Sneak Attack Squad Vs. Dad! Nerf Rival Showdown!

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>> Oh yeah! Shark didn't chomp off my hand. >> That was close. >> My turn. >> Ohh! This game is scary! Stop moving it, you're cheating! >> How is moving it cheating? You were moving it, too. >> Whatever. I was not. >> Hey Cole, new game. Pull as many as you can as fast as you can. Ah! Shark bit me. >> Well, that was unnecessary. >> Well then, what do you wanna do now? >> Hmm... I got an idea. I found something in the other room today. Follow me. Here. It's just in this room up here. I'm not sure if it's gonna be cool or not. >> What is it? You'll see. It's just in here. Here they are. >> It's awesome! Why did you say you thought it wasn't gonna be cool? >> I've never used them so I don't know if they're gonna be lame or cool. >> Let's go try them. This should be fun. We need ammo. Load up! >> Let's load it up! >> This things are gonna be so cool. >> Let's test them out! >> Ready... Aim... >> Say you prayers chicken! >> Fire! [screaming] >> Well, that was really easy. >> I don't know let's go find stuff. Over there! Over there! [laughing] >> Let's go get something else! The lamp! >> The lamp! [laughing] >> What next? >> Stop. No. Stop. [laughing] >> Whoa! Hit me in the face! [laughing] >> We should get more of these, 'cause they're awesome. >> Yeah, what else should we shoot? [laughing] >> What about dad? >> Actually, that's a really good idea. >> Yeah! Let's do that! Alright, let's get him. >> No. This is not the way to do it. >> What do you mean? Let's just go blast him! >> No! We gotta be sneaky, we're Special Forces. >> No, we have to be loud and awesome like Team Renegade. >> No, that's ridiculous. >> Great! He's outside. Are you happy now? >> That's no problem. We can just sneak up on him. >> Okay master sneaker, how we gonna do that? >> I'll show you. >> What is that? >> It's my invisible cloak. >> Well, I can see it. >> I't doesn't work like that. I'll show you. Help me. >> Okay, we gotta put this over up. >> Like this? >> Yeah like that! >> So, are we invisible now? >> Basically yeah. >> Alright. Well, let's try it. Look, he's watering the grass. Let's go! Where'd he go? >> I don't know. I don't see him. >> Cole! Cole! >> What? >> Dad's behind us. >> Oh ow. >> Ready, Cole? >> Fire. [laughing] >> Oh, that was too easy. >> Yeah it was. Let's go! >> Come on, come on. Do you think dad saw us? >> No! Dad doesn't know. >> You're right. What am I kidding? He doesn't know. Let's get out of here. >> We know Dad so good that he doesn't even know. >> Oh yeah. Oh, his face when he's running all over the room. Yeah that was funny. >> Oh oh! >> That's right! Oh oh! >> Get down! Are you crazy? >> What are we gonna do? >> Hold on. I got this. >> You can't take a break? >> What do we do now?! >> You guys give up? >> Never! >> Never! Alright I'm gonna be loud, you gotta sneak up on him. >> All right let's go! >> Oh dad! You'll never win! >> Whoa! Oh yeah? See what happens when you mess with your Dad? >> That's pretty good. Except you're forgetting one thing. >> Oh yeah? What's that? [coughing] >> Hi dad. >> Hey guys! Comment of this week comes from Olly Banachowicz? I know I got that wrong. I'm so sorry! "The wolf is your dad!" Okay we have a werewolf video coming very soon, and you'll find out who the werewolf is. It is not who you think. >> Picture of this week comes from... >> Meseo and Liliana from the Nevada. Hey! You guys live really close to us. That's really cool. >> I've been in Nevada. >> Me too. Meseo, watch out for your sister. She might be really sneaky. >> What a sinister. Anyway, thank you for your picture, Meseo and Liliana. >> Yeah. >> All right, guys. Get your dog tags now! They're gonna be sold out very very soon. And we also had a couple new things coming to the Extreme Toys Store very soon, so keep your eye out. >> Give us a thumbs up. >> Like and subscribe, do all those things. Uh... bye!
Channel: ExtremeToys TV
Views: 45,443,544
Rating: 4.0865598 out of 5
Keywords: toy, toys, extreme toys, extreme toys tv, nerf, nerf rival, nerf battle, sneak attack squad, special forces, team renegade, nerf war, nerf fight, ethan, cole, family nerf battle, kids vs parents, sneak attack, attack, wild, crazy, fun, funny, kids, children, skit, videos for kids, videos for children, camo, dad, camouflage, box fort, cardboard box fort, nerf fort
Id: u-27fhZvFrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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