Sneaky Hordes of Zombies - Project Zomboid

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h all [Music] [Music] hello I'm here I'm here um I forgot to do something though and I'm going to do it now I'm doing it right now welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome need some new mods we need some new mods we need some new mods and we're getting them who is Grant um Grant Carpenter the um Brent grant grant you know Grant get rid of the old mods what no no we need the the old ones and the new ones we need some new new ones too okay we are getting okay true actions dancing yes true actions dancing VHS 1.0 yes true dancing VHS and mag oh man return the spawning of all magazines from what what's this one return the spawning this mod adds VHS releases of true dancing and the dis and disables the spawning of magazines this is a classic dance mod it adds magazines that teach the player ordinary dances and cards that unlock access to difficult dances return the spawning of all magazines from attractions dancing VHS okay yes we want all these we want the magazines and the VHS tapes yes yes yes yes okay all enabled um we also need to go to uh um load our game and add this in too right I'm going to I'm going to enable them in the save file yeah just as soon as the uh just as soon as it's finished reloading the Lua Lua reloaded all right here we go okay so we go more choose [Music] mods enable enable and enable yes Brent Carpenter or should I say Grant Carpenter oh boy we go once again chat um normally on a Wednesday if you recall on a Wednesday normally I would um here let me sit down and speak to you normally I would um leave and come back but today I have to leave early I won't be coming back I have too much to do and I got to do it so it it'll be an early uh an early one uh today unfortunately sorry about this sorry I'm so sorry about this um is that okay that's simply not allowed okay I'm sorry hey Justin Gould thanks so much for the 10 bucks been watching you for over a decade keep it real sips you're doing great dad thank you so much Justin Gould thank you mucho appreci thanks so much thanks how early 3 o00 I got to I got to leave here at 3:00 sharp gizo thanks for um the 23 months and uh for the message keep it fake sips we'll do thank you so much thank you gizo and uh while I'm at it Brandon a us thanks so much for the 54 months as well I appreciate it and uh queso big big Steve biggest biggest ever queso biggest ever thanks for the two months as well thank you so much thanks thanks thanks thanks anyway uh we're back at it we had some great luck yesterday today did we not we had some nice fights some big fights we killed a lot of zombies we uh we got a car oh my God we actually got a car if you can believe that um we got some tin cans that we can drop in here we got a shalier series wagon key that can go in here too uh there's a bunch of stuff on the ground that I don't need I got a couple of uh um first aid implements and stuff that I'm carrying around with me my trusty water bottle um today we need to um make some more progress towards getting to the gas station would be really nice and uh we also um need to start um thinking about getting some water we're going to need to make some uh some rain catchers right so that we have uh a supply of water nearby I don't think we're near near any rivers or lakes where we are and um we're also going to need to hunt down the uh the generator using a generator magazine right so that we can uh power up the gas station cuz when the power goes out we won't be able to extract fuel without a generator I mean we can siphon fuel out of uh the many cars that are littered around might be worth actually just taking the gas can um with me to siphon fuel out of all of the uh all of the uh the busted up cars cuz there's quite a few of them isn't there all right let me grab this gas can just in case you know while we're out there we might as well we can't uh be washing ourselves and stuff too much now because um we're low on water right one thing we can do though is we can do some exercise let's do a couple of sit-ups let's do like uh an hour worth of sit-ups this will help us with our general fitness and it'll probably Tucker us out pretty quickly too look at look at Grant go this guy is the master of situps he's getting really tuckered out doing all these sit-ups he's experiencing some exertion he's sweaty he's doing situps in he's wearing a lot of clothing all right we don't want to push him too hard though right perfect okay he's tired but he's not ridiculously tired let's see if there's anything that we can do down here maybe we can make ourselves a nice meal or something you know I have a mod that allows you to take those water cooler containers for big water storage oh that that'd be really cool actually that that does sound like a great mod could be something that we need to think about getting as well right cooking pot with water is in here and full of water let's make ourselves an intense meal we could create a stew with crackers dried kidney beans a random vegetable random beans and random condiments or we could create a a soup okay where is my soup pour on the ground drink soup add um dried kidney beans and uh let's also add some chickpeas and cook it oh just stick it in your oven and cook it I eat better than you good okay we're really tired now we're huffing and puffing here too let's have this food and then we'll go to bed that's nice oh boy that's delicious that is delicious all right it's pretty gross out here um in case it rains overnight let's collect some water we're pretty tired so we're going to go to bed going to sleep nice eat the pillow don't temp me I love eating pillows I love love biting pillows so much okay the empty gas can oh my duffel bag weird empty gas can can go in the duffel bag that's weird that it did that eh it's unequipped all my fanny packs and stuff too my front and back fanny packs weird Okay can opener screwdriver he's got a backup screwdriver here you got the hammer the pipe wrench and the water bottle oh it unequip your containers if you work out I see oh oh that's I didn't realize that I did not realize that okay all right screwdriver in here let's go should have enough light here to do some uh to do some damage see if there's any any zombies close by there's none can I can I actually siphon um some uh some gas out of here no wash vehicle vehicle mechanics ah and gasoline all right how much um how much is in here a tiny bit okay well it's better than nothing right drink it oh looks like we got a a nasty [ __ ] over here just going to have to have a quick smoke okay apparently the button for dancing is Q which is going to make some noise if it's not not the right button but there's not really anything around here okay the button for dancing is not Q I just did a huge yell you have to hold it all right [Laughter] okay you're right you do have to hold Q Grant is break dancing now that is sick you're right you're right how do you break out of the uh the dancing gracefully is there a graceful way of doing it maybe not okay I've Got Another Empty gas can in here I got two tarps plastic bag garbage bag which I believe the garbage bag has some stuff in it right all right let me take my garbage bag indoors and see what's actually in here I need to check the condition of my boots as well it's been a little while right military boots condition is about half you don't want uh to lose the soul of these things right and start stomping people with our bare feet accidentally CU that will be uh pretty bad okay garbage bag plastic bag okay so there's a couple of bits and pieces in here okay it's empty now uh amplifier battery light bulbs radio receiver there's a bottle of disinfectant here it's good too all right and then we can store uh some clothes in here I think these are just backup clothes in case uh we need them right I'm going to grab this empty bowl got a good supply of food actually for now uh I'm going to place this out here so that we can collect some more water water in case it rains okay I think we're going to go for a little drive today actually I think we're going to go up to where all those um all that food is um and try to try to save some of those uh potatoes and stuff before they go completely bad right might have to clear out some of my uh Jesus Jesus oh man there's so many of them here I work so hard to clear this intersection and they're all back crazy let me consult my map here um so we want to go to generator tools yeah we can go grab that stuff actually there's a bunch of tools there's the generator and then we can fill up the car with some sacks of potatoes as well and bring them back get them in the fridge we still have the uh the power for the fridge and then hopefully there's quite a few zombies along the road here just going to have to be careful we don't want to run out of fuel either but it's not really the absolute end of the world if we do all right we know this area cuz we've been to these houses we'll have to come back here and do some dismantling as well now that we have wheels we can fill up the car with planks and all sorts of stuff right okay the corn has gone rotten so are the bell peppers the potatoes have gone stale onions have