Snarky Husky Says You’re Welcome And Oh Well!

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key we haven't finished got biscuits and you got to say thank you you got come in here and then you can say thank you and get a biscuit okay do you want a biscuit should I eat it I don't really want to I'll eat your biscuit yeah you come back come on in here all right you got lay down there for me please oh don't put that on no no you you can't get the biscuit the biscuit you have to be in here for come and lay down there all right you got to lay down there for me good boy that's a bit chaotic wasn't it can you say thank you you want say thank you for all of your birthday presents just say thank you so loud it's the salmon fill it smells good it tastes good you say thank you again you can go and leave me to tidy up everything haven't even finished tidying up and a bit more arrived we have four more cards and a parcel for you monkey say happy birthday any here yeah we got got more you have another box for you um let's just neck that's cute thinking of you on your birthday oh did you bite through an elastic oh you lifted you he lifted the elastic band and it Smackdown you're all right monkey you're okay come here I know I take the elastic band off so you don't do that again that was entirely your mistake this card says um love you from Jennifer and there's a note inside um I'll read your note camera but thank you so much for your card you steamed up by lensy oh look at that it's actually got you on it that's so cute tokish my name is Sally Hendrick I have a Lear disability and this is that my and this is the first time I've sent you a birthday card wishing you a very happy birthday and that Mommy and biscuit lady will spoil you all day with lots of love from Sally HRI thank you so much Sally that's such a cute card so clever thank you that's pretty happy birthday my cat and I always watch you and Jodie she's in love with you every time I see a video I know I'll be laughing thank you for the joy um Danny St and snow bring on celebration of the cake and candles too because this very special day is very special you is is for a very special you thank you so much that's sweet look at that it'ss like you and you're arguing with me what it's your birthday to Lord K happy birthday wishing best birthday wishes for your special day hope you have a great time filled with wa's walks and get down the park with s and friends love from Matthew thank you Matthew don't worry it's not going to Ping it's not going to Ping the elastic band is gone I know the Box scared you a little bit because of the elastic that the postman PO on it okay go on in the birthday card oh there lots of goodies in there and something wrapped up oh you're not even on camera anymore happy Easter what TIY happy Easter this is from Linda in Scotland what's this that Willie it's a wiy dog toe that's cute I've never seen that before hang on you you on this is this Greek it's Barber I've got a barber coat that I got second hand that's cute back okay there you go um there's some fish skin shorts um some wolfish flatties and some uh wol brushes and some sprats those are all things that he loves and he has um regularly thank you so much and the W boot I've never seen that before before happy Easter and 10th birthday oh no no no no you didn't opening the bag go FL with the toy really uh it's almost a year since I discovered your channel I have loved every minute of of it um I am so glad you enjoy eating the pig pillow I sent you lots of love from Linda and scolin don't rip anything off please go thank you so much for your card and your gifts it arrived just in time still his birthday I hadn't even finished tidying up yet can you say thank you that was a loud one there you go oh dear di boy I don't think any more presents are going to ride today right back to tidying up yes we have more birthday presents ke back up no no no back up back up a little bit thank you oh okay do you want to open some more birthday presents okay this one's already slightly open cuz I didn't know what it was you can just that there we on then you going to open it I'm just doing a card that's pretty oh no that's teeth that's really pretty no no no no no no no dear Jody he is such a he is such a wonderful beautiful and Noble Dog I'm sure he'll have a great day have fun key Happ birthday key thank you so much for your card Daniel oh look at that it's a blue Dicky bow this is for key for his 10th birthday I hope he likes it happy birthday key enjoy a gift from J Mitchell thank you so much J Mitchell it's very cute two Dicky bows to choose from now or should I say I have oh we've got wrapping got things wrapped up hang on hang on key hang on let me get the parcels out they're all wrapped up this one's a happy Easter one go open that [Applause] do happy birthday card oh there's a packet in we have a look at the packet some premium cookies don't keep can to see premium dog cookies not seen these before hang on lay down Haven baked treats for dogs and then we got this one a the C's very cute and there's a letter inside a birthday box key who gets oh no no no no no I'm not try to open the packet like fishies fishy CS can you stand off the Box oh no no no no yes some fishkin fingers and he has opened the packet so that I have to go into my jar can I just read this card first a birthday boy key who gets for some fr from Mom and Friends get them from his followers who love you too send wishes of so much happiness for you happy birthday key love your besy friend s Love Lane have a PO have a perfect day key you're standing on my leg thank you so much Lane um we get the rest of this key hang you all right oh is this an Easter egg yeah you haven't had one I completely forgot about Easter eggs so you've got an Easter egg monkey that'll be fun I know Easter's over now but oh open that one oh Supremes salmon Supremes he loves those um I can't choco drops they're probably made with carrot thank you so much for all your guest play that's so pretty so this card is from Jennifer um you and boo bring me so much happiness and feelings of love I often feel sad so when you so when your videos come on every morning I watch it often I watch videos um several times thank you so much have a birth have a happy birthday love gent that's so sweet thank you I'm so glad that we can cheer you up all we ever want to do is to make people happy I think this one's in a gift bag he's in a gift bag linky you can rip the paper up but oh there's two gift bags you see it's from back good boy these two gift bags are from Pamela L Crawford happy birthy you're a wonderful beautiful boy a gift card for Airbnb thank you so much go towards our next [Music] holiday not