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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing smolder the new dragon ADC champ released on PBE here's his control one Haun got a cool little walk fiery tail what's his dance spinny little dance his laugh all right and his abilities he has a passive hitting Champions with abilities and killing enemies with super scorcher breath grants a stack of dragon practice Stacks increase the damage of smolder basic abilities so okay all my abilities upgrade from Stacks Q smolder beles flame dealing damage do we see like an infinitely scaling I think it goes up to like a certain amount all right let's try his Q let's belch is it targeted oh it's like an auto attack I thought it was a skill shot I think is uh W's a skill shot a chew smolder lets out an adorable flaming sneeze dealing damage slowing hitting Champions cause an explosion okay okay so I think his Q is like a let me try this oh his Q is like a basically an auto attack it's like think of it as like an Annie Q you click on them it uses it but it's kind of like instant it's like an instant Auto they used to have abilities like that in leag but they kind of removed him vagar Q was like that all right should we uh chew him and then his e we take flight gaining move speed ignoring terrain and he attacks the lowest Health enemies so it's kind of like an auxon swing I'm guessing it's going to Auto attack stuff let's chew him wait how what's the range on this oh that goes pretty far o looks like it slows down as it goes or it slows down if it hits something can I use my Q to last hit stuff oh wait do I get a stack if if I I already don't remember what happened killing enemies with super oh okay I got to kill stuff with Q to stack Up's so I have to learn this champ while I'm playing it guys but don't worry I'll get it down so far pretty cool don't know what I'm going to build cuz the new items are out too I'm guessing he's very ability based it looks like so he's going to have Auto attack but weave in abilities I'm guessing quick blades might be good I kind of want to go if we're having Mana issues I might go Essence Reaver how much Mana does this Q use it doesn't use a ton so I guess I'll just keep last hitting with it cuz I took biscuits also I'm running press the attack presence in mind bloodline cut the grass boots and biscuits so I'll have good Mana good sustain we try and fly over a wall one stack one stack does he have AP ratios oh he does we'll do him AP next game guys so you want to see AP smolder I'm going to upload it on swag Zara's Channel after this one all right we're going to try our e fly over the wall oh that was kind of cool we got a kill yeah there's a there's a wall there's a gap here now the map is a lot different if you haven't seen and this map is going to be on the live servers like tomorrow so y'all better get you ready for it because I'm not even ready for it and I've played on PBE the game is about to change tomorrow League of Legends 2 comes out almost wait does my Q apply red buff it does it counts as an auto cuz I got a stack a PTA it didn't stack a PTA on my e though did it do I get extra saacks for Canon no his Alt is M smolder mom breeds fire from above okay oh it heals me if it hits me so it's kind of like a Pantheon alt is what I saw from the teaser I'm running out of Mana but I did use a lot of abilities okay so how much upgrade have we gotten extra nine damage by stacking I don't see anywhere where it says it has a a cap of how many stacks I can get but I thought I saw somewhere 150 was the max or like 150 is for the upgrade oh here it is when we Hover Q Q 25 Stacks damages all enemies surrounding the target 125 sends two explosions behind the target 225 Stacks does Max he true damage okay so I think he's infinitely scaling that's really good for balance isn't it let's try and push and get out of here I actually like his kit so far this feels cool it's kind of like he plays kind of like Ezreal and MF where you use abilities but you also Auto attack and those are my favorite kind of adcs so let's go spend our money yeah I haven't even done anything yet but I already like his kit um shoot I kind of want to go Essence Reaver I'm going to go Essence Reaver because then I can infinitely stack and Essence Reaver proc off is Q so we'll do like Essence re quick blades there's no mythics anymore by the way guys so I can build whatever I want whenever I want but quick blades will give me more damage on abilities yeah we'll do quick blades full crit I probably won't throw in Blade of the ruin King I'll just go full damage this my W upgrade only my Q upgrades it looks like oops looks like my Q's AOE now cuz of the 25 I wonder do I get multiple Stacks so like now can I qu turrets let's see no you can't quue turrets let's see I'll get two minions really low next to each other and let's see if we can stack both of them an enemy has I think it works because I didn't get the stack from the one I queed but it got the stack on the minion next to it oh four Stacks I already figured him out let's go I love stacking Champs oh look where all my Mana went it's gone yeah we definitely