gone Rotten corn apples broccoli oh no we got to get these potatoes on Ice they're just a bit stale the the cherries are rotten I guess we can compost a lot of this stuff right the peaches have all gone rotten cherries peaches onions more potatoes all right let's get these potatoes loaded into the back here I mean it's stale but it you know if we cook it the watermelons have all gone Rotten Tomatoes peaches nothing in here it's awkward having to click these boxes too can't always get to the ones that you want right leaks rotten cherries lettuce leaks more potatoes holy crap we are going to be eating a lot of potatoes we'll try to eat up all these we can make a lot of potato stews maybe we can make just a lot of potato soup as well all right everything else here is completely gone so we can come back here and unload some of this stuff if we want to do some composting I suppose right let me just go grab the uh all the tools and stuff from in here too nice what was that noise is that just me opening the door it went like it made a like a like a groaning whooshing noise all right plank rope wood glue lug wrench Hammer screwdriver two wooden mallets a wrench Hammer pipe wrench good let's put all this stuff in here for now okay good good load that's a full load all right let's safely drive home get some of these stale potatoes into the into the freezer right what happened to to Brent he's still going why just call him Grant all the time but he's still going Brent Grant whatever you want to call him he's still alive and well do you think that this is going to damage the uh the suspension probably right all right I forgot we were carrying the generator actually where is the uh the generator oh draw okay very important um something doesn't feel right I hurt myself Big Time carrying that generator uh very important much like uh barbecues um I don't know if you're aware but you should never uh have a barbecue indoors equally you should never have a running generator IND doors either because um that would be bad that would be really bad so don't do it okay got the lug wrench in the back of the car it's nice just going to transport these potatoes to my freezer so that they can maintain their state of staleness well we have the power perfect perfect perfect and we got a plank as well which we're going to need for uh rain catchers too so I'll start collecting some planks in here these cupboards can fit 50 weight which is kind of nice no rain today um hammer lug wrench Hammer rope screwdriver wood glue let's get all this stuff out lug wrench we can just leave in the car with the gas cans does the pope [ __ ] in his hat I he'd probably do it for a nickel or a dime I'm guessing I think he would rope wood glue uh hammer screwdriver wooden mallets are kind of nice I should maybe hang on to them for craf thing but we used a wooden Mallet as a weapon for quite some time it was pretty good I'll grab one and then we can maybe use this instead of the um pipe wrench which we should hang on to for plumbing which we're going to need to do pretty soon uh we need to eat some food I don't have any water for the uh for the pot I guess you could bake a potato burrito make a jar of potatoes open canned potato open a jar of potatoes we can make a jar of potatoes all we need is oh we need some vinegar water five potatoes a jar lid and an empty jar so I guess this just is just like making like uh preserved potatoes potat I don't think there's any like uh fun uh potato recipes though I mean if we have a baking tray I guess we could just put potatoes on there and do some baked potatoes I don't think I have a baking tray though I got a cooking pot we had a baking tray at one point did we not sure we did just going to eat these tortilla chips instead nice if we can get uh if we can get some water going then we can make loads of soups and stews and stuff that'd be good all right I will not take the car because uh there's still zombies that need to be cleared out [ __ ] hell holy [ __ ] God there's so many I guess the the uh the the car noise attracts them maybe those howling wolves are attracting them too I'm not sure there's one here I don't want to go too close to the forest here my God where did you come from you son of a [ __ ] terminal oh I'm dead I got bitten [ __ ] got oh right from behind the tree oh no I can't believe it I can't believe it one bite I saw the blood and I thought you know what I'm probably fine maybe I should have taken the car yeah I don't know though the car we killed 265 zombies oh man I can't believe it I can't believe it yeah we improved a lot that run I think yeah I think you're right we just got the car I know we were just getting ourselves set up really you you would have seen her with Keen hearing oh man oh man oh man okay one thing we need to do custom sandbox Rosewood again we want to load survival challenge rules but we also want to go go to Vance zombie options respawn hours respawn unseen hours redistribute hours number of hours that must pass before zombies migrate to empty parts of the same cell if zero migration is disabled do we want migration we could set this to zero too right and what did what was the thing that we uh what was the one that we changed was it population Peak multiplier the default was 150 and we changed it to just one I think Peak to one okay mil yeah we just lost a character we're on to a new one I got bitten unfortunately I got I got jumped from behind a tree I think I would have been able to kite and kill all those other ones but the uh the one that appeared from behind the tree was unfortunate I think we just got to make sure that we're not fighting close to uh places that we don't have Vision you know increase the redist the redistribute hours to like 48 you think so that they yeah 48 is like two full days right you think adjust the number of zombies to zero okay I'll set this to 48 Hours sure okay we'll save this next all right we're going we're going veteran again we're going to go again we are taking shortsighted we'll just have to get some glasses um we're going to get prone prone to illness faster rate of zombification doesn't matter more prone to disease well maybe we can deal with it I don't know we'll try we'll take smoker um and we'll take um underweight and then try to bulk up so we have strength Fitness aiming reloading okay we want dextrous Outdoorsman fast learner we have four points left I think we go fast learner right fast reader maybe doesn't matter so much because we have um we're not playing multiplayer right so we can just skip uh time quickly I think Cat's Eyes is pretty good too right so we just need a um a plus4 unlucky sleepy head heart hearty appetite conspicuous more likely to be spotted by zombies well that doesn't really matter at all does it so underweight conspicuous prone to illness smoker and shortsighted shortsighted I think we can just get some reading glasses and it'll it it'll cancel it right cons conspicuous I think the zombies just see you no matter what it doesn't matter like even without it they see you right shortsighted is the other way around smaller view distance and slower visibility fade I think this one's fine right there's not another one like it what if more zombies see me slow readers okay all right so you're saying remove conspicuous and take slow reader instead slow healer there is no slow reader there is a slow reader take longer to read books we can just speed up time right weak stomach and then that gives us Speed Demon drives very fast oh [ __ ] yeah okay Speed Demon Cat's Eyes dextrous Outdoorsman and fast learner underweight prone to illness smoker weak stomach shortsighted and slow reader I think food illness is uh is we had it last time right weak stomach and and it was fine because we're we're not eating any rotten food yeah I'm not going to eat anything raw probably oh the uncooked soup yeah I suppose well we can just try like this right we'll just try like this and see how we go we get some good we get some good perks and we we get some um bad traits that don't uh that hopefully don't affect us too much unless you're going for guns veteran isn't as helpful as Lumberjack or firemen it's just the Panic though that's really annoying right I mean beta blocker is sure if I can find them but I mean Lumberjack could be pretty good though right plus two axe plus one strength this just gives us aiming and reloading this gives us way more um points to spend too right so we could think about maybe losing um some of the uh some of the other ones or being even better right what about being a gymnast or a brawler what if we take brawler with lumberjack fitness instructor what about Stout extra knock back from melee weapons and increased carrying weight plus two strength Stout could be good right plus two strength organized could be good but Stout gives us the carry weight anyway way right handy gives you carpentry and maintenance athletic strong just gives you four strength so if we go Stout and then we grab wakeful needs less sleep that's not a huge problem is it Stout if we got rid of um cat's eyes we could get a four maybe like Brave or something oh what if we go brave brave could be good right less prone to becoming panck or we could get lucky which gives you better uh