Snaring system

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okay just uh i wanted to do a little product uh update and uh a bit of uh some upgrades and some stuff guys were wanting to see on our lights out snaring coil snare support wires i also want to go through and i'll set it up in the back here show you how we're anchoring things and how we get uh get get the system working and we'll we'll just start with with going over going over the wires now our original coil snare support uh wire the coil just come come to a just a short end um we had we had some guys uh were interested in running longer snares so they kind of wanted a whammy on here so to be able to do that what we ended up doing was we added we added this uh the length of wire sticking out the end so now we're able to turn this forward and guys can coil their snare in and then use the collar support off of this this wire if you don't want that little piece on there you cut it off or just leave it out the side it's not going to affect anything it's just it's just there um the other thing we did is uh i've got three different lengths of these now so so what we've done we've got these 12 inch ones and the idea behind that is the guy is able to uh to add add your own wire length to the end um it cuts back a bit on shipping if if that's something that interests you the the other option um so by adding the nine wire to it the way we do it is with the 1 8 double ferrules so you're able to crimp it crimp it on now the other option we've got with these with these coils we'll be able to set these up this way so we can we can still wrap our snare into this coil we're anchored on this end to a tree we wrap our snare through here now we've got we can run a a whammy or a collar support on this end and then we're we're able to to sneak that out a little bit you know over the trail if you're worried about uh you know too much stuff in an open areas so that it's a it's another option with these with the 12 inchers you can certainly do it with the with the longer ones as well uh but but it makes this very universal the the other thing is is a lot of guys are saying these are just their one time use i've where i'm hanging these snares for these wires they're in bait stations that i'm using year after year so i i've got these wires that i've caught uh single you know one wire and i've i've pulled over you know 25 30 coyotes off that one wire so they're they're definitely could be reused every once in a while the coil is going to get a little bit twisted up but it's just a matter of just just re-straightening it re-thread your snare in so um so we got 12-inch lengths we've got we've got our 40-inch lengths and this was the original length was a 40. some guys were saying well it's not quite enough in their areas going around bigger trees um and getting that snare over the trail so we're a little bit short these are kind of for you know that tighter area um so what we did was uh you know just listening to what the customers are asking so we went with a so our longest wire is is 58 inches so what that does it really gets you get you stretched out so if this is our trail you know we're anchored off we got lots of lots of extra to to tie off and get that snare over where you need it and um and again that's where it you like the you know the 12-inch ones you can make your wires uh i've got guys that are adding five feet of number nine wire to the coils and uh because they like the speed of the system and and how it how it all functions um so what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna i'm gonna step back here and and show you on this tree back here we got a nice little spot to hang a snare and i think we'll we'll go through how i'm anchoring these wires and and show you uh show you how that how that all functions um so on our snares what we're running you're gonna see a couple of different things there today with our springs so we've got our our a1 spring which is is a magnum size spring and we've got our signature series kill spring um you'll notice that our our triggers are are attached to uh the spring arm you know on both both sides of the springs and you can see the difference here between the two how much uh extra pull these bigger springs are are taken on the cable and it's finding it really beneficial with the coyotes to have that extra that extra pull um and and and the the kills are are def there's there's a bit of a difference in in sight damage and stuff between the two springs both are very effective but again one is just a little better than the other and that was why we uh why we come out with this signature series spring which is now it's actually the largest kill spring that on the market today and and uh they're both springs are are stainless material and uh we just went with the quality material for the longevity for the end users so and uh i'm just going to give you a little sneak peek too we've got we've got our new setting pliers and stuff coming out so these are going to be lights out snaring setting pliers i've gone away with uh with the sprinter with the screws on the ends um just the bigger springs are just they're folding the screws over and safety reasons i uh i chose to uh to go with a more manufactured uh player and just feel that they're uh they're a safer player and for setting and we uh just just again just trying to move moving a forward direction with the snaring stuff and uh that's just one of the products that we're gonna gonna play with so i'm gonna grab a couple wires and we're gonna just step back here and i'll show you uh what we're doing for tying these wires on so the other thing i guess i'll explain to you too is we've got so this is our signature series spring we're running the black anodized cable um that we sell here in-house um we've also been in contact with uh i switched over from cam locks to to slide locks here a couple years ago and i'm i'm really happy with the success we're having with them um they're a kef lock there's a 1 16 and a 3 32nd size and actually had the manufacturer make me 5 64 cable size so we've got specific cable size here now and uh and what i ended up having them do with these kef locks is we uh i just had them lengthen it a bit and open the hole up so that we could run a little bigger breakaways if we wanted to run bigger breakaways in it and it just give uh give this give the lock a little uh so they're a little bit faster and they're uh so so you can see here the difference in the two the one here is uh the 116th and this is the 564. so there's not a lot of difference but it is definitely sped sped the locks up and been real happy with with how that that turned out so um okay let's get back here and we'll get these coil wires up so we're just going to run we'll run the the 58 inch wire so this is where we're going to hang our snare we've got this bigger larger diameter tree here and that is where you'll see like this is the 40 inch 40 inch wire so there's not not quite enough to wrap around the tree and get a good anchor tie on this side we could definitely use this off of this tree here there's lots here and i can show you both uh how i would