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what's happened in YouTube thanks for tuning back into the channel today right here with the Rust Belt mechanic so if you've been paying attention to the channel the biggest Centrepointe in the biggest video on the channel has got to be my epic toolbox tour toolbox tour this big bad 84-inch epic you see here in the background and it's in the background of a lot of my videos so viewer questions on this one is very high so today we're going to be answering your viewer questions about the toolbox and the setup that we have right here [Music] earlier on Instagram I asked everybody to be able to put in all of the questions they have so I can get everything out and get everything answered for you guys just as they have come in so question number one from today was why the epic was it for the echo locks or what originally I chose this one because of the space honestly the depth of the drawers compared to my classic box that I had prior to this the master series it was a lot different had quite a bit more space I wanted a second Locker and to be honest I really like the epic series a lot more the biggest difference is gonna be the drawer fronts my master series box that I had the drawer fronts were always always dirty I had to dust those literally every other day in this shop that I work in it's a very dirty environment and I don't like having my big expensive investment all kinds of dirty sitting here in the background so I was dusting it all the time and the epic series with the front drawers that they have they don't have any big lips sticking out for all that dust to sit on so there's a lot less cleaning and dusting required when it comes to that area of it so that was probably one of the big reasons why I did it the other reason was I really was honestly tired of the blue toolbox I really wanted something different something fresh and I was just looking for getting something in the epic line because I just love the look a lot more the epic cabinets are a lot bigger compared to the master series on top of that the fact that they have the power drawers built into them at the time that wasn't an option for any of the master series so having all of that power extra inside of those cabinets the drawers were a lot nicer I love the fluid motion of the handles to him rather than the slotted the side click locks and the slides yeah just a personal preference on that one but you can tell I mean this collar combination what would be better than flat black of this blue this thing is just killer the second question that we had is about the PC you guys see that one there in the background all the time the monitor set up so let's go have a look closer in at the monitor and PC setup again that I have here in the tool box here for a monitor we have the Roku it's just a 26 inch smart TV very simple I didn't go with any kind of fancy monitors or anything like that just because this one fit so absolutely well in the back of the hutch area I have a Bluetooth set right here the Logitech keyboard and mouse combo we went with that one and then how will that one connects into the PC I actually have a multi USB port going from the PC which we'll look at here in a second around the box and two right here so if I ever need to get to anything or plug any kind of USB ports into the computer I have this multiplex USB port right here now everybody always ask how do you mount this thing how do you mount that it's actually really redneck and stupor dumb down so on the back of the TV we've got two bolts popping out from the back which normally has the mounting holes and then some mechanics wire rounded between those two bolts and those two hooks then grab on to that mechanics wire so pretty simple kind of redneck but it's there it works then over into the cabinet here this is the heart of the situation in all it is it's nothing too fancy it is a dell optiplex 3050 so this one has a core i3 seventh gen processor pretty nice pretty easy as you can see it's probably about eight inches in height and only about two inches in width right they're about the same depth about 8 inches or so in depth it's got plenty of inputs that are needed for it the two USB port inputs one goes to that multiplex port right there and then the other one is gonna have to be for the Wi-Fi extender because here in this big ole tin cabinet you obviously do not get any Wi-Fi so we've got up to the top right there a bros trend Wi-Fi the miser so the antenna for that is going to be able to reach all the Wi-Fi that we need here in the shop because without it here inside the box you get no Wi-Fi no signal at all like I said pretty easy setup pretty nice pretty simple I like the cleanliness of it and it just works next question that we have on the list comes in from Instagram and it asked about the lights what kind of lights do I have are they the snap-on or are they something different how are they turned on in side the hutch the cabinet will check a look at those lights in here inside of the hutch are the snap-on set you can see that it is the full 4 LED panel all the way down along with the switched input from the hutch door when you see when we pull it away it turns it off the little magnetic strip comes closer to it and it turns it back on received in through the little box right there same general thing in for the cabinets when you open them the lights come on and it is activated by the little magnet and the receiver right here you kind of close it and the lights go out just like that on both sides lights all the way across the front strip and they are very bright I like those they turned out really nice now those snap-on ones they are kind of pricey but you know what they work well they worked the best with this specific setup and I like them a lot next question we have coming in on the list mechanic surefire Ryan asked if you could change anything about the setup on your box when you ordered it what would it be so if you watched my video on originally going on to the snap on rock and roll cab Express that is when I first had the idea that I really wanted one of these boxes when I looked at it I priced up two different options one was the stormtrooper look white tool box black trim I think the tuxedo stormtrooper look is just killer and I kind of liked that one too however how I did this specific box with the flat black in the with blue trim I really like that one even more so I wouldn't change anything with the color the actual sizing was exactly what I needed for the budget that I had at the time which is a big thing that newer technicians don't really take into account when they're ordering these new boxes they don't take into the account that oh you know we might have some slower times coming up can i really afford this box so this is what I could afford the old box that I had was all paid off at the time so it made sense and it worked out for me I got me some more room side lockers and everything so we'll look and see what is coming up in the future who knows we may even have to add to this one here in the next year or so to this next question I get quite often in how I clean my box so this one is a flat black toolbox and you cannot use the standard material finishes the waxes the cleaners that a lot of the other boxes take this one you have to use a little bit something special something that doesn't have any kind of residue that is left on the toolbox before the flat finished usually I switch between two products first would be Windex Windex is cheap easy quick and easy to use and it sprays on really nice doesn't leave very much residue at all and you know if you seem to rub it in really good and wipe it until it all evaporates away don't leave any on to evaporate by itself then it all comes out very nice streak free shine eye or not shine but streak free at least but it works out really