loot right all right let's uh let's lose Cat's eyes then cuz doesn't really matter and then we could go Brave I I would take Brave over lucky honestly I just the Panic is is a bit uh crippling you know it's just hard to fight when you're when you're always um panicked okay we'll go like this Ramon Bullock we have to do a random once so this is the rule Howard Toledo look at this he's got a lumberjack shirt he's got a McCoy t-shirt some baggy jeans socks and sneakers very nice really love the goatee and the haird as well Howard Toledo The Lumberjack holy Toledo Howard I can't believe we lost Grant this is indeed run number six I find myself in a big building I don't think I've ever started in a big building before what is this a police station this must be the police station right it is definitely a police station there's a nice interview room here some cells another interview room a locked door I'm not uh familiar with this um building whatsoever seems a little bit limited to where we can go as well there's got to be like a an Armory or something though right in a in a big police station such as this just seems to be filled with bathrooms ah who I think we got a belt on already oh weird you can close the door from the other side okay good the Locker Room's nice need some matching pants there's no there's nothing in here so far wow there's a burrito and a fresh uh dut let's see what's over here there's a little fridge here nothing in it these are there's a micro wave here too that goes right outside there's a I swear CD I guess we want to check all these lighter yes please glue yes please playing cards Just Junk lipstick more glue box of paper clips matches sure pen take that oh oh that's nice oh yes let's grab all these smokes grab this eraser I didn't even know you could spawn right inside the the police station that's wild should have grabbed the makeup I don't think there's anything is there another locker room usually there's a a male and female one right we need to find some bread no we don't it'd be good if we could find a card to uh there's another bathroom here we need to uh we need to find a key for these doors would be nice right oh yeah there is another locker room here okay I found the police Trooper pants what's the suitcase there's nothing in the suitcase ear protectors a fanny pack front is uh holster I haven't found a gun though some shoes in the shower area you think shoes are better than sneakers and then this is the other locker room in here right Terry's holding off the I think he must be because I haven't seen anything yeah I can't get in here there must be a key somewhere right at one of the desks or maybe that the chief's desk or something uhoh all right they've seen me our time here is nearly up there wasn't anything in here was there nothing on the ground either all right let's go out and check this parking lot but before we do that let's just have a quick drink we got a doughnut and a burrito okay I'm in I have no key though I now have the key all right that works and we have a key for it just need a bit of uh gas oh God how do I uh how do I swap seats okay I don't have a key for this one there's a couple of vehicles here I'm dead I'm already bitten okay I'm just bleeding slightly it's locked that's locked too check the trunks this one was all open W look at all this stuff guns and everything crazy no no key [Music] [Music] oh my there are quite quite a few zombies here and they're coming for me I don't think there's enough gas for this truck to make it anywhere unfortunately still we must try whoa all right let's go get ourselves set up in our favorite spot Pizza World you know what time it is quite a few bad guys out here oh my God oh my it's burnt down oh my God man how could this be who down my safe house it's gone all right we got to fall back we might be ditching this car pretty low on gas here all right we might uh we might just set up here instead since it's pretty quiet and safe can you actually uh oh look at all the stuff in the trunk Jesus that's great there's some stuff in here okay okay Howard Toledo has made a start nice just in time for some Woodcraft farming and foraging volume 1 electrician volume 1 as well very good oh this is great I'm going to eat this jelly donut nice okay we're a bit thirsty but that's okay let's get some um stuff unloaded here we'll organize ourselves a little bit I'm Dr Cox and I'm here to talk to you about bladder control there's got to be somebody in here right nothing on these shelves aha painkillers they take them God what a start eh there's an extinguisher there is no can opener there's no food here either actually there's magazines and hand torches and stuff though some fresh food here just put this burrito in here to keep it fresh yeah there's nobody here there's a CD can of tomatoes it's good we got a duffel and everything already there's some clothes on the bed here too all right good let's just see what's in the freezer some ice cream in there nice nice nice okay let's uh start unloading some of this ammo and stuff I'm probably not going to be doing um any shooting anytime soon plastic bag seed bag oh wait seed bag we can open right there's nothing in it adhesive tape duct tape we got some glue paper clips tarps twine got an M9 pistol Riverside March Ridge Louisville and there's an annotated map here as well for Louisville okay I'd say unlikely we'll be visiting Louisville anytime soon I mean you never know I suppose but very unlikely all right let's place this out here and let's go check out this other house we'll have a smoke on the way there too that that fresh dut didn't do the trick still a little bit hungry oops we're in all right anything in here a plate an empty Kettle a sauce spin uh we can grab the rolling pin a griddle pen sure aha canned uh canned goods but no can unfortunately there's a word search magazine magazines newspapers [Music] books some orange paint one magazine for my pleasure my shoes match my bag very stylish I know I know they full of style me all right let's get some uh of this fresh [Music] food in here and then let's get the pork chop Frozen all the other food we can just put in [Music] here no way of opening it but there's that there's the other house right I can't believe that the Farmhouse is burnt down oh man I can't believe it oh what else am I carrying too much stuff okay he's teaching me about fishing I got all my fanny packs on this is why you shouldn't make hot dogs in bed with my George Foreman Grill I know you should not make hot dogs in bed with your George Foreman grill [Music] all right let's get a disinfected sterilized rag on here I I have an infection but hopefully all right we got to eat something uh like just drink all this milk drink all this fresh milk no no it's not a zombie infection only bites cuts and cuts and scratches and stuff uh won't do it okay my night stick dirty rags we got lots of cigarettes it's great we got two M9 pistols I got a rifle I got a bit of uh ammo and an M9 magazine okay I'm just going to disinfect these rags great okay let's put the kettle outside we're not using it for anything else and we could just collect some free water with it eventually I'm sure all right let's grab forging volume one and get reading oh my God man I can't believe we lost uh our number one man we might have to do some foraging if I don't find a can opener we're going to need to eat something poor Grant yeah poor Grant and Brent I'm going to eat this Fresh Burrito I think we can go to bed okay well we spawned in the police station we got some stuff from the police station and we made our way to some rural safety our favorite spot one of our favorite spots our other one the other one's burnt down wow the timing okay we're learning some cooking thanks to the TV all right I need to uh drop some clothes here too they weigh more than they're worth carrying all right sterilized rag is holding out all right we're going to have to get some uh some supplies there's the other house up here we're on foot we're going to go and check out the [Music] um the stuff up here right we go see if there's a whole bunch of um non rotten Harvest Foods I don't have enough gas though is the problem but there's a little Tool Shed next to the to the place right that might have uh some stuff in it and then there's the other little isolated house up the way too we could go there holy crap look at that we uh we started like on the other side of Rosewood I think the fire station is over that side as well close to the police station which might have been a bit too risky to go to so early in the game but um if we could get our hands on an axxe that' be crazy there's a gas station in town yeah but uh it's usually usually quite busy over there you died many times trying to get to it yeah fire station means fire axes exactly and for a lumberjack like me we want axes right hello is anyone in here doesn't look like it metal bar metal pipe metal sheet scrap metal there's a hand torch duct tape and rope not great there won't be any in here except for raw food right there it's all fresh though for now fresh apples gives you 12 apples all right well we have some apples to eat if we get really hungry we can plant all those potatoes the potatoes last a lot longer than