need a Mana item on him if you're going to spam Q which is kind of a q spam champ okay o that's so cool that uh you can get multiple stacks for a q I'm going to deplete all my mana and then oh look at how big this bush is like mid lane is gigantic now look at Top Lane top Lane's gigantic and you can't go through here anymore like this big wall let's try and kill this guy I want to use my ALT I kind of forgot my about my ALT cuz I'm so obsessed with his Q now ow ow ow ow ow how far does this go see I mean should I send it it'll heal me that did no damage my e tickled him I thought he was dead there is he's not an execute is it no I got wrecked That's funny though the alt actually hit him and the AL did a lot of damage but then I eat in and it didn't do anything at least he died I think I'll be a lot stronger once I have Essence RAV I didn't have Mana to quue him I think after I went in I don't know what happened I'm coming I probably need boots also when I can get them you know what's crazy too when I was selecting my runes he's gone when I was selecting my runes you know how you can select like armor magic resus Health you can now select tenacity you can select move speed an ally has I wonder if adcs are going to be running like the move speed one to kite better it's saying Max W second this ability seems kind of bad I don't know en Dragon I'm a baby dragon did they fix his face I mean I I think they changed him but like I don't really think he looks that bad I don't know why everyone's complaining uh I almost flew out of it you it's fine I have a feeling I got to look at the AP ratio again really quick but I have a feeling his W damn this guy's beat me his W is going to be so good on AP cuz it it reminds me of like uh AP Koga e 6 65 no wait getting a champion okay so it does more of you a champion oh I got boots finally let's go um cool down boots are let's go attack speed this is dope I like this champ this the island another PR Island make sure if you guys are watching check if you're subscribed appreciate it if I can get a bunch of subscribers we're almost to a million we're like past halfway point so we're almost there right oh my God was I just playing this whole game zoomed in no way I see people okay that's happening to me every time I play on PB now too because like I'm not used to the map being this big so when I'm zoomed in I'm like all right that's how it looks all right so we have infinite Q's now Q has a 15% ratio so yeah I can definitely make AP smolder work oh what if my Q crits can my Q crit I have a feeling it can't crit uh oh they in in the river I'm coming damn this wait this goes really far but it's it's kind of slow this bush is weird I don't know what I just did I'm dead though the heck I almost got a atrox you at least I got one there um I think we'll go quick blade second and then like bloodthirst or third a kraken Slayer should work with his Q2 so Kraken Slayer wouldn't be bad cuz like I remember MFS running Kraken Slayer or I could go static shiv even though they kind of gutted the item I go static shiv and wait can I get the I can fly over walls too by the way only for a short distance 1.5 seconds the enemy it scales with crit is that what that scaling is he gets more Autos with crits so they they want him to build crit for his e e doesn't have anything AP related ooh bunch of stacks I'm at 87 right now when do I get 125 I get the explosion I'm really excited to see the explosion oh nice we got the infernal Dragon I'm like a baby infernal Dragon what is that oh that's an Arrow I thought that was my like me I thought I shot something I was like what because it was like purple oh I don't know what to expect with this new season I don't know if I like it yet or not I'm really scared but I want to like it we'll have to see all I'm saying is like it's going to take people a while to figure out stuff there's a lot of changes I'm liking the essence reever on him though it doesn't show the uh damage it's done though I should be able to kite in hrock heer might be behind me what is the AL scaling oh Al oh yes I don't want to spoil it but man his Al going to do a lot of damage when I go AP I like feel like I'm playing vagar when I'm stacking up but it's like a mix of Ezreal [Music] too nice I think I got healed there from my mom by the way Al is he calls his mom that's what attack so if I call it Mom destroyed just know I'm talking about that I like him I don't have any attack speed I do even though I have attack speed boots I did let's see what I can fly over is it it's kind of like a cane but not as long I mean I I have Essence re and just attack speed boots I guess I was attacking decently fast I wonder I think PTA is actually better than uh running lethal Tempo though because he's more like a lethal Tempo is not going to increase your Q range and here's the Auto Range here's Q range they're the same range so if your Auto Range is going to be longer than your Q range that's going to be bad but maybe since The Q's kind of like an auto attack it will increase in range consider basic attack applies on it effects dis ability can only damage each Target once per cast damage