*SNEAKING* Onto The Set Of Cobra Kai (Filming Locations)

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behind me is where they film Cobra Kai and my goal is to visit every single location from Cobra Kai because I want to be on the show starting with the new Cobra Kai studio also they're filming season 6 of the show right now there's a high likelihood that we're going to run into some of the crew members from the show this is where Johnny had his fight with a bunch of kids it was a fair fight I mean it wasn't a fair fight it was a fight and it happened and this became Cobra Cai [Music] this is larusso's Auto Park it's actually a Lexus dealership I love the show it was so good we need more shows like that more like original concepts are cool and now another remake of some other garbage wasn't cerai kind of a remake shut the up bro that's definitely it that's definitely the inside we were trying to figure out if they use the uh the inside as well yeah no they definitely used the inside the inside as well yes that's so cool very nice oh there's also a spot that they did the security guard was super nice and told us about a few more filming locations that we should visit but before that he wanted us to visit we're at the larusso's house the gates wide open uh we don't know if we can go in or not I don't want to go in the back just in case they're like oh who are you I was actually on my way to leave larusso's house until the nice construction man stopped me and asked me what I was doing I told him I was filming one of those silly YouTube videos and my name is just Manuel I like how you said it with the action and then he did the unthinkable he gave us a tour we are going to take a look at inside the house it looks literally identical like the show after going to larusso's house I still have a bunch of iconic places to visit but before that I got some advice about joining Cobra Kai from the man who founded it hello Manuel this is John cre I founded Cobra Kai I will never let my students lose I think you need to have your confidence boost you discipline yourself to remain focused you be a sensei in a matter of time you stay focused on everything your Sensei is saying CU you are Cobra because you understand the concept that Mercy is for the weak here and on the streets somebody confronts you they are the enemy and the enemy deserves no mercy tell me there in spirit no question about that that was great that was the lowest quality video ever but that was the best piece of advise I've ever received I wasn't just ready to cross off all the locations from Cobra Kai I was ready to become a Cobra Kai members behind me is Johnny's apartment from Cobra Kai and we're about to go [Applause] in no way bro this is the actual place wait what was Johnny's apartment I've never seen a show I have no clue what the hell CJ oh that's Johnny idiot made you look okay D okay one of this is Johnny's apartment do you have your phone has anyone else noticed that Johnny's apartment is number two just like second place in the tournament oh wait so this is Johnny's [Music] apartment a lot of scenes were filmed here in this exact apartment complex including the epic fight scene where Miguel and Robbie uh just beat the leaving crap out of each other and we were having a great time exploring until this happened sorry it's private property uh one of my uncles is here which one uh Johnny Johnny all right we just got kicked out on to the next location Johnny when he was a kid used to live right behind me they showed this in the karate kid but then they also showed this in Cobra Kai where he actually ended up going to meet his stepdad which was a huge in the [Music] show onto next behind me is the original Cobra Kai Studio it's no longer a dojo but what's really interesting about this place is that it's changed out do you want to be in a kobai i didn't know who this was at the time but this wasn't just some random dude he was actually a cobra Kai Sensei who trained Under The Lights of Sensi crease and was sent here to see if I have what it takes to join Cobra Kai if you want to be in Cobra Kai you have to learn to three things speak okay dude we're in public it's kind of embarrassing third was it no what's it what's the third one you said three you must learn first two things oh okay yeah and you come back to me where would I find you where the water meets the sand you have like an address if I want to be part of Cobra Kai I need to pass all the three tests that this Cobra Kai Sensei is giving me power speed and once I conquer those I will figure out what my last challenge is but before I start training like Cobra Kai I stop by a few more filming locations we're actually at the at a theme park there's a lot of people they're watching I'm scared but uh this is where Miguel takes Samantha on a date uh shout out to those people who go on [Music] dates all [Music] right things got crazy over there [Music] and when I'm back in Chicago I this was Tanga karate Cobra Kai was taking over a bunch of dojos and this is one of the dojos that they were taking over so we're going to go check it out now doing the filming was like you'll see a lot from this side it kind of looks very similar to what it like not much has changed I feel like there was like some stuff here these are your your dates shows you who was here oh that is so cool so that's like right in my office there oh that's so fun how did they find you did you just like put this place up for rent or they just called you CU