the other stuff the other stuff will just spoil it' be good to possibly save some of it well so far so good we haven't really seen much out here but I mean we are in the middle of nowhere there's a couple of houses dotted around that we can get to though if you want to fight zombies you can always go to Louisville I don't think um I don't think Louisville is uh is a part of my destiny at this current point in time there's some blood on the ground here have a little jog all right let's see if this place is occupied alarmed hello not alarmed it's a word search word search magazine I am a count garbage bag lots of tin stuff there's a bread knife and a carving Fork there's some fresh food there's some ice cream and stuff as well very nice there a pipe wrench let's get the mirror so that we can put some Foundation makeup and we'll grab some hair gel as well seems good this window's open wow rope in a CD there's nothing really here no point in taking all the uh the tin food with us because we don't have a can opener yet all right through here there's um some more houses too right think there's a road over here as well leads to some other stuff might be some cars we don't have a gas can to empty them though yeah there the house just over here unlocked no dice no books no clothes a crossword magazine a radio in here these guys leave all their stuff on like blaring as well it's crazy there's nothing here this place is empty there's the closed umbrella here you're doing great dad an empty Kettle a muffin tray dish towel canned food Fork empty white mug more ice cream we need to B Cup right we're at 70 weight Howard Toledo hey Brady Brady Stills thanks so much for the 200 bits I appreciate it there's some chips and cereal and some dry noodles this stuff we can take there's nothing else here believe there's another house around here somewhere along this road yeah it's just up the road they didn't drink all the milk you sure I thought I did oh nice there's an empty jar and a jar lid if we want to do some preserves ah perfect okay we got a can opener that's good another can opener start grabbing some of these tinned Delights anything there's a CD called rock gods sandals a school bag a toolbox nothing in it oh tailoring volume one [Music] sure more Woodcraft just in time for another episode of my favorite show Woodcraft all right good all right so we've done most of these [Music] places where was that trailer park it's like up around here somewhere right I mean I said trailer has like three trailers but did I say I might go to twitchcon this year um I think ravs asked me if I want to go cuz there's a bunch of I think the hat vilms and some other people are going I don't know I I might go I'm not sure if you if you go can you come by my booth um yes sure I would love to do that oh I should have had a drink before I left that house I didn't realize I was uh running so low on on thirst yeah I need a water I actually got a the uh an orange soda bottle back at the other house but I didn't drink the soda I could have maybe used that as my 2 L piss jug piss jugs are definitely the the way of the road I think we're I mean we're pretty we're pretty set for now we even have a car uh we just need some um we just need some fuel for the car and then we can get around a little bit easier maybe drive up to uh save some of that food from rotting could be nice I don't know have we ever taken this road up here before there's no mailboxes so I don't know if it actually leads anywhere but it does lead this way yeah you're that's that's one thing that is for sure you think the night stick is good it's no fire axe but it's good all right will it survive um a couple of um melon smashes ah mailbox need some water oh we've been here before Oh if it's is all boarded up does this mean it's like a um a safe house there's a couple of zombies in there sounds like there's quite a few of them in there one of the planks is gone just take a quick peek well I think it's all boarded up though I don't think we can actually look in well there's one at that window oh they're out o okay we've got the digital watch large backpack is large backpack better than a duffel bag got military boots it can hold 27 hello nice there's still more in here oh did I get them both shoes jeans boxers slippers long johns trapping volume two oh there's a shotgun here and a bunch of shells any food some bacon pork chop steak there's a wooden Mallet here too I think we want to and then we can put the um rolling pin sneakers we don't really need these now nice Shame about the door all right I'm just going to make a a big meaty surprise we're defrosting right now the bacon will not take long to cook so we want to eat that soon right we'll eat a pork chop and a steak as well we'll cook them up oh I could have just done loot all right yeah we've we've got a lot of meat to eat we're too full to eat this fresh cooked steak it should last a little while though right oh glasses we need those we did we needed them we did need those okay let's read and watch some TV go farming getting tired probably just sleep here it should be safe enough if we just close the bedroom door right we're kind of in the middle of nowhere so shouldn't be too much stuff walking around out here when I thought okay foraging is done [Music] m I'm doing it I'm going to bed oh we just missed the cooking show I think we just missed the cooking show I should have set my alarm actually would have been good roasting pan I guess we could have put all that meat into that roasting pan right would have been good great oh man it's nice to have some military boots and it was nice to find a uh shotgun with uh some ammo as well not that uh we're really going to use the uh the shotgun much how reload it insert oh zero shotgun shells oh do I have to open the uh the Box all right you never know you never know oh that's a holster that's right do aviator glasses I I I know they look cool but they don't help me with my uh my vision issues right for those you need some reading glasses how do you do foraging is it just investigate and then what find like wood and then stones and then you level up and then you can find more stuff or what all I'm going up here to see if there's anything up here I'm not sure if there is the uh The Farmhouse is um is burnt down so we're maybe looking to set up somewhere else with access to to Rosewood ideally I'm just starting to be familiar with the various parts of Rosewood we had a nice scenic drive right through the middle of downtown Rosewood earlier was very nice I think this is cured it's not it still needs some time to cook all right there's like a field separator here oh I think we've been over here before in a in a previous previous previous one right with the with the um with the Bales I don't know if we went much further up this way we're in good shape to sort of press on and explore a bit more though I think o anyone around well they're both locked I think those are straw bales they don't look like hey to me could be hey but be worth a little bit more if they were yeah Brent got bit unfortunately we were fighting some zombies and it was honestly going not bad and um one just sort of appeared from behind a tree and bit us and uh we rapidly perished took no time at all to turn am I excited for Beverly Hills Cop 4 yeah I can't I can't wait so excited for it some more car wreckage up here on these small little Country Roads be careful there's like all these trees here too ah how do you um how do you siphon vehicle mechanics maybe it's got to be equipped to the primary or maybe because the car is so smashed up you can't siphon fuel from it dismantle car wreck oh there's no gas in it that's why it's not giving me the um the option okay all right well it's good to have we know we have a uh a working car albeit quite far away but it's still a good one to have isn't it getting a little bit thirsty there's got to be something up around here hopefully just looking for a mailbox find a find some sort of house and get a drink really do with finding a a bottle we're a very thirsty boy Howard Toledo God there's like nothing up here right if we find a um an intersection let's get off of of this direction and go maybe back towards the other I think if we keep if I think if we go east we'll hit uh that builtup area that we were in uh yesterday there's another car here there's another empty gas can aha okay we got a bit of gas just eating an apple look at that the Apple helps us with our thirst as well of course they're still fresh so they're real juicy that works out pretty good that works out pretty nicely my neck is looking juicy don't come on just have another juicy Apple while we're out here why not yes all right is there's got to be something around here right Jesus Christ any juicy melons I wish stay away from the trees oh man you're so right I got to get uh I got to get into the routine of staying away from trees that was so unfortunate is there is there a mini map I just assumed that there wasn't one oh there's but it's an option at the start on game setup oh it's turned off by default fair enough who all right they didn't see me gosh all of a sudden just millions of zombies all right listen to music GRE all right nothing there's another one