SML Parody: Jeffy Goes To IKEA!

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hey Daddy think you can give me 20 bucks 20 bucks for what I just wanton 20 bucks you give it to me wait 20 bucks for nothing no way come on Daddy be great give me 20 bucks come on absolutely not Daddy just give me $20 hell no please stop asking hey Jeffy I'm going to the bathroom you don't do anything stupid okay I'm going to do something stupid yo what's up Jeff all right guys I got a task for the three of us okay that be a good task all right do you see the TV in front of us yeah that's big as hell all right we're going to take that off the wall Take It Outside and we're going to smash it my God why would we do that dude that's extreme well my daddy wouldn't give me 20 bucks oh okay yeah let's do it I'm in all right let's go all right Junior you and I are going to get the right side of the TV Joseph you're going to get the left side wait dude you're saying I'm strong as two people no we just have an uneven amount of people yeah so it's going to be harder for you to do it a thanks a lot guys all right let's do it guys ah don't why just have to be the biggest TV in the world I have no idea Joseph I have no idea why my dad needs this big of a TV well he has an old fart so he needs a big TV in order to see I mean you got a good point Junior let's do this a few moments later guys where the heck is my TV ow my pickaxe dude dude I'm trying to find Redstone stop what type of Minecraft are you playing Joseph dude you know Redstone is like electricity and like this a TV is electricity good point Joseph come on it's mine dude it's mine yeah yeah he PO he po oh [ __ ] guys we've been caught my TV why would you guys do this oh uh hey Daddy um well we're smashing your TV because you wouldn't give me the $20 I asked for so this kind of Revenge yeah we were just following what Jeffy told us to do yeah I thought I could mine and find some Redstone and shell it show I put that in there good W what's the logic behind all this oh my gosh Jeffy you're so grounded and Junior I'm telling Braxton about this right now A a wait sure what about me well you don't live here and your parents are dead so nothing I guess you're good I do let's go I guess you're not having parents is actually good for once braxon Braxton wait to hear what Junior did what become a Mormon what no what you do well him and Jeffy smashed my TV as much as they could what Junior get in here yeah Dad are you a Mormon uh no you're grabit for 1 month what why dad a is it cuz of the TV thing yes you need to learn your lesson that you can't go around smashing TVs before you go around smashing mine uh so Braxton I mean now that I don't have a TV and stuff is it cool if I just watch yours yeah that is if you're fine watching nothing but Charlie uh yeah sure thanks 5 minutes later brexton I'm bored then why did you go get your own t okay I will I head down to Ika and grab a brand new TV what why Ika well I need this brand new lamp and I mean might as well take the opportunity to knock out two birds with one snow I mean whatever it takes to get you to shut the [ __ ] up oh okay wow uh all right bye sorry about that Charlie why would he disrespect you like that oh this sucks guys I can't believe we got grounded I know what are we supposed to do now dude I mean I'm not grounded I'm just here but uh sucks for you guys wa from my Ikea trip just got to get a snack first no way he's going to Ikea wait what's Ikea yeah Joseph dude it might be a furniture store but it's not just any furniture store well what is it then when you go to IKEA it's an adventure it's so big and there's so many different places and levels and if you ever want to leave you have to figure out the Maze of furniture wa we totally need to go we should but how are we going to get there we're grounded well dude that's easy your dad's going so we just sneak into his trunk whenever he's about to go oh perfect well let's go before he leaves yeah let's go all right guys now we're going to get into the trunk of my daddy's car what type of stuff is in here bro shark flops does this even fit them it doesn't matter guys we just need to go in now all right let's go okay dude all right now that I Got That Snack in it's time to go to IKEA oh yes baby I'm finally had Ika time to experience the Ikea experience God guys that was awful smell like eggs in there Jeffy why did your dad have to go to a place an hour away I don't no okay guys let's just go into Ikea wait wait we can't go in yet if we go in right now your dad's going to see us and we're going to get caught what do we do well we could just wait a few minutes yeah let's do that let's do that okay first thing I got to do is find a lamp I don't think that's going to cut it hey Marvin what you up to oh Brooklyn guy you work here yeah I work here you caught me on my shift oh that's pretty cool so do you need