nice but the best stuff that I like to use is the snap-on matte finish cleaner this stuff works really great for the matte black on the paint of the toolbox as well as the stainless inside the hutch it works really well for that it doesn't leave any streaking at all this one leaves the absolute smallest amount of anything on the toolbox and it seems to just stay cleaner longer stuff doesn't stick to it very well it just seems a lot more smooth across the finish pretty easy as well this one usually cost me about 10 to 12 bucks right around there on the snap-on truck and I go through one of these bottles I don't know once every two three months or so so not really that big of a price jump on having to use that for a flat toolbox another viewers question that came in was what was the first toolbox that you had now I'm gonna go off of not the first toolbox that I ever had at my garage when I was a teenager but when I first started into the industry when I first started in I was going to Sinclair Community College in Dayton Ohio and we got some really good student discounts through the snap-on SCP program so the very first box that I ended up getting was a 40 inch roll cab done in orange and no top to it it was what I could afford a time I got that and the $2,400 student tool set which pretty much filled that box up halfway I had that one for about the first year of school and then that one was full well with all of those tools my craftsman Sears tools stuff that I got from Harbor Freight as well as some of the snap-on SCP program tools then I ended up upgrading to a 54 inch blue snap-on double bank roll cab and I had that one for the next couple of years after that it went up from there upgraded to the blue master series that you saw earlier on the channel and then to my big boy epic which I wouldn't trade anything for it I was able to afford each lines of those boxes as I went through not purchasing another box until the one was at least paid off I was never in real debt because of it and I absolutely like staying that way don't like oh and snap-on guy very much money at all especially when it comes to finance charges now for the last and final question that I receive most often across every single social media platform is how much in debt are you over that stupid box the big box it doesn't make a technician the tools in the box do you don't need a box that big you know what I'm going to tell everybody exactly how much I paid for this box so normal MSRP on this whole setup which is the box the top riser the two side cabinets the power top and even this cart I got at the same time MSRP on all of that put together is right around 35 thousand dollars alright thirty five thousand dollars they ended up giving me a trade-in on my old box which was fully paid off twenty thousand dollars is what they gave me for that tool box on trade no tools with it nothing like that just the Box they took it in it was in pristine condition because I keep it just as clean as this one traded that one in at the time snap-on always does some kind of marketing thing through their their programs and you had five thousand dollars off if you use snap-on credit all you had to do was finance a certain amount and that was easy this box the MSRP which is what it normally was for made that work and they gave me five thousand dollars off just for using that service so that knocked it down even more now because I actually got the promo price from one of the reps that was on the snap-on rock-and-roll cab expressed when I had it there that day those kind of reps are more of the snap-on higher-ups they're from corporate level instead of being just the normal local distributors for snap-on those local franchisees they can't give you quite as big of a discount as what some of the higher ups snap-on reps can do so because of that rep was able to get me a hell of a good deal on this model coming through and coming out we were able to change the trim on a very late process of the order actually the original order went in with black with black trim so they got that changed anyways I digress back from my rant they ended up giving me an extra five thousand dollars off so that was an additional ten thousand dollars off just in rebates from them so after all was said and done I ended up owing just a little hair over five thousand dollars on the difference from my old toolbox to this all brand new set up for this one and this cart altogether which i think is one hell of a good deal I ended up paying that one off really quick and it was nothing to me to be able to handle that one I definitely a proponent to teaching these younger guys who are coming into the system that you do not need to be going after the big fish in these giant boxes right off the bat you need to stay in your price range of what I can afford and me personally five thousand bucks for a box like this it's nothing I absolutely love this box I love the fact that it has echo locks I love the color scheme that I ended up going with and you know what it's my freaking money I can spend it how I want to I know it doesn't make me a better technician to have a toolbox like this but you know what I can afford it I can pay for exactly what I want to this is what I wanted this is what I like you guys don't like it I guess too bad for you well that's about all the viewers questions that I have for today now down in the comments below let's hear a little bit of your guys's input whether you like to see tool boxes like this one whether you like to see whatever kind of organization methods were from each others and then also let me know what kind of toolboxes you guys started off with when you first started in the industry as well give some of those newer Tech's some ideas on where to start things out now it's going to be up to you guys to be able to evolve in the careers that you have to be able to get up to toolboxes or tools collections as you guys see right here it's all up to you guys don't put yourself in too much debt over things like this because as most people say the toolbox does not make the technician it's just an accessory that looks good in the background it's about all the information I have for you guys today make sure you guys go over and check out ww2 head's crate comm it's our monthly subscription service from myself and junior c-54 monthly subscription service for you guys the two lovers the technicians all alike if you like tools tips merchandise coupon codes even more tools that's the kind of stuff that we're putting out in these boxes $34.99 a month plus exact shipping we're not the ones who are gonna be gouging on shipping cheap box better stuff tool head's crate that's what we go for go ahead and check those out waiting on the stupid pump because it all it does you thanks for tuning in tonight guys make sure you hit that thumbs up button turn on that Bell notification so you get notified when I come out with cool awesome content just like this one if you guys have any other questions make sure to leave those in the comments below or you can get ahold of me through my email or message me over on Instagram if you haven't followed my Instagram page I put out new updates from the channel here at the shop with the Duramax all the time make sure you check that one out thanks again everybody and as always you guys stay awesome [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rustbelt Mechanic
Views: 42,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snapon, snap-on, snap on, toolbox, tool box, tour, toolbox tour, mechanic, tool, tools, new, computer, dell, optiplex 3050, wifi, wireless, mac, matco, roku, tv, monitor, rustbelt, rust belt, rustbelt mechanic, sp, sp tools, question, q&a, lights, lighting, light, toolheadz crate, toolheadz
Id: Qw6o7l5fNig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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