coming hard too he is very brave you're right about that he's one of the bravest souls in [Music] Starfleet okay what could possibly go wrong fighting three zombies in an open field right there's some uh spare boots here we should probably take a spare pair of boots right could be good why aren't the zombies afraid of Toledo good question you'd expect them to be sort of running away in fear not not approaching him Howard too has a bit of a um commanding air about him one that would be normally a repellent for bad guys but these bad guys seem to know no fear it's a different type of bad guy hey you dropped your hat you dropped your glasses these are actual reading glasses maybe these are the ones that we want there's more Bales out here am I actually wearing any socks at the moment yeah I am and they're pretty good condition too there's a couple of businessmen up here in the field I got some business for them nice we're going to need to uh smoke and that's good for business I don't think those are hay bales no I think they're straw bales they look like straw to me I don't think they're hay I think I hear bad guys but I don't see any a lot of farm Fields up here but no houses to own them you know going through my whole supply of apples here too what happened to Brent Carpenter well he's up there playing playing poker with Dr Eddie Monroe and all the other people I can't remember their name Eddie Monroe died as well yep I know spoilers but yes I've been watching uh season 2 of uh the Traders Australia and it it's pretty good up to a point I don't want to spoil it in case you decide to watch it but I I would really recommend not watching it if you didn't like season 1 of uh the UK Traders uh um season 2 of the Traders Australia is like that times a thousand like uh like the the the the lack of understanding the the game or even attempting to play the game is just on another level it's insane my ability to consume reality TV is both disturbing and astounding I know bit of a weird judgment coming from somebody who's watching a live stream somebody else playing a video game just saying just saying why do I hate you I I just always figured it was a mutual thing I cannot find a house anywhere I am looking I hear turkeys there's got to be some some somebody's got to own all these fields like the fields don't just work them I think there's a highway coming up uh if we keep going this way right and it'll take us uh in by I'm not even sure where that um that place was that we were last time with all the houses I don't know what it's called but um there were quite a few zombies we did manage to hunker down for the evening though we hid in a house for well if we can find um some civil civilization this way we might be able to get some wheels and then get back to where our other stuff is not that there's really much over there I mean there's a working car with no gas in it pretty much well a the Australian um trade season 2 I guess was so bad that they didn't even renew it for season 3 so if you want to watch both seasons of uh the Traders Australia that's all that that there's going to be I found something oh my God I found a big shed just have a quick investigate this side don't want to get jumped seems clear there a bag of plaster powder I don't think these things you can do anything with right it's just a barrel if you pop the top off of those imagine all the water you could collect in them holy crap whoops he's just got some briefs on him I think one of these guys has a walkie-talkie on him oh what's this finally a house a barbecue with the with the propane tank [ __ ] that's not good oh my just going to eat a fresh Apple all right well we found something over there see if we can uh walk through a field and pass some trees and break some lines of sight and blose this big horde that's following me I don't even know if that works one tree well I think it worked for the most part H there's still a fair few coming at me actually now that I'm in this field all alone seemingly though could probably fight them see no problem there didn't even have to shoot the gun once oh it's always worth checking the the corpses right cuz we always need like um smokes and whatnot there more military boots here start the weird collection I'm a bit of a an underwear collector in this game Howard Toledo underwear collector collector of find underwears there's all always a chance to find an axe on a corpse I guess maybe even more so if we'd taken the lucky trait I can't believe that house is alarmed well I I mean I can believe it oh myy all right let's just do some gentle gentle peeling if we could clear that house that we could sleep in it tonight hopefully they haven't just like smashed down all the doors and stuff all right we're almost fully equipped we got the clip on tie oh we're getting a bit tired now might have to uh see if there's somewhere else that we can potentially sleep we don't want to be fighting while we're tired this one might be a little bit easier to sneak into seems like there's a couple of houses around here at least we we well we could just sleep on the floor in here I don't even know if I can actually let's let's sneak around and hope that the zombies don't actually see me through this window there's a lot of them there yeah this will be fine I hope hello is anybody body in here no oo all right well I have uh food and stuff so maybe we should start reading some of this stuff mechanics volume one is a really nice one it's a shame there's no TV up here but I'm too scared to go down and uh annoy all the zombies you know Terry's A Bit Sassy today yeah he's trying to get out again nice no I haven't had my morning smoke yet I'm having it right now it's 6 o' my shows are on but I don't think I can get down there there's the sheet I don't really need any of this stuff all right I missed the TV shows you're doing great dad okay a successful um wow look at this Howard Toledo has survived another night oh cool I love cow sheds where's all the where's all the vehicles like we're on this farm and they have there's no vehicles anywhere how is Howard formed he's formed differently to the others he's just he's just a little bit different whoa want to try living in here for a bit whoa there's a lot of them there ah there's some keys on the ground in front of that car but that car I don't I think it's smashed up I don't even think we'd be able to get into it let's go check oh God okay there's I thought there was more there actually but there's not that many there's only two yeah it's smashed up we can't get into it I see you actually saw you before I think I do need tarps but there's two male boxes so we've been in one of the houses but the other house the alarm on we haven't been in and it was um there's a lot of zombies near it now too right nice um I don't think there was any cars or anything over there I didn't see any anyway so maybe we just head down this way follow this road see if it takes us to somewhere interesting okay there's a couple guys out here too I guess it's just worth clearing zombies out if there's not too many of them and you can handle it more boots more military boots Jesus Christ how many uh I've got a couple of pairs on me right now but I think I want military over just normal boots right if I'm going to keep a couple of pairs the military ones are the better ones there's a few zombies here a butter knife no no all right great I'm just taking them in manageable groups for me this guy's got something lodged in him I'm not sure what it is oh it's a meat cleaver nice oh God did not appreciate my hip-hop dancing all right well oh [ __ ] I was too close to the tree there I should not be so close to those trees what a battle it's awkward when they're uh when they crawl on the ground it's hard to hit them where's my car uh it's miles away we've kind of just been on a bit of a country Adventure up here an old countrytime Adventure did I just punch him back over the fence that's great I smacked him so hard oh what's happening here some Shenanigans a bit of little bit of Tom Foolery whoops missed West Point map we've updated our map we've updated our terms and conditions all right we need to smoke as well just going to have a little magazine read just going to have a a little tiny magazine read why not we've overexerted ourselves check this car in a sec nothing in here oh man well I guess we got to keep clearing the road run them over I can't get in the car smash the bits okay I've done it smokes hold on a double well I don't know if it's even worth clearing this road it's a road with power lines along it so I mean maybe it will lead somewhere I don't know maybe there's a house around here or something there sure a lot of zombies though though on this road Lots night night lurena have a good one oh man I think we're okay to sit on the ground here for a sec I was trying to get the one that was um like uh they were overlapping right there was some overlapping ones there's one laying on like on top of the other what dances did I start with boba um I got African noodle hip hop 2 and defile de parade look at this [Music] woo pretty good getting a little sleepy we're drowsy we can do the lie down is there anything over here oh I think I know where we are actually