any help with anything well yeah I'm just looking for a brand new TV and a new lamp all right perfect we can get you in and out here in 15 minutes let's go okay okay thanks all right guys it's been 10 minutes I think we can go in yeah I should be fine you ready to go in Joseph let's do it guys wa guys look at this place so this is where it begins all right you guys ready for an adventure of a lifetime oh yeah let's do this wo guys can you believe the amount of rooms they have here I know it's really crazy oh look at this one guys wo this one's in shame yeah D how about that couch here wait what is that guys come with me wait are we in front of a house right now well the front door is right there wait what dude this is awesome why don't I live here guys we should go in right now all it sounds good guys they even got a whole Kitchen in here this is insane guys I to take 15 years of my life to learn about what Ikea is guys for legal reasons we got to make sure you guys know that we are not sponsored by Ikea yeah that's good dude is that free food oh my God free food oh my God I want to eat it oh now I'm disappointed wait dude there's chicken over here though all right I'm disappointed times two come on guys let's just see another room okay wa guys I got a whole bathroom in here too show the toilet guys can I [ __ ] on the toilet I can't tell if that's your speech impediment you're saying sit or if you're saying you're going to poop on the toilet I don't want to be here to find out yeah me neither what fine I we'll do it wa guys guys look at the bedroom in here this is super nice sh oh my God this is crazy we can turn this into our hangout loue guys dude I don't want to be against D we want to deal with Jeffy stupid dad anymore that's true that's true look they got Windows over here guys windows in a house in Ikea what the heck's going on oh God I think people are coming come on we got to get out of here oh jeez oh that hurts so bad well it didn't hurt for me I had a helmet on Junior sometimes I see the things you do and it makes me feel as smart as Elon Musk shut up oh my head hurts you know we could find cooler bedrooms around here guys wa seriously yeah let's do it wa guys look at this space room oh this is pretty sick you know there's a whole L spaceship right there oh that's awesome hey guys look at this whale guys look it's Cody's mom dir is guys but to be fair this room is a little shottish yeah yeah that's true all right let's go find another room guys okay Cody's mom yo guys we're in the gaming room now yo it's a [ __ ] they got LED lights oh look at that [ __ ] gaming [ __ ] up they got hats over there guys I'm going to try one real quick hold on okay guys they kind of stuck this hat to the wall but I'll be honest I think I look pretty gangster what do you guys think you know what I think I'm just going to go yeah me too dude but you know what that first room that we went to in the house that one was sick I want to go back hang out there all right let's go I'll catch up to you guys got to get out the hat first oh I love this bed Joseph yeah dude it's so nice I can stay here all day hey guys I'm back what took you so long bro well the Hat was stuck to the wall so it got me caught up dude that wasn't funny dude why it doesn't matter I love this bad guys I know wonder how much convincing it would take to get our parents to buy us these I don't know man probably a lot well dude it is $4.99 $4.99 that's $11,000 for the both of us well how are we going to do it I mean we're just going to have to show them how comfortable it is to lay here and just how you could just sink in here and then you could just sleep in here so comfortable all right what do you think about this one Marvin I hate this one what what do you mean you hate this one yeah I mean look at the wood it's it's awful why would anyone buy it sucks all right well let's go to another one then Marvin good all right Marvin what do you think about this ball lamp isn't it aesthetically pleasing I hate it I despise it why do you despise this one Marvin I hate modern design look how St stupid this is it's just a ball well let's move on to another one then stupid orb all right Marvin what do you think of this overhead lamp right here you know it's really nicely designed and it could shine light light right on your bald ass head oh my God this one's Immaculate wait seriously yes I want it it's so amazing I want it you'll actually buy it yes I'll buy it right now oh my God all things holy thank you after 3 hours of looking 102 different options I've been keeping count and not to mention it's 5 minutes before closing we finally got you a TV and a lamp you ready to go Marvin yeah all right let's go closing in 5 minutes a little longer than a few minutes later guys good morning good morning good morning wait what time actually is it hold on all right 8:24 oh no we slept in pretty long