they like a scout they sent a scout and they said we want this is kind of the image that we're looking for and they came in here and said it's exactly what we're looking for that's so cool it was like 200 people here working that's the dream this Dojo was super cool but the next Doo that I was going to be going to I was going to be learning my first karate skill we're going to be learning uh Power today from Sensei George Fernandez fth de black Bel fifth degree yes sir wait how long did that did that take you to get 40 years so power is all about technique again are you a loser no [Music] sun thank you so much man absolutely foring appreciate you it's 90% mental 10% physical I'm also trying to pass Netflix and subscriber you think I could do that yes 100% really they're are 30 they're at 30 million okay well you didn't tell me that start off I think you you have a little bit of a journey ahead of you yeah yeah and if you don't give up you're always going to win once I was done learning how to obtain power in my strikes I visited the next filming location which might be the most badass filming location yet guys we're at the old Valley Sports Arena this is where the competition happened this is where all the big fights took place this is it it's it's kind of empty right now actually no it is empty could be could be a few reasons why one it's a university so it might just not be season for the University to do sports or two they might be getting ready to film here I actually applied to be a cobra High extra and I saw that they were taking extras specifically for the old Valley tournament we'll see I really hope I get it though that'll be cool this is where the party scene happen in season 1 where Miguel got drunk and ended up slapping Sam on accident this is also where the famous line no mercy beach in SEC it's called a beach but I don't really know how much of a beach it is and I'm going to a bunch of more iconic filming locations from the show and in some of the locations I'm even going to be training just like Cobra Kai because at the end of this video I have a very big test from my Sensei that I have to pass hopefully I don't get injured but if I do get injured I know who to call Morgan and Morgan the sponsor of today's video getting injured no or in an accident could happen to any of but Morgan Morgan is here to help if you ever need legal representation you should consider using Morgan and Morgan let me tell you why exactly in the last couple months they've been able to gain 12 million just in Florida that's 34 times the highest insurance offer 26 million in Philadelphia 40 times the highest offer 6.8 million in New York 25 times the highest insurance offer all offw Firs are not the same it only takes a few minutes to see if you have a case the fee is absolutely free unless you win I bet you didn't know that you can start a claim right now super easy right here Link in my description your injury could be worth millions Morgan and Morgan behind me is the gas station where the famous car chase started to happen what do you think you're doing driving like hell you are fine I'll go without you and they ended all right over there that's where the car chase ended it's the same number from the show so nothing has changed in like a few years uh except this dog there's a dog now very scary dog I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible because that dog looked like it was about to jump the fence but on my way out this random dude stopped me and it turns out out of all things he was a Sensei yeah this is my area I have a school in Mark in College Park oh sick Bro sick we might pass by if that's cool appreciate you yeah nice meeting you he told me he had a dojo so I was like oh could I come by he's like yeah and one of the things that the Cobra Kai sense told me to learn speed so I'm going to learn at this Doo okay so we're going to work on some uh speed techniques streeten dreep only yes sir okay awesome brother dude thank you again man appreciate you behind me it's Olive Garden in the show this was also Olive Garden we flew about 3,000 miles just to get this shot we could have gone to any other Olive guard this is the scene where Johnny tries to get Miguel and Robbie to become friends things don't work out and yeah this is uh I I flew I flew for this it's just all of we only have a few more filming locations to visit until I have my final test where were the training scene happening this is where Daniel was teaching Robbie the art of karate they did it in a bunch of different places we're going to try to see if we can find the exact places but this is where essentially the magic happened I can see why so many things are actually shot in Atlanta in my stranger things video we came here to go to the railroads so this Atlanta is one of those places where like everything's filmed apparently Avengers was also filmed here I it's crazy this place is the spot for movies and TV shows you're going to the top of a mountain where a lot of the training took place we spent about 2 hours looking for this rock I'm not going to lie I'm pretty exhausted cuz we thought we found it and then we got a training scene I just basically kicked and punched the air for about 25 minutes straight for no reason it was the wrong Rock I'm going to do the training scene now coming down like an flame shame after trying to get on to countless shows like Wednesday stranger dinks now Cobra Kai to Fair that's not that many but you know when I first started I think