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hi everyone dr melissa here and today we're going over snapping hip syndrome treatment for that clicking and snapping that you're having in your hip if you're new around here don't forget to hit that subscribe button so that you don't miss out on new stuff and two things that you're going to want to grab before we get started if you have a yoga block or a tennis and lacrosse ball no worries if you don't still get you covered all right go grab those mats and let's do this let's get rid of that snapping clicking feeling that you're having in your hip and i'll explain as we go along the way but basically we're going to work on getting mobility in our hips and then we're going to work on getting stability around the hip joint and then working on our core system because these can be the two reason as to why you're feeling that snapping and clicking let's get started we're gonna come to a seated position and i want you to take that right foot bring your right foot straight out in front of you then that left knee is going to be back behind you so the sole of your right foot is in line with that left thigh try to get those sit bones nice and even we're pressing our knees down in towards the ground we're going to turn to face over that right knee hinge at your hips try to keep that back nice and flat until you feel a stretch in the outside of the hip keep pushing that left knee down into the ground and then you're going to lift pull yourself come up and back a little lean backwards you might feel more of the stretch in that left hip we're gonna lean rotate forward over that right thigh until you feel a little stretch and then pressing into the knees take the hands behind open through the chest good one more time like that and then we're going to add on hinge forward press those knees down and then you're going to lean backwards take those hands this time when we lean forward over that right knee we're going to shift the weight forward take that left foot step your left foot in front right knee stays on the ground tuck your right hip underneath rib cage stays stacked drive that left knee in front so you feel a little stretch in the front of that right thigh now we're going right back to where we came from so take the left leg sweep that left leg back behind lower those hips down hinge forward over the thigh and then you're going to lean backwards open up through that chest you're going to hinge forward again and then you're going to keep pressing into the knee take that left foot sweep the left foot in front tuck that hip underneath drop the rib cage drive your left knee forward over that thigh nice gentle breath in exhale we're going to take that leg step the leg back drop those hips come all the way down hinge forward over the front thigh press lift up take those hands back behind one more time through as you come forward lift come all the way up take the left foot sweep that left foot in front tuck the hips underneath maybe the left knee sneaks a little bit further in front and you're noticing how this side is moving because we're about to head over towards the other side take that left leg step your left leg back slowly drop all the way down and then we'll switch over towards the other side so that left shin comes in front the left foot is in line with that right thigh try to get your sit bones nice and even cleaning up you might notice the difference between the two sides keep pressing those knees down in towards the ground we're gonna hinge forward over that left thigh nice gentle breath in and then take those hands bring your hands back behind you open through the chest and then hinge right forward over again as you're hinging remember that right knee we're pushing it down and towards the ground notice where you're feeling the stretch in your hip and then we're going to bring it back behind us press down into those knees this time as we hinge forward we're going to take that right leg sweep your right leg in front tuck that left hip underneath rib cage is dropped drive the right knee forward feeling that stretch in the front of your left hip notice how it feels left side right side with that stretch we'll take the right leg we're going right back to where we came from so slowly use that control step it back down hinge forward over that left leg pull yourself come back up those hands come behind press those knees down in towards the ground and then we hinge forward again as you press into those knees lift come all the way up right foot comes in front tuck the tailbone drop that rib cage lean forward nice stretch using the breath we're connecting with the breath maybe the exhales you can start to see lower abdominal activation one more time through step that leg back keep pressing into those knees we fold forward and you can play around with your breath blowing out through a stop bra or like you're blowing candles out maybe might change how you're feeling that lower abdominal sweep that right foot in front tuck the left hip drive that knee forward drop that rib cage down press into the top of your left foot feel a nice stretch and then we're gonna step it back awesome job now we're gonna come up onto our hands and knees coming into that tabletop position so you're pressing into your palms laying thinning through the crown of your head we've got that neutral pelvis we're going to start