do both here just uh as demonstration purposes but uh so so what we're doing and i anchor kind of wherever on the tree we want this most solid spot but uh in this case here i'm gonna end up wanting my snare hanging right about there so i start at the tail end of these wires okay and i'm not plier tightening stuff i'm just taking i'm pulling it tight by hand and i'm just giving it a few wraps around the tree around itself and i'll uh i'll zoom in on this after but you can see this creates a swivel point on the tree which is good now by giving it a little push down it tightens it up and then you could set your snare coil there your wire and all we're gonna do is weave this snare in okay now this system is set you can you can dress these up if a guy's worried about it you can take and you can sub grass you can shove just to hide this and camouflage um there's there's lots of different ways a guy can just disguise this up just a matter of shoving them in the coils if your snare loop is too is too big now we're able to just pull that tail back out right we can shrink it up we can set that make that snare fit that spot okay so this kind of adds a there's lots of different ways that we can we can use this system but you can see the spring hangs off to the side and it's obviously set a little bit uh a little bit high here but you can just readjust and and off to the races now the end of the season or you got a coyote just a matter you just gotta unweave the snare you can grab another snare leave it in this is one with an a1 spring on it so it's just just a just a weaving action this is 564 1x19 cable we've got 1 16 and we've got 332nd but you can see how fast that is this set if you've got a coyote cut the cable pull strap the washers in my pocket and and we're out the door um on to the next now you can see all right so so on this side what i'm gonna do i'll set this down so this gives us lots of lots of room and this pulls around and moves on the tree and that is ideal because there's a swing back out of the way if they're not laying dead on the trail for you so another thing again i'm always tying or anchoring as short as i can on the on the tail end and what i'm calling the tail end is the opposite end of the wire from the coil so on this tree here i'm gonna go as short as i can i'm gonna give this a couple of quick hand wraps no pliers because if we play or tightness right at the end here where it's been plier tightened it's just going to cause a friction point because it it can't move on the tree and and you're going to end up having it likely have that wire break off so so you can see with this one here our snare like we're too long so in a situation like this i would i just wrap it around the tree i shorten that up we get things set twisted into place there and if you got to go two or three times around the tree so be it but the whole point of this is getting this snare sitting where you want it and there it's sitting all these snares you're going to see a little bit of glare and stuff in the off the washers and that i haven't treated haven't done anything with these you just we just built them and brought them out here for this um a lot of the components with this black cable i don't have to use uh baking soda or anything on those so i might even i've been actually if i'm going to boil them i'll pre-boil all my parts and then just assemble from there um again i'm dealing with with prairie dogs not bush dogs so i get away with a little bit of different uh application here now again this snare is too big it's just a matter of pulling that out and when those get caught it just comes down and the nice part about these kef locks when they come down and that cable kinks over as it locks we're not we're not getting that cable slip and that's where this system is really shined now you can see this this is i mean it's loose on the tree here so if if you want to tighten it up leave your snare out right i mean if you want to weave it up through itself but you can do many different things with these wires but again if you're running those bait stations you know same spot year after year you've got you've got options and what to do here now that you know it doesn't get much simpler than that the speed is there it's a fast system and i it it's been been very effective so have a look at it if you've got questions please email us or contact us lights outstaring at um we uh we do have a little bit of a facebook page and and we're we've got our youtube channel but i just i really wanted to emphasize how we're anchoring these and showing guys not not to play our titan we were you know explaining that that pivot point on the tree it it acts as another swivel there's a really you as the cable flows through here we've got uh you know a nice swivel action there the uh the other thing we can do here if uh just give me one second i will show you what these look like everything blends into the grass pretty good here okay so let's run these forward i'm just going to take this another thing with these new setting pliers that we can do is we can actually take and bend this uh bend this wire forward with them and uh it's kind of a handy little feature too so what we're going to do is we're going to weave this through and show you what the whammy looks like on here so weave this through now the snare that i've got here it's got it's extra long but we've got uh i've got a double ferrule on the end and it's just um if you're worried about those single stops slipping it's it's another way of doing these ends so i use these little coiled uh snare support wires okay so there's that how that looks now when this gets caught things get tugging and pulling that's the collar support comes off and that snare is going to come tight now they've got lots of room here we're going to pivot on the tree we're going to pull off of the trail and in short order those carotid arteries should be closed up and pinched off and and where animals should be expired again check us out if you've got more questions you want to see you know up close videos i can do up an up close one on what these coils what it looks like on this tree and really focus in on that for you but i just i can't stress it enough when a guy is uh putting them on the tree just to make sure that we've you know we've got these these swivels here and uh things are tucked in hiding and out of the way and and yeah we can dress this stuff up that's the nice part about these coils is we can press branches and stuff into them and and really utilize them and make them beneficial to uh for what we're doing here and it's just you know reset and and reuse and and if this wire is buggered up on this end and you don't want to reuse that cut it off throw a new chunk of number nine on there with an eighth inch double ferrule and and utilize those coils it's uh it doesn't have to be a one time use and and just uh yeah run with it and have fun lights out sneering thanks guys
Channel: Lights out snaring
Views: 210
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Id: Xcx6MKBpMjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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