I would have been fine taking the next ra roll like just being in the background and I still will take that like if they give me that I would do that that would be super cool but all that I don't even want to line anymore that I want to be the main character of one of these shows or movies I that's what I'm taking so again if I get desperate I'll probably take anything else but make no mistake I would like a main character role so Hollywood if you're listening take me take me where you can cuz cuz I might die soon it took us a while to find this spot this is the legendary Eagle Fang karate uh Eagles don't have Fang the reason why we were able to figure out that this specific spot is where they filmed is because of two things one there was a blue playground in the background and then two there was that specific sidewalk and you see how the sidewalk curves it also Curves in the shop have you guys seen Cobra Kai seen I seen a little bit okay it was it was filmed here basball field that over here okay well next time they're filming you can just kind of hop in if you want oh I mean don't tell them I said that but you get uh I don't know guys we're at the exact same restaurant where Daniel Luso met up with Johnny and they were going on a double date together unexpected double date also I think like in every show and movie I at least have like one Crush I think in this show you know who I'm going to say my one Crush was Miguel Miguel's mom Miguel's mom she is beautiful and I wish she was my mom not now next up was the roller ring I actually couldn't speak this entire time because they were playing uh copyright music so uh enjoy me and my hand signals this was one of the many situations where things started to get heated between Sam and Tori and then Sam ended up uh you know doing the onew trip pero Sam this location was a b but the next location could be even cooler I mean it's an opinion thing so I I don't really know you you tell me guys this is the exact Cobra kive bench or technically it's just a park bench Miguel and the other kids who weren't cool and popular at the time they were uh planning their own party there is some history behind this I promise it's cool one of the main character's name is Miguel I say we do some sort of spin-off show you know call it Kai Cobra or something I'm going to be going to the next location and then my ultimate test with the Cobra Kai Sensei will be coming on at the end of this video I want to be in a show and I'm willing to do whatever it takes this is the exact soccer field from the show it's just empty this is where the scrambles started to happen people are starting to kick each other it's actually pretty cool there's something over there we're going to see what it is honestly we might just like stumble upon something that one of the cast members had you know how valuable that could be it's a sock what's the likelihood that this is a sock from one of cast members and how valuable do you think it would be this is where they had the high school prompt this is exactly where it took place you can kind of tell they they hung up a flyer or they bfx it I don't know but yeah we're going to go in and see if uh if we can go inside maybe it looks the same or maybe everything got taken down and it's dark most likely the first one we're inside the place someone let us in through the back there's a chandelier this is where they had their prom it's all dark now after visiting every single location in Cobra Kai it was time for my final test guys uh I'm about to meet up with my Sensei not quite sure what he's doing but uh we're going to meet up with him I'm I'm excited I'm going to tell him that I passed the two test that he told me to pass and we have one last test to finish so let's do it Sensei I'm back I'm back welome back thank you thank you sir I learned speed from this guy we met him at a gas station it was really random and weird but uh he was super cool and he like Tom me speed he sets off from the from like the hips from the hips and then power is all about technique and learn you know what I mean he's like don't actually punch hard just kind of like have the the proper technique type CH I don't know what that know what that means but sorry final test come with me uh yes sir or Sensi yes Sensi this is a final test climb all the way up is could we do like a smaller smaller rope are you Cobra or Bon um are you eagle or pigeon are you tiger or cat no I I get it I just don't have like medical insurance but people I've gotten Hur they cried broke bones arms broken yeah legs broken some people have gone to wheelchair and their parents have sued me really helps uh that really helps me motivate believe in yourself yep y whether you do it or you [Music] don't three breath use your hunger every time you fail rejected defeated whatever doesn't kill you makes you [Applause] stronger this is the coming of the last of our life [Music]
Channel: Manuel Boza
Views: 1,188,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cobra kai, cobra kai filming locations, cobra kai season 6, cobra kai season 6 trailer, cobra kai manuel boza, manuel boza, movie locations, tv show locations, netflix filming locations, cobra kai behind the scenes, terry silver, ralph macchio, cobra kai johnny, cobra kai season 4, cobra kai scenes, lone lobos podcast, karate kid, karate kid filming locations, cobra kai scenes season 5
Id: jZeEsVyjnrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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