SNIKER ESO - Nightblade Build Scions of Ithelia - ELUSIVE ASSASSIN

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a roller blade the most ancient St Nightblade archetype played since the times of beta it is most notorious for a super high burst insane slipperiness and M tricks today I will bring you the most optimal build on how to use night bait kit to its Highest Potential hello guys and welcome to the build video from for simina rollerblade yeah this is a build video for the patch science of Italia I believe that you'll see and you welcome to my lab a quite a few things have changed since the last time uh I recorded build video mainly because this patch forces us to run a different weapon type so let's check it out what what I'm running so far so this is it I'm on shatter fate left handers ages just a must have and for a lot of people who ask me in the comments if you can replace this with anything else no if you don't have left-handers ages for a night blade for a roller blade just don't run it just don't run stim night blade instead you'll save yourself a lot of nerves trust me R vitality and and of course gon train one piece training got to have that and what you see here is a Shad fate axe two times one new hor and one charged charged because shock and minor fracture that you get from physical damage is worth so much I mean so from shock you get minor vulnerability and from physical damage you get minor bre and vulnerabilities are very very strong much stronger than damage increases in fact there 5% vulnerability turns into 8 to 9% damage increase in reality I mean let's let's check it out it's likeability is just good five Vil vulnerability okay that's 7% PVP damage increase that's a lot more than let's say for example a five damage a 5% damage increase yeah see exactly so and why I run BR Vitality it's a sustain set in fact not the damage set but the amount of sustain the set gives you makes it so you can run full out damage in on your CPS on your food everything that's why I'm having it right here and running R Vitality allows us to run ballor a damaging monster set and B do a lot of damage and shattered fate why shattered fate it's just you know the Five pit only gives you 7,918 offensive penetration doesn't seem like a lot right and it's not very sted right well it isn't a very stat Dan set but it gives you a lot of damage 20% damage increase that's huge much much bigger than many of the other sets so as you may notice already I'm running a lot of penetration in fact I'm running over 29,000 penetration and that's great you hit every single Target the same amount of damage every single one and yeah about Balor Bor is kind of boring it's good and it's there okay but next patch we're getting a better set or Well a different set than the axe uh proc damage set I forgot the name of and that set does a little damage from my testing on TTS it does 79,000 damage to a Target on crit and it's easy to proc and easy to land I will most likely to 90% will run that new X set instead of other con badge and I recommend you guys to do it too so let Che out my um you know CP first they are a bit different from everybody's else's because I have four damaging four damaging blue CPS that is backstabber fighting finesse deadly aim M arms you might might ask yourself oh but why do I run backstabber instead of um exploiter and that is [Music] because 10% damage increase is the same as similar to 10% critical damage but this is up 100% of the time it's always going to be there that damage boost this this will only be up from my testing 20% of the time on your target not very relevant it's not going to be that much that big of a difference so yeah let's go to the red CPS I'm running survival instincts pain Refuge Bastion sustained by suffering you don't really need Bastion um you can run anything else here slippery Unchained fortified R drivenation is a good CP balance Vitality I guess um Juggernaut is also a really good to De the reason why I'm running Bastion is just for the damage need tank with left handers SES I'm a so yeah the foods I'm on SM bar hunt and on vampire stage three and Mund stone is the Shadow and the poy run I just try that thoughts yep my bow is defending with in damage yeah and that's about it I mean the reason why we run dual wield this pad is because um of the glips changes of the status effect changes they buffed the hell out of status effects so they changed how status effects work Shard gives you 100 weapon damage now and does a lot more damage uh concussion does a lot more damage this this accounts to your burst to do more burst you have cool effect and an additional 100 100 weapon damage that's a lot of damage and additionally to that you get all of those du wield passives which AR just a lot of damage and when you run the new monster set the axe monster Set uh dual just makes it so you can and um use your fully charged heavy attacks much quicker additionally to that I run power extraction this is just a no-brainer when you run the whe you need to run this skill this gives you minor courage and major brutality and for next patch I will stay on concealed weapon because I believe this is the better choice why you already get SED from do wield and chest and a concealed weapon got a big buff not for all of your skills sure it lost its major B for all of your skills but it gained 20% damage on the skill on Hit And if you remember from previous batches your concealed weapon already hit ridiculous numbers of 11 to 12,000 on crate now this is getting again this will hit so goddamn hard it's going to be ridiculous so yeah I'm M resolve killer blade fantasmal escape on the front just for the crit chance and my back bar shadow image crushing weapon resolving Vigor shadowy disguise and healthy offering and this is going to be by far the best roller blade build you've ever played I will probably change a little change a little bit how the build works I'm not sure yet to 100% about Chad fate they will there will probably maybe be a better five piece set to our on body next patch but I already play played this bad with those sets and I'm telling you guys this is say this is the most damage you have on roll ofate and it's ridiculous so yeah have fun enjoy roller blade Shenanigans and for all of you guys who are still farming left-handers ages I wish you luck and remember you can only get the crafting Ridge um piece of left-handers Ages on a maxed out Dury crafting character you can only get it from Master Rich Master Daily Bridge when you open max level covers I don't I have to repeat this to everyone who's farming left-handers ages but that's the only way of getting this Mythic so yeah enjoy and have fun
Channel: The Sniker
Views: 6,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ESO, Elder Scrolls Online, Nightblade, Stamina, Magicka, Stamblade, Magblade, Solo, 1vX, Outnumbered, Assassin, Rogue, Thief, Build, Scribes of fate, Necrom, Arcanist, PvP, Cyrodiil, Imperial City, Deltia, SypherPK, Hoarcrux, Unfading Silence, Sniker, Luca Cash, Sekaar, Godzilla, Nes, Dragoox, 2h, Bow, Rollerblade, Malcolm, best, most, burst, damage, sustain, defense, impressive, godlike, Update 40, Scions of ithelia
Id: mfY2KtGKdTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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