sure where we're going yet but we will have another holiday soon I'm sure and then in here ooh I think this was off of your wish list Mony you've never had something like this before thank you good give me some space to work and then you can have it patience have some patience back up back up back up because as soon as I put this in front of the camera you're going to run forward back up back up back up wait just wait this is what at back up wait this was what was in there so it's a a leather ball I just had to pull it apart so they inflated you're going to like this I think really it's a ball that he can't deflate don't try and pull no no no no no no don't off you he's instantly trying to pull stitchy bits so but yes he's got that now don't don't do it he's trying to get this the lace stitches out no no no no no wait back up so he's ah no he's trying to get this the uh lace stitches off which apparently don't really serve much of a purpose I think maybe their Aesthetics so I guess it doesn't matter if they come off but uh I might end up just removing them cuz he's not going to he's not going to need that but yeah he does like that I thought he would cuz it's like it's leather and he likes leather toys and it's squidgy it's chewable and it's a wall and yeah he's got the laces as well he wants to take off all right do you want this gift than key back up back up a little bit uh oh I need scissors for this hang on I need scissors mon this is why you need to back up a little bit so that you don't not my camera flying Focus oh sorry he knocked my camera over and the focus went he's wait let me take that off I'm going to take I'm just going to take the the lacing out because you already ripped part of it off cuz that's the most fun thing to do apparently so I'm just going to take that out I can always put more in if I wanted to but there be no point I wait back up you just headbutted me with your nose yeah I'm the one with a wet forehead now so Veronica sent you an e gift card before your birthday so I could get you a gift back up so this is from Veronica let me show the camera first back up back up back up I will throw it to you just wait there this a cute little crab so this is from you Veronica ready don't try and pull his anything off please no no no you's noty to I hate you when he does it he literally just stands on it and tries to pull it apart that's better good boy he's got several different ways of playing and unfortunately when he stands on something and just pulls up he's got way too much strength for most toys oh yeah you got that as well remember but you want to take bits off of this don't you well you're not going to I'm not going to let you no no no no no no legs off please oh it's chaos in here key no he's trying to take the label off key that's bad it's gone I knew the label was going to go no don't take his eyeballs off okay no no no good boy that's it you just play with it something sweet oh I've got some drawings that's cute there's you oh there's us says happy birthday key that's very cute very good drawings oh and this is a very cute card as well oh happy 10th birthday I drew a couple of pictures using a light box I hope you like them please feel free to please feel free to rub out and rraw weirdo's face as I had problems drawing I don't worry faces are very hard to draw um and we just learned through practice I mean I didn't start out being able to draw a face really easily and your your drawing is very good so thank you so much um and this is from Rosanna wish you many belly rubs Rosanna thank you so much Rosanna they are very cute and I love this is like one of my favorite faces which is why I use it for a lot of our artwork um and you did an amazing job throwing it they keep up the drawing love drawing okay that's cute happy birthday I am way more excited than I look a very happy 10th birthday to you key lots of love and best wishes Terry Sam Ben and Oscar hi key W you are 10 already this card may not get to you on time but I hope you have a wonderful birthday thank you for all the years you have cheered me up love and best wishes as always Terry thank you Terry keep W out I think it actually arrived like the day after key and we've just been so busy that now is when we're doing it which is uh the Friday before you see this video I'm going to look inside this one see what we've got oh this is also from Lan another one hang on back up thank you it's Le good oh these might not actually be for you monkey I'm afraid you want to rip the Box up these feel like chocolates to me I don't think they're for you these are from Lane oh yeah lint lint chocolate salted caramel no no no okay you can wrap that this one okay why are you behind me why is the camera facing okay that's not for you don't try take it from me some flood orange lint chocolate I didn't I've not seen that um flavor before my tripod is just nightmare U thank you so much Lane um I'll share these with my mom cuz she really liked them as well I love this strawberry ones I think those are my favorite I've not tried the Sala caramel or the blood orange so there's also another gift that I had got you which I forgot about where did the scissors go okay no give me that box no that's a crab I got you can you back up a bit I need to show the camera thank you good boy stay back up back up trying trying to smell it got I got this um and I think you might honk oh did you like that sound they did yeah try a biscuit premium cookie oh these are hard back up back up back up back up back up okay you want the biscuit key key key go on the biscuit right okay leave that then please back up a bit no back up no that way that way just okay sit okay that'll do oh good boy I didn't even need to ask him oh lot of crumbs tasty yeah getting all those crumbs you didn't miss a single crumb wow that was a tasty cookie so thank you so much everybody I think that's all of the presents um I did wait an extra week just to make sure that we got everything uh opened because I know some arrive a bit late um so yeah thank you so much it's so kind to everybody and uh don't worry if you weren't able to send him anything just enjoying our videos is the gift so thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed the video and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Jodie Boo
Views: 28,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Snarky Husky Says You’re Welcome And Oh Well!, key the talking dog, husky opening mail, dog opens his own gifts, dog speaks english, snowdogs, funny dogs, funny animals, cute husky, keyush the stunt dog, k’eyush the stunt huskamute, husky, malamute, dogs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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