time guys do you think Marvin's left already nah my D take so long to shop we don't got to worry about that we should probably make our way out of here guys yeah true I just don't know how to get out of here what is f everyone house come on let's go all right [ __ ] I got my phone all right then we'll just get out of here um where is everyone I'm not really sure I don't see a single person um guys do you think that Ikea is closed um dude I don't know I hope not we got to find an exit fast come on let's go okay oh there's so many rooms around here I don't think we're going to be able to find a way out of here junior guys what there's a door a door come on let's go um are you guys sure this is the way out try let's go no it's locked guys we're in a room there's no way that was going to be the way out whatever a scam oh my God guys there's so many rooms so many places to go I don't know where to go guys there a th000 options come on let's go guys what if we go through that door I mean dude it does say exit but Jeffy if we go through there it's going to trip the alarm yeah it's not worth it guys yeah the police are going to come oh jeez come on we got to keep going oh there's got to be something around here I don't know what to do oh my God I think it's the exit guys get over here what is it Jeffy what is it oh my God it's the ex come on guys we're going to go come on come on I'm opening the door firste what dude dude it's locked wait which why your black um guys I think this is this is a screen what it's not real why would they do they still tricking us they're playing with friend oh oh oh guys it feels like we've already been here I know oh guys I think we're trapped in Ikea oh man this sucks I warned us guys I think we're just going to have to keep trying this is a really bad idea let's go a guys are you seeing any exits anywhere no not at all dude this is definitely hopeless a would you quit it you young whipper snappers you're waking me from my Slumber monkey man what are you doing here yeah you're homeless you can't buy find anything in Ikea well I've been here for the last 2 weeks they got beds for me to sleep in and there's a cafeteria with food in it I don't need anything else wait there's food where is it where is it well the cafeteria is three lefts and a right and then you'll be there all right perfect thanks monkey man all right see you we won't disturb you anymore she a monkey man oh these freaking Jen ear these days whoa guys the cafeteria oh my God I can't wait to get some snacks and get out of here let's go guys oh my God Guys these chips are so good wait seriously they are are they really yeah dude they are show PE PE oh that's awesome let's eat these and then go back to the house all right let's do it you know what guys I'm going to say it being locked in Ikea really isn't that bad yeah if there's any place i' want to stay overnight it'd probably be Ikea I agree dude you know what I think we should probably go to bed now yeah that's true mind if I do wait a second guys I just realized something what is it our dad's going to realize that we're gone overnight oh we are so screwed when we get home now you know what here's what we're going to do we're going to get out of here as soon as they open get home and then they're not going to notice that we're gone all right let's just hope that works all right night night guys night night doesn't matter for me the next [Music] day wake up sport uhoh am I boned yeah I saw you guys on the cameras last night it's time for you guys to go wait okay we'll just go now nuh uh uh you know I'm a police officer I'm going to have to take you guys back to your families oh no we are definitely boned come on guys let's go a junior we're going to be in so much trouble oh come on Jeffy our parents are going to find this really funny I don't have parents no they're not going to find this funny at all Junior oh yeah they are come on be positive okay I'm positive they're going to be mad at us guys can we just leave before that guy yells your us again all right let's go hello hey Marvin I was at Ikea and I found all these kids here that may Belong To You Jeffy I was worried sick about you oops Yeah they were there all night well you guys get in here come on thanks Brooklyn guy how could the two of you guys do this wait two of us what where did Joseph go doesn't matter he's not going to get in trouble anyway you're right you had us worried sick all night I'm sorry Daddy me too it's okay I mean you guys were probably freaked out way more than I was wait seriously now you guys are double grounded go to your rooms now [ __ ]
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 160,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2023, sml parody jeffy goes to ikea, jeffy goes to ikea
Id: mRAj3da1L5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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