on our left side take your left knee and this if you feel that little popping that clicking i want you to play around with your exhaling a little bit more breath is so powerful when it comes to our core stability exhale bring that knee in towards your chest left knee comes in slowly bring it out to that outside peel that hip open draw a really really big circle that knee starts to face back down towards the ground and bring that knee back in one more time drive your knee in towards your chest bring it out towards the side rotate the knee towards the sky and then slowly bring the knee back down towards the ground now we're going to two times opposite direction so we start kicking backwards drive the leg back heel goes towards the ceiling peel that hip open bring your knee in towards your chest slowly bring that leg back down and again drive that leg back slow control and you're noticing how far that hip is moving where you might feel it get a little sticky good and then place it back down and we're going to switch to the other side that neutral pelvis exhaling lower abdominals play around with emphasizing the exhale a little more we're going to bring right knee in toward your chest so control bring that leg out towards the side rotate the hip up and then bring that knee back in one more time bring that leg out to the outside how does this side feel compared to your other is it easier to control do you have more range of motion now we're going the opposite direction kick that leg straight back drive the heel up rotate that hip open bring that knee in towards your chest good one more time kick the leg back drive that knee up rotate heel your hip open and then bring that leg back down that was just working on our mobility in our hips noticing difference left side right side now we're going to grab hold of that tennis or lacrosse ball that you have we're going to work on a muscle it's called your tfl it sits you find that bone right in front of your pelvis bring the ball just to the outside of that leg we're gonna roll that tfl muscle starting with our left side so come down onto that side so what can happen i'm going to distract you sometimes it can be a little tender you'll know when you find that spot you might have to roll forward or roll backwards a little bit more what happens are t-bands can get really really tight because the muscle tfl on the top here the outside part of your quad and then your glutes they all attach onto that it band if you don't have this stability in your glutes or that core system isn't quite working why we've been talking about the exhale these muscles are going to tighten up on you and that can pull on the it band and why you're getting that snapping on the hip so it's loosening up some of those muscles working on the mobility in the hip joint and then you got to stabilize because you got to fix that problem and with the rolling 30 to 60 seconds each spot if this feels pretty good you want to add on a little bit maybe you lift up that bottom leg but you're breathing into it just easing in good we'll take one more breath here and then we're going to roll on to the other side the other muscles that i mentioned that outside of your quad or your glutes i'll put a link up there to another video that can show you some rolling techniques for those and you can see which one makes the biggest impact all right same thing so we find the bone in front of our pelvis take the ball an inch or two to the side that's your tfl you're gonna roll down on that side and one side might be a little tighter than the other might be a piece of cake laying here you want to start lifting that leg up and down you're easing into it you're breathing you definitely want to stay within that 30 to 60 seconds because you can over hydrate those tissues and just make them stiffer nice gentle breath in exhale let it go good maybe you wiggle up or down just finding that spot good and then we're gently going to come off that ball that probably feels really good move that off to the side and then we're gonna come back down onto our right side working on getting that core system working like we wanted to so that our hips aren't looking for stability like that we wanna make sure we're pressing down into our right forearm we're going to work on lifting and lengthening up through that right side body rib cage stays slightly drop down you're going to take your left leg extend your left leg straight back left arm is going to come up overhead pressing those hips lifting up nice gentle breath into the ribcage and then we're going to exhale bring elbow back behind you like a rope and bring your left knee toward your chest inhale exhale inhale and you're exhaling kick that left heel back behind you drive your left arm up overhead nice gentle breath in you want to feel that lower abdominal area kicking on that's with that exhale when you exhale your diaphragm is coming back up and it's pulling on your lower abdominal pelvic floor muscles working that core system good we've got five four three two last one drive that leg back behind we're going to flip up and over to that left hand side same thing on the left hand side pressing into that left forearm nice gentle breath in you're going to keep reaching through that right heel exhaling we want to feel lower abdominals play around with rolling that hip forward and backwards right arm reaches up overhead you're