isn't this the little trailer partk this guy's got a bag on him well I'm not taking any chances that's for sure there's nothing in the bag it's just empty [ __ ] there's so many zombies and uh no houses I'm going to need to sleep somewhere soon need to sit down and rest at least going eat this beef jerky oh there is a house over here okay start uh working our way towards it hopefully no alarm you sneaky you sneaky vampire you see that fudge okay I'm going to have to just sit on the ground Co compose myself a little and then we'll take out the trash and then hopefully we can sleep in this house getting a little bit um thirsty for maybe they haven't seen me oh some nice Tools in here the crowbar okay I don't think they've seen me so we can um sit on the ground and just read stuff until we're tired we don't want to like pass out but we don't want to go to bed at 400 p.m. either it's too early we're currently tired but we can get to ridiculously tired right very tired very tired okay just going to drink from the toilet again um let's just eat something that we've got used up used up some of this stuff right let's just eat a bunch of chips maybe that'll help us get nice and fat okay now we go to bed nice it's it's slow it's slow progress but it is at least some progress we're surviv Ving for now all right okay I don't think they've seen us oh if they'd seen us they you'd hear them pounding on the windows and doors right oh yeah there's a curtain in the kitchen I I didn't realize that there was one there yes want to make some cheese soup noodles and cheese you want to add some lime in there too why not this is going to take taste delicious it's going to fill us right up Hunger thirst boredom unhappiness everything incredible okay that's good we want the saw the crowbar missed our favorite shows great all right there's some uh there's some guys to take out out here this guy's got a police um bulletproof vest I think I'm wearing one already no I'm not holy crap what a find hello he smokes all right looks like there's some more stuff around here we almost finished reading that mechanics uh book holy [ __ ] a bit dangerous to fight in uh amongst the trees here I think oh I've done it I did it I killed them all this guy's got a clip on tie I've already got one I don't need another one there be some cars up around here somewhere nobody these places are also remote too it's crazy that there's not any cars parked here no no car couple of zombies [Applause] though there's one battery there's a lot of food here there's a home office here um do I have tweezers already sure I do yeah I do okay I I need to carry around uh lots of tweezers whoa look at this wet wine there's some bourbon here too unhappiness thirst and hunger and some white wine it's not even to fit get some bourbon it won't even fit nice oh [ __ ] is the water off already I think the water is off already holy crap how many days four days come on that's not fair oh what's down here another house up here oo it's a tool shed welding [Music] rods I'm carrying too much stuff lots of driveways but no cars there's a satchel here maybe we can put some of this stuff into the satchel [Music] M want to eat a bowl of cereal stale said fresh but when I picked it up it's stale stale milk God we're tired already do a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh the revolver we can actually um put in the holster right now we need some new pants carpentry we're just carrying too much stuff now right Satchel um if I equip it on my back it'll replace the large backpack right which is no good oh they're on to me excuse me what all right now I have to sleep hello just going for a a 1 p.m. sleep I guess I could have just rested but okay let's finish off these books finally let's let's just spend all day here blasting through these books and then at least we can uh get rid of some of this weight it looks like it's foggy out anyway so well and it's night time too all right good that's red start reading tailoring volume one there's loads of food here too this guy does love reading you're right he's a real a real reader [Music] just reading in the pitch black well it's the safest way to read it's not very safe in here though that window smashed but I don't think there's anything else out here right now unlucky there was no skillup TV [Music] tailoring is done [Music] good I'm eating stale cereal there's some pasta in here good night milen I don't want the unhappiness from that yeah I think the water's cut off already [Music] a soup I don't even think I can make a soup oh I think Terry flipped hang on a sec oh sorry I'm back sorry I um I unflipped Terry and then I real ized I need to go to the bathroom and uh there was some tea brewing and uh so I waited for that as well so I have some tea nice um we can't do anything with this I don't have anything um I do have some beans if I open the canned beans can I pour pour them in here what do I I do with the canned beans once they're open I just put the it in here with the can so eating it uh eating it raw gives you plus 10 unhappiness it's not cooking it though you can't cook it in the can maybe a bowl of beans ah maybe you got to put the beans into a bowl eat put in container no make a make bowl of beans okay now we got a bowl of beans aha it's cooking nice okay I am eating a a cooked bowl of beans very nice should probably have a smoke too got to season the beans I got a water bottle with uh that's good actually I think this uh this sink is empty though I can't believe the water's off already that's wild um right we're pretty bored uh trapping we can't read fishing volume three we can't read is there anything else that we can read we need to we need to go home we need to we really need to head home I think it's far though home uh being well here this is this is the house that we were living in right we're miles away from it holy crap there's some stuff to look at uh down here I don't know what this is farmer farming stuff maybe we go check that out not with the shotgun it's just sheds and stuff I think man if we could find some wheels wheels would be fantastic then we could go back store some stuff in the trunk what is this it's like a big uh it's like a like a big farmyard it's a big shed oh there might be this one looks like the um where they store all the harvest food right oh it's open too yeah so it's just all fresh food in here yeah hello what are you all doing out here don't you do it anything on these guys not really this is like an open uh open shed usually some tools and stuff in here maybe fertilizer plaster powder there's no shelving units in here or anything looks like we got one Rude Dude inbound I got to unload some stuff we're getting way too tired carrying all this around it's probably oh no it's not effective in my health that's good all right well there's some road over here but we should probably go back to the house and just either rest or sleep right I read all the books that I can read for now oh [ __ ] what did all these guys come from okay they're not following at least hello can I help you you you seem to be lost holy Toledo Batman Howard Toledo Batman I'm just going to sleep our our sleep schedule is is a total mess right now jeez it's only uh seven uh at 7:20 at night I'm going to cook this whole ham and eat it you have to slice the ham you can just eat the sliced ham there I was about to cook it stupid me I guess let's just keep going until we're like Mega full all right we're going to follow this road up here and see if it leads to anything we need a car there's no way I'm walking back all that way it's way too far there got to be some cars [ __ ] Jesus Christ I think we're getting close to somewhere cuz look at all the zombies good Lord all right let's just keep oh there's something here there's a house good no car parked outside though oh it's a little neighborhood here there's a couple of houses they're still following me but we might be able to lose them soon cooking volume three oh my God metal work 2 electrician one the herbalist I don't think they would have seen me so we might have lost them I got too much stuff on me might have to drop some stuff what can we drop it's all these books right I can hear them out there but they haven't started smashing doors or windows so it might be okay not the stuff I know we're going to have to come back for the stuff I can hear them but I don't think they know I'm in here what did I just read the herbalist okay we're still a little bit w okay just so that we remember well if they don't know that I'm here metal work trapping I can't read electrician might as well read something in the dark right while we're waiting just reading in the dark against all the odds the bathroom window is open oh we just need some daylight it's a weird weird room there's no uh window in here okay it's 6: a.m. we're going to make a run for it ready oh Terry it's 6:00 a.m. oh yeah look at that cooking some huge cooking skills okay let me just fill up my bottle it looks like they just walked past and went up that way so there's a couple of bits and pieces around here it looks like maybe sheds and stuff I don't know zombies up that way I have to come back and get some of these books and stuff later with a car or whatever I I