i think that's why you now you see it's not just alec baldwin's donald trump in this last show they went after sean spicer jeff sessions and kellyanne conway so i think they're aware of that it's funny i bet you they're disappointed trump didn't tweet at the show afterwards because i have no doubt that in your heart you want donald trump to respond in fact i want him to mock me on twitter it's good for business so if he's watching at dean of comedy come right after me but i think that on some level snl is doing a great service for us it's making people laugh at a time when we really need to laugh and john carl it does seem like it's on at some level saturday night live trying to revoke the president as well and and we do know that he wasn't all that happy and a little concerned about that portrayal of sean spicer uh he was certainly unhappy with the portrayal of spicer in fact uh spicer had been planning to come out and make a joke about it at his briefing uh the following monday uh that did not happen spicer simply thought it wasn't gonna be a good idea because the boss was so upset and he was sources telling me in the white house he was upset in part because it was a woman playing sean spicer so clearly snl was going out at that as well but i got to say on the kellyanne conway sketch i don't think it was it was funny it seemed to be uh incredibly uh mean-spirited this is somebody who has young children and also uh just didn't you know what what makes snl so funny is when they cut a little bit towards the truth that was just not an accurate portrayal of of conway i mean she is somebody who actually is pushed to do more television by the president somebody who the president wanted to be the press secretary the president wanted her to be out there nonstop she has many more requests to go on television than those that she actually uh accepts dean cena live not going to stop i hope not i think we need it come on essential more jokes it's good for us it's a lot of fun ratings 22 year high so it's a great time right now for us now dino vidal john carl thanks very much
Channel: ABC News
Views: 3,209,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: political, spoof, skit, cold, open, Sean, Spicer, President, Trump, Alec, Baldwin, SNL, sketches
Id: rgo4jEDGu_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2017
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