pressing lift those hips up nice gentle breath exhale and then you're gonna inhale reach overhead exhale and inhale if you're noticing that that hip might snap with this exercise play around with the exhale maybe don't bring that knee quite as far in toward your chest you're pressing into your left arm use that breath good elbow to knee reach overhead good you want to learn more about two building that strong core i'll put some links up there that goes more in depth with this here we've got three two last one nice breath in and then you're gonna come all the way up no two options here we're going to work on stabilizing those glutes so you can come down onto your hands you can also come down onto your forearms we want to keep that head lifting up and back and then we're going to take our left leg keep your left knee bent hips stay facing the ground press into those palms or your forearms and you're going to drive your heel lift it up and then bring it back down bring it up and then bring it back down very slow and controlled you want to feel it in that sit bone area keep the hips nice and even press into the top of that right foot drive your left heel up towards the ceiling you're going to notice how one side feels compared to the next hope those glutes aren't firing that's where we're looking for the extra stability around that hip your it a t band area and then the other one is that hip flexor muscle that we stretched in the beginning that hip flexor your iliopsoas can become tight and snapping over something especially if you're doing those abdominal exercises where you lower your legs and it comes back to the core system and using your breath good we've got three two last one and then we're going to switch to the other side that right leg goes back drive your heel lift up and then back down just comparing those two sides one side might feel like it's a little easier than the other definitely know i have a lot more control on this side you want to be careful you're not feeling it into your back and arching the back just drive that heel up and back down keep pressing into those palms keep those heads lifted [Music] exhale lower abdominals [Music] good five four three two last one and come all the way back down all right we've got one more that's going to combine everything so if you've got that yoga block go ahead and grab that and if you don't know worries you're going to do the same movements that we're working on so when we're in standing you want to get that alignment so we're dropping that rib cage slightly in from that ankle and you're going to press into your left foot squeeze your left glute we're holding on to this block we're going to have a slight little bend in your left knee as we kick hinge forward bring the block drop the block to the inside of that left foot reach your right leg back behind you and then pull yourself come back up so the right leg is going to go off on a diagonal we're going to rotate to the right hand side hinging at your hips spread your toes reach that right leg off to the side and then inhale come back up we're working on our core system we're working on our hip stability our glutes hinge at the hips maybe you only go halfway down maybe you're holding on to something as you're moving in and out of this movement three more times slow controlled kick it back hinge at those hips as this gets easier maybe you trade the block out for a dumbbell or a weight rotate awesome last one maybe you feel that lefooty good use the breath exhale reach through that right leg and then come all the way back up just shake it out on that left side now we're gonna do the same thing on the right side we've got the lean drop the rib cage spread your toes we're gonna rotate to the left the left leg heads over towards the right hand side inhale slow controlled bring it back up exhale hinge it over inhale lift up exhale hinge compare how does your balance feel on this side can you activate your glutes how does the core feel maybe you need to emphasize that breath a little bit more good three spread your toes two [Music] last one awesome place that left foot back down maybe you shake it out let's just take one last nice breath in lift all the way up spread those toes bring those hands down towards heart center remembering it's about your mobility and your stability having those two work together and making sure we have a nice strong core awesome job all right awesome work working on that mobility and stability both in your hip and your core system if you're wanting to learn more about how to build a strong core check out the link down below and i would love to know in the comments down below what you'd like to see in another video because i make these videos for you alright until next time namaste
Channel: Dr. Melissa Oleson
Views: 7,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: msunn yoga wellness, melissa oleson, physiotherapy, yoga, low back pain relief, hip pain relief, How to Stop Snapping for Good, snapping hip syndrome treatment, snapping hip syndrome exercises, snapping hip, snapping hip syndrome, hip mobility, clicking hip, hip stability, hip strengthening exercises, strong core and pelvic floor, iliopsoas, psoas pain, dancers hip, hip tendonitis, psoas stretch, hip pain stretches, hip pain
Id: a_BbwpJn3fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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