Smokie - The Greatest Hits of 40 Years (Full Album)
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Channel: Smokie
Views: 7,882,090
Rating: 4.6590042 out of 5
Keywords: Smokie, Rock, full album, full, album, living next door to alice, terry uttley, martin bullard, mike craft, steve pinnell, Mick Mcconnell, greatest hits, 40years, for a few dollars more, oh carol, my heart is true, wild angels, think about the night, it's your life, neeedles and pins, music, europe, classic rock, best, greatest, hits, 40 years, the greatest hits of 40 years, the greatest hits, smokie greatest hits
Id: Ka0Rf6E19KA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 14sec (9914 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2016
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