is increased by 30% crit Critical Strike chances ability does 100 oh so quick blades is going to be really good cuz it's going to this ability already gets stronger from crit and quick blades increases it even more so I'm doing the right thing I think and quick blades is going to make it so I can q a lot faster so I won't need attack speed I need to go help my team I'm breeding too much I want this guy this guy's got a bounty to play where'd he go I think he's going for top wave where'd he go he gone okay I'm melting quick okay there's a big wave up there o got Herold too he can kill me though if he lands his Q oh I just got a bunch of stacks oh it's like shooting little explosions behind it I wonder how much damage those do how much do those do 75 5% of the ability damag cool I'm to beig oh six Stacks okay I like this champ how many stacks 142 we need to get to 225 do I have quick blades I have quick blades so the the items should be cheaper now too because there's no mythics they're not gated behind super items they kind of like nerfed every item that was a Mythic H they're still pretty expensive maybe they didn't reduce the cost all right I'm excited quick blades now means I get to spam my abilities more when I auto attack and my Q counts as an auto attack so that reduces The Q's cool down and everything else I call down mom yet Mom okay I don't know if it was just my damage that fight or everyone's but like it kind of took a lot of damage that fight how much uh free damage am I getting now Q's getting extra like 89 damage W's 80 E's 140 increases total damage I can just essentially Farm the whole W with Q now this is cool I really like it when they make a champion that's not like too over complex not looking at you ailos orever but um and not like two just like click one button oh you're dead like this guy an ally has should be easy to balance an ally has been slain he's cute and he's fun to play this is a W for Riot um I was going to fly over the wall but I have a bad feeling about that R your turret has been destroyed I haven't really been listening to his voice lines besides that last thing he just said but hopefully hopefully he's not as annoying as azreel oh that actually goes really really far I didn't think that oh God we I'm a dragon oh I'm going to need to run oh I I got pulled out of my flight by a Kate trap I think re aled me into a Kate trap or something oh what the hell oh yeah Baron pit has like three or four different pits now it changes the terrain d that guy's heing all right I think we go kind want to go armor pen cuz like I I wasn't really doing a ton of damage to Atron there but it is an Atron I'll get uh BT and then I'll get i'll get BT then I'll get a armor pen and then last item we'll just go I could get Kraken slay I don't really attack that fast but I do have a lot of AD and a lot of ad makes Kraken Slayer do more damage too but I want life steal I I don't have much sustain your team has destroyed I got to test if each Auto from the e resets the cool down on it cuz of quick blades do you see anything fun up there I really want the stacks give me cuz that do true damage Max Health true damage I don't think oh I just got what just came oh everybody after 20 minutes everybody on your team gets red and blue Buff when they die which is kind of insane got I thought he was like over here oh my ALT didn't go off I thought I wasted it what does he have thundered Sky first basic attack Champion crits oh that hurts that's pretty good item for him it looks like destroyed a turret an enemy has been SL that is like a perfect atro item yeah I'm going to need armor pen to kill the beefy Bruiser tanky guys I should try and just go for these two but they have three tanks so I definitely need armor after this but once I get that Max Health true damage on my Q oh it's a burn over 3 seconds enemy champ it's an execute this is a relian soul all over again dude it's a scaling execute it's at 6% right now it can go up it might be able to go up to like over 10% so I basically have Elder Dragon I am baby Elder Dragon I'm so hungry I beat a whole bunch of gr he eats grps oh they heal scales with ap too I need what 15 more Stacks hey Mom what are the fire he might be good in the jungle you get a lot of stacks his clear I mean his clear might be bad early though cuz he doesn't have what's it called can I like fly over the wall oh I can't use Q or W while I'm flying only Auto attacks I think if I can even Auto attack it might just only let me do the the automated Autos or whatever they are automated Auto attacks this I don't know what I just did I did something wait look I have execute he just died instantly thought they stole it for a second burn oh okay I was like so used to hitting atrox doing no damage and now it's deleting them so I have I have the execute now and it just keeps going apparently 7% so he is a uh scaling ADC infinitely scaling still does this hit turrets no does that mean I'm going to steal every kill press e since he has an execute he might actually just steal every kill later on cuz I have built in I actually have stronger than collector I've built in double collector go