Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 - All The Launch Details

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hey there my name is gary sims and this is gary explains now qualcomm is holding its annual snapdragon tech summit and there are some big announcements coming out and today's big announcement is about the new snapdragon flagship processor that we'll find in premium phones in 2022 and what's really interesting is there's a whole new naming scheme now so if you want to find out more please let me explain so if you've been following the history of snapdragon processors you know that they are divided into different tiers the 800 series the 700 series the 600 series the 400 series where the 800 series is the kind of the premium flagship end and then you kind of got premium mainstream mid-range and then kind of low range and there are a whole bunch of different processors available inside those different tiers and each year around about this time we get a new snapdragon 800 series processor so you know we've had the snapdragon 845 the 855 the 865 then we had the 888 and then i suppose we were this year we're expecting the the 898 or the 890 something like that in fact snapdragon have gone with a new naming scheme where now we don't have the 800 series we have the eight series we don't have the 700 series we have the seven series and so on and the new process they have announced is the snapdragon 8 gen 1. so generation one first version of the series eight now it'll be interesting to see how qualcomm handle the naming of the other processing the seven series and the six series because they're not always obviously gen one or gen two so really interesting to see what they come out i suspect we're going to see some plus signs and some x's and things like that that will appear in the naming to kind of differentiate between different processes in the range but today we'll be talking about the snapdragon 8 gen 1. so let's start with the basics this is a system on a chip so you've got cpu gpu ai image processing 5g modem all on one chip and it's built on a 4 nanometer process from samsung now when we look at the cpu what have we got is we've got an octa-core setup we've got one cortex x2 from arm clocked at three gigahertz we've got three cortex a 710s clocked at 2.5 gigahertz and we've got four power efficiency cores are clocked at 1.8 gigahertz that's the cortex a510 now all of those are arm v9 so this is qualcomm moving over to arm v9 as we'd expect because that is what uh arm has done in its latest generation of chips if you want to find out more about the x2 the a710 the a510 then please do check out the other videos that i have here on this channel that i uh released when they were initially announced and so we have that one plus three plus four set up here as we'd expected you've got the cortex x2 that's the ultra performance core that you've got at the high end just one of them clocked at the highest clock frequency then backing up you've got three high performance cores as they call its a710s go to 2.5 gigahertz and then for the power efficiency stuff when the phone's not doing very much then you can switch over to those power efficiency causes the cortex a510s clocked at 1.8 gigahertz so one plus three plus four no surprises there and so call cormar saying that the new snapdragon 8 gen 1 will be 20 faster in terms of cpu compared to the snapdragon 888 and it will be 30 percent more power efficient now it'll be interesting to see what the actual benchmarks are when they come out the difference between single threaded multi-threaded and so on also with the power efficiency the battery life but we'll see that when we actually have devices coming out in the first part of next year now one interesting side effect of the new naming is that core comma no longer supplying numbers about the cryo cpu and the adreno gpu so before we might have had you know the cryo 490 or something or the adreno 650 and we kind of could kind of work out what the different cpu and gpu configurations while relative to their numbering so a chip lower down in the series would have a lower number the adreno 618 for example we could kind of see the relative performance now they're no longer supplying that it's just the cryo cpu that you get in the snapdragon 8 gen 1 it's just the adreno gpu that you get in the snapdragon 8 gen 1. now i guess they're doing that because that's the kind of thing that apple do apple don't give their cpus particularly any fancy names or their gpus any particular fancy names however apple don't make that many processors you basically get the processor that you got in the iphone and then you've got the processor that you get in the max and so it's the m1 the m1 pro then one max and all they do is that when there's a difference there they tell you there's a difference in the gpu course so they are giving us this kind of relative thing you know there are this many gpu calls compared to this many gpu cores and at the moment qualcomm aren't giving us that kind of information so it'll be interesting to see when there are variations coming out when there are ones in the different tiers when the next gen comes out are we going to differentiate between them based on this kind of more detailed information at the moment we're not now talking of the gpu qualcomm say this is a re-architected qualcomm adreno gpu that's kind of code words for it's the next generation they've done some plumbing on the inside they've tried to uh make it better so that's what we're expecting a new gpu and it includes a 30 graphics boost while being 25 percent better energy efficient so that's uh there's some good numbers there 30 better graphics 25 percent less power used and there's lots and lots of features available inside of these gpus