can't carry all this stuff around it's just Mak can me too tired and also our sleep schedule means that we're going to be ready to go to bed again pretty soon did I miss a house I think so yeah there's there's a bit up there that I missed I think but I need to start making my way back towards Ro would really but it's miles away [ __ ] hell we [ __ ] so much just eating some cereal while I'm on the road well find I would love to find a car I'm walking up and down these roads hoping to find a car but I've not had any luck finding one all the cars I found so far are all smashed up find your house Erica do you live around here do you live in in Rosewood you live in Louisville Lou is it Louisville or Louisville Louisville Slugger isn't that they make baseball bats there right it's it's l Lille Lille is that what you guys say to each other looks like Louisville to me that's not how you say it though how do you say it then Louisville Louisville Louisville Louisville Louisville Louisville what uh what's what's what's the accent like there in uh in Louisville can't get in there oh wait have we been to these ones before no we have not some stuff holy crap crap we're in the middle of nowhere here I think Colonel Sanders is it like the like the um um is it is it like the chicken from the Looney Tunes well I say I say that like that one Fog Horn Leg Horn yeah you all talk like fog horn Leghorn that's crazy is it like um is it like um in the office the uh this the whole Savannah thing what what that God it's been so long since I watched it now I don't even remember what that is in relation to what what was the the whole like uh the the porch and Savannah thing oh yeah there's been a murder in Sav the murder M [ __ ] sake oh my God Erica I don't uh recommend watching um the Traders Australia season 2 if anyone ever tells you it's a good one don't believe them it's terrible it's so bad you tried to dowy and you couldn't stand it oh [ __ ] hell it is so bad no the Australian one they haven't even renewed it for a third season it was so bad I don't know where they found uh the people that they they found for the show but they were so bad at playing the game twine I don't know if we need a plastic B oh here's a big road with power lines all right come on let's find let's let's find something right enough of this wandering around in in in the farmlands we got to we need a car has anyone from the UK watched the US one yeah I think the US ones are are considered to be pretty good I haven't seen them personally but from what I can tell the US ones um people seem to like them I'm not sure about season 2 though I haven't seen well I haven't seen season one either season 1 people seem to think it's pretty good I think season two people thought it was good too whoa what is this what the heck is this I found an ice cream place oh this is great there's nothing in the freezers though but they are working if we needed to uh freeze some food it's not a safe place to uh make a base mind you oh [ __ ] hey where did you guys all come from hi where did you all come from all of a sudden out of nowhere there I was looking for a couple of Scoops is this like a farmer's market it's open Jesus there's some food here that's fresh and a lot of it that's stale I'll take this garbage back now we're tired again oh well yeah we're bound to be tired okay cool I found a parking lot with uh precisely zero cars in it so that's cool so there's basically just a lot of rotten food here from what I can tell by the time we come back it's going to be very rotten well at least there's like a nice park and stuff over here I don't think there's anything else though just rotten food um we're tired maybe we should sleep uh in this building behind the counter maybe they won't see us you think we could get away with sleeping on the floor here how can how do you sleep on the floor is it even possible to sleep on the floor you just pass out on the floor sleep in the freezer okay I've read that I'm eating some canned peaches Terry you flipped again Jesus hang on a sec yeah he did he flipped again unbelievable eh okay um God it's only like 1: in the afternoon but we're tired there is a uh a sink back here we can fill up our water with we got an empty wine bottle it's not really safe to sleep here but I'm my guy is so tired he has to right bed quality bad he's going to sleep on this stool I'm scared okay not bad not great not great well what can you do there's a baking tray in here oh all these counters have uh loot in them okay it's not very safe to walk around outside at night but um we're going to do it because uh there's no way I'm sitting in this place all night what happened to Carpenter he's dead he died unfortunately rotten food okay it looks like we could probably link up with a road here not the the car park though this is very dangerous and there are some bad guys here too I'm just going to run past them slightly I don't mind if they follow me while I'm walking just going to have to check check my six every once in a while make sure nothing is it'll start to lighten up pretty soon I think it'll probably lighten up pretty soon okay look we can go back this way and get back to the area that we know a bit better stick to Rosewood see if there's anything else along the way there's a couple of bad guys here but we don't have to fight them in the in the dark let's just keep walking shall we whoa that close look how much faster we walk than they do uh you could really cover a lot of ground just regular slow walking I never treat Brent this way true I wouldn't I wouldn't we're getting a little bit cocky with Howard Toledo Howard Toledo is made of different stuff though looks like these guys were doing a a midnight migration that guy had a gun on him actually slightly panicked it's it seems it's I think it's is reasonably safe as long as we just stick to the road keep walking never look back wait for some daylight great progress so far it's a long hike music intensifies jeez there's quite a few of them behind me I got a whole I got a whole Legion of them behind me sh oh my God it never ends I'm too scared to even check the map although we have created a bit of space bring out the casket we got a shotgun on our back and things get really hairy we don't want to start blasting though that's going to attract zombies from miles okay does any of this look familiar not yet there are more and more zombies though we might be getting close to Rosewood now I'm going to have to open these P's good eating the [Music] peas leaving all my trash on the ground too I think we lost them most of them the music's quieted down okay there's still qu some distance to go my God think of the fitness just think of the fitness though this is a risky one CU I can't see [ __ ] locked this guy walks he's a walker he's got a big backpack on and everything um I was not expecting a bend in the road I'll admit but at least it changes things up a little bit oh [ __ ] hello just strolling through oh Jesus all right through the field we go there's a lot of guys there we got to be really careful out here The Field's not so bad but near these trees where we have like no visibility yeah I'm not going that there's no way I was going that way Jesus there's way too many zombies there for me okay some more trees here not not thrilled about the trees we are there is a dirt path here though [ __ ] it's so dark let's get out into this field hopefully it's 4:00 in the morning so it's it's got to start getting light soon actually there's nothing in this field right now so let's check the map where are we holy Lord no still not tired luckily are we moving yeah yeah we we're moving don't worry the the the sun will rise any minute now right it's the middle of the summer come on look that's looking brighter already to me at least no no look see here it comes cue the music Here Comes the Sun by George [Music] Harrison [Music] there can you see now God we've been walking a long way God look at this look at this whole path that we've taken around this is going to line us up uh with some of these houses that we've uh previously been to which is not helpful because there's no cars there or anything but still we took the long way round maybe this guy's got some smokes on him no he does have a meat cleaver but I'll have to go back and pick up that satchel and some of those books and stuff at some point I mean there're there we can get them easily there's not too many zombies around it's just such a long way we'd want to have a a full tank really and then maybe some some backup gas tanks too okay actually don't know if we went to this uh house if we keep going this way we'll we'll pass it how is our night stick doing oh the condition is pretty low on the old night stick we might have to swamp to um the little Hammer actually we got a crowbar that we could swap to I think the Crowbar is a two-hander though right 6: a.m. we're missing all of our shows just couldn't make it to a house in time all right we should hit uh Little Road soon and then uh we'll be able to hit that other little house and then I don't know maybe we can go down to the the burnt down Farm there's still the little um shed there and stuff too right I mean if we can get if we go to the gas station sneak