by uhoh uh she might actually live all right armor pen shut down we your team has dest looks like he changes as he upgrades were these things always flaming or is it just cuz I have move speed boost no I think the horns change with the upgrade Marino's family is huge compared to just me and my mom 52 Stacks grandmother lady but never know bro can I move hello I actually just got CCD for 5 seconds just from hear hitting me into a 2K traps or some wow I actually couldn't move we might lose Baron off that M do uh 711 and 924 if they're in the center what's the center one okay well that was rough I might need a qss I literally couldn't even move yeah they're on this check it bro blue buff Baron go steal it oh they're not even close I think they made Baron stronger I mean hopefully they made Baron stronger I don't remember how much HP Baron had oh Kindra doesn't have all try oh look at look at how what I'm hovering look at how far my ALT goes It goes almost to the baron pit oh they got a scary team fight if their H an ally has been can I just not get Perma heck Al at all game die die die nice the re Al didn't hit me that time fly over the wall haha she's going to burn to death there we go I did decent damage him does heck even have a doesn't really have any armor but he gets a ton from his W oh crit that an arrow that a vision wasn't it that's the arrow we just got to be careful of them grouped up cuz if I get cced I'm actually just dead his e isn't really good for getting away it's good for going over a wall but while you're in combat it's actually kind of rough cuz if you get hit or stunned while doing it you're just it just stops I think go kind of want to try Kraken Slayer I mean there are new ADC items aren't there actually look like there are any right here there's this thing but I can't build it X plate might be decent gives me I think a bunch of attack speed when I we might have to go save top but I want ocean soul the one about Kingdom ofs okay okay hold on is that my damage or I think that's my damage oh I got CC goodbye uh we're losing top but we should get dragon now got try and stop him your turret has been destroyed scared he might be waiting here still 300 Stacks Q executes at 9% 6 point does uh I don't think the max Health true damage scales up unless it was always I think it was always at 6.5% right I don't remember but yeah okay this Champion is not super hard though it seems like I've already figured him out on our first game which is nice cuz a lot of the new champs it takes me like two or three games to understand what I'm doing team destroyed Dr he never dude I can't move I can't move go over the wall I think it's just their Champions man I think my Burns doing a lot though oh my god dude I hurt sorry about that okay wonder if they see me flying through a wall dude that tickles okay come on I just scaled all game for that oh his sucks for damage I was hoping that it would do like half of her health she's squishy Caitlyn few levels five levels behind me and that tickled I'm excited to play him AP though I don't really like this fight I got two stacks even though I didn't even get an assist I just killed heer don't know what I did I don't know what I'm doing I'm just pressing q i Che q a yeah Charle giving uh 10% Max Health true damage execute on an ADC is is going to be great Riot that might be that's probably going to get nerfed I guarantee you they're going to Nerf his scaling just like aian Soul that's a lot of damage I mean it take it took me what like over 20 minutes to get those Stacks though but still we could uh try and end this outbe what is Shield like look at that that Q damage my Q is just chunking them for like look at that my you just be chunking them I should have flashed earlier oh dude my Q just killed him at like half HP almost 300 let's say almost 400 Stacks if we farm this your team destroyed an inhib want to see what 400 Stacks ises 399 we're getting extra 250 on Q 200 on W 352 on that 11% execute the true damage burn still stays the same I want to see my damage at the end of the game that was kind of crazy let me know what you guys think in the comments what I would should have built differently on him or what you think about him like how good he is I think he's pretty busted just by playing him for the that's my first time playing him I didn't even know what his abilities did before this by the way did 52k damage how much true damage look at that his picture is cogma on PB it's bugged hey K true damage much magic did less did more true damage than magic PTA did 1,800 I think PTA is decent maybe he'll end up running like Fleet or something else it was hard to get three Autos in the late game just cuz I'm just queuing for half their health but yeah like comment subscribe check out the zerth channel my second Channel I'll have another smolder game AP probably in a few hours after this goes up peace
Channel: TC Zwag
Views: 718,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tydAtxPmbr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 51sec (2031 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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