built on what they already have in the other uh series of the adreno gpus uh for example you get hardware accelerated h.265 and v9 decoding and then there's a whole bunch of extra features they also have which is the snapdragon elite gaming which brings a whole way of doing extra things to really bring out that extra stuff for example like um volumatic rendering or variable rate shading that kind of stuff that you can get inside of the the gpu that's the kind of things that the game programmers really want to understand and there's now also the adreno control panel which is something you can kind of play around with on android to kind of set some of the features of the of the gpu while you're playing games moving on from the gpu uh qualcomm are really keen to underline they've made some huge changes to the isp to the image signal process that's the thing that connects to the camera collectively now it's all called snapdragon sight so what you've got an 18 bit image signal processor that's up from 14 bit that you had in the snapdragon 888 so those extra bits allow you to have an extra four stops of dynamic range and you've also got 3.2 gigapixels per second that this thing can process that's a huge amount of bandwidth and then you've got an 18-bit raw export feature so you can actually take photos and export them in that 18-bit raw format other things murth winston on the way you've got 240 frames per second for 12 mega pixel pictures so that's really really high uh frame rates there you've got the ability to shoot 8k in hdr at 30 frames a second and while you're recording 8k hdr you can actually even take a 64 megapixel uh picture simultaneously and you've got a dedicated bokeh engine now for 4k video capture so 4k video capture and there's hardware to actually do the bokeh in the background or replace the background whatever you want to do and they've also used some of their iai technology inside of the camera so for example there's ai based facial recognition with over 300 facial landmarks and you've also got things like auto exposure auto focus and as i said auto face detection all powered by various neural nets and then talking of ai uh qualcomm have doubled the tensor accelerator tensor's a fancy word for talking about how you kind of do the matrix multiplications bit more complicated than that but it's basically the matrix complications that go on inside of neural net and it's 1.7 times more power efficient now qualcomm therefore say that if you take in the new hardware improvements and you take a bottom of their new software improvements you can actually get a four times greater ai performance and certain circumstances using the snapdragon 8 gen 1. and overall they say this is now called the 7th generation ai engine and for those that do deal with some of the more technical stuff the sdk now supports 8-bit integers and 16-bit integers in a mixed precision environment a few more miscellaneous things to mention there's support for wi-fi 6 and wi-fi 6e which means it will support 2.4 gigahertz 5 gigahertz and 6 gigahertz with channel widths up to 160 megahertz and if you understand what all that lot means if you don't know that i do have several videos here on this channel about wi-fi and all those different terminology check out my wi-fi playlist there's also port for bluetooth low energy audio so bluetooth le audio including the ability to do audio broadcasting and recording in stereo as well as back channel for voices which is useful for gaming when you're using a bluetooth low audio equipment quick charge 5 support for lpddr5 ram up to 3.2 gigahertz and there is also support for up to 16 gigabytes of ram on board and usb 3.1 with a usb type-c connector so in closing what else can we say we've got the latest gen or 5g modem up to 10 gigabits per second you've got uplink carrier aggregation of course you've got millimeter wave and sub 6 standalone you've got this boost in the cpu and gpu we mentioned four nanometer process from samsung snapdragon sound including uh bluetooth le audio you've got this boost in the adreno they're saying that you get a 60 performance increase when you're using the vulcan api compared to previous generations and then of course the big changes here with the camera 18 bit uh isp 3.2 gigapixels per second and h 8k hdr video recording and when you sum that all up together we call that now the snapdragon 8 gen 1. so there you have it that is the qualcomm's offering for the flagship devices that we're going to be seeing in 2022 i really like to hear in the comments below what you think about this and what do you think about its rivals that are available from let's say mediatek what are you expecting from samsung with the exynos and do you think this can even compete with the apple's offerings tell me down in the comments below my name is gary sims this is gary explains if you did enjoy this video please do give it a thumbs up also if you like these kind of videos why not stick around by subscribing to the channel also don't forget you can follow me on twitter at gary explains and i also have a newsletter go to gary type in your email address you won't get any spam but you will get the newsletter okay that's it i'll see in the next one [Music] foreign 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Channel: Gary Explains
Views: 46,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gary Explains, Tech, Explanation, Tutorial, Qualcomm, Snapdragon, SoC, Snapdragon 8, Snapdragon 8 Gen 1, Cortex-X2, Cortex-A710, Cortex-A510, Adreno, Adreno GPU, Snapdragon Elite Gaming, 18-bit ISP, 8K HDR, 8K video, 8K HDR video, LPDDR5, Armv9, Snapdragon 898, Qualcomm Snapdragon 898
Id: 7gXkse-yohg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 30 2021
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