Sneaker Shopping's Top 10 Spenders of 2019

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I want the off white ones alright you're single and she's got you I want these but I want the Oh jingle okay okay - oh gee oh yeah these right here alright these cubbies I want the og pair of brown ones last but not least grabbing the Weatherspoon's right here so your total it's gonna be seven thousand four hundred and forty six dollars thank you have a wonderful day thank you [Music] what are you guys looking for today some exclusive you know we got support on both the top Scott is you got stay classic no not a good bead since I just left you know you're not in nations I'm saying I gotta grab the Union yeah definitely the best call the way by the way what what else so your total be eight thousand two hundred thirteen and 53 cents oh yeah [Music] I had to go pop these ones right here oh alright with the heat right go get these for the city my first sold-out show in LA I had the flu as a nova a TV show Oh time to pizza I gotta go with the cat is deck man Travis got just running out of astral world [Music] okay your total today is gonna be nine thousand three hundred and three dollars and 37 pens in this colorway this little double toe lace look I like these a lot I'm gonna check these out so these I've always kind of liked and I've had my eye on for a bit being a red-and-black fan the human race shots of Jon from TLD he put me on these while ago the off-white Chicago if there's a good time to get these as probably right now so I'll add these to cart what size so 12 in half right Markos your total for today is 9700 $14.90 yeah I think I'm done for a while after this one [Music] see I would is no sound on the way to the mailbox I'll see what type of checks came in I want somebody Bates - y'all got these in my side oh yeah I'm myself I get some uses though try to support the team we're gonna don't see T's dick what I'm saying well my man is that way yeah push it say like I said I lost by the camera a limited edition watch ok don't want trying to tell you see when I see things I see vision I know only a few would be a few of these out there in the street alright your totals going to be eleven thousand three hundred sixty two dollars and sixty eight cents let's go get this thing back then wrapped up so I can put his drip on tonight man we got a show to do no keV [Music] [Music] okay I want this for sure I really like it I want these two these three parts this one this one and you sure so I did not have perfectly alright your toll is nineteen thousand eight hundred twenty two dollars and 87 cents thank you [Music] that maintain Cuarenta size yet email you got it I want this one in eight this I want this inside a this one in size seven a half got it Jara we have a problem in Allah tells me a complex [Music] so your totals twenty nine thousand three hundred and twelve dollars and fifty a7 chip [Music] back again G yeah yeah no I really dropped 40 what else can you get Shh I'm trying to get it all night I went to old G black great ones with it with a suede a little different from eat the grapes yeah do these ties to I had these in high school I want the short tone we get the countdown package 13 cereal I'll be going over 2012 they new school to me I'd be like no written ozog all right we're talking him down for I needed Joyce on suppose all right we're gonna hand-paint at 10,000 I got you right now G all right then so you got a total of 27 shoes and your cash total comes out to thirty one thousand three hundred and thirty three dollars and twelve cents [Music] [Applause] I need these cones man it's called cold packs crazy where Alito's I've been great for threes and I've been looking forward to I got it to those grapples with me those is coming for sure any ideas over there - yeah I need these rarely seen in my size but I need those - these might be the belle of ball in Disney 180 and your total today is gonna be thirty three thousand two hundred eighty three and ten cents when I get started I don't stop my wanna get some huh you got these two lanes another day you got these in the 39 sees my hip though you got these in 30 see you guys 37 I'm sorry man yeah I watching you get it I do this [ __ ] every time right I'll be buying my little girl like 1020 passion is seen that manago's oh she got my back the wrong lady no yeah we could check out my baby have you seen ha Dave happen Chicka with the shoes and all the closes thirty eight thousand nine hundred seventy one and eighty five six trying to grab on the bed total was third it down there too bad [Music] these are five I'm gonna take these for shell-shocked yeah yeah yeah of course I can't leave here without violoncello yeah them are jealous so I'm gonna take this colorway just cut away just cut away and right here I'm gonna grab these CDG we're gonna be my new skating shoes [Music] as soon as I come downstairs is some [ __ ] awesome [ __ ] is giving bucks today room y'all see I got the pimp coat on I don't got no hoes though [Music] all right say it so there's gonna be $42,000 my bad forty two thousand thirty two dollars and 28 cents put your back into it what [Music] you
Channel: Complex
Views: 4,422,527
Rating: 4.9479446 out of 5
Keywords: sneakerhead, complex, complex originals, sneakers, news, entertainment, current affairs, young man, culture, complex tv, complex media, sneaker shopping, sneaker shopping top spenders, sneaker shopping season 9, juice wrld sneaker shopping, mkbhd sneaker shopping, pj tucker sneaker shopping, future sneaker shopping, roddy rich sneaker shopping, offset sneaker shopping, sneaker shopping 2019, joe la puma, sneaker shopping top, sneaker shopping most spent
Id: FwXT9984GvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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