into the gas station and get some um gas cans we do have a car it's just almost empty smoking I should probably start marking off some of these houses once we've been to them so that at least I know I've been to them cuz I'm just relying on stuff discovered on the map I mean for now that's fine because there it's so sparse out here anyway there's a good chance that I've been to everything that's marked on the map but still you know it'd be good to mark them off uh we've been to this one I'm sure yeah this is the one this is the uh the safe house right there is another house over here oh God [ __ ] trees hello did we visit this one oh this isn't a house it's like a little Barn no there's a house is this a house no it's a little Barn it's a barn with an empty crate in it and a bench okay which way um do I need to be going now this is where the car is part oh I just remembered I have a little bit of um oh I forgot to siphon those other cars too it was kind of dark and I was uh rushing by though to be fair the in-game map is great yeah it is really good [Music] all right we've been to both of these houses too we've been to both of these houses but I'm not sure that we fully looted them but there's no there wasn't anything like that exciting in them anyway we just kind of used them as places to eat and drink and then get some sleep oh you know what our car isn't even parked at the uh at the other house it's parked at the one closer to the uh to the farm isn't it it is it is it's parked here it's parked at this one there still some distance to travel oo oh wait I've been to this one right yeah I have okay Louisville [Music] Louisville did I siphon these no was a little bit for [Music] all right pack this up there's a key on the ground you're right holy crap empty gas can shoes tote bag twine sure Another Empty gas can I guess you can never have too many right good spot holy crap I wouldn't have noticed that key on the ground at all it's raining oh no I forgot about the helicopter [ __ ] I hope it doesn't find me [ __ ] it found me like immediately oh that's annoying maybe um maybe it won't attract Too Many Zombies do I not have a bolt I'm sure I had a bolt oh maybe I need a plate for that oh where did I put the bowl oh yeah it's right here I guess you can't put it in a bowl maybe you need a plate well it's open now it doesn't sound like it's directly above me or is it what if I just hide in this closet nobody will ever see me in here right it doesn't sound like it's above me at all just sleep in the closet eating beans oh I'm sleeping through the helicopter does sound like it's directly above me still now check outside I'm too scared I think we're fine though I don't think uh I don't think anything is here yet let we get for sleeping all day we can't really do anything until it's gone right you don't have any books to read either I think it's gone I could dance true how about we do the African noodle hey look we can hear the TV from here while we're doing the African noodle it's working out really good doing Woodcraft look at that boredom cured okay ready that's not so bad pouring rain out oh contact let's see how many zombies migrated up here all right I think maybe it's too soon to say but I think possibly we survived the helicopter event which is not a bad start honestly for Howard Toledo the man the myth the legend I think I have the helicopter event set to once I don't think I have it set to sometimes I think once is enough honestly actually you know what we could try to reset our sleep schedule by running a lot Let's do let's do a nice jog down to our house there wasn't really anything in here was there maybe if we if we jog all the way we'll get tuckered out I would love to cut down some trees but uh I do not have an axe I don't think you can punch trees in this no I don't think you're allowed to okay we're very hot and sweaty but amazingly we haven't overexerted ourself where is the um oh here it is whoops all right better than nothing I guess you're doing great put that in there this hu butt reporting to you live from the channel for news Chopper we are receiving reports of a man with no fear of zombies reportedly uh doing the African noodle to Make It Rain we'll bring updates as they come uh okay thank you empty can I want that in the trunk actually thank you so much where's the other empty can oh it's in here isn't it okay good going put my shotgun in the back here too so that I could attach my crowbar to my back cuz I'm going to need it pretty soon I think um right and then we can drop off some stuff here at long last Jesus Christ I'm home okay farming volume one we could do some it's night time we could do some nice studying and we can chill let's eat some ice cream hey Anonymous thank you so much for the uh for the 10 I appreciate it thank you soap bottle of disinfectant carry that with us rolling pin some garbage bags very nice we got some spare boots and stuff if we need them we can drop these off as well very good um where's the bathroom in this place there's no uh there is okay good canned spaghetti bolognese oh man it is nice to actually drop some [ __ ] off finally because we've been carrying around a lot of weight with us bottle of disinfectant dry haramen noodle we got some canned sardines let's put the empty bowl in here too what else do we need to put in here this we can drop it can opener and the lighter in here shotgun shells go in here we got an m625 revolver holstered I think we're just going melee right now nothing in the uh in the pouch there either managed to get some seeds some strawberries and some radishes good we can remove this bandage I think we're cured oh my God oh my God that feels great perfect nice all right electrician volume one has been already red this can go on the ground farming volume one has not been read forging volume 1 has been read forging volume 3 has not we don't need to hang on to these Maps I left all of my my books behind but I intend to go get them at some point in the future all right we should still have the TV burn the books Never I don't think we got any skillups from that TV show [Music] nice painting thanks very much I decorated this room myself that we painted that painting apparently if you believe that you're playing zomboid again your water got shut off on day two well mine got shut off on uh on day four we are currently without running water nice farming volume one done I'm just boiling this tainted water nice okay we can create a soup from dry ramen noodles what else should we put into our suit and add some carrots and uh what about adding some corn I'd eat it try ramen noodles and vegetable soup look at that look at this Champion gulping it down oh the empty Kettle um watering can with water is there is it possible to transfer pour into the empty Kettle yeah there you go so now we can put this in here all right good all right well we made it back hey uh fzy 69 thanks so much for the 100 bits appreciate it thank you we made it back to uh where our car is after going on quite the adventure all over the damn place it seems um there's quite a few zombies on this road uh quite a few but it looks like probably if we get on to this road and go this way this connects onto here there's a bunch of rotten food that we could go get from the uh from that little Farmers Market uh and compost it probably and then we can go back and get all these books and tools and stuff there's a couple of little bits and pieces around there's got to be some stuff in the middle here right with all these fields there's probably like some Farm uh house or something in the middle that maybe we could go and explore as well although I didn't see a mailbox or anything for it but um we can go find we can go find out and then of course we've got uh the burnt down Farmhouse which is where we' normally live and uh and the gas station which we should go scope out uh as well uh but we'll have to do that tomorrow because uh I gotta go it's an early one today unfortunately sorry I've got um I've got school runs to do and a bunch of other dad chores to do yeah it's three already crazy eh um so um listen I'll be back uh tomorrow and uh and we'll do some more then yes I could tell the kids I'm busy yes but um I probably shouldn't you know okay chat thanks so much for watching um let me quit Howard Toledo's uh Journey will continue tomorrow and uh and also rip uh what's his name Grant um I can't even remember his name now who who cares um Grant it is Brent Grant Carpenter that's right that's right uh he he died unfortunately he got bitten it was uh it it was a brutal one uh listen thanks for uh watching and thanks for all the support as usual I appreciate it thanks for the subs thanks for the reubs thanks for the donations thanks for the supers thanks for all the gift subs and stuff I appreciate it I'll be back tomorrow I think I'm doing Triforce in the morning but I'll be back uh kind of like midday and then we'll uh we'll do some more then yes all right chat LOL lots of love I'll see you then peace bye now bye [Music]
Channel: Sips - Live!
Views: 14,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 271min 11sec (16271 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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